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Last active January 8, 2024 23:51
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Material for Noah-MP Workshop & Tutorial 2023
# install docker
# create container and prepare for development
docker run -it ubuntu:latest
apt-get -qq update
apt-get -qq install tar unzip file gringo
apt-get -qq install build-essential binutils-dev gfortran
apt-get -qq install python3-dev python3-pip python3-boto3 python3-yaml
apt-get -qq install wget awscli ca-certificates gh libxml2-dev
pip3 install --target ~/.local botocore
# install dependenciies with spack
mkdir /test
cd /test
git clone
cd spack
git checkout b2c3973
cd -
. spack/share/spack/
spack compiler find
spack external find
# create ~/.spack/config.yaml
url_fetch_method: curl
connect_timeout: 60
# create spack.yaml (under /test directory) with following content
granularity: generic
host_compatible: false
unify: when_possible
- esmf@8.5.0b10+external-parallelio %gcc@11.3.0 target=x86_64
target: ['x86_64']
compiler: [gcc@11.3.0]
view: /test/.spack-ci/view
source_cache: /test/.spack-ci/source_cache
misc_cache: /test/.spack-ci/misc_cache
test_cache: /test/.spack-ci/test_cache
root: /test/.spack-ci/opt
install_missing_compilers: true
# install dependencies (these commands must be run in same folder with spack.yaml)
spack --color always -e . concretize -f
spack --color always -e . install -j3 --deprecated --no-checksum
# build and install data component
export PATH=/test/.spack-ci/view/bin:$PATH
export ESMFMKFILE=/test/.spack-ci/view/lib/
export FC=gfortran
cd /test
git clone -b hotfix/std_build cdeps
cd cdeps
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install \
-DPIO_C_LIBRARY=/test/.spack-ci/view/lib \
-DPIO_C_INCLUDE_DIR=/test/.spack-ci/view/include \
-DPIO_Fortran_LIBRARY=/test/.spack-ci/view/lib \
-DPIO_Fortran_INCLUDE_DIR=/test/.spack-ci/view/include \
-DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS="-ffree-line-length-none -fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz" \
make install
# build and install noahmp
export NetCDF_ROOT=/test/.spack-ci/view
export FC=gfortran
cd /test
git clone -b feature/nuopc_cap
cd noahmp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../
make install
# create /test/esmxBuild.yaml with following content
cmake_config: /test/cdeps/install/lib/cmake/datm-esmx.cmake
fort_module: cdeps_datm_comp
cmake_config: /test/noahmp/install/lib/cmake/noahmp-esmx.cmake
fort_module: lnd_comp_nuopc
# create executable using NUOPC provided generic driver - ESMX
export ESMF_ESMXDIR=/test/.spack-ci/view/include/ESMX
cd /test
cmake -H$ESMF_ESMXDIR -Bbuild
cd build
# create run directory and download input
mkdir /test/run
cd /test/run
python3 /test/noahmp/.github/workflows/scripts/ --ifile /test/noahmp/.github/workflows/tests/test_datm_lnd.yaml
python3 /test/noahmp/.github/workflows/scripts/ --ifile /test/noahmp/.github/workflows/tests/test_datm_lnd.yaml
# run application (you might need to add extra options to mpirun like --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0)
mpirun --oversubscribe -np 6 /test/build/esmx
# you could copy files outside of the Docker container using docker cp command!
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/ut_string.ncl"
procedure add_box(wks,plot,ll[2],width,cname,oval)
local xbox, ybox, gsres, dumstr
xbox = (/ll(0),ll(0)+width,ll(0)+width,ll(0),ll(0)/)
ybox = (/ll(1),ll(1),ll(1)+width,ll(1)+width,ll(1)/)
gsres = True
gsres@gsFillColor = cname
gsres@gsFillOpacityF = oval
dumstr = unique_string("gon")
; Adding it as an attribute is a sneaky way to
; make sure it "lives" outside this procedure.
