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Created January 15, 2021 11:46
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PoK'our hurdling
#include "HurdleComponent.h"
#include "PlayerCharacter.h"
#include <Components/ActorComponent.h>
#include <Components/SceneComponent.h>
#include <GameFramework/Actor.h>
#include <DrawDebugHelpers.h>
#include <CollisionQueryParams.h>
HurdleStrength = 400.f;
HurdlePitchAngle = 25.f;
void UHurdleComponent::SetPlayer(APlayerCharacter* Character)
Player = Character;
void UHurdleComponent::TakeAction()
if (Player)
FVector HurdleVelocity = GetHurdleVelocity();
Player->LaunchCharacter(HurdleVelocity, true, true);
FVector UHurdleComponent::GetHurdleVelocity()
FRotator HurdleDirection = Player->GetActorRotation();
HurdleDirection.Pitch += HurdlePitchAngle;
return HurdleDirection.Vector() * HurdleStrength;
FVector UHurdleComponent::FindEdgeHurdleLocation(FVector HurdleStart, bool& HurdleHit, FHitResult& HurdleHitResult)
FVector Direction = FVector::DownVector * 100;
FVector StartTrace = GetStartTraceVector(HurdleStart, HurdleHitResult.ImpactPoint);
FVector EndTrace = StartTrace + Direction;
FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(FName(TEXT("hurdle")), true, Player);
FHitResult Hit(ForceInit);
Player->GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Hit, StartTrace, EndTrace, ECollisionChannel::ECC_Pawn, TraceParams);
return Hit.ImpactPoint;
FVector UHurdleComponent::GetStartTraceVector(FVector HurdleStart, FVector ImpactPoint)
float X, Y, Z;
Z = HurdleStart.Z;
X = ImpactPoint.X;
Y = ImpactPoint.Y;
return Player->GetActorForwardVector() + FVector(X, Y, Z);
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