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Victor Pavlov victorpavlov

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PechenkiUA / iframe.js
Created December 29, 2022 07:18
Youtube iframe contentWindow.postMessage command
document.querySelector('iframe').contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*');
schnippy /
Last active April 24, 2024 19:13
Programmatically get file URL from a media entity entity reference field in Drupal 8

Programmatically get file URL from a media entity reference field in Drupal 8

I have a content type with a media (image) entity reference field (field_thumbnail_image) and I want to grab its file URL. For this, I need to load the media entity, isolate its source object using getSource, then load this source as a file entity so I can make a proper URL.

    // load the media entity from the media entity reference field
    $media_entity = Media::load($entity->field_thumbnail_image->target_id);

    // get the file source value for the media entity
 $source_value = $media_entity->getSource()->getSourceFieldValue($media_entity);
hagemann / slugify.js
Last active October 30, 2023 09:10
Slugify makes a string URI-friendly
function slugify(string) {
const a = 'àáâäæãåāăąçćčđďèéêëēėęěğǵḧîïíīįìıİłḿñńǹňôöòóœøōõőṕŕřßśšşșťțûüùúūǘůűųẃẍÿýžźż·/_,:;'
const b = 'aaaaaaaaaacccddeeeeeeeegghiiiiiiiilmnnnnoooooooooprrsssssttuuuuuuuuuwxyyzzz------'
const p = new RegExp(a.split('').join('|'), 'g')
return string.toString().toLowerCase()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(p, c => b.charAt(a.indexOf(c))) // Replace special characters
.replace(/&/g, '-and-') // Replace & with 'and'
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word characters
mortendk / menu-main.html.twig
Last active November 3, 2022 10:32
svg inside a link in drupal menus
{% import _self as menus %}
We call a macro which calls itself to render the full tree.
{{ menus.menu_links(items, attributes, 0) }}
{% macro menu_links(items, attributes, menu_level) %}
{% import _self as menus %}
paulirish /
Last active July 3, 2024 16:54
What forces layout/reflow. The comprehensive list.

What forces layout / reflow

All of the below properties or methods, when requested/called in JavaScript, will trigger the browser to synchronously calculate the style and layout*. This is also called reflow or layout thrashing, and is common performance bottleneck.

Generally, all APIs that synchronously provide layout metrics will trigger forced reflow / layout. Read on for additional cases and details.

Element APIs

Getting box metrics
  • elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop, elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight, elem.offsetParent
kottenator / simple-pagination.js
Created July 13, 2015 20:44
Simple pagination algorithm
// Implementation in ES6
function pagination(c, m) {
var current = c,
last = m,
delta = 2,
left = current - delta,
right = current + delta + 1,
range = [],
rangeWithDots = [],
alibo / zip_server.js
Last active January 24, 2023 11:59
Generating & Downloading zip folder on the fly (dynamically) using Node.JS
var archiver = require('archiver')
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(request, response) {
var archiver = archiver('zip')
response.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/zip')
response.setHeader('Content-disposition', 'attachment;');
pixelwhip / template.php
Created May 30, 2012 13:26
Adding icons to menu links in Drupal
* Custom implementation of theme_menu_link() for including icons.
function cic_menu_link__icon(array $variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
$sub_menu = '';
/* Prevent the <span> tag from being escaped */
ecarter / mapOrder.js
Created December 2, 2011 15:40
Order an array of objects based on another array order
* Sort array of objects based on another array
function mapOrder (array, order, key) {
array.sort( function (a, b) {
var A = a[key], B = b[key];
pascalduez / html.tpl.php
Created December 1, 2011 16:47
Drupal 7 — Move $scripts at page bottom
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html<?php print $html_attributes; ?>>
<?php print $head; ?>
<title><?php print $head_title; ?></title>
<?php print $styles; ?>
<?php print $head_scripts; ?>
<body<?php print $body_attributes;?>>