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Last active June 1, 2021 21:14
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Python way to create ESMF Mesh file or SCRIP grid definition
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Tip: following commands can be used to install required Python modules to run this script
# This assumes that pip is already installed.
# pip install xarray --user
# pip install 'dask == 2021.2.0' --user
# pip install "dask[array]" --upgrade —user
# pip install "dask[dataframe]" --upgrade --user
import os, sys, getopt
import argparse
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import dask.array as da
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
def calculate_corners(center_lat, center_lon):
"""Calculate corner coordinates by averaging neighbor cells
# get rank
rank = len(center_lat.dims)
if rank == 1:
# get dimensions
nlon = center_lon.size
nlat = center_lat.size
# convert center points from 1d to 2d
center_lat2d = da.broadcast_to(center_lat.values[None,:], (nlon, nlat))
center_lon2d = da.broadcast_to(center_lon.values[:,None], (nlon, nlat))
elif rank == 2:
# get dimensions
dims = center_lon.shape
nlon = dims[0]
nlat = dims[1]
# just rename and convert to dask array
center_lat2d = da.from_array(center_lat)
center_lon2d = da.from_array(center_lon)
print('Unrecognized grid! The rank of coordinate variables can be 1 or 2 but it is {}.'.format(rank))
# calculate corner coordinates for latitude, counterclockwise order, imposing Fortran ordering
center_lat2d_ext = da.from_array(np.pad(center_lat2d.compute(), (1,1), mode='reflect', reflect_type='odd'))
ur = (center_lat2d_ext[1:-1,1:-1]+
ul = (center_lat2d_ext[1:-1,1:-1]+
ll = (center_lat2d_ext[1:-1,1:-1]+
lr = (center_lat2d_ext[1:-1,1:-1]+
# this looks clockwise ordering but it is transposed and becomes counterclockwise, bit-to-bit with NCL
corner_lat = da.stack([ul.T.reshape((-1,)).T, ll.T.reshape((-1,)).T, lr.T.reshape((-1,)).T, ur.T.reshape((-1,)).T], axis=1)
# calculate corner coordinates for longitude, counterclockwise order, imposing Fortran ordering
center_lon2d_ext = da.from_array(np.pad(center_lon2d.compute(), (1,1), mode='reflect', reflect_type='odd'))
ur = (center_lon2d_ext[1:-1,1:-1]+
ul = (center_lon2d_ext[1:-1,1:-1]+
ll = (center_lon2d_ext[1:-1,1:-1]+
lr = (center_lon2d_ext[1:-1,1:-1]+
# this looks clockwise ordering but it is transposed and becomes counterclockwise, bit-to-bit with NCL
corner_lon = da.stack([ul.T.reshape((-1,)).T, ll.T.reshape((-1,)).T, lr.T.reshape((-1,)).T, ur.T.reshape((-1,)).T], axis=1)
return center_lat2d, center_lon2d, corner_lat, corner_lon
def write_to_esmf_mesh(filename, center_lat, center_lon, corner_lat, corner_lon, mask, area=None):
Writes ESMF Mesh to file
dask array doesn't support order='F' for Fortran-contiguous (row-major) order
the workaround is to arr.T.reshape.T
# create array with unique coordinate pairs
# remove coordinates that are shared between the elements
corner_pair = da.stack([corner_lon.T.reshape((-1,)).T, corner_lat.T.reshape((-1,)).T], axis=1)
# REPLACED: corner_pair_uniq = dd.from_dask_array(corner_pair).drop_duplicates().to_dask_array(lengths=True)
# following reduces memory by %17
corner_pair_uniq = dd.from_dask_array(corner_pair).drop_duplicates().values
# check size of unique coordinate pairs
dims = mask.shape
nlon = dims[0]
nlat = dims[1]
elem_conn_size = nlon*nlat+nlon+nlat+1
if corner_pair_uniq.shape[0] != elem_conn_size:
print('The size of unique coordinate pairs is {} but expected size is {}!'.format(corner_pair_uniq.shape[0], elem_conn_size))
print('Please check the input file or try to force double precision with --double option. Exiting ...')
