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Created May 30, 2012 23:29
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A piece of ordinary boilerplate JavaScript code (original.js) rewritten using proposed moustache syntax (moustache.fixed.js) and class syntax as implemented in Traceur (moustache.class.js)
class Channel {
constructor (opts) {
/* ... */
load () {
var widget = document.createElement("iframe");
width = "100%";
border = "none";
overflow = "hidden";
display = "none";
disqusUid = this.uid;
allowTransparency = true; // < IE8 iframe transparency
frameBorder = 0;
width = "100%";
id = "dsq" + this.uid;
src = + "#" + this.uid;
var Channel = function (opts) { /* ... */ };
Channel.prototype.load = function () {
var widget = document.createElement("iframe");
width = "100%";
border = "none";
overflow = "hidden";
display = "none";
disqusUid = this.uid;
allowTransparency = true; // < IE8 iframe transparency
frameBorder = 0;
width = "100%";
id = "dsq" + this.uid;
src = + "#" + this.uid;
var Channel = function (opts) { /* ... */ };
Channel.prototype.load = function () {
var widget = document.createElement("iframe");
width = "100%";
border = "none";
overflow = "hidden";
display = "none";
allowTransparency = true; // < IE8 iframe transparency
frameBorder = 0;
width = "100%";
id = "dsq" + this.uid;
data-disqus-uid = this.uid
src = + "#" + this.uid;
var Channel = function (opts) { /* ... */ };
Channel.prototype.load = function () {
var widget = document.createElement('iframe');
widget.setAttribute('style', 'width:100%; border:none; overflow:hidden; display:none');
widget.setAttribute('allowTransparency', 'true'); // < IE8 iframe transparency
widget.setAttribute('frameBorder', '0');
widget.setAttribute('width', '100%');
widget.setAttribute('id', 'dsq' + this.uid);
widget.setAttribute('data-disqus-uid', this.uid);
widget.setAttribute('src', + '#' + this.uid);
// ...
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dherman commented May 31, 2012

@mikeal There's no scoping going on here at all. The scope chain is identical inside the .{} body. There's no with here. It's just syntactic sugar for a bunch of property assignments, nothing more.

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mikeal commented May 31, 2012

"syntactic sugar" is a nice way of saying "syntactic semantics".

yes, it's very easy to reason about once you know all of the rules, but there are more rules in the new example than the previous.

let's just talk a little about the loss of assumptions.

assignment has exactly three forms in ES5.

global name = 'str'
var (function scoped with hoisting) var name = 'str'
property assignment obj.prop = 'str'

For all three of these existing forms there is a rule you can observe in the line the assignment takes place. In fact, you can assume all the rules regarding assignment by looking at the line assignment takes place the only exception being that for function scope hoisting you'll have to look to the beginning of the function.

This new form removes that assumption. With this change, you must check up the code to either a .{ or function (){ to understand the assignment rules. This does not only apply to where this new feature is used but in all assignment code because understanding the assignment rules is crucial to understanding in any code block and once this feature is in you can't assume any assignment isn't using it by only looking at the line the assignment is made.

Assumptions are the best kinds of features, removing them is a zero sum game.

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dherman commented May 31, 2012

With this change, you must check up the code to either a .{ or function (){ to understand the assignment rules.

That's true, and a fair objection. I'm definitely not okay with the obj.{ foo: bar} syntax, because there's nothing about it that suggests that it's updating the object, which is why I floated the assignment syntax. I could imagine alternatives that make the distinction clearer more locally, like obj{ .foo = bar; }. That probably doesn't quite work because of ASI, though. Others have suggested obj.={ foo: bar }. Not sure what I think of that. Food for thought.


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I feel like a longer code example with lots of assignments would make the problems that this would cause much more apparent...

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ljharb commented May 31, 2012

I definitely think foo.={normal object literal} would be the cleanest. It has an equals sign connoting assignment, it's an object literal so it uses familiar syntax and connotes a hash map, and it'd be functionally equivalent to Object.extend(foo, {}) so the behavior would be shimmable in earlier ES engines.