plot@$dumstr$ = gsn_add_polygon(wks,plot,xbox,ybox,gsres)
;--- parameters ---
ntiles = 6
;--- arguments (suffix: (1) FV3 and (2) Noah-MP) ---
;vname1 = "lhtfl"
;vname2 = "evap"
;vname1 = "tmpsfc"
;vname2 = "tskin"
vname1 = "shtfl"
vname2 = "hflx"
tid1 = 24 ;1
tid2 = 23 ;0
diff = True
dataset = 1 ; 0 for FV3 and 1 for Noah-MP (only for diff = False)
percentage_diff = False
;--- loop over tiles ---
do i = 0, ntiles-1
;--- open file ---
lsA = systemfunc ("ls sfcf*.tile"+sprinti("%d", (i+1))+".nc")
ncA = addfiles(lsA, "r")
ListSetType(ncA, "cat")
lsB = systemfunc ("ls ufs.cpld.lnd.out.*.tile"+sprinti("%d", (i+1))+".nc")
ncB = addfiles(lsB, "r")
ListSetType(ncB, "cat")
ncC = addfile("INPUT/oro_data.tile"+sprinti("%d", (i+1))+".nc", "r")
;--- read fields ---
dum1 = ncA[:]->$vname1$(tid1,:,:)
dum2 = ncB[:]->$vname2$(tid2,:,:)
land_frac = ncC->land_frac
;--- read coordinate data ---
lon2d = (/ ncA[0]->grid_xt /)
lat2d = (/ ncA[0]->grid_yt /)
;--- string for label bar ---
if (diff) then
lstr = "Diff: "+vname2+"-"+vname1+" ["+dum2@units+"]"
if (dataset .eq. 0) then
lstr = vname1+" ["+dum1@units+"]"
lstr = vname2+" ["+dum2@units+"]"
end if
end if
time = ncA[:]->time(tid1)
time@calendar = "standard"
time_str = ut_string(time, "%D-%N-%Y_%H:%M")
;--- create data array ---
if (i .eq. 0) then
dims = dimsizes(lon2d)
nlat = dims(0)
nlon = dims(1)
data = new((/ 2, ntiles, nlat, nlon /), "double", dum1@_FillValue)
lmsk = new((/ ntiles, nlat, nlon /), "integer")
lon = new((/ ntiles, nlat, nlon /), typeof(lon2d))
lat = new((/ ntiles, nlat, nlon /), typeof(lat2d))
end if
;--- store coordinate arrays ---
lon(i,:,:) = (/ lon2d /)
lat(i,:,:) = (/ lat2d /)
if (i .eq. 0 .or. i .eq. 5) then
lon(i,:,:) = where(lon(i,:,:) .ge. 180. .or. lon(i,:,:) .eq.360., lon(i,:,:)-360, lon(i,:,:) )
end if
;--- fill common variable ---
data(0,i,:,:) = (/ dum1 /)
data(1,i,:,:) = (/ dum2 /)
lmsk(i,:,:) = (/ where(land_frac .gt. 0, 1, 0) /)
lmsk(i,:,:) = (/ mask(lmsk(i,:,:), lmsk(i,:,:) .gt. 0, True) /)
;--- special care for following tiles ---
if any((i .eq. (/ 3, 4 /))) then
data(0,i,:,:) = (/ transpose(data(0,i,:,:)) /)
data(0,i,:,:) = data(0,i,::-1,:)
data(1,i,:,:) = (/ transpose(data(1,i,:,:)) /)
data(1,i,:,:) = data(1,i,::-1,:)
lmsk(i,:,:) = (/ transpose(lmsk(i,:,:)) /)
lmsk(i,:,:) = lmsk(i,::-1,:)
lon(i,:,:) = (/ transpose(lon(i,:,:)) /)
lon(i,:,:) = lon(i,::-1,:)
lat(i,:,:) = (/ transpose(lat(i,:,:)) /)
lat(i,:,:) = lat(i,::-1,:)
end if
if any((i .eq. (/ 2 /))) then
data(0,i,:,:) = (/ transpose(data(0,i,:,:)) /)
data(0,i,:,:) = data(0,i,:,::-1)
data(1,i,:,:) = (/ transpose(data(1,i,:,:)) /)
data(1,i,:,:) = data(1,i,:,::-1)
lmsk(i,:,:) = (/ transpose(lmsk(i,:,:)) /)
lmsk(i,:,:) = lmsk(i,:,::-1)
lon(i,:,:) = (/ transpose(lon(i,:,:)) /)
lon(i,:,:) = lon(i,:,::-1)
lat(i,:,:) = (/ transpose(lat(i,:,:)) /)
lat(i,:,:) = lat(i,:,::-1)
end if
;--- maskout data ---
data(0,i,:,:) = mask(data(0,i,:,:), lmsk(i,:,:) .eq. 1, True)
data(0,i,:,:) = mask(data(0,i,:,:), .not. ismissing(lmsk(i,:,:)), True)
