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Forked from alani1/KATranslationTools.user.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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// ==UserScript==
// @name KA Crowdin Translation Tools
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include*
// @description Various keyboard shortcuts to make KA translation on crowdin a little bit easier
// @version 0.5.2
// @grant none
// @author Alain Schaefer & Uli Köhler
// @updateURL
// ==/UserScript==
Alt + A : Show all excercises (only on
Alt + N : Move to next exercise (only on
Alt + P : Open all new Window with Strings in proofread modus on crowdin (only on
Alt + U : Replace all formulas with formulas from englisch original (works on and
Alt + I : replace Image URLs and fix common german Bing-Translation Errors (works on and
Alt + W : Auto-fix coordinates. Works only for coordinates WITHOUT operators.
Alt + Q : Other fixes. Currently: Convert $\\$123$ to $123{\,}€$ ; Convert simple numbers with dot to comma
* Get the text value in the textbox.
* For debugging purposes ONLY. The information where to replace
* the value is lost!!
function getTxtboxValue(regex, replacement) {
var txtBox = document.getElementById('translation');
return (txtBox.innerHTML || txtBox.value);
function replacePattern(expr,expr2){
//find the propper Crowdin HTML Elements
var myDoc = document.getElementById('source_phrase_container');
var txtBox = document.getElementById('translation');
//copy the HTML values
var sourceStr = myDoc.innerText;
var txtBoxValue = (txtBox.innerHTML || txtBox.value);
var valueIsInValueProperty = (txtBox.innerHTML == "");
var result;
var newTextBoxValue = txtBoxValue;
//replace every occurence of pattern with corresponding occurence in sourcestring e.g. 1st with 1st, 2nd with 2nd
while (( result = expr.exec(sourceStr)) !== null ) {
txtBoxResult = expr2.exec(txtBoxValue);
//console.log('replacing ' + txtBoxResult[0] + " with " + result[0]);
newTextBoxValue = newTextBoxValue.replace(txtBoxResult[0], result[0]);
//Set new value
if(valueIsInValueProperty) {txtBox.value = newTextBoxValue;}
else {txtBox.innerHTML = newTextBoxValue;}
* Simple replace without looking at original (untranslated) string.
function simpleReplaceInTxtbox(regex, replacement) {
var txtBox = document.getElementById('translation');
var valueIsInValueProperty = (txtBox.innerHTML == "");
var txtBoxValue = (txtBox.innerHTML || txtBox.value);
var newTxtBoxValue = txtBoxValue.replace(regex, replacement);
//Set new value
if(valueIsInValueProperty) {txtBox.value = newTxtBoxValue;}
else {txtBox.innerHTML = newTxtBoxValue;}
function showAllQuestions() {
var hint = $('#hint');
while (!":disabled")) {;
* Experimental opening of URL in new tab.
* DOES NOT WORK for Alt+P due to security restrictions.
function chromeOpenURL(url) {
var yourCustomJavaScriptCode = 'var win =\"' + url + '\", "_blank"); win.focus();';
var script = document.createElement('script');
var code = document.createTextNode('(function() {' + yourCustomJavaScriptCode + '})();');
(document.body || document.head).appendChild(script);
// TODO check on which host we are running, Alt+P and Alt+A only work on, the others on
function key_event(e) {
var txtBox = document.getElementById('translation');
// Alt+P open this exercise in the proofread modus, only works if you have proofread permission on crowdin
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 80) {
// extract the exercise name e.g. exercises=rounding-to-the-nearest-ten-or-hundred#xe9e1a3b9f44d9837
var expr = /.+=(.+)#.+/g
var url = window.location.href;
var result = expr.exec(url);
// todo find out the language which is currently used on
var proof = "";
var url = proof + result[1]
if(chrome) {
window.location.href = url;
// Alt+A for showing all exercise questions
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 65) {
// Alt+N to move to the next exercise on
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 78) {
var item = $("li:has(");
// match Alt+O replace coordinates in the form of ( 4.5 , 5.6 ) with ( 4.5 | 5.6 ), white spaces are not trimmed
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 79) {
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace( /\(([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+),( ?[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\)/g, '($1|$2)' );
// match Alt+I replace KA image urls & fix the Bing ImgURL error
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 73) {
//Fix the Bing ImgURL error
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace('![] (','![](');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace('! [] (','![](');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace('Interaktive Grafik','interactive-graph');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace(/Radio/g,'radio');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace(/Eingabe-Zahl/,'input-number');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace(/Eingabe-Nummer/g,'input-number');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace(/numerische Eingabe/g,'numeric-input');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace(/numerische-Eingang/g,'numeric-input');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace(/☃ Bild/g,'☃ image');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace('**How','**Wie');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.innerHTML.replace('**What','**Was');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.textContent.replace(/\\text{ ones}}/g,'\\text{ Einer}}');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.textContent.replace(/\\text{ one}}/g,'\\text{ Einer}}');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.textContent.replace(/\\text{ tens}}/g,'\\text{ Zehner}}');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.textContent.replace(/\\text{ ten}}/g,'\\text{ Zehner}}');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.textContent.replace(/\\text{ hundred}}/g,'\\text{ Hunderter}}');
txtBox.innerHTML = txtBox.textContent.replace(/\\text{ hundreds}}/g,'\\text{ Hunderter}}');
//Not sure what alanis stuff above should do, but it doesn't work. This one does.
simpleReplaceInTxtbox(/!\s+\[\]\s+\(/g, "![](");
// on regex for english, and second for translation string
var expr = /!\[\]\((.+?)\)/g
var expr2 = /!\[\]\((.+?)\)/g
replacePattern(expr,expr2); //causes exception.
// Replace math formulas contained in Dollar signs, Alt+U
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 85) {
// TODO: need to correctly handle escpade Dollar signs e.g. \$ should not be machted as start or end string works in Python and PHP \$.+?(?<!\\)\$ but no in javascript
var expr = /(\$.+?\$)/g
var expr2 = /(\$.+?\$)/g
// Fix coordinates, Alt+W
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 87) {
var expr = /\$\((-?\d+(([\.,]|\{,\})\d+)?)\s*[,;|]\s*(-?\d+(([\.,]|\{,\})\d+)?)\)\$/g;
simpleReplaceInTxtbox(expr, "\$($1{\\,}|{\\,}$4)\$");
// Other fixes, Alt+Q
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode == 81) {
simpleReplaceInTxtbox(/\$\\\\\$(-?\d+([.,]\d+)?)\$/g, "\$$1{\\,}€\$");
//Decimal dot to comma
simpleReplaceInTxtbox(/(-?\d+)\.(-?\d+)/g, "$1{,}$2");
//In number: Need {\,} instead of {\ }
simpleReplaceInTxtbox(/(\d+)\{\\ \}(\d+)/g, "$1{\\,}$2");
//In number: Need percentage
simpleReplaceInTxtbox(/\\*\s*%\s*\$/g, "{\\,}\\%$$");
//daß -> dass
simpleReplaceInTxtbox(/daß/g, "dass");
//daß -> dass
simpleReplaceInTxtbox(/\.\s*\*\s+\*/g, ".**");
document.addEventListener('keydown', key_event, true);
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