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puke nuke

Victor Borja vic

puke nuke
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progfolio /
Last active April 3, 2024 16:02
Emacs as an Org capture server

Emacs as an Org capture server

The Concept

The general idea is to run an Emacs server as a daemon which clients can quickly connect to via a bash script. The client executes org-capture and the frame closes upon finalizing or aborting the capture.

Running a server daemon

The first step is to get an Emacs daemon running as a server with your name of choice. For this example, I’m going to use “capture” as the server name.

davoclavo /
Last active May 30, 2022 17:06
Software Engineer role at Deal Engine

Software Engineer role at Deal Engine

At Deal Engine we strive on automating and optimizing processes in an industry that has been stagnant for several decades - the travel industry.

  • Have you ever wondered what happens to your ticket when you miss a flight? And did you know you can always get some money back?
  • Have you ever been able to change a flight without having to spend hours calling customer support?
  • Have you ever experienced the price volatility where sometimes you end up paying a lot more than the person sitting next to you on a plane?

We solve these and more pains! We work alongside airlines (e.g. LATAM airlines) and online travel agencies (e.g. Despegar) and operate in 18 countries (across 3 continents), managing over $4 billion dollars in flight tickets. We are on a mission to become the most efficient and transparent backbone of the travel industry.

dacr /
Last active February 1, 2025 11:04
David's programming examples knowledge base / published by #fecafeca-feca-feca-feca-fecafecafeca/943b6c27430f2026b7649fb006e9b27bb4ecc655

David's programming examples knowledge base


pchiusano / monads.u
Last active April 27, 2024 08:18
Converting between algebraic effects and monads
-- This gist shows how we can use abilities to provide nicer syntax for any monad.
-- We can view abilities as "just" providing nicer syntax for working with the
-- free monad.
ability Monadic f where
eval : f a -> a
-- Here's a monad, encoded as a first-class value with
-- two polymorphic functions, `pure` and `bind`
type Monad f = Monad (forall a . a -> f a) (forall a b . f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b)
etorreborre / interpreter.hs
Created April 28, 2019 08:51
main :: IO ()
main = runM
. runRedis
. runFTP
. runHTTP
. runEncryption
. redisOuput @Stat mkRedisKey
. postOutput @Record mkApiCall
. batch @Record 500
. ftpFileProvider
mollymerp /
Last active January 10, 2024 14:52
How to mount a GCP compute instance filesystem locally using `sshfs` on MacOS

How to mount a GCP compute instance filesystem locally using sshfs

This guide assumes that:

  • you already have an instance set up on GCP that you want to mount locally
  • the GCP CLI (gcloud) is installed on your local machine
  • you have authenticated locally to your google account gcloud auth login
  1. make sure your gcloud config is correct for the instance you're trying to access:
gvolpe / Bracketing.scala
Last active April 18, 2018 05:34
IO, Bracket and Cancelation
import cats.effect.ExitCase.{Canceled, Completed, Error}
import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.apply._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
okkero / Main.idr
Created December 17, 2017 14:57
Idris-JVM Spigot plugin
module Main
import IdrisJvm.FFI
import IdrisJvm.IO
import Java.Lang
%default total
record Java a ret where

Principled Meta Programming for Scala

This note outlines a principled way to meta-programming in Scala. It tries to combine the best ideas from LMS and Scala macros in a minimalistic design.

  • LMS: Types matter. Inputs, outputs and transformations should all be statically typed.

  • Macros: Quotations are ultimately more easy to deal with than implicit-based type-lifting

  • LMS: Some of the most interesting and powerful applications of meta-programming

tcg /
Created August 29, 2017 03:09
How I configure my Logitech G502 mouse to make me more productive

How I configure my Logitech G502 mouse to make me more productive

I use a "gaming mouse" as my current favorite every-day computer mouse, when I'm not just using the trackpad.

If you're not familiar with it, it's a great computer mouse that has some extra buttons that can be arbitrarily assigned key combos, macros, and various functions.

Recently, I decided to tweak some settings for every day desktop/work use, and I've been quite pleased. Here's a couple things I did:

Middle scroll wheel: left/right tilt