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Created January 31, 2023 20:59
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namespace CatCafe;
public class Dialogue
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public List<Choice> Choices { get; set; }
public class Choice
public string Text { get; set; }
public List<Dialogue> Dialogues { get; set; }
public partial class UIDialogue : Control
private string CurConversation { get; set; } = "fairy_encounter_1";
private int CurDialogIndex { get; set; }
private List<Dialogue> CurDialogues { get; set; }
private bool TrackInputDelay { get; set; }
// Anything lower than 2 is way too slow even for crazy plot dialogues
[Export(PropertyHint.Range, "2, 100")] public double TextSpeed { get; set; } = 40.0;
[Export] public NodePath NodePathActorName { get; set; }
[Export] public NodePath NodePathActorDialogue { get; set; }
[Export] public NodePath NodePathPanelName { get; set; }
[Export] public NodePath NodePathPanelBack { get; set; }
[Export] public NodePath NodePathPanelDialogue { get; set; }
[Export] public NodePath NodePathSectionChoices { get; set; }
private Sprite2D ActorPortrait { get; set; }
private Label ActorName { get; set; }
private Label ActorDialogue { get; set; }
private Control PanelName { get; set; }
private Control PanelBack { get; set; }
private Control PanelDialogue { get; set; }
private Control SectionChoices { get; set; }
private GridContainer[] ChoiceRows { get; set; } = new GridContainer[2];
private Button[] BtnChoices { get; set; } = new Button[4];
private Vector2 PanelDialogueSize { get; set; }
private Vector2 PanelBackPosition { get; set; }
private Vector2 ActorPortraitStartingPos { get; set; }
private PackedScene PrefabChoiceButton { get; set; } = GD.Load<PackedScene>("res://Scenes/Prefabs/BtnChoice.tscn");
private bool ChoicesAreBeingShown { get; set; }
private Tween TweenPanel { get; set; }
private Tween TweenText { get; set; }
private Tween TweenDelay { get; set; }
public override void _Ready()
ActorPortrait = GetNode<Sprite2D>("Portrait");
ActorName = GetNode<Label>(NodePathActorName);
ActorDialogue = GetNode<Label>(NodePathActorDialogue);
PanelName = GetNode<Control>(NodePathPanelName);
PanelBack = GetNode<Control>(NodePathPanelBack);
PanelDialogue = GetNode<Control>(NodePathPanelDialogue);
SectionChoices = GetNode<Control>(NodePathSectionChoices);
ChoiceRows[0] = SectionChoices.GetNode<GridContainer>("Row1");
ChoiceRows[1] = SectionChoices.GetNode<GridContainer>("Row2");
// Dialogue text should not make the panel grow above, only downwards
PanelDialogue.GrowVertical = GrowDirection.End;
// Get panel dialogue size and panel back position before setting the scale of panel dialogue to zero
PanelDialogueSize = PanelDialogue.GetRect().Size;
PanelBackPosition = PanelBack.GlobalPosition;
//PanelDialogue.Scale = Vector2.Zero;
ActorPortraitStartingPos = ActorPortrait.GlobalPosition;
// Initially hide the dialogue panel
public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta)
if (ActorPortrait == null)
var portraitPos = ActorPortrait.GlobalPosition;
portraitPos.X = DisplayServer.WindowGetSize().X - ActorPortrait.GetRect().Size.X - 100;
portraitPos.Y = PanelBack.GlobalPosition.Y - ActorPortrait.GetRect().Size.Y;
//ActorPortrait.GlobalPosition = ActorPortrait.GlobalPosition.Lerp(portraitPos, 0.05f);
ActorPortrait.GlobalPosition = portraitPos;
public override void _Input(InputEvent @event)
if (Input.IsActionJustPressed("player_skip_dialogue"))
GD.Print($"ChoicesAreBeingShown: {ChoicesAreBeingShown}, TrackInputDelay: {TrackInputDelay}");
