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natelandau / .bash_profile
Last active June 4, 2024 09:44
Mac OSX Bash Profile
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description: This file holds all my BASH configurations and aliases
# Sections:
# 1. Environment Configuration
# 2. Make Terminal Better (remapping defaults and adding functionality)
# 3. File and Folder Management
# 4. Searching
# 5. Process Management
jo /
Last active May 22, 2024 13:16
List of JavaScript Crypto libraries.

JavaScript Crypto Libraries

List some crypto libraries for JavaScript out there. Might be a bit out dated. Scroll to the bottom.


This specification describes a JavaScript API for performing basic cryptographic operations in web applications, such as hashing, signature generation and verification, and encryption and decryption. Additionally, it describes an API for applications to generate and/or manage the keying material necessary to perform these operations. Uses for this API range from user or service authentication, document or code signing, and the confidentiality and integrity of communications.

jeffcogswell / q_example.js
Last active August 12, 2022 01:22
Here's another chaining example on using q.js. This doesn't have any error handling, as I just want to demonstrate the chaining concept. Please read the comments carefully, as I start out with a non-q example, to show the order of flow. Please post comments if there's anything that isn't clear and I'll try to revise it as needed.
// Q sample by Jeff Cogswell
We want to call these three functions in sequence, one after the other:
First we want to call one, which initiates an ajax call. Once that
ajax call is complete, we want to call two. Once two's ajax call is
complete, we want to call three.
BUT, we don't want to just call our three functions in sequence, as this quick
markselby / node-express-redis-cache.js
Created October 28, 2013 02:19
Add Redis request caching to Node.js with Express.js.
var zlib = require('zlib');
var redis = require('redis');
var redisClient = redis.createClient();
var crypto = require('crypto');
// Our custom caching write function
function cached(body, lifetime, type) {
var key = this.req.originalUrl;
var res = this;
var etag, len;
rouli /
Created April 28, 2013 10:44
A script to create a HAR file out of a mitmproxy's dump file
#!/usr/bin/env python
import binascii, sys, json
import version, tnetstring, flow
from datetime import datetime
def create_har(flows):
return {
wearethefoos / varnish3.rb
Created February 23, 2012 10:48 — forked from hmsk/varnish3.rb
Install Varnish-3.0.2 on OSX with homebrew
require 'formula'
class Varnish3 <Formula
url ''
homepage ''
md5 'c8eae0aabbe66b6daabdf3a1f58cd47a'
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
depends_on 'pcre' => :build
karmi / .gitignore
Created November 2, 2010 14:33
Install Varnish HTTP cache on a Mac OS X box with Sprinkle and configure it for accelerating CouchDB
shripadk / gist:652819
Created October 29, 2010 03:10
Express authentication using Redis for session store and Couchdb for database (in coffeescript!)
Module dependencies
require.paths.unshift "#{__dirname}/lib/support/express-csrf/"
require.paths.unshift "#{__dirname}/lib/support/node_hash/lib/"
express = require 'express'
app = module.exports = express.createServer()
RedisStore = require 'connect-redis'