;--- delete temporary variables ---
delete([/ dum1, dum2, lat2d, lon2d, land_frac /])
end do
;--- calculate diff ---
if (diff) then
did = 1
if (percentage_diff) then
data(0,:,:,:) = mask(data(0,:,:,:), data(0,:,:,:) .eq. 0.0, False)
data(1,:,:,:) = (data(1,:,:,:)-data(0,:,:,:))/data(0,:,:,:)
data(1,:,:,:) = data(1,:,:,:)-data(0,:,:,:)
end if
end if
;--- create plot ---
wks_type = "pdf"
wks_type@wkOrientation = "landscape"
if (diff) then
wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type, "plot_cubed_diff_"+vname1+"_"+vname2+"_"+time_str)
wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type, "plot_cubed_"+time_str)
end if
res1 = True
res1@gsnDraw = False
res1@gsnFrame = False
res1@gsnAddCyclic = False
res1@cnFillOn = True
res1@cnLinesOn = False
res1@cnLineLabelsOn = False
res1@gsnLeftString = ""
res1@gsnRightString = ""
size = 0.23
res1@vpWidthF = size
res1@vpHeightF = size
res1@cnInfoLabelOn = False
res1@lbLabelBarOn = False
res1@cnFillMode = "RasterFill"
res1@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
res1@cnMissingValFillColor = "white"
res1@tmXBOn = False
res1@tmXTOn = False
res1@tmYLOn = False
res1@tmYROn = False
res2 = res1
res2@cnFillOn = False
res2@cnLinesOn = True
res2@cnLineLabelsOn = False
res2@cnInfoLabelOn = False
res2@cnLineThicknessF = 0.5
res2@cnLevels = (/ 0, 1 /)
if (diff) then
res1@cnFillPalette = "NCV_blu_red"
if (percentage_diff) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-0.25, 0.25, 51)
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "xcoszin", "xlatin" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-0.1, 0.1, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "zorl", "sigmaf" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-0.01, 0.01, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "rainn_mp", "rainc_mp", "snow_mp", "ice_mp", "graupel_mp", "zvfun" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-0.001, 0.001, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "snet", "dlwflx", "dswsfc", "ps", "weasd" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-10, 10, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "fm1", "fh1", "fm101", "fh21" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-5, 5, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "fh1", "ustar1", "stress1", "fm101", "sfalb", "prslki", "prslk1", "prsik1", "wind" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-1, 1, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "cm", "ch", "q1", "zf", "sfalb", "tsurf", "tskin", "t1", "tg3" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-1, 1, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "u1", "v1", "rb1" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-5, 5, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "garea" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-500, 500, 21)
end if
if (any(vname2 .eq. (/ "lhtfl", "hflx", "evap", "snwdph" /))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-50, 50, 21)
end if
end if
res1@cnFillPalette = "NCV_banded"
