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Last active February 24, 2016 07:19
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# This EasyBuild config file for R was generated with generateEasyConfig.R
name = 'R'
version = '3.2.3'
versionsuffix = '-bare'
homepage = ''
description = """R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics."""
moduleclass = 'lang'
toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.7.20'}
sources = [SOURCE_TAR_GZ]
source_urls = ['']
# Configure options.
configopts = '--with-lapack --with-blas --with-pic --enable-threads --with-x=yes --enable-R-shlib'
configopts += ' --with-tcl-config=$EBROOTTCL/lib/ --with-tk-config=$EBROOTTK/lib/ '
# Enable graphics capabilities for plotting.
configopts += ' --with-cairo --with-libpng --with-jpeglib --with-libtiff'
# Some recommended packages may fail in a parallel build (e.g. Matrix) and we're installing them anyway below.
configopts += ' --with-recommended-packages=no'
dependencies = [
('libreadline', '6.3'),
('ncurses', '5.9'),
('libpng', '1.6.18'), # For plotting in R
('libjpeg-turbo', '1.4.1'), # For plotting in R
('LibTIFF', '4.0.4'), # For plotting in R
('Tcl', '8.6.4'), # For Tcl/Tk
('Tk', '8.6.4'), # For Tcl/Tk
('zlib', '1.2.8'),
('bzip2', '1.0.6'),
('cURL', '7.40.0', '', True), # Compile Curl with dummy toolchain (system gcc)
('libxml2', '2.9.3'), # For R packages which require XML support
#('cairo', '1.14.2'), # For plotting in R - installed as rpm
('XZ', '5.2.2'),
('Java', '1.7.0_80', '', True), # Java bindings are built if Java is found, might as well provide it.
osdependencies = [('cairo-devel')]
package_name_tmpl = '%(name)s_%(version)s.tar.gz'
cran_options = {
'source_urls': [
'source_tmpl': package_name_tmpl,
bioconductor_options = {
'source_urls': [
'source_tmpl': package_name_tmpl,
# R package list.
# * Order of packages is important!
# * Packages should be specified with fixed versions!
exts_list = [
# Default libraries; only here to sanity check their presence.
# These are the packages installed when doing
# --with-recommended-packages=yes
('boot', '1.3-17', cran_options),
('MASS', '7.3-45', cran_options),
('class', '7.3-14', cran_options),
('cluster', '2.0.3', cran_options),
('codetools', '0.2-14', cran_options),
('foreign', '0.8-66', cran_options),
('KernSmooth', '2.23-15', cran_options),
('lattice', '0.20-33', cran_options),
('logging', '0.7-103', cran_options),
('magrittr', '1.5', cran_options),
('Matrix', '1.2-3', cran_options),
('nlme', '3.1-122', cran_options),
('mgcv', '1.8-9', cran_options),
('nnet', '7.3-11', cran_options),
('rpart', '4.1-10', cran_options),
('spatial', '7.3-11', cran_options),
('stringi', '1.0-1', cran_options),
('stringr', '1.0.0', cran_options),
('survival', '2.38-3', cran_options),
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