# create element connections
corners = dd.concat([dd.from_dask_array(c) for c in [corner_lon.T.reshape((-1,)).T, corner_lat.T.reshape((-1,)).T]], axis=1)
corners.columns = ['lon', 'lat']
elem_conn = corners.compute().groupby(['lon','lat'], sort=False).ngroup()+1
elem_conn = da.from_array(elem_conn.to_numpy())
# create new dataset for output
out = xr.Dataset()
out['origGridDims'] = xr.DataArray(np.array(center_lon.shape, dtype=np.int32),
out['nodeCoords'] = xr.DataArray(corner_pair_uniq,
dims=('nodeCount', 'coordDim'),
attrs={'units': 'degrees'})
out['elementConn'] = xr.DataArray(elem_conn.T.reshape((4,-1)).T,
dims=('elementCount', 'maxNodePElement'),
attrs={'long_name': 'Node indices that define the element connectivity'})
out.elementConn.encoding = {'dtype': np.int32}
out['numElementConn'] = xr.DataArray(4*np.ones(center_lon.size, dtype=np.int32),
attrs={'long_name': 'Number of nodes per element'})
out['centerCoords'] = xr.DataArray(da.stack([center_lon.T.reshape((-1,)).T,
center_lat.T.reshape((-1,)).T], axis=1),
dims=('elementCount', 'coordDim'),
attrs={'units': 'degrees'})
# add area if it is available
if area:
out['elementArea'] = xr.DataArray(area.T.reshape((-1,)).T,
attrs={'units': 'radians^2',
'long_name': 'area weights'})
# add mask
out['elementMask'] = xr.DataArray(mask.T.reshape((-1,)).T,
attrs={'units': 'unitless'})
out.elementMask.encoding = {'dtype': np.int32}
# force no '_FillValue' if not specified
for v in out.variables:
if '_FillValue' not in out[v].encoding:
out[v].encoding['_FillValue'] = None
# add global attributes
out.attrs = {'title': 'ESMF unstructured grid file for rectangular grid with {} dimension'.format('x'.join(list(map(str,center_lat.shape)))),
'created_by': os.path.basename(__file__),
'date_created': '{}'.format(,
'conventions': 'ESMFMESH',
# write output file
if filename is not None:
print('Writing {} ...'.format(filename))
def write_to_scrip(filename, center_lat, center_lon, corner_lat, corner_lon, mask, area=None):
Writes SCRIP grid definition to file
dask array doesn't support order='F' for Fortran-contiguous (row-major) order
the workaround is to arr.T.reshape.T
# create new dataset for output
out = xr.Dataset()
out['grid_dims'] = xr.DataArray(np.array(center_lat.shape, dtype=np.int32),
out.grid_dims.encoding = {'dtype': np.int32}
out['grid_center_lat'] = xr.DataArray(center_lat.T.reshape((-1,)).T,
attrs={'units': 'degrees'})
out['grid_center_lon'] = xr.DataArray(center_lon.T.reshape((-1,)).T,
attrs={'units': 'degrees'})
out['grid_corner_lat'] = xr.DataArray(corner_lat.T.reshape((4, -1)).T,
attrs={'units': 'degrees'})
out['grid_corner_lon'] = xr.DataArray(corner_lon.T.reshape((4, -1)).T,
attrs={'units': 'degrees'})
# include area if it is available
if area:
out['grid_area'] = xr.DataArray(area.T.reshape((-1,)).T,
attrs={'units': 'radians^2',
'long_name': 'area weights'})
out['grid_imask'] = xr.DataArray(mask.T.reshape((-1,)).T,
attrs={'units': 'unitless'})
out.grid_imask.encoding = {'dtype': np.int32}
# force no '_FillValue' if not specified
for v in out.variables:
if '_FillValue' not in out[v].encoding:
out[v].encoding['_FillValue'] = None
# add global attributes
out.attrs = {'title': 'Rectangular grid with {} dimension'.format('x'.join(list(map(str,center_lat.shape)))),
'created_by': os.path.basename(__file__),
'date_created': '{}'.format(,
'conventions': 'SCRIP',
# write output file
if filename is not None:
print('Writing {} ...'.format(filename))
def file_type(x):
if x.lower() == 'scrip' or x.lower() == 'esmf':
return x
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('SCRIP or ESMF value expected for output type.')
def main(argv):
Main driver to calculate and write SCRIP and ESMF formatted grid represenation
# set defaults for command line arguments
ifile = ''
ofile = ''
oformat = 'ESMF'
overwrite = False
flip = False
latrev = False
latvar = 'lat'
lonvar = 'lon'
maskvar = 'mask'
maskcal = False
addarea = False
double = False
# read command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--ifile' , help='Input grid file name', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--ofile' , help='Output file name', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--oformat' , help='Output data format [SCRIP, ESMF], defaults to ESMF', required=False, type=file_type, nargs='?', const='ESMF')
parser.add_argument('--overwrite', help='Overwrites output file, defaults to not', required=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--flip' , help='Flip mask values. SCRIP requires 0/land and 1/ocean', required=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--latrev' , help='Reverse latitude axis', required=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--latvar' , help='Name of latitude variable, defults to ''lat''', required=False, nargs='?', const='lat')
parser.add_argument('--lonvar' , help='Name of longitude variable, defaults to ''lon''', nargs='?', const='lon')
parser.add_argument('--maskvar' , help='Name of mask variable, defaults to ''mask''', nargs='?', const='mask')
parser.add_argument('--maskcal' , help='Calculate mask using fill value from variable defined in maskvar - 0/land and 1/ocean', required=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--addarea' , help='Add area field to output file, defaults to not', required=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--double' , help='Double precision output, defaults to float', required=False, action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.ifile:
ifile = args.ifile
if args.ofile:
ofile = args.ofile
if args.oformat:
oformat = args.oformat
if args.overwrite:
overwrite = args.overwrite
if args.flip:
flip = args.flip
if args.latrev:
latrev = args.latrev
if args.latvar:
latvar = args.latvar
if args.lonvar:
lonvar = args.lonvar
if args.maskvar:
maskvar = args.maskvar
if args.maskcal:
maskcal = args.maskcal
if not args.maskvar:
print('maskcal argument requires maskvar to calculate mask! exiting ...')
