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Created June 4, 2019 22:43
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customized experimental alpha 10 branch config file with internal error
# How it works:
# - rename to 'Config.ecf' to activate
# - change original values of parameters as desired
# - listed parameters will overwrite the game's internal original values
# - parameters not listed (commented out / removed) will cause the game to continue using the internal ORIGINAL values
# ==================== BLOCKS, DEVICES ==========================
# Properties:
# IsAccessible: shows up in Control Panel
# O2Accept: "OxygenBottleLarge,OxygenBottleSmall" > items that can be used to fill a O2 tank. First item in list will be filled when O2 is withdrawn
# FuelAccept: "EnergyCell, EnergyCellLarge, EnergyCellHydrogen, FusionCell, BioFuel" > items that can be used to fill a fuel tank. First item in list will be filled when fuel is withdrawn
{ Block Id: 256, Name: CapacitorMS
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Info: bkiGenNoFunction, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Category: Deco Blocks
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
{ Block Id: 257, Name: CockpitMS01
Group: cpgCockpit
ShowBlockName: true
Material: metal
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksCV
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsLockable: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiCockpit, display: true
StackSize: 1
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 2, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
{ Block Id: 259, Name: FuelTankMSSmall
Group: cpgFuelTank
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Mass: 35000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiFuelTank, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: true
FuelAccept: "EnergyCell, EnergyCellLarge, EnergyCellHydrogen, FusionCell, BioFuel"
FuelCapacity: 1200, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 500
Radiation: 0.25, display: RadiationLevel
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 260, Name: FuelTankMSLarge, Ref: FuelTankMSSmall
HitPoints: 40, type: int, display: true
FuelAccept: "EnergyCell, EnergyCellLarge, EnergyCellHydrogen, FusionCell, BioFuel"
FuelCapacity: 2700, type: int, display: true
Mass: 75000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiFuelTank, display: true
CPUIn: 80, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 0.4, display: RadiationLevel
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: FuelTankMSSmall
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 261, Name: ConsoleMS01
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiGenNoFunction, display: true
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Deco Blocks
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
TemplateRoot: ConsoleBlocks
{ Block Id: 262, Name: Antenna
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Info: bkiGenNoFunction, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
TemplateRoot: AntennaBlocks
Category: Deco Blocks
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 20, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
{ Block Id: 263, Name: OxygenTankMS
Group: cpgO2Tank
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiOxygenTank, display: true
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
O2Capacity: 2000, type: int, display: true
O2Accept: "OxygenBottleLarge,OxygenBottleSmall,RespiratorCharge"
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: OxygenTankSmallMS
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 266, Name: PassengerSeatMS
Group: cpgPassengerSeat
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Mass: 350, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiPassengerSeat, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: CockpitBlocksCV
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 267, Name: CockpitMS02
Group: cpgCockpit
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksCV
IsLockable: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiCockpit, display: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 2, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
{ Block Id: 270, Name: MedicinelabMS
Group: cpgMedic
Material: metal
TemplateRoot: MedicalStationBlocks
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiMedicinelabMS, display: true
Volume: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 100
{ Block Id: 272, Name: RCSBlockSV
Group: cpgRCS
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiGyroscope, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Torque: 150, type: int, display: true, formatter: NewtonMeter
EnergyIn: 3, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: GeneratorSV
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 273, Name: ContainerMS01
Group: cpgCargoBox
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
TemplateRoot: ContainerSmallBlocks
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 125, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Info: bkiContainer, display: true
StackSize: 15
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 50
{ Block Id: 278, Name: GravityGeneratorMS
Group: cpgGravityGenerator
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 350, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiGravityGenerator, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 120, type: int, display: true
Mass: 15000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 100, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 11, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
Radiation: 2, display: RadiationLevel
Temperature: 35, display: true
{ Block Id: 279, Name: LightSS01
Group: cpgLight
Material: metallight
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 280, Name: LightMS01
Material: metallight
Group: cpgLight
TemplateRoot: LightLargeBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 281, Name: DoorMS01
Group: cpgDoor
Material: metal
TemplateRoot: DoorBlocks
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: true
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 282, Name: TurretTemplate
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
WeaponItem: TurretMSMinigunWeapon
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 9000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 3450, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 120, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 283, Name: TurretMSMinigunRetract, Ref: TurretTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSMinigunWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSProjectileBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 284, Name: TurretMSRocketRetract, Ref: TurretTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSRocketWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSRocketBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetractSpace, display: true
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 287, Name: TurretMSMinigun, Ref: TurretMSMinigunRetract
TemplateRoot: TurretMSProjectileBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 4500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 288, Name: TurretMSRocket, Ref: TurretMSRocketRetract
TemplateRoot: TurretMSRocketBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 4500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 289, Name: TurretRadar
Material: metal
Mass: 2500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 160, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiGenNoFunction, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: Deco Blocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 120, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 291, Name: OxygenStation
Group: cpgO2Station
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiOxygenStation, display: true
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: OxygenTankSmallMS
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 320, Name: TurretDrillTemplate
Group: cpgHarvest
Material: metalhard
WeaponItem: TurretMSDrillWeapon
Info: bkiDrill, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 4000
EnergyIn: 1150, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 23, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 2500, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 100, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
AboveTerrainCheck: false
