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Created May 20, 2024 07:27
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Successfully verified dependencies on-chain against source.
Transaction Digest: J7k16aNuVjErK631CNhHR5upoN2u1FF7aHXfPMQmBBh4
│ Transaction Data │
│ Sender: 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 │
│ Gas Owner: 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 │
│ Gas Budget: 100000000 MIST │
│ Gas Price: 1000 MIST │
│ Gas Payment: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0xa39ef3b66c04659c9fbafa8a151d52b982018bc910b146e153ee4bd6bce4a497 │
│ │ Version: 14 │
│ │ Digest: 9NxmL7bxk7TXCc2KSVsX3KRwq1xikqbba9wbNLCrmr5r │
│ └── │
│ │
│ Transaction Kind: Programmable │
│ ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ Input Objects │ │
│ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │
│ │ 0 Pure Arg: Type: address, Value: "0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398" │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│ ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ Commands │ │
│ ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │
│ │ 0 Publish: │ │
│ │ ┌ │ │
│ │ │ Dependencies: │ │
│ │ │ 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 │ │
│ │ │ 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 │ │
│ │ └ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ 1 TransferObjects: │ │
│ │ ┌ │ │
│ │ │ Arguments: │ │
│ │ │ Result 0 │ │
│ │ │ Address: Input 0 │ │
│ │ └ │ │
│ ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│ │
│ Signatures: │
│ Qd6I7YwloIrUWCiGUcx9MH3r0Chl6xu5fKU94K1ZIv1Joq8rtgGod0x/3CudP9xltxcy8lkA1sRF/A0QUNObDg== │
│ │
│ Transaction Effects │
│ Digest: J7k16aNuVjErK631CNhHR5upoN2u1FF7aHXfPMQmBBh4 │
│ Status: Success │
│ Executed Epoch: 104 │
│ │
│ Created Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x0881eb5c0ae73536cf0666ad65b776756d62207faf12880b475f0237cc3a7ec5 │
│ │ Owner: Immutable │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: 3UEmr3vWC2uJs1JjtzeMMtjAKYLzG5j3DRUoFhLhPUMV │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x55384fe609ff0b17ef39b74c55629d9f50275a30f5c65e71d3d27c94c956a604 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 ) │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: DPVLCJZFTSgie2tXNxotLV5HAf7NhsQTajSro2cppks │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0x6c4a9e433da0db99b744a31aebc8790dd46010c8b65c923205374e011a0d94be │
│ │ Owner: Immutable │
│ │ Version: 1 │
│ │ Digest: BBuqhQB1UTzmGxjYyHntcgpRb8EkvZAnKN31LkLJ8Zb6 │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0xa7c0bb416c706986dcee3ef0c1300fd4377b4b881ba0a0be45aff73410ac58d3 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 ) │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: 2QJ7iAMb6okCW5VMaRAaY7tKdkkzjMPna28SwapyVkuS │
│ └── │
│ Mutated Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0xa39ef3b66c04659c9fbafa8a151d52b982018bc910b146e153ee4bd6bce4a497 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 ) │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: FZHkSisi6d85VXSdZtjZRDQbL6oB5LbBzZFDeSeJTC1r │
│ └── │
│ Gas Object: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ID: 0xa39ef3b66c04659c9fbafa8a151d52b982018bc910b146e153ee4bd6bce4a497 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 ) │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: FZHkSisi6d85VXSdZtjZRDQbL6oB5LbBzZFDeSeJTC1r │
│ └── │
│ Gas Cost Summary: │
│ Storage Cost: 12897200 MIST │
│ Computation Cost: 1000000 MIST │
│ Storage Rebate: 978120 MIST │
│ Non-refundable Storage Fee: 9880 MIST │
│ │
│ Transaction Dependencies: │
│ 2rQPp35wpifg9YRVRov3fGZSkpgvrDGeotrXfeP4npUi │
│ 5rLdZBD1xKxnwZAdFxdfh9JF5yEGR4AMjtfoXAtGqU3R │
│ No transaction block events │
│ Object Changes │
│ Created Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ObjectID: 0x0881eb5c0ae73536cf0666ad65b776756d62207faf12880b475f0237cc3a7ec5 │
│ │ Sender: 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 │
│ │ Owner: Immutable │
│ │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::CoinMetadata<0x6c4a9e433da0db99b744a31aebc8790dd46010c8b65c923205374e011a0d94be::pepe::PEPE> │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: 3UEmr3vWC2uJs1JjtzeMMtjAKYLzG5j3DRUoFhLhPUMV │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ObjectID: 0x55384fe609ff0b17ef39b74c55629d9f50275a30f5c65e71d3d27c94c956a604 │
│ │ Sender: 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 ) │
│ │ ObjectType: 0x2::package::UpgradeCap │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: DPVLCJZFTSgie2tXNxotLV5HAf7NhsQTajSro2cppks │
│ └── │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ObjectID: 0xa7c0bb416c706986dcee3ef0c1300fd4377b4b881ba0a0be45aff73410ac58d3 │
│ │ Sender: 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 ) │
│ │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::TreasuryCap<0x6c4a9e433da0db99b744a31aebc8790dd46010c8b65c923205374e011a0d94be::pepe::PEPE> │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: 2QJ7iAMb6okCW5VMaRAaY7tKdkkzjMPna28SwapyVkuS │
│ └── │
│ Mutated Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ ObjectID: 0xa39ef3b66c04659c9fbafa8a151d52b982018bc910b146e153ee4bd6bce4a497 │
│ │ Sender: 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 ) │
│ │ ObjectType: 0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI> │
│ │ Version: 15 │
│ │ Digest: FZHkSisi6d85VXSdZtjZRDQbL6oB5LbBzZFDeSeJTC1r │
│ └── │
│ Published Objects: │
│ ┌── │
│ │ PackageID: 0x6c4a9e433da0db99b744a31aebc8790dd46010c8b65c923205374e011a0d94be │
│ │ Version: 1 │
│ │ Digest: BBuqhQB1UTzmGxjYyHntcgpRb8EkvZAnKN31LkLJ8Zb6 │
│ │ Modules: pepe │
│ └── │
│ Balance Changes │
│ ┌── │
│ │ Owner: Account Address ( 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 ) │
│ │ CoinType: 0x2::sui::SUI │
│ │ Amount: -12919080 │
│ └── │
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