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Last active May 12, 2023 17:22
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No-dependency ES6 drop-in modular static development HTTP server.
// License: BSD-3
// (c) 2023 Eugene Lazutkin
import http from 'http';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
const fsp = fs.promises;
// simple development static server with no dependencies
// default environment variables: HOST=localhost, PORT=3000, SERVER_ROOT is process.cwd()
// Recognized command-line parameters:
// --trace --- show HTTP requests and their status
// --list --- show directory listings, otherwise serve index.html for directories
// --show-dot-files --- show directories and files that names start with the dot (.)
// MIME source:
const mimeTable = {
css: 'text/css',
csv: 'text/csv',
eot: 'application/',
gif: 'image/gif',
html: 'text/html',
ico: 'image/',
jpg: 'image/jpeg',
js: 'text/javascript',
json: 'application/json',
otf: 'font/otf',
png: 'image/png',
svg: 'image/svg+xml',
ttf: 'font/ttf',
txt: 'text/plain',
webp: 'image/webp',
woff: 'font/woff',
woff2: 'font/woff2',
xml: 'application/xml'
defaultMime = 'application/octet-stream',
rootFolder = process.env.SERVER_ROOT || process.cwd(),
traceCalls = process.argv.includes('--trace'),
listFolders = process.argv.includes('--list'),
showDotFiles = process.argv.includes('--show-dot-files'),
isTTY = process.stdout.isTTY,
hasColors = isTTY && process.stdout.hasColors();
// common aliases
const mimeAliases = {mjs: 'js', cjs: 'js', htm: 'html', jpeg: 'jpg'};
Object.keys(mimeAliases).forEach(name => (mimeTable[name] = mimeTable[mimeAliases[name]]));
// colors to use
const join = (...args) => => value || '').join(''),
paint = hasColors
? (prefix, suffix = '\x1B[39m') =>
text =>
join(prefix, text, suffix)
: () => text => text,
grey = paint('\x1B[2;37m', '\x1B[22;39m'),
red = paint('\x1B[41;97m', '\x1B[49;39m'),
green = paint('\x1B[32m'),
yellow = paint('\x1B[93m'),
blue = paint('\x1B[44;97m', '\x1B[49;39m');
const link = hasColors ? (url, title = url) => '\x1B]8;;' + url + '\x1B\\' + title + '\x1B]8;;\x1B\\' : url => url;
// sending helpers
const sendFile = (req, res, fileName, ext, justHeaders) => {
if (!ext) {
ext = path.extname(fileName).toLowerCase();
let mime = ext && mimeTable[ext.substr(1)];
if (!mime || typeof mime != 'string') {
mime = defaultMime;
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': mime});
if (justHeaders) {
} else {
traceCalls && console.log(green('200') + ' ' + grey(req.method) + ' ' + grey(req.url));
const sendRedirect = (req, res, to, code = 301) => {
res.writeHead(code, {Location: to}).end();
traceCalls && console.log(blue(code) + ' ' + grey(req.method) + ' ' + grey(req.url));
const bailOut = (req, res, code = 404) => {
traceCalls && console.log(red(code) + ' ' + grey(req.method) + ' ' + grey(req.url));
// listing (comment this section out to remove the functionality)
const style = `<style>
:root { color-scheme: light dark; }
.size { text-align: right; font-weight: bold; }
.name { text-align: left; font-weight: bold; }
h1, thead { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
tbody { font-family: Courier, 'Courier New', monospace; font-size: 80%; margin-top: 1em; }
td, th { padding-left: 1em; }
th { padding-bottom: 0.5em; }
const formatSize = size => {
const s = String(size);
if (s.length <= 3) return s;
const parts = [];
let start = s.length % 3;
start && parts.push(s.substr(0, start));
for (; start < s.length; start += 3) parts.push(s.substr(start, 3));
return parts.join(',');
const formatFileData = (folder, name, stat) =>
'<tr><td class="size">' +
formatSize(stat.size) +
'</td><td>' +
stat.ctime.toISOString().replace(/^([^T]+)T([^\.]+)(?:.*)$/, '$1 $2') +
'</td><td class="name"><a href="' +
(stat.isDirectory() ? name + '/' : name) +
'">' +
name +
(stat.isDirectory() ? '/' : '') +
const listing = async (req, res, folder, justHeaders) => {
if (justHeaders) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': mimeTable.html});
traceCalls && console.log(green('200') + ' ' + grey(req.method) + ' ' + grey(req.url));
let entries = await fsp.readdir(folder, {withFileTypes: true});
!showDotFiles && (entries = entries.filter(entry => &&[0] !== '.'));
const files = entries
.filter(entry => entry.isFile())
.sort((a, b) => ( < ? -1 : < ? 1 : 0)),
folders = entries
.filter(entry => entry.isDirectory())
.sort((a, b) => ( < ? -1 : < ? 1 : 0)),
items = folders.concat(files),
title = 'Directory: <code>' + folder.replace(/\//g, '<wbr>/') + '</code>',
isTop = !path.relative(rootFolder, folder),
statPromises = [fsp.stat(folder)],
names = ['.'];
!isTop && (statPromises.push(fsp.stat(path.join(folder, '..'))), names.push('..'));
items.length &&
(statPromises.push( => fsp.stat(path.join(folder,, names.push( =>;
const stats = await Promise.all(statPromises);
let table =
'<table><thead><tr><th class="size">Size</th><th>Change Time</th><th class="name">Name</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
table += formatFileData(folder, names[i], stats[i]);
table += '</tbody></table>';
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': mimeTable.html});
'<!doctype html><html><head><title>' +
title +
'</title>' +
style +
'</head><body><h1>' +
title +
'</h1>' +