if (any(vname1 .eq. (/ "soilt1", "tg3"/))) then
data = data-273.15 ; K -> degC
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-30, 30, 61)
end if
if (any(vname1 .eq. (/ "evap"/)) .or. any(vname2 .eq. (/ "evap"/))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-50, 200, 25)
end if
if (any(vname1 .eq. (/ "hflx"/)) .or. any(vname2 .eq. (/ "hflx"/))) then
res1@cnLevels = fspan(-100, 300, 41)
end if
end if
;--- text resource ---
txres = True
txres@gsnFrame = False
txres@txJust = "CenterCenter"
;--- box resource ---
gnres = True
gnres@gsFillColor = -1
gnres@gsEdgesOn = True
gnres@gsEdgeColor = "grey"
;--- tile order ---
; 2
; 4 0 1 3
; 5
xpos = tofloat((/ 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 1 /))*size+0.05
ypos = 0.9-tofloat((/ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2 /))*size
do k = 0, ntiles-1
;--- set position ---
res1@vpXF = xpos(k)
res1@vpYF = ypos(k)
res2@vpXF = xpos(k)
res2@vpYF = ypos(k)
print(k+" "+res1@vpXF+" "+res1@vpYF)
;--- add labelbar ---
if (k .eq. 1) then
res1@lbLabelBarOn = True
res1@pmLabelBarWidthF = size*1.8
res1@pmLabelBarHeightF = 0.03
res1@pmLabelBarParallelPosF = 0.97
res1@lbLabelBarOn = False
end if
;--- add plot label ---
res1@gsnStringFont = 22
res1@gsnStringFontHeightF = 0.013
res1@gsnLeftString = ""
if (k .eq. 4) then
if (diff) then
res1@gsnLeftString = vname2+"-"+vname1
if (dataset .eq. 0) then
res1@gsnLeftString = vname1
res1@gsnLeftString = vname2
end if
end if
end if
;--- plot ---
if (diff) then
plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks, data(1,k,:,:), res1)
plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks, data(dataset,k,:,:), res1)
end if
;--- add box around each plot ---
x_box = (/ 0.0, size, size, 0.0, 0.0 /)+xpos(k)
y_box = (/ 0.0, 0.0, size, size, 0.0 /)+ypos(k)-size
gsn_polygon_ndc(wks, x_box, y_box, gnres)
;--- add tile number ---
txres@txPosXF = xpos(k)+0.01
txres@txPosYF = ypos(k)-0.01
txres@txAngleF = 0
txres@txFont = 22
txres@txFontHeightF = 0.015
text = gsn_create_text(wks, sprinti("%d", k+1), txres)
;--- add labelbar string ---
if (k .eq. 3) then
txres@txPosXF = xpos(k)+0.01
txres@txPosYF = ypos(k)-size-0.04
txres@txFontHeightF = 0.011
text = gsn_create_text(wks, lstr, txres)
end if
end do
;--- add date string ---
txres@txPosXF = xpos(3)+size
txres@txPosYF = ypos(3)+0.01
txres@txJust = "centerright"
text = gsn_create_text(wks, time_str, txres)
;--- create plot ---
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/cd_string.ncl"
;--- arguments ---
ntiles = 6
vname1 = "lhtfl" ; latent heat
vname2 = "evap"
;vname1 = "shtfl" ; sensible heat total
;vname2 = "hflx"
;vname1 = "tmpsfc" ; temperature radiative
;vname2 = "tskin"
;--- coordinates of predefined land grid point for each tile ---
;--- different set of grid points can be defined in here ---
xc = (/ 79, 46, 78, 78, 10, 54 /)
yc = (/ 47, 83, 12, 12, 42, 47 /)
;--- loop over tiles and prepare data ---
do i = 0, ntiles-1
;--- open file ---
lsA = systemfunc ("ls sfcf*.tile"+sprinti("%d", (i+1))+".nc")