{ Block Id: 321, Name: TurretMSDrillRetract, Ref: TurretDrillTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSDrillWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSToolBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 9000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 322, Name: TurretMSToolRetract, Ref: TurretDrillTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSToolWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSToolBlocks
Info: bkiTurretTool, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 9000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 2450, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 26, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 323, Name: TurretMSPulseLaserRetract, Ref: TurretTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSPulseLaserWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSLaserBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetractSpace, display: true
RotSpeed: 100, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 324, Name: TurretMSPlasmaRetract, Ref: TurretTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSPlasmaWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSLaserBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetractSpace, display: true
RotSpeed: 80, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 325, Name: TurretMSFlakRetract, Ref: TurretTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSFlakWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSRocketBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetractSpace, display: true
{ Block Id: 326, Name: TurretMSCannonRetract, Ref: TurretTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSCannonWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSProjectileBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 327, Name: TurretMSArtilleryRetract, Ref: TurretTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSArtilleryWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSArtilleryBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetractSpace, display: true
Mass: 2500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 15000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 5000, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 60, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 328, Name: NPCAlienTemplate
Material: human
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Deco Blocks
TemplateRoot: AlienNPCBlocks
XpFactor: 0
HitPoints: 1, type: int, display: false
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 0
{ Block Id: 329, Name: NPCHumanTemplate
Material: human
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Deco Blocks
TemplateRoot: HumanNPCBlocks
XpFactor: 0
HitPoints: 1, type: int, display: false
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 0
{ Block Id: 330, Name: AntennaBlocks
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
Category: Deco Blocks
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 20, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
ChildBlocks: "Antenna01, Antenna02, Antenna03, Antenna04, Antenna05, Antenna, Antenna06, Antenna07, Antenna08, Antenna09, Antenna10, Antenna11, Antenna12, Antenna13"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 331, Name: ContainerUltraRare, Ref: ContainerMS01
BlockColor: "96,33,173"
{ Block Id: 333, Name: RailingDiagonal
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: WalkwayBlocks
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Mass: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 334, Name: RailingVert, Ref: RailingDiagonal
{ Block Id: 335, Name: OfflineProtector
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
Info: bkiOfflineProtect, display: true
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
BlockColor: "26,50,90"
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 336, Name: PentaxidTank
Group: cpgWarp
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
IsLockable: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Mass: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 300
UnlockCost: 13, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: GravityGeneratorMS
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
Radiation: 4, display: RadiationLevel
Temperature: 45, display: true
{ Block Id: 339, Name: SurvivalTent
Material: woodblock
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "SurvivalTent01, SurvivalTent02, SurvivalTent03"
{ Block Id: 380, Name: HullSmallBlocks
Material: hull
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: HullSmallBlocks
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: false
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HullFullSmall, HullThinSmall, HullExtendedSmall, HullExtendedSmall2, HullExtendedSmall3, HullExtendedSmall4, HullExtendedSmall5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 381, Name: HullFullSmall
Material: hull
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Info: bkiHull, display: true
TemplateRoot: HullSmallBlocks
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 382, Name: HullThinSmall, Ref: HullFullSmall
{ Block Id: 383, Name: HullArmoredFullSmall
Material: hull
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
TemplateRoot: HullArmoredSmallBlocks
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
Mass: 32, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 384, Name: HullArmoredThinSmall, Ref: HullArmoredFullSmall
{ Block Id: 393, Name: HullArmoredSmallBlocks
Material: hull
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: false
Mass: 32, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HullArmoredFullSmall, HullArmoredThinSmall, HullArmoredExtendedSmall, HullArmoredExtendedSmall2, HullArmoredExtendedSmall3, HullArmoredExtendedSmall4, HullArmoredExtendedSmall5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 396, Name: WoodBlocks
Material: woodblock
BlockColor: "187,135,90"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: false
Mass: 240, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "WoodFull, WoodThin, WoodExtended, WoodExtended2, WoodExtended3, WoodExtended4, WoodExtended5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 397, Name: WoodFull
Material: woodblock
BlockColor: "187,135,90"
TemplateRoot: WoodBlocks
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Mass: 240, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 398, Name: WoodThin, Ref: WoodFull
{ Block Id: 399, Name: ConcreteBlocks
Material: concrete
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 600, type: int, display: false
Mass: 1100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "ConcreteFull, ConcreteThin, ConcreteExtended, ConcreteExtended2, ConcreteExtended3, ConcreteExtended4, ConcreteExtended5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 400, Name: ConcreteFull
Material: concrete
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
TemplateRoot: ConcreteBlocks
HitPoints: 600, type: int, display: true
Mass: 1100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 401, Name: ConcreteThin, Ref: ConcreteFull
{ Block Id: 402, Name: HullLargeBlocks
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: false
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HullFullLarge, HullThinLarge, HullExtendedLarge, HullExtendedLarge2, HullExtendedLarge3, HullExtendedLarge4, HullExtendedLarge5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 403, Name: HullFullLarge
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: HullLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 404, Name: HullThinLarge, Ref: HullFullLarge
{ Block Id: 405, Name: HullArmoredLargeBlocks
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: false
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HullArmoredFullLarge, HullArmoredThinLarge, HullArmoredExtendedLarge, HullArmoredExtendedLarge2, HullArmoredExtendedLarge3, HullArmoredExtendedLarge4, HullArmoredExtendedLarge5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 406, Name: HullArmoredFullLarge
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
TemplateRoot: HullArmoredLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: true
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 407, Name: HullArmoredThinLarge, Ref: HullArmoredFullLarge
{ Block Id: 408, Name: AlienBlocks
Material: alien
Info: bkiAlienBlock, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 2000, type: int, display: false
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "AlienFull, AlienThin, AlienExtended, AlienExtended2, AlienExtended3, AlienExtended4, AlienExtended5"
