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Created December 30, 2022 18:51
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global using Godot;
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Collections.Concurrent;
global using System.Diagnostics;
global using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Linq;
namespace Project2D;
public enum BiomeType
public partial class World : TileMap
private FastNoiseLite HeatNoise { get; set; } = NoiseTextures.Simplex1;
private FastNoiseLite MoistureNoise { get; set; } = NoiseTextures.Simplex2;
private FastNoiseLite RiverNoise { get; set; } = NoiseTextures.Simplex3;
private WorldSettings WorldSettings { get; set; }
private Dictionary<Vector2, Tile> Tiles { get; set; } = new();
private Dictionary<BiomeType, Biome> Biomes { get; set; }
private BiomeType[,] BiomeTable { get; set; } = new BiomeType[6, 6]
{ BiomeType.Ice, BiomeType.Tundra, BiomeType.Grassland, BiomeType.Desert, BiomeType.Desert, BiomeType.Desert }, // DRYEST
{ BiomeType.Ice, BiomeType.Tundra, BiomeType.Grassland, BiomeType.Desert, BiomeType.Desert, BiomeType.Desert }, // DRYER
{ BiomeType.Ice, BiomeType.Tundra, BiomeType.Woodland, BiomeType.Woodland, BiomeType.Savanna, BiomeType.Savanna }, // DRY
{ BiomeType.Ice, BiomeType.Tundra, BiomeType.BorealForest, BiomeType.Woodland, BiomeType.Savanna, BiomeType.Savanna }, // WET
{ BiomeType.Ice, BiomeType.Tundra, BiomeType.BorealForest, BiomeType.SeasonalForest, BiomeType.TropicalRainforest, BiomeType.TropicalRainforest}, // WETTER
{ BiomeType.Ice, BiomeType.Tundra, BiomeType.BorealForest, BiomeType.TemperateRainforest, BiomeType.TropicalRainforest, BiomeType.TropicalRainforest} // WETTEST
public override void _Ready()
Biomes = new Dictionary<BiomeType, Biome>
{ BiomeType.Tundra, new BiomeTundra(this) },
{ BiomeType.Ice, new BiomeIce(this) },
{ BiomeType.Grassland, new BiomeGrassland(this) },
{ BiomeType.Woodland, new BiomeWoodland(this) },
{ BiomeType.BorealForest, new BiomeBorealForest(this) },
{ BiomeType.SeasonalForest, new BiomeSeasonalForest(this) },
{ BiomeType.TemperateRainforest, new BiomeTemperateRainforest(this) },
{ BiomeType.TropicalRainforest, new BiomeTropicalRainForest(this) },
{ BiomeType.Desert, new BiomeDesert(this) },
{ BiomeType.Savanna, new BiomeSavanna(this) }
public void Generate(WorldSettings settings)
WorldSettings = settings;
if (!int.TryParse((string)WorldSettings.Values["SpawnSize"], out int spawnSize))
if (!int.TryParse((string)WorldSettings.Values["ChunkSize"], out int chunkSize))
for (int x = -spawnSize; x <= spawnSize; x++)
for (int z = -spawnSize; z <= spawnSize; z++)
GenerateChunk(new Vector2(x, z), chunkSize, GenerateBiomeData(new Vector2(x, z), settings));
public void DeleteWorld()
foreach (Node child in GetChildren())
public void ColorTile(Color[] colors, int v, Color color)
colors [v] = color;
colors[v + 1] = color;
colors[v + 2] = color;
colors[v + 3] = color;
public void GenerateChunk(Vector2 chunkCoords, int size, BiomeType[,] biomeData)
var vertices = new Vector3[4 * size * size];
//var normals = new Vector3[4 * size * size];
//var uvs = new Vector2[4 * size * size];
var colors = new Color[4 * size * size];
var indices = new int[6 * size * size];
var s = 32; // hard coded size
var w = s * 2; // width
var chunkSize = w * size;
var chunkPos = chunkCoords * chunkSize;
// Adding s adds hardcoded offset to align with godots grid
// Also offset by (-chunkSize / 2) to center chunk
var posVec3 = new Vector3(s + (-chunkSize / 2) + chunkPos.x, s + (-chunkSize / 2) + chunkPos.y, 0);
var i = 0;
var v = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < size; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
Biomes[biomeData[x, z]].Generate(colors, v);
vertices [v] = new Vector3(-s, -s, 0) + posVec3;
//normals [v] = new Vector3( 0, 0, s);
//uvs [v] = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
