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kenkubiak / icon.less
Created September 4, 2012 23:25
Icon/Sprite Module (after SMACSS) in LESS
* Icon module.
* Class: icon, Prefix: icn-.
.icon {
kenkubiak / Sprite.php
Created September 4, 2012 22:56
Building an SVG Sprite from SVG icon assets ... in PHP
* Create an SVG sprite as a DOMDocument.
class Sprite {
* The URI for the SVG namespace.
<target name="jasmine" description="Run unit tests with Jasmine">
    <exec executable="${basedir}/tests/js/jasmine-reporters/test/">
        <env key="DISPLAY" value=":0" />
        <arg line="${basedir}/tests/js/jasmine-reporters/test/JUnitRunner.html"/>
    <copy todir="${basedir}/build/test-results">
        <fileset dir="${basedir}/tests/js/jasmine-reporters/test">
            <include name="**/TEST*" />