Radiation: 6, display: RadiationLevel
{ Block Id: 409, Name: AlienFull
Material: alien
TemplateRoot: AlienLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 2000, type: int, display: true
Mass: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Radiation: 6, display: RadiationLevel
{ Block Id: 410, Name: AlienThin, Ref: AlienFull
Radiation: 6, display: RadiationLevel
{ Block Id: 411, Name: HullCombatLargeBlocks
Material: hullcombat
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 2000, type: int, display: false
Mass: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HullCombatFullLarge, HullCombatThinLarge, HullCombatExtendedLarge, HullCombatExtendedLarge2, HullCombatExtendedLarge3, HullCombatExtendedLarge4, HullCombatExtendedLarge5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 412, Name: HullCombatFullLarge
Material: hullcombat
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
TemplateRoot: HullCombatLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 2000, type: int, display: true
Mass: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 413, Name: HullCombatThinLarge, Ref: HullCombatFullLarge
{ Block Id: 416, Name: TrussCube
Material: hullarmored
TemplateRoot: TrussSmallBlocks
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiTruss, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: false
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 417, Name: LandinggearSV
Group: cpgLandingGear
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksSV
Volume: 120, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 275, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiLandinggearSV, display: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 418, Name: GeneratorSV
Group: cpgGenerator
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 180, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiGenerator, display: true
StackSize: 6
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
EnergyOut: 1800, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 200
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
Temperature: 50, display: true
{ Block Id: 419, Name: FuelTankSV
Group: cpgFuelTank
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Volume: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiFuelTank, display: true
StackSize: 10
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
FuelAccept: "EnergyCell, EnergyCellLarge, EnergyCellHydrogen, FusionCell, BioFuel"
FuelCapacity: 600, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 500
Radiation: 0.25, display: RadiationLevel
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 420, Name: RCSBlockMS
Group: cpgRCS
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 120, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 40000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiGyroscope, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Torque: 20000, type: int, display: true, formatter: NewtonMeter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: GeneratorBA
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 422, Name: OxygenTankSV
Group: cpgO2Tank
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiOxygenTank, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 3, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
O2Capacity: 400, type: int, display: true
O2Accept: "OxygenBottleLarge,OxygenBottleSmall,RespiratorCharge"
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 423, Name: FridgeSV
Group: cpgFridge
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiFridge, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerSmallBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 428, Name: WeaponSV01
Group: cpgWeapon
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: RailgunSSWeapon
Volume: 120, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiWeaponShip, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 330, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 17, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: WeaponSV02
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 429, Name: WeaponSV02
Group: cpgWeapon
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: MinigunSSWeapon
Volume: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 330, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiWeaponShip, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 330, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 430, Name: WeaponSV03
Group: cpgWeapon
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: PulseLaserSSWeapon
Volume: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 780, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiWeaponShip, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 330, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: WeaponSV01
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 431, Name: WeaponSV04
Group: cpgWeapon
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: PlasmaCannonSSWeapon
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiWeaponShip, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 330, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 17, display: true
TechTreeParent: WeaponSV05Homing
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 432, Name: WeaponSV05
Group: cpgWeapon
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: RocketLauncherSSWeapon
Volume: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 900, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiWeaponShip, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 330, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: WeaponSV02
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 445, Name: LandinggearMSHeavy
Group: cpgLandingGear
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksCV
Volume: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 449, Name: ThrusterSVRoundNormal
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 55, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 650, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
TemplateRoot: ThrusterSVRoundBlocks
Info: bkiThruster, display: true
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 160, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 80, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 60, type: int, display: true
Temperature: 150, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
{ Block Id: 450, Name: ThrusterSVRoundArmored, Ref: ThrusterSVRoundNormal
{ Block Id: 451, Name: ThrusterSVRoundSlant, Ref: ThrusterSVRoundNormal
{ Block Id: 453, Name: ThrusterMSRoundArmored
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 220, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 24000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
TemplateRoot: ThrusterMSRoundBlocks
Info: bkiThruster, display: true
HitPoints: 750, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 20000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 1000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 60, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
Radiation: 3, display: RadiationLevel
Temperature: 200, display: true
{ Block Id: 454, Name: ThrusterMSRoundSlant, Ref: ThrusterMSRoundArmored
{ Block Id: 455, Name: ThrusterMSRoundNormal, Ref: ThrusterMSRoundArmored
{ Block Id: 456, Name: ThrusterSVDirectional
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 31, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 310, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiThrusterDirectional, display: true
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 75, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 45, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
Temperature: 100, display: true
{ Block Id: 457, Name: ThrusterMSDirectional
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 6
Volume: 120, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiThrusterDirectional, display: true
Mass: 16000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 8000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 450, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 2, display: RadiationLevel
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 100
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
Temperature: 150, display: true
{ Block Id: 458, Name: ThrusterMSRoundNormal2x2
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "26,50,89"
StackSize: 6
Volume: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 160000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
