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Last active December 28, 2015 19:49
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def rotx(x, string, encrypt=true)
i = 0
alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
newStr = ''
alpha.reverse! unless encrypt
# convert to one cycle
x = x > 26 ? x % 26 : x
while i < string.length do
char = string[i]
isCap = (char =~ /[A-Z]/) == 0
lower = char.downcase
position = alpha.index(lower)
i +=1
if position.nil?
newStr += char
# will loop to start
if position + x > alpha.length
letter = alpha[x - (alpha.length - position)]
# will remain within limit
letter = alpha[position + x]
# check capitaliztion
newStr += isCap ? letter.upcase : letter
puts newStr
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