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Last active May 30, 2017 00:29
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Before and after Microformats on GitHub


(In case your email software doesn’t render Markdown, I pasted this into a Gist.)

On a user profile, there used to be Microformats. They’re all gone now. Please return them. :)


Here’s an example of how to add Microformats 2 (h-card) back to the profile sidebar.

(I’ll leave adding classical microformats (hCard) back as an exercise for the reader. Its root class is vCard.))


You could also add h-feed Microformats to commits pages (and anywhere else where there is time streamed entries).

For example, this page:

could have a structure like this:

.h-feed (around the whole list of commits)

.h-entry (around each commit)
.p-author (on the committer’s username link)
.p-name (on the commit message link)
.u-url (on the commit message link too)
.dt-published (on the commit time tag)

If avatar and username were in the same parent HTML, you could wrap them in a combination .p-author.h-card and give the avatar a class of u-photo and the username a class of p-name. Thus specifying that this is the author of the post and this is their name and photo. If not, simply .p-author on username is sufficient.

h-entry (commits)

On a single commit page, you could add all the same classes as above from the h-feed section. And additionally, you could wrap the commit payload in an e-content.

Comments should be treated as separate entries too. Additionally, each comment should have a u-in-reply-to class on a link to the previous post (either the original commit or the comment above it) to allowing conversation threading to be inferred.

h-feed (issues)

Same as commits pages.

h-entry (issues)

Same as commit pages.


You can read more about Microformats at:

You can use the in-brower parser for testing while developing.

And you can use the Microformats parser gem to write automated tests to ensure that this regression doesn’t happen again.

Thank you so much. — Shane

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<span class="vcard-fullname d-block" itemprop="name">Shane Becker</span>
<span class="vcard-username d-block" itemprop="additionalName">veganstraightedge</span>
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Formerly: The <a href="" class="user-mention">@Farmhouse</a> in Hollywood, CA and #LittleMisadventureTime.
Currently: Lead Engineer at <a href="" class="user-mention">@teamhappily</a>.
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<h1 class="vcard-names">
<span class="vcard-fullname d-block p-name" itemprop="name">Shane Becker</span>
<span class="vcard-username d-block p-nickname" itemprop="additionalName">veganstraightedge</span>
<div class="user-profile-bio e-note">
Formerly: The <a href="" class="user-mention">@Farmhouse</a> in Hollywood, CA and #LittleMisadventureTime.
Currently: Lead Engineer at <a href="" class="user-mention">@teamhappily</a>.
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