TemplateRoot: ThrusterMSRound2x2Blocks
Info: bkiThruster, display: true
HitPoints: 3000, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 200000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 8000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 75, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
Radiation: 4, display: RadiationLevel
Temperature: 300, display: true
{ Block Id: 459, Name: CockpitSV_ShortRange
Group: cpgCockpit
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSV
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 900, type: int, display: true
Mass: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiCockpit, display: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 460, Name: DoorSS01
Group: cpgDoor
Material: metal
Info: bkiNotAutomaticDoor, display: true
TemplateRoot: DoorBlocksSV
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 461, Name: StairsMS
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Mass: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 462, Name: GrowingPot
Material: fertile
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Mass: 120, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiGrowingPotSimple, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 468, Name: ElevatorMS
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: DoorBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 469, Name: GeneratorMS
Group: cpgGenerator
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 1
EnergyOut: 50000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Volume: 550, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 40000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiGenerator, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 200
UnlockCost: 14, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: GeneratorBA
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
Temperature: 100, display: true
{ Block Id: 489, Name: WeaponSV05Homing, Ref: WeaponSV05
WeaponItem: RocketLauncherSSHomingWeapon
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 930, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 330, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 17, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: WeaponSV05
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 491, Name: TurretIONCannon
Info: bkiAlienBlock, display: true
Group: cpgAlien
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseCannon
WeaponItem: TurretIONCannonWeapon
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 4500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 6
Category: Weapons/Items
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
HitPoints: 1600, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 120, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
XpFactor: 2
AboveTerrainCheck: false
{ Block Id: 492, Name: TurretEnemyLaser, Ref: TurretIONCannon
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
WeaponItem: TurretEnemyLaserWeapon
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
AboveTerrainCheck: false
{ Block Id: 497, Name: ThrusterMSRoundNormal3x3
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "102,0,0"
StackSize: 6
Mass: 433000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
TemplateRoot: ThrusterMSRound3x3Blocks
Info: bkiThruster, display: true
HitPoints: 6750, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 800000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 26500, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
Radiation: 5, display: RadiationLevel
Temperature: 400, display: true
{ Block Id: 498, Name: GeneratorBA
Group: cpgGenerator
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 1
EnergyOut: 2500, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 20000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiGenerator, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 200
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
Temperature: 70, display: true
{ Block Id: 514, Name: ContainerSpecialEvent, Ref: ContainerMS01
BlockColor: "96,33,173"
{ Block Id: 535, Name: ContainerBlocks
Material: metal
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
StackSize: 15
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
ChildBlocks: "ContainerMS01, ScifiContainer2, ScifiContainer1, ScifiContainerPower"
{ Block Id: 536, Name: ThrusterSVRoundBlocks
Material: metalhard
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "ThrusterSVRoundNormal, ThrusterSVRoundSlant, ThrusterSVRoundArmored"
Volume: 55, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 650, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 160, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 80, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 60, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterSVDirectional
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
Temperature: 150, display: true
{ Block Id: 537, Name: ThrusterMSRoundSlant2x2, Ref: ThrusterMSRoundNormal2x2
{ Block Id: 538, Name: ThrusterMSRoundArmored2x2, Ref: ThrusterMSRoundNormal2x2
{ Block Id: 539, Name: ThrusterMSRoundSlant3x3, Ref: ThrusterMSRoundNormal3x3
{ Block Id: 540, Name: ThrusterMSRoundArmored3x3, Ref: ThrusterMSRoundNormal3x3
{ Block Id: 541, Name: AlienContainer
Group: cpgAlien
Info: bkiAlienBlock, display: true
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
ShowBlockName: true
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: Devices
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
{ Block Id: 542, Name: AlienContainerRare, Ref: AlienContainer
BlockColor: "255,247,0"
{ Block Id: 543, Name: AlienContainerVeryRare, Ref: AlienContainer
BlockColor: "170,5,5"
{ Block Id: 544, Name: AlienContainerUltraRare, Ref: AlienContainer
BlockColor: "171,32,161"
{ Block Id: 545, Name: WindowShutterLargeBlocks
Material: hullcombat
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "WindowVertShutterArmored, WindowSlopedShutterArmored, WindowSloped2ShutterArmored, WindowVertShutterTransArmored, WindowSlopedShutterTransArmored"
TemplateRoot: WindowShutterLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 1200, type: int, display: true
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 554, Name: OxygenGenerator
Material: metal
BlockColor: "26,50,90"
Info: bkiOxygenGenerator, display: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
StackSize: 6
XpFactor: 0
Category: Devices
Volume: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: true
FuelAccept: "EnergyCell, EnergyCellLarge, FusionCell, BioFuel"
Temperature: 30, display: true
{ Block Id: 555, Name: TurretIONCannon2
Info: bkiAlienBlock, display: true
Group: cpgAlien
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseCannon
WeaponItem: TurretIONCannon2Weapon
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 4500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
Category: Weapons/Items
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
HitPoints: 2500, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 120, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
XpFactor: 2
AboveTerrainCheck: false
{ Block Id: 556, Name: SpotlightSSCube
Group: cpgSpotlight
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: SpotlightBlocks
StackSize: 6
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiSpotlight, display: true
Category: Devices
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 2, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 558, Name: Core
Group: cpgCore
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Mass: 90, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 17, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsIgnoreLC: true
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiCore, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 300
BlockColor: "0,40,0"
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUOut: 7500, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 560, Name: CoreNPC
Group: cpgCore
Info: bkiAlienBlock, display: true
Material: metal
BlockColor: "102,0,0"
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: Core
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 300
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUOut: 7500, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: true
Mass: 313, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 135, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
XpFactor: 20
{ Block Id: 564, Name: LightPlant01
Group: cpgGrowingLight
