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Working, life, and the universe!

Vandolf Estrellado vestrel00

Working, life, and the universe!
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vestrel00 / Contacts-async-permissions-coroutines.kt
Last active December 8, 2021 01:34
The Contacts, Reborn library provides Kotlin coroutine extensions for all API functions to handle permissions and executing work in background threads
launch {
val contacts = Contacts(context)
val deferredResult = Contacts(context)
vestrel00 / Contacts-delete.kt
Created October 7, 2021 20:10
If we no longer like John Doe, we can DELETE him from our life
vestrel00 / Contacts-update.kt
Last active December 18, 2021 02:01
If John Doe switches jobs and heads over to Microsoft, we can UPDATE his data
.contacts(johnDoe.mutableCopy {
setOrganization {
company = "Microsoft"
title = "Newb"
emails().first().apply {
address = ""
vestrel00 / Contacts-insert-kotlinized.kt
Created October 7, 2021 20:08
CREATE/INSERT a contact with a name of "John Doe" who works at Amazon with a work email of "", Kotlinized
val insertResult = Contacts(context)
.rawContact {
setName {
givenName = "John"
familyName = "Doe"
setOrganization {
company = "Amazon"
title = "Superstar"
vestrel00 / Contacts-insert.kt
Last active December 18, 2021 02:00
CREATE/INSERT a contact with a name of "John Doe" who works at Amazon with a work email of ""
val insertResult = Contacts(context)
.rawContacts(NewRawContact().apply {
name = NewName().apply {
givenName = "John"
familyName = "Doe"
organization = NewOrganization().apply {
company = "Amazon"
title = "Superstar"
vestrel00 / Contacts-data-query.kt
Created October 7, 2021 20:04
A query to get the first 20 Gmail emails ordered by email address in descending order
val emails = Contacts(context).data()
.where(Fields.Email.Address endsWith "")
.orderBy(Fields.Email.Address.desc(ignoreCase = true))
vestrel00 / Contacts-data-access.kt
Last active October 10, 2021 00:30
You have full access to all contacts and their data
contacts.joinToString("\n\n") { contact ->
ID: ${}
Display name: ${contact.displayNamePrimary}
Display name alt: ${contact.displayNameAlt}
Photo Uri: ${contact.photoUri}
vestrel00 / Contacts-simple-query.kt
Created October 7, 2021 19:56
A query that searches for Contacts, yielding the exact same results as the native Contacts app
val contacts = Contacts(context)
vestrel00 / Contacts-basic-query.kt
Last active October 7, 2021 19:56
A basic, barebones query to get all Contacts
val contacts = Contacts(context).query().find()
val contacts = Contacts(context)
.where {
(Name.GivenName startsWith "leo") and
(Email.Address { endsWith("") or endsWith("") }) and
(Address.Country equalToIgnoreCase "us") and
(Event { (Date lessThan Date().toWhereString()) and (Type equalTo EventEntity.Type.BIRTHDAY) }) and
(Contact.Options.Starred equalTo true) and
(Nickname.Name equalTo "DarEdEvil") and
(Organization.Company `in` listOf("facebook", "FB")) and