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Warun C. ⚡ ubinix-warun

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ubinix-warun /
Last active July 17, 2024 14:24
DIY projects (Open-source hardware) for RISC-V, Hardware Wallets, and FPGA.

DIY Projects: RISC-V, Hardware Wallets, and FPGA.

Focus: DIY projects (Open-source hardware) for RISC-V, Hardware Wallets, and FPGA.


  • Goal: Create an affordable, air-gapped Bitcoin signing device using a Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Key Tech: Raspberry Pi Zero: Low-cost, single-board computer
  • Air-gapped: Secure, offline environment for signing transactions
  • Features:
  • Transaction signing

Suivents 🎫 -- 🌊 Revolutionizing Event Ticketing on the Sui Blockchain.

Suivents is not just a platform; it's a movement towards a more immersive, interactive, and rewarding event experience.

By leveraging the power of dynamic NFTs and on-chain rendering, Suivents is setting a new standard for event ticketing on the Sui blockchain.

Successfully verified dependencies on-chain against source.
Transaction Digest: J7k16aNuVjErK631CNhHR5upoN2u1FF7aHXfPMQmBBh4
│ Transaction Data │
│ Sender: 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 │
│ Gas Owner: 0x38e401220cb25b1f46c513fdf97a487fb7bfc186dbfd923fa70ea2641d2ef398 │
│ Gas Budget: 100000000 MIST │
│ Gas Price: 1000 MIST │
│ Gas Payment:
module metaschool::pepe {
use std::option;
use sui::coin;
use sui::transfer;
use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};
// Name matches the module name but in UPPERCASE
public struct PEPE has drop {}
// Module initializer is called once on module publish.
// Copyright (c) 2022, Sui Foundation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/// A basic Hello World example for Sui Move, part of the Sui Move intro course:
module hello_world::hello_world {
use std::string;
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
Generate a personalized morning fitness routine based on my fitness level, time availability, and specific goals

fitness level: beginner
time availability: 20 mins
goals: core
preferences or limitations: no equipment, no lunge or jumping 

import { Hono } from 'hono'
import type { Callback, CloudFrontRequest } from 'hono/lambda-edge'
import { handle } from 'hono/lambda-edge'
type Bindings = {
callback: Callback
request: CloudFrontRequest
const app = new Hono<{ Bindings: Bindings }>()
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { NodejsFunction } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs';
import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
import * as logs from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-logs';
import * as destinations from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-logs-destinations';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
export class CloudwatchLineNotifyStack extends cdk.Stack {
public readonly watchFn: lambda.Function;