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 17, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiLightPlant, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 2, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: LightLargeBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
Temperature: 25, display: true
{ Block Id: 565, Name: SentryGun01
Info: bkiAlienBlock, display: true
Group: cpgAlien
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: SentryGunBlocks
WeaponItem: sentryGunSingle2
Category: Weapons/Items
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 20
HitPoints: 40, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 90, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
RotSpeed: 175, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 2, type: float
XpFactor: 2
AboveTerrainCheck: false
TurretTargetIgnore: true
{ Block Id: 566, Name: SentryGun02
Info: bkiAlienBlock, display: true
Group: cpgAlien
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: SentryGunBlocks
WeaponItem: sentryGunSingle2
Category: Weapons/Items
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 20
HitPoints: 40, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 90, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
RotSpeed: 175, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 2, type: float
XpFactor: 2
AboveTerrainCheck: false
TurretTargetIgnore: true
{ Block Id: 567, Name: SentryGun03
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
WeaponItem: sentryGunSingle
TemplateRoot: SentryGunBlocks
Volume: 90, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 8, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 20
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
RotSpeed: 175, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 2, type: float
AboveTerrainCheck: false
TurretTargetIgnore: true
{ Block Id: 569, Name: LightWork
Material: metallight
XpFactor: 0
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiLightWork, display: true
Category: Devices
UnlockCost: 2, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: Flashlight
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Block Id: 583, Name: FridgeMS02
Group: cpgFridge
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Info: bkiFridge, display: true
Category: Devices
TemplateRoot: FridgeBlocks
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 50
{ Block Id: 584, Name: FridgeMS, Ref: FridgeMS02
{ Block Id: 588, Name: WaterGenerator
Material: metal
Volume: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 130, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiWaterGenerator, display: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
StackSize: 6
XpFactor: 0
Category: Devices
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
FuelAccept: "EnergyCell, EnergyCellLarge, FusionCell, BioFuel"
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 589, Name: ThrusterGVDirectional
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiThrusterDirectional, display: true
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 60, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: RCSBlockGV
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
Temperature: 60, display: true
{ Block Id: 590, Name: ThrusterGVRoundNormal
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
TemplateRoot: ThrusterGVRoundBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiThruster, display: true
Volume: 45, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 125, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 20, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 60, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
Temperature: 70, display: true
{ Block Id: 603, Name: HoverBooster
Group: cpgHoverEngine
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Info: bkiHoverBooster, display: true
Volume: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 6
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 25, type: int, display: false, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: HoverEngineSmall
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 604, Name: RCSBlockGV
Group: cpgRCS
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiGyroscopeGV, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Torque: 120, type: int, display: true, formatter: NewtonMeter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 2, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 612, Name: Bed, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
{ Block Id: 613, Name: Sofa, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
{ Block Id: 614, Name: KitchenCounter, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 615, Name: KitchenTable, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
{ Block Id: 617, Name: Bookshelf, Ref: DecoTemplate
Info: bkiDecoModel, display: true
{ Block Id: 618, Name: ControlStation, Ref: DecoTemplate
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
Info: bkiDecoModel, display: true
{ Block Id: 619, Name: BathroomCounter, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 620, Name: Toilet, Ref: DecoTemplate
BlockColor: "220,220,220"
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
{ Block Id: 621, Name: Shower, Ref: DecoTemplate
BlockColor: "220,220,220"
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
{ Block Id: 622, Name: LightInterior01, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 623, Name: LightInterior02, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 629, Name: IndoorPlant01
Material: metallight
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiDecoModel, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: Deco Blocks
TemplateRoot: IndoorPlants
{ Block Id: 630, Name: IndoorPlant02, Ref: IndoorPlant01
{ Block Id: 631, Name: IndoorPlant03, Ref: IndoorPlant01
{ Block Id: 632, Name: CockpitSV02
Group: cpgCockpit
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSV
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 700, type: int, display: true
Mass: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiCockpit, display: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 633, Name: CockpitSV05, Ref: CockpitSV02
Mass: 350, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 635, Name: ConsoleSmallMS01
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metallight
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiGenNoFunction, display: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Deco Blocks
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
TemplateRoot: ConsoleBlocks
{ Block Id: 636, Name: ConsoleLargeMS01
Material: metallight
Volume: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiGenNoFunction, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Deco Blocks
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
TemplateRoot: ConsoleBlocks
{ Block Id: 637, Name: ConsoleLargeMS02, Ref: ConsoleLargeMS01
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 638, Name: ConsoleMapMS01, Ref: ConsoleLargeMS01
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 646, Name: WeaponMS01
Group: cpgWeapon
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: RocketLauncherMSWeapon
Volume: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiWeaponShipSpace, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 3000, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretMSRocketBlocks
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 647, Name: WeaponMS02
Group: cpgWeapon
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: PulseLaserMSWeapon
Volume: 550, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1700, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiWeaponShipSpace, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 3000, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 27, display: true
UnlockLevel: 25, display: true
TechTreeParent: WeaponMS01
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 648, Name: TurretGVMinigun
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
WeaponItem: TurretGVMinigunWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretGVMinigunBlocks
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 850, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 6
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 550, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 120, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 649, Name: TurretGVRocket
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
WeaponItem: TurretGVRocketWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretGVRocketBlocks
