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Last active December 19, 2017 21:47
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;; Try it in the REPL or eval in Light Table
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(def vowels [:a :e :i :o :u])
(defn char-is-consonant?
(not-any? #{(keyword char)} vowels))
(def char-is-vowel? (complement char-is-consonant?))
(defn string-to-vec
"Converts a string to a vector of strings"
(vec (drop 1 (string/split string #""))))
(defn count-vowels
"Returns the number of vowels in a word"
(count (filter char-is-vowel? (string-to-vec word))))
(count-vowels "foobarbazbuzz")
;;-> 5
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guns commented May 20, 2014

You can also use the regex engine:

(defn count-ascii-vowels [s]
  (count (re-seq #"(?i)[aeiou]" s)))

This will likely be the fastest for large inputs

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Cool, I didn't realize that strings were directly filterable, and using a set for the filter is nice too. Thanks!

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