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Last active August 3, 2017 02:30
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CircuiTikZ HBridge
% Simple CMOS (N-MOSFET & P-MOSFET) H bridge.
% Author: Uli Koehler (
% Based on
% by Ali Mehrizi-Sani
% NOTE: Requires recent CircuiTikZ version in order to use [T]elmech and fetbodydiode!
% TeXLive 2015 is too old, please use at least TeXLive 2016!
\documentclass[tikz, border=1mm]{standalone}
\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\small]
\tikzstyle{every path}=[line width=0.8pt,line cap=round,line join=round]
% DC source
to[battery, l=\SI{24}{\volt}] ++(0,4) coordinate (Vcc)
++(2,0) coordinate (NE)
% MOSFETs for the west leg
++(0,-1) node [pigfete,scale=0.8,yscale=-1,name=fet1] {}
++(0,-2) node [nigfete,scale=0.8,name=fet4] {}
% MOSFET connections for the west leg
(Vcc) -| (fet1.S)
(fet1.D) -- (fet4.D)
(fet4.S) |- (0,0)
% MOSFETs for the east leg
++(0,-1) node [pigfete,scale=0.8,yscale=-1,name=fet3] {}
++(0,-2) node [nigfete,scale=0.8,name=fet2] {}
% MOSFET connections for the east leg
(Vcc) -| (fet3.S)
(fet3.D) -- (fet2.D)
(fet2.S) |- (0,0)
% Motor (between the legs)
(2,2) to[short,*-*,current/distance=0.9,Telmech=M] ++(3,0);
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