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 460, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 4
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 550, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 650, Name: TurretGVPlasma
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
WeaponItem: TurretGVPlasmaWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretGVPlasmaBlocks
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 970, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 4
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 550, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 80, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 651, Name: BunkBed, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
{ Block Id: 652, Name: LightWork02
Material: metallight
XpFactor: 0
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Info: bkiLightWork, display: true
Category: Devices
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: LightWork
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Block Id: 653, Name: Flare
Group: cpgFlare
Material: metallight
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 658, Name: EntitySpawner1
Group: cpgNPCSpawner
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 10
Info: bkiEntitySpawner, display: true
{ Block Id: 668, Name: EntitySpawnerPlateThin, Ref: EntitySpawner1
BlockColor: "170,5,5"
{ Block Id: 669, Name: SawAttachment
Group: cpgHarvest
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: SawAttachmentWeapon
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiHarvester, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 6
ROF: 0.05, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 500
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 670, Name: CockpitSV03, Ref: CockpitSV02
{ Block Id: 671, Name: CockpitSV07, Ref: CockpitSV02
Mass: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 750, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 672, Name: StairsWedge
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocks
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 673, Name: StairsWedgeLong
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocks
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 676, Name: WalkwaySlope
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: WalkwayLargeBlocks
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 681, Name: RailingL, Ref: RailingDiagonal
{ Block Id: 682, Name: RailingRound, Ref: RailingDiagonal
{ Block Id: 683, Name: DrillAttachment
Group: cpgHarvest
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: DrillAttachmentWeapon
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 120, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiDrill, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
EnergyIn: 250, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 4000
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: SawAttachment
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 684, Name: TurretGVDrill, Ref: TurretDrillTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretGVDrillWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretGVToolBlocks
Volume: 130, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 420, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 688, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 14, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 850, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 685, Name: TurretMSDrill, Ref: TurretDrillTemplate
TemplateRoot: TurretMSToolBlocks
Volume: 4500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Block Id: 686, Name: ContainerPersonal
Group: cpgCargoBox
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 15
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 50
{ Block Id: 688, Name: CockpitSV07New, Ref: CockpitSV02
Mass: 350, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 800, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 689, Name: CockpitSV05New, Ref: CockpitSV02
HitPoints: 550, type: int, display: true
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 690, Name: CockpitSV02New, Ref: CockpitSV02
HitPoints: 900, type: int, display: true
Mass: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 691, Name: RailingSlopeLeft, Ref: RailingDiagonal
{ Block Id: 692, Name: RailingSlopeRight, Ref: RailingDiagonal
{ Block Id: 694, Name: ThrusterJetRound3x7x3
Group: cpgThruster
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 320, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 750, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiThruster, display: true
HitPoints: 1500, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 1160, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 260, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 80, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterJetRound2x5x2V2
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
Temperature: 140, display: true
{ Block Id: 695, Name: ThrusterJetRound3x10x3, Ref: ThrusterJetRound3x7x3
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1650, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 1260, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 270, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 80, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 17, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterJetRound3x7x3
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
Temperature: 150, display: true
{ Block Id: 696, Name: ThrusterJetRound3x13x3, Ref: ThrusterJetRound3x7x3
Volume: 460, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1800, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 1330, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 280, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 90, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterJetRound3x10x3
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
Temperature: 155, display: true
{ Block Id: 697, Name: ThrusterJetRound1x3x1, Ref: ThrusterJetRound3x7x3
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 430, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 350, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 90, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 75, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
Temperature: 90, display: true
{ Block Id: 698, Name: ThrusterJetRound2x5x2, Ref: ThrusterJetRound3x7x3
Volume: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 700, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 650, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 840, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 200, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 75, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 14, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterJetRound1x3x1
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
Temperature: 120, display: true
{ Block Id: 700, Name: TurretBaseFlak
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseRocketBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretBaseFlakWeapon
Volume: 4500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 3900, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 110, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 701, Name: TurretBasePlasma
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseLaserBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretBasePlasmaWeapon
Volume: 4500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 3900, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 80, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 702, Name: TurretMSPlasma
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretMSLaserBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretMSPlasmaWeapon
Volume: 4500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiTurretSpace, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 3450, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 80, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Block Id: 706, Name: OxygenHydrogenGenerator, Ref: OxygenGenerator
Info: bkiOxygenHydrogenGenerator, display: true
BlockColor: "45,90,45"
Temperature: 30, display: true
{ Block Id: 711, Name: ConstructorSurvival
Material: metalhard
Info: bkiConstructorSurvival, display: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Mass: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 1
XpFactor: 0
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 2, display: true