vertices[v + 1] = new Vector3(-s, s, 0 ) + posVec3;
//normals [v + 1] = new Vector3( 0, 0, s );
//uvs [v + 1] = new Vector2( 0, s );
vertices[v + 2] = new Vector3( s, s, 0 ) + posVec3;
//normals [v + 2] = new Vector3( 0, 0, s );
//uvs [v + 2] = new Vector2( s, s );
vertices[v + 3] = new Vector3( s, -s, 0) + posVec3;
//normals [v + 3] = new Vector3( 0, 0, s );
//uvs [v + 3] = new Vector2( s, 0 );
indices[i] = v;
indices[i + 1] = v + 1;
indices[i + 2] = v + 2;
indices[i + 3] = v + 2;
indices[i + 4] = v + 3;
indices[i + 5] = v + 0;
v += 4;
i += 6;
// Move down column by 1
posVec3 += new Vector3(w, 0, 0);
// Reset column and move down 1 row
posVec3 += new Vector3(-w * size, w, 0);
v = 0;
RiverNoise.Frequency = 0.005f;
for (int z = 0; z < size; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
var noise = RiverNoise.GetNoise2d(chunkPos.x + x, chunkPos.y + z);
if (noise > 0.1f)
ColorTile(colors, v, Colors.Blue);
v += 4;
var arrays = new Godot.Collections.Array();
arrays[(int)Mesh.ArrayType.Vertex] = vertices;
//arrays[(int)Mesh.ArrayType.Normal] = normals;
//arrays[(int)Mesh.ArrayType.TexUv] = uvs;
arrays[(int)Mesh.ArrayType.Color] = colors;
arrays[(int)Mesh.ArrayType.Index] = indices;
var mesh = new ArrayMesh();
mesh.AddSurfaceFromArrays(Mesh.PrimitiveType.Triangles, arrays);
var meshInstance = new MeshInstance2D { Mesh = mesh };
private int CalculateSeed(string seedString)
var seed = 0;
// Convert each character to a number and add them up
seedString.ForEach(c => {
var num = c + 0;
seed += num;
return seed;
private BiomeType[,] GenerateBiomeData(Vector2 chunkCoords, WorldSettings settings)
var chunkSize = int.Parse((string)settings.Values["ChunkSize"]);
var biomeData = new BiomeType[chunkSize, chunkSize];
var seed = CalculateSeed((string)settings.Values["Seed"]);
MoistureNoise.Frequency = (float)settings.Values["MoistureFrequency"];
MoistureNoise.FractalOctaves = Convert.ToInt32(settings.Values["MoistureOctaves"]);
MoistureNoise.Seed = seed;
MoistureNoise.DomainWarpEnabled = true;
MoistureNoise.DomainWarpAmplitude = (float)settings.Values["MoistureDomainWarpAmplitude"];
HeatNoise.Frequency = (float)settings.Values["TemperatureFrequency"];
HeatNoise.FractalOctaves = Convert.ToInt32(settings.Values["TemperatureOctaves"]);
HeatNoise.Seed = seed + 1000;
HeatNoise.DomainWarpEnabled = true;
HeatNoise.DomainWarpAmplitude = (float)settings.Values["TemperatureDomainWarpAmplitude"];
var chunkPos = chunkCoords * chunkSize;
var moistureWet = (float)settings.Values["MoistureWet"];
var moistureDry = (float)settings.Values["MoistureDry"];
var moistureStrength = (float)settings.Values["MoistureStrength"];
var temperatureHot = (float)settings.Values["TemperatureHot"];
var temperatureCold = (float)settings.Values["TemperatureCold"];
var temperatureStrength = (float)settings.Values["TemperatureStrength"];
for (int x = 0; x < chunkSize; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < chunkSize; z++)
var moistureValue = Mathf.Clamp
(MoistureNoise.GetNoise2d(chunkPos.x + x, chunkPos.y + z) + 1
+ moistureWet
- moistureDry) * (2 - moistureStrength)
, 0, 1
var heatValue = Mathf.Clamp
(HeatNoise.GetNoise2d(chunkPos.x + x, chunkPos.y + z) + 1
+ temperatureHot
- temperatureCold) * (2 - temperatureStrength)
, 0, 1
// Generate the tiles
var biome = GetBiome(moistureValue, heatValue);
biomeData[x, z] = biome;
// Store information about each tile
/*var tile = new Tile();
tile.Moisture = moistureValue;
tile.Heat = heatValue;
tile.BiomeType = biome;
Tiles[new Vector2(x, z)] = tile;*/
return biomeData;
private BiomeType GetBiome(float moistureNoise, float heatNoise)
var moistureType = moistureNoise.Remap(0, 1, 0, BiomeTable.GetLength(0) - 1);
var heatType = heatNoise.Remap(0, 1, 0, BiomeTable.GetLength(0) - 1);
return BiomeTable[(int)moistureType, (int)heatType];
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