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Created August 15, 2017 18:26
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Export all Shape Keys from Blender to OBJ files
# Export all Shape Keys as OBJs in Blender
# Version 1.0 - August 2017
# =========================================
# Original Script by Tlousky
# with small tweaks by Jay Versluis
import bpy
from os.path import join
# Reference the active object
o = bpy.context.active_object
# CHANGE THIS to the folder you want to save your OBJ files in
# NOTE: no spaces, no trailing slash
exportPath = "/Users/you/somewhere"
# Reset all shape keys to 0 (skipping the Basis shape on index 0
for skblock in[1:]:
skblock.value = 0
# Iterate over shape key blocks and save each as an OBJ file
for skblock in[1:]:
skblock.value = 1.0 # Set shape key value to max
# Set OBJ file path and Export OBJ
objFileName = + ".obj" # File name = shapekey name
objPath = join( exportPath, objFileName )
bpy.ops.export_scene.obj( filepath = objPath, use_selection = True, global_scale = 1 )
skblock.value = 0 # Reset shape key value to 0
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bpy.ops.wm.obj_export(filepath = objPath,export_selected_objects=True,export_uv=True,scaling_factor=1.0,apply_modifiers=True,export_materials=False)

Thanks! It works. I mean, I get the basic things working. Need to test this with complex UV Maps.

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In 4.2.2 I had to change the expression for scaling back to global_scale:
bpy.ops.wm.obj_export(filepath = objPath,export_selected_objects=True,export_uv=True,global_scale=1.0,apply_modifiers=True,export_materials=False)

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