TechTreeParent: OxygenGeneratorSmall
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 712, Name: PassengerSeatSV
Group: cpgPassengerSeat
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiPassengerSeat, display: true
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: CockpitBlocksSV
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Block Id: 714, Name: ConstructorT2
Group: cpgConstructor
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 60000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiConstructorAdvanced, display: true
StackSize: 1
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 1500, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: ConstructorT1V2
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 715, Name: PassengerSeat2SV
Group: cpgPassengerSeat
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiPassengerSeat, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 6, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: PassengerSeatSV
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 716, Name: TurretGVArtillery
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
WeaponItem: TurretGVArtilleryWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretGVArtilleryBlocks
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 6
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 150, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 935, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 60, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 717, Name: OxygenTankSmallMS
Group: cpgO2Tank
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiOxygenTank, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
O2Capacity: 1000, type: int, display: true
O2Accept: "OxygenBottleLarge,OxygenBottleSmall,RespiratorCharge"
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 720, Name: WarpDrive
Group: cpgWarp
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 3000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 40000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Info: bkiWarpDrive, display: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 200
Radiation: 15, display: RadiationLevel
Temperature: 90, display: true
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: GravityGeneratorMS
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 721, Name: OxygenStationSV
Group: cpgO2Station
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 35, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiOxygenStation, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: OxygenTankSV
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 722, Name: LandinggearShort
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksSV
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 723, Name: LandinggearMSLight, Ref: LandinggearMSHeavy
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 724, Name: ContainerAmmoLarge
Group: cpgAmmo
Material: metallight
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "0,40,0"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Volume: 75, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiContainerAmmo, display: true
StackSize: 15
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 500
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerLargeBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 727, Name: ConsoleLargeMS01a, Ref: ConsoleLargeMS01
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 728, Name: ContainerAmmoSmall, Ref: ContainerAmmoLarge
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Volume: 95, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 730, Name: DockingPad, Ref: LandinggearShort
Info: bkiLandinggearHV, display: true
TemplateRoot: DockingPad
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 732, Name: ContainerHarvest
Group: cpgHarvest
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "62,30,10"
Info: bkiContainerHarvest, display: true
StackSize: 15
VolumeCapacity: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Volume: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 50
{ Block Id: 768, Name: ThrusterGVRoundSlant, Ref: ThrusterGVRoundNormal
{ Block Id: 769, Name: TurretMSArtillery, Ref: TurretMSArtilleryRetract
TemplateRoot: TurretMSArtilleryBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 7500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Block Id: 770, Name: Window_v1x1
Material: hull
Info: bkiWindowNoShutterSemiTrans, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: BuildingBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: false
Mass: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 771, Name: Window_s1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 772, Name: ThrusterMSRoundBlocks
Material: metalhard
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "ThrusterMSRoundNormal, ThrusterMSRoundSlant, ThrusterMSRoundArmored"
Volume: 220, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 24000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 750, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 20000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 1000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 60, type: int, display: true
Temperature: 200, display: true
Radiation: 3, display: RadiationLevel
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterMSDirectional
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 778, Name: ThrusterMSRound2x2Blocks
Material: metalhard
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "26,50,89"
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "ThrusterMSRoundNormal2x2, ThrusterMSRoundSlant2x2, ThrusterMSRoundArmored2x2"
Volume: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 160000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 3000, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 200000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 8000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 75, type: int, display: true
Temperature: 300, display: true
Radiation: 4, display: RadiationLevel
UnlockCost: 17, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterMSRoundBlocks
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 779, Name: LandinggearSingle
Group: cpgLandingGear
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksSV
Info: bkiLandinggearSV, display: true
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 30, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 780, Name: LandinggearDouble, Ref: LandinggearSingle
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 781, Name: CloneChamber
Group: cpgMedic
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiCloneChamber, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 795, Name: Window_v1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 796, Name: Window_v1x2, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 797, Name: Window_v1x2Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 798, Name: Window_v2x2, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 799, Name: Window_v2x2Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 800, Name: Window_s1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 801, Name: Window_s1x2, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 802, Name: Window_s1x2Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 803, Name: Window_sd1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 804, Name: Window_sd1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 805, Name: Window_sd1x2, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 806, Name: Window_sd1x2Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 807, Name: Window_c1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 808, Name: Window_c1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 809, Name: Window_c1x2, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 810, Name: Window_c1x2Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 811, Name: Window_cr1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 812, Name: Window_cr1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 813, Name: Window_crc1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 814, Name: Window_crc1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 815, Name: Window_crsd1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 816, Name: Window_crsd1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 817, Name: Window_sd1x2V2, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 818, Name: Window_sd1x2V2Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 819, Name: RampTemplate
