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Last active October 15, 2021 20:03
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  • Save uturuncoglu/3d23997ef5d38a232c94b8ccfcccfb9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save uturuncoglu/3d23997ef5d38a232c94b8ccfcccfb9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A set of tool chain to analyze the CMEPS mediator history files and and converts 1d FV3 related fields in it to 2d representations and writes into a new file as tiles
; Note for user:
; The orog.tile*.nc files can be generated by simply using following command
; for each tile of surface output.
; ncks -v orog
;--- arguments ---
ntiles = 6
did = 0
diff = True
mask_land = False
;--- datasets: label, directory, prefix, variable name, time (-1 for mediator history) ---
;--- the max number of dataset in the list needs to be two ---
dsets = (/ (/ "MED", "./", "ufs.cpld.cpl.hi", "Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_sen", "2016-10-04", "0" /), \
(/ "ATM", "./", "ufs.cpld.cpl.hi", "atmImp_Faxa_sen" , "2016-10-04", "0" /) /)
ndsets = dimsizes(dsets(:,0))
;--- list files for each dataset ---
fl = new((/ ndsets, ntiles /), "string")
do j = 0, ndsets-1
time = tointeger(dsets(j,5))
if (isStrSubset(dsets(j,2), "cpl.hi")) then
time_str = sprinti("%05d", time)
time_str = sprinti("%03d", time)
end if
fl(j,:) = systemfunc("ls "+dsets(j,1)+dsets(j,2)+"*"+dsets(j,4)+"*"+time_str+"*.nc")
end do
;--- loop over tiles ---
do j = 0, ndsets-1
do k = 0, ntiles-1
;--- open file ---
nc = addfile(fl(j,k), "r")
;--- read variables ---
var = nc->$dsets(j,3)$(0,:,:)
if (isfilevar(nc, "orog")) then
orog = nc->orog(0,:,:)
tmp = addfile("orog/orog.tile"+(k+1)+".nc", "r")
orog = tmp->orog(0,:,:)
end if
if (isfilevaratt(nc, dsets(j,3), "long_name")) then
name = var@long_name
name = dsets(j,3)
end if
;--- query dimension of the variable ---
dim_names = getvardims(var)
;--- read coordinate data ---
if (isfilevar(nc, dim_names(1))) then
lon2d = (/ nc->$dim_names(1)$ /)
lat2d = (/ nc->$dim_names(0)$ /)
lon2d = (/ nc->atmImp_lon(0,:,:) /)
lat2d = (/ nc->atmImp_lat(0,:,:) /)
end if
;--- create data array ---
if (j .eq. 0 .and. k .eq. 0) then
dims = dimsizes(lon2d)
nlat = dims(0)
nlon = dims(1)
data = new((/ ndsets, ntiles, nlat, nlon /), "double", var@_FillValue)
lsmk = new((/ ndsets, ntiles, nlat, nlon /), "double", 999)
end if
;--- fill common variable ---
data(j,k,:,:) = (/ var /)
lsmk(j,k,:,:) = (/ where(orog .gt. 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) /)
;--- special care for following tiles ---
if any((k .eq. (/ 3, 4 /))) then
data(j,k,:,:) = (/ transpose(data(j,k,:,:)) /)
data(j,k,:,:) = data(j,k,::-1,:)
lsmk(j,k,:,:) = (/ transpose(lsmk(j,k,:,:)) /)
lsmk(j,k,:,:) = lsmk(j,k,::-1,:)
end if
if any((k .eq. (/ 2 /))) then
data(j,k,:,:) = (/ transpose(data(j,k,:,:)) /)
data(j,k,:,:) = data(j,k,:,::-1)
lsmk(j,k,:,:) = (/ transpose(lsmk(j,k,:,:)) /)
lsmk(j,k,:,:) = lsmk(j,k,:,::-1)
end if
;--- mask out large values ---
data(j,k,:,:) = where(data(j,k,:,:) .gt. 1.0e20, 0.0, data(j,k,:,:))
;--- mask out land ---
if (mask_land) then
data(j,k,:,:) = mask(data(j,k,:,:), lsmk(j,k,:,:) .gt. 0.0, False)
end if
;--- change sign if it is required ---
if (any(dsets(j,3) .eq. (/ "Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_lat", "Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_sen" /))) then
data(j,k,:,:) = -1.0*data(j,k,:,:)
end if
print("tile "+k+" "+dsets(j,3)+" min = "+min(data(j,k,:,:))+" max = "+max(data(j,k,:,:)))
;--- delete temporary variables ---
delete([/ var, dim_names /])
end do
end do
;--- calculate diff ---
if (diff) then
data(1,:,:,:) = data(1,:,:,:)-data(0,:,:,:)
do k = 0, ntiles-1
print("diff tile "+k+" "+dsets(1,3)+" min = "+min(data(1,k,:,:))+" max = "+max(data(1,k,:,:))+" avg = "+avg(data(1,k,:,:)))
end do
end if
;--- create plot ---