ncA = addfiles(lsA, "r")
ListSetType(ncA, "cat")
lsB = systemfunc ("ls ufs.cpld.lnd.out.*.tile"+sprinti("%d", (i+1))+".nc")
ncB = addfiles(lsB, "r")
ListSetType(ncB, "cat")
;--- get time ---
time = ncB[:]->time
ntime = dimsizes(time)
stime = cd_string(time, "%d %c - %H:%M")
;--- read fields ---
dum1 = ncA[:]->$vname1$(1:ntime,yc(i),xc(i))
dum2 = ncB[:]->$vname2$(:ntime-1,yc(i),xc(i))
;--- create data array ---
if (i .eq. 0) then
data = new((/ 2, ntiles, ntime /), "double")
end if
data(0,i,:) = (/ dum1 /)
data(1,i,:) = (/ dum2 /)
;--- delete temporary variables ---
delete([/ ncA, ncB, dum1, dum2 /])
end do
;--- calculate RMS for each tile ---
error = dim_rmsd_n_Wrap(data(0,:,:), data(1,:,:), (/ 1 /))
;--- plot data ---
wks = gsn_open_wks("newpdf", "plot_cubed_ts_"+vname1+"_"+vname2)
gsn_define_colormap(wks, "matlab_jet")
res = True
res@gsnDraw = False
res@gsnFrame = False
res@vpHeightF = 0.24
res@vpWidthF = 0.75
res@tmXBMode = "Explicit"
res@tmXBValues = ispan(0, ntime-1, 12)
res@tmXBLabels = stime(::12)
res@tmXTOn = False
res@tmXTLabelsOn = False
res@tmYROn = False
res@tmYRLabelsOn = False
res@tmYLMinorOn = False
res@tmXBLabelAngleF = 90.0
res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.01
res@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.01
colors = (/ "black", "red", "blue", "green", "gold3", "darkorchid" /)
res@xyLineColors = colors
zeros = new((/ntiles/), "integer")
zeros = 0
res@xyDashPatterns = zeros
res@xyLineThicknessF = 2.0
;res@gsnYRefLine = 0.0
;res@gsnYRefLineDashPatterns = 16
res@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.012
res@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.012
res@tiYAxisString = "Data"
res@tiXAxisString = "Time"
res@trXMaxF = max(ispan(0, ntime-1, 12))
minF = min(data)
if (minF .lt. 0.0) then
res@trYMinF = min(data)*1.1
res@trYMinF = min(data)*0.9
end if
maxF = max(data)
if (maxF .lt. 0.0) then
res@trYMaxF = max(data)*0.9
res@trYMaxF = max(data)*1.1
end if
res@vpXF = 0.1
res@vpYF = 0.9
plot1 = gsn_csm_xy(wks, ispan(0, ntime-1, 1), data(0,:,:), res)
res@xyDashPatterns = zeros+1
plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks, ispan(0, ntime-1, 1), data(1,:,:), res)
overlay(plot1, plot2)
;--- add legend ---
res_text = True
res_text@txFontColor = "black"
res_text@txFontHeightF = 0.01
res_text@txJust = "CenterLeft"
res_line = True
res_line@gsLineThicknessF = 2.0
xp = 0.02
yp = 0.95
do i = 0, ntiles-1
xp = xp+0.126
res_line@gsLineColor = colors(i)
gsn_text_ndc(wks, "Tile "+sprinti("%d", i+1)+" ("+sprintf("%5.2f",error(i))+")", xp-0.006, yp-0.035, res_text)
res_line@gsLineDashPattern = 0
gsn_polyline_ndc(wks, (/ xp-0.006, xp+0.06 /), (/ yp-0.02, yp-0.02 /), res_line)
if (i .eq. 0) then
gsn_text_ndc(wks, "FV3", xp+0.065, yp-0.02, res_text)
gsn_text_ndc(wks, "Noah-MP", xp+0.065, yp, res_text)
res_line@gsLineDashPattern = 1
gsn_polyline_ndc(wks, (/ xp-0.006, xp+0.06 /), (/ yp, yp /), res_line)
end if
end do
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