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Created April 24, 2018 22:09
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<Key ID="STR_Crime_1">
<Original>Driving without license</Original>
<German>Fahren ohne Führerschein</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_2">
<Original>Speeding by 30 km/h </Original>
<German>Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung bis 30km/h</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_3">
<Original>Speeding > 30 km/h</Original>
<German>Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung ab 30km/h</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_4">
<Original>Danger to road traffic</Original>
<German>Gefährdung des Straßenverkehrs</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_5">
<Original>Vehicle theft</Original>
<German>Fahrzeug Diebstahl</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_6">
<Original>Resistance against enforcement officers</Original>
<German>Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_7">
<Original>Drug dealing</Original>
<German>Drogen verkauft</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_8">
<Original>Plutonium reserve breaking</Original>
<German>Einbruch ins Plutonium Endlager</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_9">
<Original>Federal reserve breaking</Original>
<German>Einbruch in die Bundesbank</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_10">
<Key ID="STR_Crime_11">
<Original>Interference with air traffic</Original>
<German>Schwerer Eingriff in den Flugverkehr</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_12">
<German>leichte Körperverletzung</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_13">
<Original>Escaping Jail</Original>
<German>Gefängnis ausbruch</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_14">
<Original>Severe physical injury</Original>
<German>Schwere Körperverletzung</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_15">
<Key ID="STR_Crime_16">
<Original>Petty Theft</Original>
<German>Diebstahl (Geringer Sachschaden)</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_17">
<Original>hostage taking</Original>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_18">
<Original>Possession of a prohibited weapon</Original>
<German>Besitz einer verbotenen Waffe</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_19">
<Original>Stolen goods</Original>
<German>Hehlerei / Waffenhandel</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_20">
<Original>Illegal parking</Original>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_21">
<Key ID="STR_Crime_22">
<Original>illegal vehicle trade</Original>
<German>Illegaler Fahrzeughandel</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_23">
<Original>illegal waste disposal</Original>
<German>Illegales entsorgen von Müll</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_24">
<Original>For Questioning</Original>
<German>Zur Befragung</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_25">
<Key ID="STR_Crime_26">
<Original>on the run</Original>
<German>Flucht vor der Polizei </German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_27">
<Original>domestic disturbance</Original>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_28">
<Original>abuse of emergency alarm</Original>
<German>Missbrauch von Notrufen</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_29">
<Original>Speeding 101 151</Original>
<German>Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung von 101 - 151</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_30">
<Original>Speeding 151+</Original>
<German>Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung ab 151</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_31">
<Original>attempted hostage-taking</Original>
<German>Versuchte Geiselnahme/Freiheitsentziehung</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_32">
<Original>disruption of RAC/Medic</Original>
<German>Behinderung von RAC/Medic</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_33">
<Original>contrary to dismissal</Original>
<German>Missachtung von Platzverweis</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_34">
<Original>Disregard of police instructions</Original>
<German>Missachtung von Polizeilichen Anweisungen</German>
class Wanted_Settings {
//time in days
// Driving without License
class crime_1 {
id = 1;
text = "STR_Crime_1";
bounty = 18500;
time = 4;
// Speeding < 30
class crime_2 {
id = 2;
text = "STR_Crime_2";
bounty = 1000;
time = 4;
// Speeding > 30
class crime_3 {
id = 3;
text = "STR_Crime_3";
bounty = 6000;
time = 6;
// Illegal Vehicle
class crime_4 {
id = 4;
text = "STR_Crime_4";
bounty = 32500;
time = 7;
// vehicle theft
class crime_5 {
id = 5;
text = "STR_Crime_5";
bounty = 7500;
time = 14;
// Hit and run
class crime_6 {
id = 6;
text = "STR_Crime_6";
bounty = 15800;
time = 7;
// Drug dealing
class crime_7 {
id = 7;
text = "STR_Crime_7";
bounty = 25000;
time = 7;
// plutonium break
class crime_8 {
id = 8;
text = "STR_Crime_8";
bounty = 60000;
time = 14;
// federal reserve
class crime_9 {
id = 9;
text = "STR_Crime_9";
bounty = 65000;
time = 14;
// Murder
class crime_10 {
id = 10;
text = "STR_Crime_10";
bounty = 150000;
time = 14;
// air traffic interfearance
class crime_11 {
id = 11;
text = "STR_Crime_11";
bounty = 55000;
time = 5;
// mayhem
class crime_12 {
id = 12;
text = "STR_Crime_12";
bounty = 35000;
time = 7;
// escaping jail
class crime_13 {
id = 13;
text = "STR_Crime_13";
bounty = 90000;
time = 7;
// sever physical injury
class crime_14 {
id = 14;
text = "STR_Crime_14";
bounty = 75000;
time = 10;
// robbery
class crime_15 {
id = 15;
text = "STR_Crime_15";
bounty = 42500;
time = 7;
// petty theft
class crime_16 {
id = 16;
text = "STR_Crime_16";
bounty = 32500;
time = 7;
//hostage taking
class crime_17 {
id = 17;
text = "STR_Crime_17";
bounty = 45000;
time = 14;
// illegal weapon
class crime_18 {
id = 18;
text = "STR_Crime_18";
bounty = 55000;
time = 10;
// stolen goods
class crime_19 {
id = 19;
text = "STR_Crime_19";
bounty = 38500;
time = 5;
//illegal parking
class crime_20 {
id = 20;
text = "STR_Crime_20";
bounty = 750;
time = 1;
// burglary
class crime_21 {
id = 21;
text = "STR_Crime_21";
bounty = 25000;
time = 10;
// chop sell
class crime_22 {
id = 22;
text = "STR_Crime_22";
bounty = 50000;
time = 14;
// littering
class crime_23 {
id = 23;
text = "STR_Crime_23";
bounty = 15000;
time = 14;
// for questioning (just visual)
class crime_24 {
id = 24;
text = "STR_Crime_24";
bounty = 0;
time = 7;
class crime_25 {
id = 25;
text = "STR_Crime_25";
bounty = 4500;
time = 4;
class crime_26 {
id = 26;
text = "STR_Crime_26";
bounty = 15000;
time = 7;
//Missbrauch von Notruf
class crime_27 {
id = 27;
text = "STR_Crime_27";
bounty = 3000;
time = 4;
//Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung von 31 - 100
class crime_28 {
id = 28;
text = "STR_Crime_28";
bounty = 5000;
time = 4;
//Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung von 101 - 151
class crime_29 {
id = 29;
text = "STR_Crime_29";
bounty = 10000;
time = 4;
//Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung ab 151
class crime_30 {
id = 30;
text = "STR_Crime_30";
bounty = 20000;
time = 4;
//Versuchte Geiselnahme/Freiheitsentziehung
class crime_31 {
id = 31;
text = "STR_Crime_31";
bounty = 25000;
time = 4;
//Behinderung von RAC/Medic
class crime_32 {
id = 32;
text = "STR_Crime_32";
bounty = 1562;
time = 4;
//Missachtung von Platzverweis
class crime_33 {
id = 33;
text = "STR_Crime_33";
bounty = 1914;
time = 4;
//Missachtung von Polizeilichen Anweisungen
class crime_34 {
id = 34;
text = "STR_Crime_34";
bounty = 2996;
time = 4;
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