wks_type = "pdf"
wks_type@wkOrientation = "landscape"
if (diff) then
wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type, "plot_cubed_"+dsets(0,3)+"_diff")
wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type, "plot_cubed_"+dsets(did,3))
end if
res1 = True
res1@gsnDraw = False
res1@gsnFrame = False
res1@gsnAddCyclic = False
res1@cnFillOn = True
res1@cnLinesOn = False
res1@cnLineLabelsOn = False
res1@gsnLeftString = ""
res1@gsnRightString = ""
size = 0.24
res1@vpWidthF = size
res1@vpHeightF = size
res1@sfXArray := lon2d
res1@sfYArray := lat2d
res1@cnInfoLabelOn = False
res1@lbLabelBarOn = False
res1@cnFillMode = "RasterFill"
res1@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
res2 = res1
res2@cnFillOn = False
res2@cnLinesOn = True
res2@cnLineLabelsOn = False
res2@cnLevels = (/ 0.999999 /)
res2@cnInfoLabelOn = False
res2@cnLineThicknessF = 0.5
if (diff) then
res1@cnFillPalette = "NCV_blu_red"
if (any(dsets(did,3) .eq. (/ "tmpsfc", "atmImp_Sa_t2m"/))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-5, 5, 21)
end if
if (dsets(did,3) .eq. "pressfc") then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-20, 20, 41)
end if
if (any(dsets(did,3) .eq. (/ "Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_lat", "atmImp_Faxa_lat" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-100, 100, 21)
end if
if (any(dsets(did,3) .eq. (/ "Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_sen", "atmImp_Faxa_sen" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-100, 100, 21)
end if
res1@cnFillPalette = "MPL_viridis"
if (any(dsets(did,3) .eq. (/ "tmpsfc", "atmImp_Sa_t2m"/))) then
data = data-273.15 ; K -> degC
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-30, 30, 61)
end if
if (dsets(did,3) .eq. "pressfc") then
data = data*0.01 ; Pa -> hPa or mb
res1@cnLevels = fspan(1000.0, 1030.0, 31)
end if
if (any(dsets(did,3) .eq. (/ "Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_lat", "atmImp_Faxa_lat" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(0, 400, 41)
end if
if (any(dsets(did,3) .eq. (/ "Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_sen", "atmImp_Faxa_sen" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-50, 150, 21)
end if
end if
txres = True
txres@gsnFrame = False
txres@txJust = "CenterCenter"
;--- tile order ---
; 2
; 4 0 1 3
; 5
xpos = tofloat((/ 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 1 /))*size+0.05
ypos = 0.9-tofloat((/ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2 /))*size
do k = 0, ntiles-1
;--- set position ---
res1@vpXF = xpos(k)
res1@vpYF = ypos(k)
res2@vpXF = xpos(k)
res2@vpYF = ypos(k)
print(k+" "+res1@vpXF+" "+res1@vpYF)
if (k .eq. 1) then
res1@lbLabelBarOn = True
res1@pmLabelBarWidthF = size*1.8
res1@pmLabelBarHeightF = 0.03
res1@pmLabelBarParallelPosF = 0.97
res1@lbLabelBarOn = False
end if
res1@gsnStringFont = 22
res1@gsnStringFontHeightF = 0.013
res1@gsnLeftString = ""
if (k .eq. 4) then
if (time .gt. 1000) then
time = time/60
end if
if (diff) then
res1@gsnLeftString = dsets(1,0)+"-"+dsets(0,0)+" @ "+dsets(0,4)+" "+time+"h"
res1@gsnLeftString = dsets(did,0)+" @ "+dsets(did,4)+" "+time+"h"
end if
end if
plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks, data(did,k,:,:), res1)
if (.not. mask_land) then
plot2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks, lsmk(did,k,:,:), res2)
end if
txres@txPosXF = xpos(k)+0.01
txres@txPosYF = ypos(k)-0.01
txres@txAngleF = 0
txres@txFont = 22
txres@txFontHeightF = 0.015
text = gsn_create_text(wks, sprinti("%d", k), txres)
end do
module load ncl
# field mapping
declare -A variables
variables=( \
["atmImp_Faxa_lat"]="Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_lat" \
["atmImp_Faxa_sen"]="Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_sen" \
["atmImp_Faxa_taux"]="Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_taux" \