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dherman commented May 31, 2012

One thing that's unclear to me with the obj.={...} syntax is how to notate nested updates (aka "deep copy" in e.g. jQuery). For example, does obj.prop have a baz property in this example:

var obj = { prop: { baz: 3 } };
    prop: {
        foo: 1,
        bar: 2

The above syntax doesn't suggest a deep copy. The syntax Allen proposed is recursively consistent so it makes more sense as a deep copy:

var obj = { prop: { baz: 3 } };
        foo: 1,
        bar: 2

but I really don't like the use of "dot-literal" to suggest object update.

But actually, in terms of semantics -- even without resolving the syntax question -- it's not clear to me whether shallow or deep is the more common case. For example, jQuery lets you decide with a flag.


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mikeal commented May 31, 2012

just want to float this, what is wrong with obj.update({ foo: bar }) or Object.update(obj, {foo: bar})?

this achieves the desired flexibility in nesting without new syntax and is definitely explicitly "updating" the object.

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isaacs commented May 31, 2012

Are there not enough bikesheds?

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valueof commented May 31, 2012


So what happens if you do foo.{ bar = true; } when bar isn't a previously defined property on foo?

Same as = true; today.


just want to float this, what is wrong with obj.update({ foo: bar }) or Object.update(obj, {foo: bar})?

I feel like it's similar to your argument against o.{ a = b }. To figure out whether you are defining a new property or updating the current one you will have to check the code to see if it's o.update({ ... }); or o.otherMethod({ ... }); or o = { ... };.

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dherman commented May 31, 2012

@mikeal: I mostly agree; I don't think "mustache" has been all that well motivated so far. I've been opposed to it for the most part since the beginning, but for me where I started to see some more win was when -- with the variation using assignment syntax -- I realized it could also be used for chaining (aka the fluent style aka cascades) for API's that don't return this for you. For example:

a.{ pop(); pop() }


a{ .pop(); .pop() }

or what have you. But I generally agree with you that syntax has to be well-understood and well-motivated to be worth adding. Mustache is definitely not at that point.


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mikeal commented May 31, 2012


those rules are only as unclear with .update as they are with new syntax. you still have to learn the rules, the only difference is that there is an english word pointing you in the right direction.


i agree, it's not compelling enough to me yet to justify the loss in assumptions. while i agree that using : is not clear about updating it doesn't fall in to the trap of stepping on the existing assignment semantics because you already have to look to the top of an object literal definition to understand it.

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valueof commented May 31, 2012

@mikeal, yeah I agree—was just pointing out that it doesn't solve the unclear rules problem.

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mikeal commented May 31, 2012

sure, not entirely, but it doesn't step on the rules people now assume about assignment statements that exist entirely outside of using this feature.

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Object.update, w00t.

We killed <| the other week. I think .{ is going down. But we should really do something like Object.update (Prototype's Object.extend). We talk about paving cowpaths, that's an obvious one and it leads somewhere good.


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valueof commented Jun 1, 2012

@BrendanEich, yes, Object.extend (update) was one of the most popular items on JSFixed.

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dherman commented Jun 1, 2012

@isaacs Here's a lovely unpainted bikeshed for you: how about Object.update for deep and Object.set for shallow?


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isaacs commented Jun 1, 2012

Given the proliferation of subtly different Object.extend implementations, I think this would be a good thing for the ES spec to lay down a decision on. In node, we eventually just removed util.extend entirely, because it was too complicated to satisfy everyone's desires for it to be all things, handling getters and deeply nested objects and so on. New syntax for this is silly, though.

@dherman If I understand you properly, then, Object.update would deep-copy, and Object.set would shallow-copy?


var a = { b: { c: 'd', e: Object.create(Object.prototype, {f: { get: function () { throw 'no can get!' }, configurable: false }}) } }
var b = Object.update({x: 'y'}, a)
var c = Object.set({x: 'y'}, a)

In this example, then, c.b === a.b, b.b !== a.b, and b.b.e is an evil getter?

I have no strong opinions about the method names. set and update are fine. But it is a bad idea to introduce new syntax for this, even though it is cute.

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@izs: agree on syntax being bad (premature, unjustified, impossible to polyfill, etc.).

@dherman: first, I wonder if we shouldn't just try to standardize Object.extend as the shallow thing, and make it match prototype but handle enumerable accessors too.

Second thought: naming. The set vs. update names do not connote shallow vs. deep. No name that I know of does, so the boring but clear way is Object.deepExtend. Too long? It's not the common case going by existing libraries I know of.


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