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Created February 22, 2013 14:55
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package pdbws.renderer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Wrapper class to render images using PyMOL.
* This class should be used in any application, using ProteinRendererInterface instead
* is recommended.
* <b>Note:</b> Currently needs /dev/shm (*NIX ramdisk) to save the images to.
* This may be faster than using temporary directory files. The ramdisk size
* should be appropriate for the number of premature images
* (about 10MB/100 images). This class does NOT delete any premature PNGs by itself.
* <b>Important:</b>The bean property xUsed MUST be false if there is no running
* X server (or, the standard graphical interface on non-*NIX-OSs) on the server,
* else rendering will not work.
* Rendering with xUsed == false is much slower than with xUsed == true
* (In this mode PyMOL can use OpenGL to render the premature images)
* <b>How this works:</b>
* At first a variable number of images are rendered in low-quality
* and low-resolution mode, each with a differend (these are referred as 'premature').
* An external class loads each image and scores it using different algorithms.
* The image having the best score gives the rotation parameters for the 'mature'
* (full resolution, high quality) image.
* PyMOL is called by writing a PML script and executing PyMOL with the filename
* as argument
* (There is no method calling all steps at once;
* the appropriate methods must be called separately)
* @author uli
public class PyMOLRenderer
//TODO Randomize pml file name each time
private static final String colorByBFactorsCommand = "spectrum b,rainbow\n";
private static final String hideAllCommand = "hide all\n";
private static final String tempDir = "/dev/shm/";
private static final String pmlFile = tempDir + "prot.pml";
RandomNumberProvider rand = RandomNumberProvider.inst;
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private Vec2d resolution;
private ImageScore imageScore = new ImageScore();
//Static configuration
private static String pymol = "pymol "; //Generate by some setters
private static boolean xUsed = true;
public boolean isXUsed()
return xUsed;
public void setXUsed(boolean xUsed)
PyMOLRenderer.xUsed = xUsed;
private static void assemblePyMOLCommandline()
pymol = "pymol ";
if (!xUsed)
pymol += ("-qxci "); //Command line mode, no GUI
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
//Delete the script
File pml = new File(pmlFile);
if (pml.exists())
* Constructs a new PyMOLRender with the default resolution (640x480)
public PyMOLRenderer()
//Resolution defaults to 640x480 here:
resolution = new Vec2d(640, 480);
* Constructs a new PyMOLRenderer with a given resolution
* @param xres The x resolution (in pixels)
* @param yres The y resolution (in pixels)
public PyMOLRenderer(int xres, int yres)
resolution = new Vec2d(xres, yres);
* Sets the resolution
* @param xres The x resolution (in pixels)
* @param yres The y resolution (in pixels)
public void setResolution(int xres, int yres)
resolution = new Vec2d(xres, yres);
* Utility data structure representing a vector in R^3
private class Vec3d
public int x = 0;
public int y = 0;
public int z = 0;
* Constructs a new null vector
public Vec3d()
//Values already are initialized with 0
//so nothing is to do here
* Fills this vector with random data
public Vec3d randomize()
x = RandomNumberProvider.inst.nextInt();
y = RandomNumberProvider.inst.nextInt();
z = RandomNumberProvider.inst.nextInt();
return this;
* Constructs a new Vector with given values
* @param x The x value
* @param y The y value
* @param z The z value
public Vec3d(int x, int y, int z)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
* Class representing a vector in R^2
private class Vec2d
public int x = 0;
public int y = 0;
* Constructs a new Vec2d with both values given
* @param x The x value
* @param y The y value
public Vec2d(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
* Writes a matures rendering script (final rendering; uses raytracing)
* @param id The PDB ID (The appropriate PDB file has to be present)
* @param rot The rotation vector; relative to null
* @param properties The rendering properties
private void writeMaturePML(String id, Vec3d rot,
RenderProperties properties) throws IOException
BufferedWriter w = null;
new File(pmlFile).delete();
w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(pmlFile));
//Show the cartoon only
//Color the cartoon
w.write("rotate x," + rot.x + "\n");
w.write("rotate y," + rot.y + "\n");
w.write("rotate z," + rot.z + "\n");
w.write(String.format("ray %d,%d\n", resolution.x, resolution.y));
String filename = id + ".png"; //PDB ID with ".png" extensions
w.write("png " + filename + "\n");
catch (IOException ex)
logger.error(null, ex);
* Writes a PML script for premature (test for scoring) rendering
* @param id The PDB ID (The appropriate PDB file has to be present)
* @param n The number of times to test-render
* @param properties The rendering properties
* @return A map mapping filenames to the rotation vectors
* @throws IOException
private Map<String, Vec3d> writePrematurePML(String id, int n,
RenderProperties properties)
//If we should create a mature script, set n to 1
//Delete the PyMol script if it exists
new File(pmlFile).delete();
BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(pmlFile));
//Show the cartoon only
//Color the cartoon
//Rotate by random degrees n times
Map<String, Vec3d> fileProperties = new HashMap<String, Vec3d>(); //Maps the filename to the rotation
Vec3d rot;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
//Apply a random rotation
rot = new Vec3d(rand.nextInt(360), rand.nextInt(360),
w.write("rotate x," + rot.x + "\n");
w.write("rotate y," + rot.y + "\n");
w.write("rotate z," + rot.z + "\n");
//If we should create a mature script, raytrace
String filename = tempDir + id + i + ".png";
fileProperties.put(filename, rot);
w.write("png " + filename + "\n");
return fileProperties;
catch (IOException ex)
logger.error(null, ex);
return null;
* Modifies the image scoring weights
public void modifyValues(int tooEmpty, int tooLessContrast,
int notEnoughDetail)
imageScore.modifyValues(tooEmpty, tooLessContrast, notEnoughDetail);
* Fast rendering function. Doesn't use raytracing or scoring
* @param input The PDB input file
* @param properties The rendering properties
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public File renderTest(File input, RenderProperties properties) throws
IOException, InterruptedException
String cmd = pymol + input.getAbsolutePath() + " " + pmlFile;
String id = input.getName().split("\\.")[0]; //Guess the PDB id is the input filename minus the extension
writeMaturePML(id, new Vec3d().randomize(), properties);
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toString(), null, input.getParentFile()).
return new File(tempDir + id + ".png");
* Renders a protein with using raytracing and scoring
* @param id The PDB ID
* @param input The PDB file
* @param tries The number of times to test-render
* @param properties The rendering properties
* @return A fiel containing the finally-rendered PNG data
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public File renderRayByScore(String id, File input, int tries,
RenderProperties properties) throws IOException,
String cmd = pymol + input.getAbsolutePath() + " " + pmlFile;
double score = Double.MIN_VALUE; //There MUST be a score greater than this
Vec3d highestScoredVec = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tries; i += 300) //PyMOL can handle only ~300 PNGs in one script
//Score all images and pick the highest-scored one
int numTries = 300; //Number of tries in one PyMol run, max. 300
if ((tries - i) < 300)
numTries = tries;
Map<String, Vec3d> filenames =
writePrematurePML(id, numTries, properties);
//Render the premature pictures
//Score all images and pick the best
for (String filename : filenames.keySet())
//Score the image
imageScore.setImg( File(filename)));
double newScore = imageScore.getScore();
if (newScore > score)
highestScoredVec = filenames.get(filename);
score = newScore;
//Delete all premature PNGs
new File(filename).delete();
//Write the mature script and render
writeMaturePML(id, highestScoredVec, properties);
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toString(), null, input.getParentFile()).
//Delete the PML file
new File(pmlFile).delete();
//Return the highest-scoring file
return new File(tempDir + id + ".png");
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