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ultimate-deej /
Created July 14, 2021 23:41 — forked from docPhil99/
How to display opencv video in pyqt apps

The code for this tutorial is here

Opencv provides are useful, but limited, method of building a GUI. A much more complete system could be acheived using pyqt. The question is, how do we display images. There are quite a few possible routes but perhaps the easiest is to use QLabel since it has a setPixmap function. Below is some code that creates two labels. It then creates a grey pixmap and displays it one of the labels. code:

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QApplication, QLabel, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QColor
import sys
ultimate-deej /
Created March 29, 2019 08:57
Ungroup a few times then break paths apart. This removes transforms and makes path shorter, which is useful for Android.
for filename in "$@"
inkscape --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionUnGroup --verb EditSelectAll --verb SelectionBreakApart --verb FileSave --verb FileQuit "$filename"
ultimate-deej /
Last active January 17, 2017 19:44
Convert SVG to PDF with explicitly specified size. For use with Xcode projects
function error_exit {
echo "$1" >&2 ## Send message to stderr. Exclude >&2 if you don't want it that way.
exit "${2:-1}" ## Return a code specified by $2 or 1 by default.
function print_usage {
error_exit "Usage: ${0##*/} input.svg width height output.pdf"
(ls 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths') + (ls 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths') |
? { $_.PSChildName -like '*.exe' } |
? { $path = $_.GetValue(''); $path -and (Test-Path $path) } |
% { Set-Alias ($_.PSChildName -replace '.exe', '') $path }