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Last active October 17, 2017 23:03
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// (C) Copyright 2017 Urahimono Project Inc.
using UnityEngine;
public class JsonData
public PersonalData[] party = null;
public class PersonalData
public string name = string.Empty;
[SerializeField, Range(1, 100)]
public int life = 1;
[SerializeField, Range(0, 50)]
public int attack = 0;
public AccessoryData[] accessories = null;
} // class PersonalData
public struct AccessoryData
public string name;
[SerializeField, Range(0, 10)]
public int defense;
} // AccessoryData
// (C) Copyright 2017 Urahimono Project Inc.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class JsonEditorWindow : ScriptableWizard
private JsonData m_jsonData = null;
private JsonScriptableObject m_jsonScriptableObject = null;
private static readonly string SAVE_ASSET_PATH = "Assets/Editor/JsonScriptableObject.asset";
[MenuItem( "Tool/JsonEditor" )]
public static void Open()
var window = DisplayWizard<JsonEditorWindow>( "JsonEditor", "Save", "Load" );
var saveAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<JsonScriptableObject>( SAVE_ASSET_PATH );
// ファイルが存在しないときには作成しよう。
if( saveAsset == null )
saveAsset = CreateInstance<JsonScriptableObject>();
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( saveAsset, SAVE_ASSET_PATH );
window.m_jsonScriptableObject = saveAsset;
window.m_jsonData = saveAsset.Json;
/// <summary>
/// パラメータを更新した時に呼ばれるよ!
/// </summary>
private void OnWizardUpdate()
if( m_jsonScriptableObject != null )
m_jsonScriptableObject.Json = m_jsonData;
EditorUtility.SetDirty( m_jsonScriptableObject );
/// <summary>
/// ScriptableWizardのメインとなるボタンが押された際に呼ばれるよ!
/// 今回の場合はDisplayWizardの第二引数で指定した"Save"ボタンが押されたとき。
/// </summary>
private void OnWizardCreate()
string json = JsonUtility.ToJson( m_jsonData );
json = JsonPrettyPrint( json );
string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel( "名前を付けてJsonを保存しよう", "", "Setting", "json" );
System.IO.File.WriteAllText( path, json );
// プロジェクトフォルダ内に保存された際の対応.
/// <summary>
/// ScriptableWizardのサブとなるボタンが押された際に呼ばれるよ!
/// 今回の場合はDisplayWizardの第三引数で指定した"Load"ボタンが押されたとき。
/// </summary>
private void OnWizardOtherButton()
string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel( "Jsonファイルを開く", "", "json" );
string json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText( path );
JsonData loadedJsonData = null;
// Jsonとは異なるファイルを読んだとき用の対策。
loadedJsonData = JsonUtility.FromJson<JsonData>( json );
catch( System.Exception i_exception )
Debug.LogError( i_exception );
loadedJsonData = null;
if( loadedJsonData != null )
m_jsonData = loadedJsonData;
private string JsonPrettyPrint( string i_json )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( i_json ) )
return string.Empty;
i_json = i_json.Replace( System.Environment.NewLine, "" ).Replace( "\t", "" );
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
bool quote = false;
bool ignore = false;
int offset = 0;
int indentLength = 3;
foreach( char ch in i_json )
switch( ch )
case '"':
if( !ignore )
quote = !quote;
case '\'':
if( quote )
ignore = !ignore;
if( quote )
sb.Append( ch );
switch( ch )
case '{':
case '[':
sb.Append( ch );
sb.Append( System.Environment.NewLine );
sb.Append( new string( ' ', ++offset * indentLength ) );
case '}':
case ']':
sb.Append( System.Environment.NewLine );
sb.Append( new string( ' ', --offset * indentLength ) );
sb.Append( ch );
case ',':
sb.Append( ch );
sb.Append( System.Environment.NewLine );
sb.Append( new string( ' ', offset * indentLength ) );
case ':':
sb.Append( ch );
sb.Append( ' ' );
if( ch != ' ' )
sb.Append( ch );
return sb.ToString().Trim();
} // class JsonEditorWindow
// (C) Copyright 2017 Urahimono Project Inc.
using UnityEngine;
public class JsonScriptableObject : ScriptableObject
private JsonData m_jsonData = null;
public JsonData Json
get { return m_jsonData; }
set { m_jsonData = value; }
} // class JsonScriptableObject
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