["atmImp_Faxa_tauy"]="Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_tauy" \
# loop over fields
for key in "${!variables[@]}"
echo "$key - ${variables[$key]}"
ncl plot_cubed.ncl "vname1=\"$key\"" "vname2=\"${variables[$key]}\""
(base) turuncu@cheyenne1/glade/work/turuncu/NOAHMP/ufs-weather-model (feature/lnd_noahmp) $ cat ../../XGRID/proc/
module load ncl
lst=`ncdump -c ref/ | grep "double atmImp_" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F\( '{print $1}'`
for i in $lst
echo $i
ncl plot_cubed.ncl "vname1=\"$i\"" "vname2=\"$i\""
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/cd_string.ncl"
;--- arguments ---
ntiles = 6
dir = "./upd_aoflux_new_flux/"
vname1 = "atmImp_Faxa_lat"
vname2 = "Med_aoflux_atm_Faox_lat"
;--- list files ---
fl = systemfunc("ls "+dir+"*.nc")
fl2d = new((/ ntiles, dimsizes(fl)/ntiles /), "string")
do i = 0, ntiles-1
fl2d(i,:) = fl(i:dimsizes(fl)-1:ntiles)
end do
ntime = dimsizes(fl2d(0,:))
;--- create data array ---
data = new((/ ntiles, 2, 3, ntime /), "double")
;--- loop over tiles and prepare data ---
do i = 0, ntiles-1
;--- open file ---
print("[debug] -- processing tile :: "+(i+1))
nc = addfiles(fl2d(i,:), "r")
ListSetType(nc, "join")
;--- read fields ---
dum1 = nc[:]->$vname1$(:,0,:,:)
dum2 = nc[:]->$vname2$(:,0,:,:)
;--- get time ---
time = nc[:]->time
stime = cd_string(time, "%d %c - %H:%M")
;--- create mask ---
lmask = (/ where(dum1(0,:,:) .gt. 1.0e20, False, True) /)
;--- mask data and calculate spatial average ---
dum1 = mask(dum1, conform(dum1, lmask, (/ 1,2 /)), True)
dum2 = mask(dum2, conform(dum2, lmask, (/ 1,2 /)), True)
;--- calculate min, max and avg ---
data(i,0,0,:) = dim_min_n_Wrap(dum1, (/1,2/))
data(i,0,1,:) = dim_max_n_Wrap(dum1, (/1,2/))
data(i,0,2,:) = dim_avg_n_Wrap(dum1, (/1,2/))
data(i,1,0,:) = dim_min_n_Wrap(dum2, (/1,2/))
data(i,1,1,:) = dim_max_n_Wrap(dum2, (/1,2/))
data(i,1,2,:) = dim_avg_n_Wrap(dum2, (/1,2/))
;--- delete temporary variables ---
delete([/ nc, dum1, dum2, lmask /])
end do
;--- calculate RMS for each tile ---
error = dim_rmsd_n_Wrap(data(:,0,2,:), data(:,1,2,:), (/ 1 /))
;--- plot data ---
wks = gsn_open_wks("newpdf", "plot_cubed_ts")
gsn_define_colormap(wks, "matlab_jet")
res = True
res@gsnDraw = False
res@gsnFrame = False
res@vpHeightF = 0.24
res@vpWidthF = 0.75
res@tmXBMode = "Explicit"
res@tmXBValues = ispan(0, ntime-1, 12)
res@tmXBLabels = stime(::12)
res@tmXTOn = False
res@tmXTLabelsOn = False
res@tmYROn = False
res@tmYRLabelsOn = False
res@tmYLMinorOn = False
res@tmXBLabelAngleF = 90.0
res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.01
res@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.01
colors = (/ "black", "red", "blue", "green", "gold3", "darkorchid" /)
res@xyLineColors = colors
zeros = new((/ntiles/), "integer")
zeros = 0
res@xyDashPatterns = zeros
res@xyLineThicknessF = 2.0
;res@gsnYRefLine = 0.0
;res@gsnYRefLineDashPatterns = 16
res@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.012
res@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.012
res@tiYAxisString = "Heat Flux [W/m2]"
res@tiXAxisString = "Time"
res@trXMaxF = max(ispan(0, ntime-1, 12))
res@trYMaxF = max(data(:,0,2,:))*1.05
res@vpXF = 0.1
res@vpYF = 0.9
plot1 = gsn_csm_xy(wks, ispan(0, ntime-1, 1), data(:,0,2,:), res)
res@xyDashPatterns = zeros+1
plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks, ispan(0, ntime-1, 1), data(:,1,2,:), res)
overlay(plot1, plot2)
print(data(0,0,2,:)+" "+data(0,1,2,:)+" "+fl2d(0,:))
;--- add legend ---
res_text = True
res_text@txFontColor = "black"
res_text@txFontHeightF = 0.01
res_text@txJust = "CenterLeft"
res_line = True
res_line@gsLineThicknessF = 2.0
xp = 0.02
yp = 0.95
do i = 0, ntiles-1
xp = xp+0.11
res_line@gsLineColor = colors(i)
gsn_text_ndc(wks, "Tile "+sprinti("%d", i+1)+" ("+sprintf("%5.2f",error(i))+")", xp-0.006, yp-0.035, res_text)
