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Last active August 30, 2020 15:01
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structurizr-ktx 0.0.3
import co.uzzu.structurizr.ktx.dsl.*
import co.uzzu.structurizr.ktx.dsl.model.*
import co.uzzu.structurizr.ktx.dsl.view.*
import com.structurizr.model.*
import com.structurizr.view.*
val MICROSERVICE_TAG = "Microservice"
val MESSAGE_BUS_TAG = "Message Bus"
val DATASTORE_TAG = "Database"
val workspace = Workspace(
name = "Microservices example",
description = "An example of a microservices architecture, which includes asynchronous and parallel behaviour."
) {
lateinit var customer: Person
lateinit var softwareSystem: SoftwareSystem
lateinit var customerApplication: Container
lateinit var customerService: Container
lateinit var customerDatabase: Container
lateinit var reportingService: Container
lateinit var reportingDatabase: Container
lateinit var auditService: Container
lateinit var auditStore: Container
lateinit var messageBus: Container
model {
customer = Person("Customer", "A customer")
softwareSystem = SoftwareSystem("Customer Information System") {
description = "Stores information"
customerApplication = Container("Customer Application") {
description = "Allows customers to manage their profile."
technology = "Java and Spring Boot"
customerService = Container("Customer Service") {
description = "The point of access for customer information."
technology = "Java and Spring Boot"
customerDatabase = Container("Customer Database") {
description = "Stores customer information."
technology = "Oracle 12c"
reportingService = Container("Reporting Service") {
description = "Creates normalised data for reporting purposes."
technology = "Ruby"
reportingDatabase = Container("reporting database") {
description = "Stores a normalised version of all business data for ad hoc reporting purposes."
technology = "MySQL"
auditService = Container("Audit Service") {
description = "Provides organisation-wide auditing facilities."
technology = "C# .NET"
auditStore = Container("Audit Store") {
description = "Stores information about events that have happened."
technology = "Event Store"
messageBus = Container("Message Bus") {
description = "Transport for business events."
technology = "RabbitMQ"
customer.uses(customerApplication, "Uses")
customerApplication.uses(customerService) {
description = "Updates customer information using"
technology = "JSON/HTTPS"
interactionStyle = InteractionStyle.Synchronous
customerService.uses(messageBus) {
description = "Sends customer update events to"
interactionStyle = InteractionStyle.Asynchronous
customerService.uses(customerDatabase) {
description = "Stores data in"
technology = "JDBC"
interactionStyle = InteractionStyle.Synchronous
customerService.uses(customerApplication) {
description = "Sends events to"
technology = "WebSocket"
interactionStyle = InteractionStyle.Asynchronous
messageBus.uses(reportingService) {
description = "Sends customer update events to"
interactionStyle = InteractionStyle.Asynchronous
messageBus.uses(auditService) {
description = "Sends customer update events to"
interactionStyle = InteractionStyle.Asynchronous
reportingService.uses(reportingDatabase) {
description = "Stores data in"
interactionStyle = InteractionStyle.Synchronous
auditService.uses(auditStore) {
description = "Stores events in"
interactionStyle = InteractionStyle.Synchronous
views {
ContainerView(softwareSystem, "Container") {
includes {
DynamicView(softwareSystem, "CustomerUpdateEvent") {
description = "This diagram shows what happens when a customer updates their details."
includes {
relationship(customer, customerApplication)
relationship(customerApplication, customerService)
relationship(customerService, customerDatabase)
relationship(customerService, messageBus)
parallelSequence {
relationship(messageBus, reportingService)
relationship(reportingService, reportingDatabase)
parallelSequence {
relationship(messageBus, auditService)
relationship(auditService, auditStore)
parallelSequence {
relationship(customerService, "Confirms update to", customerApplication)
styles {
element(Tags.ELEMENT) {
color = "#000000"
element(Tags.PERSON) {
background = "#ffbf00"
shape = Shape.Person
element(Tags.CONTAINER) {
background = "#facc2e"
element(MESSAGE_BUS_TAG) {
width = 1600
shape = Shape.Pipe
shape = Shape.Hexagon
element(DATASTORE_TAG) {
background = "#f5da81"
shape = Shape.Cylinder
relationship(Tags.RELATIONSHIP) {
routing = Routing.Orthogonal
relationship(Tags.ASYNCHRONOUS) {
dashed = true
relationship(Tags.SYNCHRONOUS) {
dashed = false
val file = File("sandbox.puml")
FileWriter(file).use { out ->
val writer = StructurizrPlantUMLWriter()
writer.write(workspace, out)
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