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Created September 12, 2020 16:55
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Class and ROS node to record a rosbag with controls to start, stop and pause
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Node to record a rosbag with start/stop/pause control through service calls.
Example call:
rosrun utilities _rosbag_command:="rosbag record -o /home/foo/test_bag /bar_topic" _record_from_startup:=false
Then start/pause/resume/stop can be controlled through:
rosservice call /rosbag_controlled_recording/start
rosservice call /rosbag_controlled_recording/pause_resume
rosservice call /rosbag_controlled_recording/pause_resume
rosservice call /rosbag_controlled_recording/stop
Note that pausing does not modify the recorded time of messages, i.e. the bag's total length is unaffected. A list of
pause-resume times is logged when stopping, in case the paused period needs to be (manually) removed afterwards.
If this node is killed recording is also stopped. If recording was paused, it is momentarily resumed before stopping.
import psutil
import subprocess
import shlex
import signal
import rospy
from std_srvs.srv import Empty, EmptyResponse
def signal_process_and_children(pid, signal_to_send, wait=False):
process = psutil.Process(pid)
for children in process.children(recursive=True):
if signal_to_send == 'suspend':
elif signal_to_send == 'resume':
if wait:
def format_to_columns(input_list, cols):
"""Adapted from"""
max_width = max(map(len, input_list))
justify_list = map(lambda x: x.ljust(max_width + 4), input_list)
lines = (''.join(justify_list[i:i + cols]) for i in range(0, len(justify_list), cols))
return '\n'.join(lines)
class RosbagControlledRecorder(object):
"""Record a rosbag with service calls to control start, stop and pause"""
def __init__(self, rosbag_command_, record_from_startup_=False):
self.rosbag_command = shlex.split(rosbag_command_)
self.recording_started = False
self.recording_paused = False
self.recording_stopped = False
self.pause_resume_times = []
self.process_pid = None
if record_from_startup_:
def start_recording_srv(self, service_message=None):
if self.recording_started:
rospy.logwarn("Recording has already started - nothing to be done")
process = subprocess.Popen(self.rosbag_command)
self.process_pid =
self.recording_started = True
rospy.loginfo("Started recording rosbag")
return EmptyResponse()
def pause_resume_recording_srv(self, service_message=None):
if self.recording_started:
if self.recording_paused:
signal_process_and_children(self.process_pid, 'resume')
self.recording_paused = False
rospy.loginfo("Recording resumed")
signal_process_and_children(self.process_pid, 'suspend')
self.recording_paused = True
rospy.loginfo("Recording paused")
return EmptyResponse()
rospy.logwarn("Recording not yet started - nothing to be done")
def stop_recording_srv(self, service_message=None):
if self.process_pid is not None:
if self.recording_paused: # need to resume process in order to cleanly kill it
if self.pause_resume_times: # log pause/resume times for user's reference
pause_resume_str = map(str, self.pause_resume_times)
pause_resume_str[0:0] = ['PAUSE', 'RESUME']
rospy.loginfo("List of pause and resume times:\n%s\n", format_to_columns(pause_resume_str, 2))
signal_process_and_children(self.process_pid, signal.SIGINT, wait=True)
self.process_pid = None
rospy.loginfo("Stopped recording rosbag")
self.recording_stopped = True
return EmptyResponse()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get parameters
rosbag_command = rospy.get_param('~rosbag_command') # str with rosbag command line command to be issued
record_from_startup = rospy.get_param('~record_from_startup', False) # whether to start node already recording
# Start recorder object
recorder = RosbagControlledRecorder(rosbag_command, record_from_startup)
# Services
start_service = rospy.Service('~start', Empty, recorder.start_recording_srv)
pause_resume_service = rospy.Service('~pause_resume', Empty, recorder.pause_resume_recording_srv)
stop_service = rospy.Service('~stop', Empty, recorder.stop_recording_srv)
# Recording is also stopped on node shutdown. This allows stopping to be done via service call or regular Ctrl-C
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
if recorder.recording_stopped: # stop main node if recording has finished
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