res_line@gsLineDashPattern = 0
gsn_polyline_ndc(wks, (/ xp-0.006, xp+0.06 /), (/ yp-0.02, yp-0.02 /), res_line)
if (i .eq. 0) then
gsn_text_ndc(wks, "FV3", xp+0.065, yp-0.02, res_text)
gsn_text_ndc(wks, "MED", xp+0.065, yp, res_text)
res_line@gsLineDashPattern = 1
gsn_polyline_ndc(wks, (/ xp-0.006, xp+0.06 /), (/ yp, yp /), res_line)
end if
end do
; This function converts 1d array to its tiled representation
; adapted from code originally written by
; Denise Worthen, IMSG at NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC
function totile(var1d, ntile, res)
;--- create new array ---
var3d = new((/ntile,res,res/), typeof(var1d), default_fillvalue(typeof(var1d)))
;--- loop over tiles and assgin data ---
do i = 0, ntile-1
istr = (i*res*res)
iend = istr+res*res-1
var3d(i,:,:) = onedtond(var1d(istr:iend), (/res,res/))
end do
return var3d
; This procedure creates mediator history file for FV3
; there will be a different file for each tile
procedure create_tiled_output(thefile, ntiles, atm_only)
;--- create file names ---
ofiles = new((/ ntiles /), "string")
do i = 0, ntiles-1
ofiles(i) = str_sub_str(systemfunc("basename "+thefile), ".nc", ".tile"+(i+1)+".nc")
system("rm -f "+ofiles(i))
end do
;--- open file/s ---
nc = addfile(thefile, "r")
;--- loop over tile files and create them ---
do i = 0, ntiles-1
;--- open output file ---
fout = addfile(ofiles(i), "c")
;--- enable define mode ---
setfileoption(fout, "DefineMode", True)
;--- query dimensions ---
dimNames = getfiledims(nc)
dimSizes = getfiledimsizes(nc)
ndims = dimsizes(dimNames)
;--- keep only FV3 related dimensions ---
if (atm_only) then
indx = str_match_ind(dimNames, "atm")
dimNames_atm = dimNames(indx)
dimSizes_atm = dimSizes(indx)
delete([/ dimNames, dimSizes /])
dimNames = array_append_record(dimNames_atm, "time", 0)
dimSizes = array_append_record(dimSizes_atm, 1, 0)
ndims = dimsizes(dimNames)
delete([/ dimNames_atm, dimSizes_atm, indx /])
end if
;--- fix dimensions for one-dimensional variables ---
do j = 0, ndims-1
if (isStrSubset(dimNames(j), "atm")) then
if (isStrSubset(dimNames(j), "_nx")) then
res = tointeger(sqrt(dimSizes(j)/ntiles))
end if
dimSizes(j) = res
end if
end do
dimUnlim = new((/ ndims /), "logical")
dimUnlim = False
;--- define dimensions ---
filedimdef(fout, dimNames, dimSizes, dimUnlim)
;--- query list of variables ---
varNames = getfilevarnames(nc)
;--- keep only FV3 related variables ---
if (atm_only) then
indx = str_match_ind(varNames, "atm")
varNames_atm = varNames(indx)
varNames = array_append_record(varNames_atm, "time", 0)
delete([/ varNames_atm, indx /])
end if
do j = 0, dimsizes(varNames)-1
;--- query variable dimensions and type ---
varDims = getfilevardims(nc, varNames(j))
varType = getfilevartypes(nc, varNames(j))
;--- create variable ---
filevardef(fout, varNames(j), varType, varDims)
;--- copy attributes and fill variables --
filevarattdef(fout, varNames(j), nc->$varNames(j)$)
if (isStrSubset(varNames(j), "atm")) then
var = totile(nc->$varNames(j)$(0,0,:), ntiles, res)
fout->$varNames(j)$ = (/ var(i,:,:) /)
var = nc->$varNames(j)$
fout->$varNames(j)$ = (/ var /)
end if
;--- delete temporary variables ---
delete([/ varDims, varType, var /])
end do
;--- delete temporary variables ---
delete([/ fout, dimNames, dimSizes, varNames /])
end do
;--- arguments ---
dir = "../cpld_control_upd_aoflux/"
ntiles = 6
;--- list mediator history files ---
;mhf = systemfunc("ls "+dir+"ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.2016-10-03-03600*.nc | grep -v fixed | grep -v tile")
mhf = systemfunc("ls "+dir+"ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.2016-10-04-00000*.nc | grep -v fixed | grep -v tile")
;--- process files and convert 1d FV3 data to 2d ---
do i = 0, dimsizes(mhf)-1
create_tiled_output(mhf(i), ntiles, True)
end do
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