table +
traceCalls && console.log(green('200') + ' ' + grey(req.method) + ' ' + grey(req.url));
// send a file guessing its name using predefined patterns:
// is directory:
// => listing (if available)
// => + index.html
// no extension:
// => + .html
const sendFileExt = async (req, res, url) => {
const method = req.method.toUpperCase();
if (method !== 'GET' && method !== 'HEAD') return bailOut(req, res, 405);
const justHeaders = method === 'HEAD',
fileName = path.join(rootFolder, url.pathname);
if (fileName.includes('..')) return bailOut(req, res, 403);
const ext = path.extname(fileName).toLowerCase(),
stat = await fsp.stat(fileName).catch(() => null);
if (stat && stat.isFile()) return sendFile(req, res, fileName, ext, justHeaders);
// if you don't need fancy file name guessing just uncomment the next line
// return bailOut(req, res);
// optionally: you can remove the rest of the function
const isDirectory = stat && stat.isDirectory();
if (isDirectory) {
const endsWithSep = fileName.length && fileName[fileName.length - 1] == path.sep;
if (endsWithSep) {
const altFile = path.join(fileName, 'index.html'),
stat = await fsp.stat(altFile).catch(() => null);
if (stat && stat.isFile()) return sendFile(req, res, altFile, '.html', justHeaders);
} else {
url.pathname += path.sep;
return sendRedirect(req, res, url.href);
if (!ext && fileName.length && fileName[fileName.length - 1] != path.sep) {
const altFile = fileName + '.html',
stat = await fsp.stat(altFile).catch(() => null);
if (stat && stat.isFile()) return sendFile(req, res, altFile, '.html', justHeaders);
if (isDirectory && listFolders && typeof listing == 'function') return listing(req, res, fileName, justHeaders);
return bailOut(req, res);
// API (comment this section out to remove the functionality)
const DEFAULT_DELAY = 1000;
const delay = async (req, res, url) => {
const method = req.method.toUpperCase();
if (method !== 'GET' && method !== 'HEAD') return bailOut(req, res, 405);
const path = url.searchParams.get('path');
if (!path) return bailOut(req, res, 400);
let ms = url.searchParams.get('ms');
ms = ms && +ms;
if (isNaN(ms) || !isFinite(ms) || ms < 0) ms = DEFAULT_DELAY;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
return sendFileExt(req, res, new URL(path, 'http://' +;
const echo = async (req, res, url) => {
const method = req.method.toUpperCase(),
justHeaders = method === 'HEAD';
if (method !== 'GET' && method !== 'HEAD') return bailOut(req, res, 405);
let ms = +url.searchParams.get('ms') || 0;
if (isNaN(ms) || !isFinite(ms) || ms < 0) ms = 0;
ms > 0 && (await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)));
let status = +url.searchParams.get('status') || 200;
if (isNaN(status) || !isFinite(status) || status < 200 || status >= 600) status = 200;
if (status === 204) {
traceCalls && console.log(green(status) + ' ' + grey(req.method) + ' ' + grey(req.url));
const content = url.searchParams.get('content') || '';
if (status >= 300 && status < 400) {
return sendRedirect(req, res, content, status);
const mime = url.searchParams.get('mime') || mimeTable.txt;
res.writeHead(status, {'Content-Type': mime});
if (!justHeaders) res.write(content);
traceCalls && console.log((status >= 400 ? red : green)(status) + ' ' + grey(req.method) + ' ' + grey(req.url));
// simple end points with an exact match (use query for params)
const endpoints = {
'/--api/delay': delay,
'/--api/echo': echo
const processApi = (req, res, url) => {
const endpoint = endpoints && endpoints[url.pathname];
if (typeof endpoint != 'function') return false;
endpoint(req, res, url);
return true;
// server
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
const url = new URL(req.url, 'http://' +;
if (typeof processApi == 'function' && processApi(req, res, url)) return;
// send files and listings
return sendFileExt(req, res, url);
server.on('clientError', (err, socket) => {
if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET' || !socket.writable) return;
socket.end('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n');
// general setup
const normalizePort = val => {
const port = parseInt(val);
if (isNaN(port)) return val; // named pipe
if (port >= 0) return port; // port number
return false;
const portToString = port => (typeof port === 'string' ? 'pipe' : 'port') + ' ' + port;
const host = process.env.HOST || 'localhost',
port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3000');
server.on('error', error => {
if (error.syscall !== 'listen') throw error;
const bind = portToString(port);
switch (error.code) {
case 'EACCES':
console.log(red('Error: ') + yellow(bind) + red(' requires elevated privileges') + '\n');
console.log(red('Error: ') + yellow(bind) + red(' is already in use') + '\n');
throw error;
server.on('listening', () => {
// const addr = server.address();
// console.log(addr);
const bind = portToString(port);
grey('Listening on ') +
yellow(host || 'all network interfaces') +
grey(' at ') +
yellow(bind) +
(typeof port == 'number' ? grey(': ') + yellow(link('http://' + (host || '') + ':' + port + '/')) : '')
grey('Serving static files from ') +
yellow(rootFolder) +
grey('. Use ') +
yellow('Ctrl+C') +
grey(' to terminate the server.\n')
server.listen(port, host);
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