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Created November 6, 2013 20:36
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package quickcheck
import common._
import org.scalacheck._
import Arbitrary._
import Gen._
import Prop._
abstract class QuickCheckHeap extends Properties("Heap") with IntHeap {
property("min1") = forAll { a: Int =>
val h = insert(a, empty)
findMin(h) == a
property("check is empty after removing all elems") = forAll { a: Int =>
val h = insert(a, empty)
empty == deleteMin(h)
property("min of two") = forAll { (h1: H, h2: H) =>
val min1 = findMin(h1)
val min2 = findMin(h2)
val h12 = meld(h1, h2)
findMin(h12) == Math.min(min1, min2)
property("removing min from heap results in sorted list") = forAll { h: H =>
def checkHeapResultsAreSorted(h: H, n: A): Boolean = {
if (isEmpty(h)) true
else {
val min = findMin(h)
if (, min)) false
else checkHeapResultsAreSorted(deleteMin(h), min)
checkHeapResultsAreSorted(deleteMin(h), findMin(h))
property("heap minumum gets smaller afer deleteing minimum") = forAll { h: H =>
(!isEmpty(h) && !isEmpty(deleteMin(h))) ==> {
val min = findMin(h)
val h1 = deleteMin(h)
ord.lteq(min, findMin(h1))
lazy val genHeap: Gen[H] = {
for {
a <- arbitrary[A]
node <- oneOf(value(empty), genHeap)
} yield insert(a, node)
implicit lazy val arbHeap: Arbitrary[H] = Arbitrary(genHeap)
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