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import json
import os
from lxml import etree
import geopandas as gpd
def osm_replace(file, track=False):
f = open(file, "r", encoding="UTF-8")
data =
== K:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Arma3_x64.exe
== "K:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Arma3_x64.exe" -skipIntro -noSplash -window -cpuCount=8 -world=empty -noPause -showScriptErrors "-mod=K:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@TestMod" -beservice
Original output filename: Arma3Retail_DX11_x64
Exe timestamp: 2019/04/26 12:56:39
Current time: 2019/06/19 11:49:55
Type: Public
Build: Stable
== D:\Server\arma3\arma3server_x64.exe
== D:\Server\arma3\arma3server_x64 -port=2402 -mod=@TestMod -config=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Server_Config\Config\server.cfg -cfg=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Server_Config\Config\basic.cfg -BEpath=D:\Server\arma3\battleye -ip= -profiles=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Server_Config\Config\Profiles\ -autoInit -nolog -name=ReallifeRPG -loadMissionToMemory -bandwidthAlg=2
Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server_x64
Exe timestamp: 2019/04/26 12:56:39
Current time: 2019/06/19 11:59:41
Type: Public
Build: Stable
private _sitPosition = [-0.820113,-0.13,-0.5];
_seat = test;
[player, call acex_sitting_fnc_getRandomAnimation, 2] call ace_common_fnc_doAnimation;
[player, "", 1] call ace_common_fnc_doAnimation;
player setDir (getDir _seat) + 180;
player setPosASL (AGLtoASL (_seat modelToWorld _sitPosition));
player setVariable ["acex_sitting_isSitting", [_seat, 1]];
player setVariable ["acex_sitting_seatPos", 1];
_seat setVariable [format["%1%2","acex_sitting_pos_",1],true,true];
<Key ID="STR_Crime_1">
<Original>Driving without license</Original>
<German>Fahren ohne Führerschein</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_2">
<Original>Speeding by 30 km/h </Original>
<German>Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung bis 30km/h</German>
<Key ID="STR_Crime_3">
<Original>Speeding > 30 km/h</Original>
deleteVehicle npc;
deleteVehicle uav;
uav = "B_T_UAV_03_F" createVehicle (position player);
npc = group player createUnit ["C_man_1", position player, [], 0, "FORM"];
npc moveInAny uav;
"case 1: return 'Driving without license'; break;case 2: return 'Speeding by 30 km/h'; break;case 3: return 'Speeding > 30 km/h'; break;case 4: return 'Danger to road traffic'; break;case 5: return 'Vehicle theft'; break;case 6: return 'Resistance against enforcement officers'; break;case 7: return 'Drug dealing'; break;case 8: return 'Plutonium reserve breaking'; break;case 9: return 'Federal reserve breaking'; break;case 10: return 'Murder'; break;case 11: return 'Interference with air traffic'; break;case 12: return 'Mayhem'; break;case 13: return 'Escaping Jail'; break;case 14: return 'Severe physical injury'; break;case 15: return 'Robbery'; break;case 16: return 'Petty Theft'; break;case 17: return 'hostage taking'; break;case 18: return 'Possession of a prohibited weapon'; break;case 19: return 'Stolen goods'; break;case 20: return 'Illegal parking'; break;case 21: return 'Burglary'; break;case 22: return 'illegal vehicle trade'; break;case 23: return 'illegal waste disposal'; break;case 24: return 'Fo
comment "Exported from Arsenal by Hannibal Miller";
comment "Remove existing items";
removeAllWeapons this;
removeAllItems this;
removeAllAssignedItems this;
removeUniform this;
removeVest this;
removeBackpack this;
removeHeadgear this;
// npm install recursive-readdir
var recursive = require("recursive-readdir");
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
function ignoreFunc(file, stats) {
return !stats.isDirectory() && path.extname(file) != ".sqf";