if args.addarea:
addarea = args.addarea
if args.double:
double = args.double
# print out configuration
print("ifile = {}".format(ifile))
print("ofile = {}".format(ofile))
print("oformat = {}".format(oformat))
print("overwrite = {}".format(overwrite))
print("flip = {}".format(flip))
print("latrev = {}".format(latrev))
print("latvar = {}".format(latvar))
print("lonvar = {}".format(lonvar))
print("maskvar = {}".format(maskvar))
print("maskcal = {} ({})".format(maskcal, maskvar))
print("addarea = {}".format(addarea))
print("double = {}".format(double))
# open file, transpose() fixes dimension ordering and mimic Fortran
if os.path.isfile(ifile):
ds = xr.open_dataset(ifile, mask_and_scale=False, decode_times=False).transpose()
print('Input file could not find!')
# check output file
if overwrite:
if os.path.isfile(ofile):
print('Removing existing output file {}.'.format(ofile))
if os.path.isfile(ofile):
print('Output file exists. Please provide --overwrite flag.')
# check coordinate variables
if latvar not in ds.coords and latvar not in ds.data_vars:
print('Input file does not have variable named {}.'.format(latvar))
print('File has following {}'.format(ds.coords))
print('File has following {}'.format(ds.data_vars))
if lonvar not in ds.coords and lonvar not in ds.data_vars:
print('Input file does not have variable named {}.'.format(latvar))
print('File has following {}'.format(ds.coords))
print('File has following {}'.format(ds.data_vars))
# remove time dimension from coordinate variables
hasTime = 'time' in ds[latvar].dims
if hasTime:
lat = ds[latvar][:,:,0]
lat = ds[latvar]
hasTime = 'time' in ds[lonvar].dims
if hasTime:
lon = ds[lonvar][:,:,0]
lon = ds[lonvar]
# reverse latitude dimension
if latrev:
lat_name = [x for x in lat.coords.dims if 'lat' in x]
if lat_name:
lat = lat.reindex({lat_name[0]: list(reversed(lat[lat_name[0]]))})
# remove time dimension from mask variable and optionally flip mask values
# this will also create artifical mask variable with all ones, if it is required
if maskvar in ds.data_vars:
print('Using mask values from the file.')
# check mask has time dimension or not
hasTime = 'time' in ds[maskvar].dims
if hasTime:
mask = ds[maskvar][:,:,0]
mask = ds[maskvar][:]
# use variable to construct mask information
if maskcal:
fill_value = None
if '_FillValue' in mask.attrs:
fill_value = mask._FillValue
elif 'missing_value' in mask.attrs:
fill_value = mask.missing_value
if fill_value:
mask = da.from_array(xr.where(mask == fill_value, 0, 1).astype(dtype=np.int8))
print('Using artifical generated mask values, that are ones in everywhere.')
if len(lat.dims) == 1:
mask = da.from_array(np.ones((next(iter(lon.sizes.values())), next(iter(lat.sizes.values()))), dtype=np.int8))
mask = da.from_array(np.ones(tuple(lat.sizes.values()), dtype=np.int8))
# flip mask values
if flip:
print('Flipping mask values to 0 for land and 1 for ocean')
mask = xr.where(mask > 0, 0, 1)
# calculate corner coordinates, center coordinates are converted to 2d if it is 1d
if double:
center_lat, center_lon, corner_lat, corner_lon = calculate_corners(lat.astype(np.float64, copy=False), lon.astype(np.float64, copy=False))
center_lat, center_lon, corner_lat, corner_lon = calculate_corners(lat, lon)
# TODO: add support to calculate area
if addarea:
print('The area calculation is not supported! --addarea is reserved for future use.')
# create output file
if oformat.lower() == 'scrip':
write_to_scrip(ofile, center_lat, center_lon, corner_lat, corner_lon, mask)
write_to_esmf_mesh(ofile, center_lat, center_lon, corner_lat, corner_lon, mask)
if __name__== "__main__":
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Ryan has a separate set of Python scripts for generating Scrip/ESMFMESH files from a set of parameters. These have been used for testing purposes only. These are using OCGIS.

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