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Created October 23, 2017 22:30
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// (C) Copyright 2017 Urahimono Project Inc.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Finder : MonoBehaviour
private Material m_defaultMaterial = null;
private Material m_foundMaterial = null;
private Renderer m_renderer = null;
private List<GameObject> m_targets = new List<GameObject>();
private void Awake()
m_renderer = GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>();
var searching = GetComponentInChildren<SearchingBehavior>();
searching.onFound += OnFound;
searching.onLost += OnLost;
private void OnFound( GameObject i_foundObject )
m_targets.Add( i_foundObject );
m_renderer.material = m_foundMaterial;
private void OnLost( GameObject i_lostObject )
m_targets.Remove( i_lostObject );
if( m_targets.Count == 0 )
m_renderer.material = m_defaultMaterial;
} // class Finder
// (C) Copyright 2017 Urahimono Project Inc.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class SearchingBehavior : MonoBehaviour
public event System.Action<GameObject> onFound = ( obj ) => {};
public event System.Action<GameObject> onLost = ( obj ) => {};
[SerializeField, Range( 0.0f, 360.0f )]
private float m_searchAngle = 0.0f;
private float m_searchCosTheta = 0.0f;
private SphereCollider m_sphereCollider = null;
private List<FoundData> m_foundList = new List<FoundData>();
public float SearchAngle
get { return m_searchAngle; }
public float SearchRadius
if( m_sphereCollider == null )
m_sphereCollider = GetComponent<SphereCollider>();
return m_sphereCollider != null ? m_sphereCollider.radius : 0.0f;
private void Awake()
m_sphereCollider = GetComponent<SphereCollider>();
private void OnDisable()
// シリアライズされた値がインスペクター上で変更されたら呼ばれます。
private void OnValidate()
private void ApplySearchAngle()
float searchRad = m_searchAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
m_searchCosTheta = Mathf.Cos( searchRad );
private void Update()
private void UpdateFoundObject()
foreach( var foundData in m_foundList )
GameObject targetObject = foundData.Obj;
if( targetObject == null )
bool isFound = CheckFoundObject( targetObject );
foundData.Update( isFound );
if( foundData.IsFound() )
onFound( targetObject );
else if( foundData.IsLost() )
onLost( targetObject );
private bool CheckFoundObject( GameObject i_target )
Vector3 targetPosition = i_target.transform.position;
Vector3 myPosition = transform.position;
Vector3 myPositionXZ = Vector3.Scale( myPosition, new Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
Vector3 targetPositionXZ = Vector3.Scale( targetPosition, new Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
Vector3 toTargetFlatDir = ( targetPositionXZ - myPositionXZ ).normalized;
Vector3 myForward = transform.forward;
if( !IsWithinRangeAngle( myForward, toTargetFlatDir, m_searchCosTheta ) )
return false;
Vector3 toTargetDir = ( targetPosition - myPosition ).normalized;
if( !IsHitRay( myPosition, toTargetDir, i_target ) )
return false;
return true;
private bool IsWithinRangeAngle( Vector3 i_forwardDir, Vector3 i_toTargetDir, float i_cosTheta )
// 方向ベクトルが無い場合は、同位置にあるものだと判断する。
if( i_toTargetDir.sqrMagnitude <= Mathf.Epsilon )
return true;
float dot = Vector3.Dot( i_forwardDir, i_toTargetDir );
return dot >= i_cosTheta;
private bool IsHitRay( Vector3 i_fromPosition, Vector3 i_toTargetDir, GameObject i_target )
// 方向ベクトルが無い場合は、同位置にあるものだと判断する。
if( i_toTargetDir.sqrMagnitude <= Mathf.Epsilon )
return true;
RaycastHit onHitRay;
if( !Physics.Raycast( i_fromPosition, i_toTargetDir, out onHitRay, SearchRadius ) )
return false;
if( onHitRay.transform.gameObject != i_target )
return false;
return true;
private void OnTriggerEnter( Collider i_other )
GameObject enterObject = i_other.gameObject;
// 念のため多重登録されないようにする。
if( m_foundList.Find( value => value.Obj == enterObject ) == null )
m_foundList.Add( new FoundData( enterObject ) );
private void OnTriggerExit( Collider i_other )
GameObject exitObject = i_other.gameObject;
var foundData = m_foundList.Find( value => value.Obj == exitObject );
if( foundData == null )
if( foundData.IsCurrentFound() )
onLost( foundData.Obj );
m_foundList.Remove( foundData );
private class FoundData
public FoundData( GameObject i_object )
m_obj = i_object;
private GameObject m_obj = null;
private bool m_isCurrentFound = false;
private bool m_isPrevFound = false;
public GameObject Obj
get { return m_obj; }
public Vector3 Position
get { return Obj != null ? Obj.transform.position :; }
public void Update( bool i_isFound )
m_isPrevFound = m_isCurrentFound;
m_isCurrentFound = i_isFound;
public bool IsFound()
return m_isCurrentFound && !m_isPrevFound;
public bool IsLost()
return !m_isCurrentFound && m_isPrevFound;
public bool IsCurrentFound()
return m_isCurrentFound;
} // class SearchingBehavior
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