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Pa Mu Selvakumar vanangamudi

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vanangamudi / no name
Created August 29, 2014 13:20
no name
#include "stdio.h"
#include "unistd.h"
#define MSGLEN 32
int main (int argc, char const* argv[])
// check for arguments
if(argc < 2){
vanangamudi /
Created May 23, 2017 13:19
Tensorflow conditional statement
import tensorflow as tf
training = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, name='is_training')
a = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name='a')
b = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name='b')
c = tf.cond(training, lambda : a+b, lambda : a*b)
sess = tf.Session()
vanangamudi / dump.csv
Created November 8, 2017 10:17
samples with ade masks
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
ade,neurologic deterioration
drug,nitrous oxide
==============================, =============================
ade,prolonged jaundice,sicca complex
/home/suriyadeepan/saama/Paper-Implementations/Entity-Relation-Extraction/env/erext/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nltk/tag/ DeprecationWarning:
The StanfordTokenizer will be deprecated in version 3.2.5.
Please use nltk.tag.corenlp.CoreNLPPOSTagger or nltk.tag.corenlp.CoreNLPNERTagger instead.
super(StanfordPOSTagger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
type your sequence>> A 44-year-old man taking naproxen for chronic low back pain and a 20-year-old woman on oxaprozin for rheumatoid arthritis presented with tense bullae and cutaneous fragility on the face and the back of the hands.|oxaprozin
type your sequence>>
built 1 datapoints so far
:: loading vocabulary from disk
2017-11-13 19:13:01.537157: W tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.1 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
Long question. Please bear with me.
Three entities. Server, User, Tracker(borrowing from bittorrent)/Broker. Servers are consumer computers. Users can be anyone and gain service from server via desktop/mobile application. For a concrete example, lets take the data tagging for machine algorithms. A user needs to look at bunch of samples and classify them into well, a class. Images can be tagged to be dogs or cats or text can be tagged as positive or negative reviews.
Server, contain these data that are to be tagged. The problem is server and users cannot stay online 24/7. Tracker/Broker can. So the users can request a batch of samples for tagging. This request is recorded by the tracker. And when server comes online, it will query for two things.
1. Has anyone requested for new batch?
2. Has anyone uploaded tagged data?
vanangamudi /
Created January 31, 2019 08:53 — forked from theSage21/
A very simple regular expression engine for learning purposes
# Define some special things
SPECIAL = '*|'
# functions
def automaton_print(automaton):
"Neatly prints the automaton"
states, alphabet, start, final, transfer = automaton
print('STATES : ', states)
vanangamudi /
Last active February 13, 2020 09:11 — forked from rnwolf/
spacemacs keybindings that i need to learn
vanangamudi / lobsters-mastodon.lisp
Created February 29, 2020 18:45 — forked from gkbrk/lobsters-mastodon.lisp
Common lisp Mastodon bot
(ql:quickload :drakma)
(ql:quickload :cl-json)
(ql:quickload :plump)
(ql:quickload :babel)
(ql:quickload :tooter)
(ql:quickload :split-sequence)
(defvar *feed-path* "")
(setf drakma:*drakma-default-external-format* :UTF-8)
vanangamudi / lispchain.lisp
Created April 2, 2020 13:38 — forked from BusFactor1Inc/lispchain.lisp
Lispchain - a blockchain implementation (sketch) in Common Lisp
;; scheme coin - a lispchain (aka blockchain) implementation
;; Burton Samograd
;; Copyright - 2017
;; Interested in helping out with the code? Email me.
;; Bitcoin: 1HzWXjoQjzdLBm1eKeuWFrZx96kiop5GGy
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