if (ChoicesAreBeingShown || TrackInputDelay)
// Prevent going to next dialogue for certain delay
TrackInputDelay = true;
GetTree().CreateTimer(0.2).Timeout += () => TrackInputDelay = false;
var firstDialogue = false;
if (!Visible)
firstDialogue = true;
// Prepare dialogue for first time
CurDialogues = new List<Dialogue>(FileDialogues.Conversations[CurConversation]);
private void CreateChoiceBtns()
var choiceButton1 = PrefabChoiceButton.Instantiate<Button>();
BtnChoices[0] = choiceButton1;
ChoiceRows[0].CallDeferred("add_child", choiceButton1);
var choiceButton2 = PrefabChoiceButton.Instantiate<Button>();
BtnChoices[1] = choiceButton2;
ChoiceRows[0].CallDeferred("add_child", choiceButton2);
var choiceButton3 = PrefabChoiceButton.Instantiate<Button>();
BtnChoices[2] = choiceButton3;
ChoiceRows[1].CallDeferred("add_child", choiceButton3);
var choiceButton4 = PrefabChoiceButton.Instantiate<Button>();
BtnChoices[3] = choiceButton4;
ChoiceRows[1].CallDeferred("add_child", choiceButton4);
public void NextDialogue(bool firstDialogue)
// Hide the choices before each new dialogue is shown
// Are we at the end of the conversation?
if (CurDialogIndex >= CurDialogues.Count)
// Close all the dialogue UIs
CurDialogIndex = 0;
ChoicesAreBeingShown = false;
// Get the current dialog in the conversation
var dialog = CurDialogues[CurDialogIndex++];
// Display the dialogue
Text(dialog.Name, dialog.Text, firstDialogue ? 0.5 : 0);
// Are there choices to this dialogue?
if (dialog.Choices == null || dialog.Choices.Count == 0)
ChoicesAreBeingShown = false;
// There are choices, lets show them
ChoicesAreBeingShown = true;
// Showing all choices that were defined
for (int i = 0; i < BtnChoices.Length; i++)
if (dialog.Choices.ElementAtOrDefault(i) != default(Choice))
var btn = BtnChoices[i];
var choice = dialog.Choices[i];
btn.Text = choice.Text; // Show the text for each choice
btn.Pressed += onPressed;
// Lets do something when we click on a choice
void onPressed()
var dialogues = choice.Dialogues;
// Does this choice lead to additional dialogues?
if (dialogues != null)
CurDialogues.InsertRange(CurDialogIndex, dialogues);
private void HideChoices()
for (int i = 0; i < BtnChoices.Length; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < BtnChoices.Length; i++)
private void Reveal()
Visible = true;
// ensure no other tween for panel is running
private void Text(string name, string dialogue, double delay = 0)
// ensure no other tween for text is running
ActorName.Text = name;
ActorDialogue.Text = dialogue;
ActorDialogue.VisibleRatio = 0;
public void Destroy()
// exit animation for dialogue panel
TweenPanel = GetTree().CreateTween();
TweenPanel.TweenProperty(PanelDialogue, "scale", Vector2.Zero, 0.4);
// stop setting the NPC portrait position
// exit animation for NPC portrait
var tween = GetTree().CreateTween();
tween.TweenProperty(ActorPortrait, "position:y", DisplayServer.WindowGetSize().Y + ActorPortrait.GetRect().Size.Y, 0.4);
tween.TweenCallback(Callable.From(() => Hide()));
private void AnimatePanel()
PanelDialogue.PivotOffset = PanelDialogueSize / 2;
TweenPanel = GetTree().CreateTween();
TweenPanel.TweenProperty(PanelDialogue, "scale", Vector2.One, 0.5)
private void AnimateText(double delay)
// allow 1 second for every 'TextSpeed' characters of text
var duration = ActorDialogue.Text.Length / TextSpeed;
TweenText = GetTree().CreateTween();
TweenText.TweenProperty(ActorDialogue, "visible_ratio", 1, duration)
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