Group: cpgRamp
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 835, Name: ThrusterMSRound3x3Blocks
Material: metalhard
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "102,0,0"
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "ThrusterMSRoundNormal3x3, ThrusterMSRoundSlant3x3, ThrusterMSRoundArmored3x3"
Volume: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 433000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 6750, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 800000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 26500, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Temperature: 400, display: true
Radiation: 5, display: RadiationLevel
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterMSRound2x2Blocks
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 836, Name: WindowSmallBlocks
Material: hull
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "Window_v1x1, Window_v1x2, Window_v2x2, Window_s1x1, Window_s1x2, Window_sd1x1, Window_sd1x2, Window_sd1x2V2, Window_c1x1, Window_c1x2, Window_cr1x1, Window_crc1x1, Window_crsd1x1, Window_L1x1, Window_3side1x1, Window_crctw1x1, Window_creA1x1, Window_creB1x1, Window_crl1x1, Window_crse1x1, Window_cc1x1"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
TemplateRoot: WindowSmallBlocks
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: true
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 837, Name: TrussSmallBlocks
Material: metallight
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "TrussCube, TrussCorner, TrussWedge, TrussCurveOutSlope, TrussHalfRound, TrussQuarterRound, TrussCylinder, TrussQuarterRoundInv, TrussWall, TrussWedgeThin, TrussQuarterRoundThin, TrussCornerThin, TrussCornerRoundThin, TrussCornerRoundThin2"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
TemplateRoot: TrussSmallBlocks
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 838, Name: WalkwayBlocks
Material: metallight
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
Mass: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
ChildBlocks: "WalkwayVertNew, WalkwaySlopeNew, WalkwaySlope, RailingVert, RailingDiagonal, RailingSlopeLeft, RailingSlopeRight, RailingL, RailingRound, RailingVertGlass, RailingDiagonalGlass, RailingSlopeGlassLeft, RailingSlopeGlassRight, RailingLGlass, RailingRoundGlass"
{ Block Id: 839, Name: StairsBlocks
Material: metallight
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 7, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "StairsWedge, StairsWedgeLong, StairsMS, StairShapesLong, StairShapes"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 884, Name: WalkwayVertNew
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: WalkwayBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Mass: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 885, Name: WalkwaySlopeNew, Ref: WalkwayVertNew
{ Block Id: 927, Name: DecoBlocks
Material: metallight
Volume: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Deco Blocks
ChildBlocks: "ScifiBed, Bed, BunkBed, BunkBed02, Sofa, ScifiSofa, ScifiLargeSofa, KitchenTable, ScifiTable, ScifiTableV2, ReceptionTable, ReceptionTableCorner, ReceptionTableThin, ReceptionTableCornerThin, SmallTable, ControlStation, TableTV, ScifiChair, ScifiNightstand, ScifiStorage, Bookshelf, KitchenCounter, BathroomCounter, Toilet, Shower, ScifiShower, Closet"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 928, Name: ConsoleBlocks
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 65, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Category: Deco Blocks
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
ChildBlocks: "ConsoleMS01, ConsoleSmallMS01, ConsoleLargeMS01, ConsoleLargeMS01a, ConsoleLargeMS02, ConsoleMapMS01, ScifiMediaCenter, ScifiComputerTable, HoloScreen01, HoloScreen02, HoloScreen03, HoloScreen04, HoloScreen05"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 929, Name: IndoorPlants
Material: metallight
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Volume: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: Deco Blocks
ChildBlocks: "IndoorPlant01, IndoorPlant02, IndoorPlant03, ScifiPlant, HollywoodJuniperDeco, ElderberryBushDeco, ElderberryBushBlueDeco, AkuaFernDeco, AlienPalmTreeDeco, AlienTentacleDeco, BallTreeDeco, BallFlower01Deco, GlowTube01Deco, OnionFlowerDeco, FantasyPlant1Deco"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 934, Name: RCSBlockMS_T2
Group: cpgRCS
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "58,24,59"
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 60000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiGyroscope, display: true
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
Torque: 500000, type: int, display: true, formatter: NewtonMeter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: RCSBlockMS
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 950, Name: HoloScreen01
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiDecoModel, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: Deco Blocks
TemplateRoot: ConsoleBlocks
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 951, Name: HoloScreen02, Ref: HoloScreen01
{ Block Id: 952, Name: HoloScreen03, Ref: HoloScreen01
{ Block Id: 953, Name: HoloScreen04, Ref: HoloScreen01
{ Block Id: 954, Name: HoloScreen05, Ref: HoloScreen01
{ Block Id: 960, Name: ConstructorT1V2
Group: cpgConstructor
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 40000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiConstructorLarge, display: true
StackSize: 1
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 500, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: ConstructorT0
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 962, Name: FoodProcessorV2
Group: cpgFoodProcessor
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiFoodProcessor, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 300, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 30, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: FridgeBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 963, Name: CockpitSV01, Ref: CockpitSV02
HitPoints: 900, type: int, display: true
Mass: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 964, Name: OxygenGeneratorSmall
Material: metal
Info: bkiOxygenGeneratorSmall, display: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
StackSize: 6
XpFactor: 0
Category: Devices
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: true
FuelAccept: "EnergyCell, EnergyCellLarge, FusionCell, BioFuel"
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 965, Name: DoorArmored
Group: cpgDoor
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: DoorArmoredBlocks
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 966, Name: Window_v1x1Thick
Material: hullcombat
Info: bkiWindowNoShutterSemiTrans, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: false
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 967, Name: Window_v1x2Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 968, Name: Window_v2x2Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 969, Name: WindowVertShutterArmored
Material: hullcombat
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Info: bkiWindowShutterNonTrans, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: false
Mass: 75, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 970, Name: WindowSlopedShutterArmored, Ref: WindowVertShutterArmored
{ Block Id: 971, Name: WindowSloped2ShutterArmored, Ref: WindowVertShutterArmored
{ Block Id: 972, Name: WindowVertShutterTransArmored, Ref: WindowVertShutterArmored
Info: bkiWindowShutterTrans, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 973, Name: WindowSlopedShutterTransArmored, Ref: WindowVertShutterArmored
Info: bkiWindowShutterTrans, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 974, Name: WindowArmoredSmallBlocks
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "Window_v1x1Thick, Window_v1x2Thick, Window_v2x2Thick, Window_s1x1Thick, Window_s1x2Thick, Window_sd1x1Thick, Window_sd1x2Thick, Window_sd1x2V2Thick, Window_c1x1Thick, Window_c1x2Thick, Window_cr1x1Thick, Window_crc1x1Thick, Window_crsd1x1Thick, Window_L1x1Thick, Window_3side1x1Thick, Window_crctw1x1Thick, Window_creA1x1Thick, Window_creB1x1Thick, Window_crl1x1Thick, Window_crse1x1Thick, Window_cc1x1Thick"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
TemplateRoot: WindowArmoredSmallBlocks
Mass: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 975, Name: HangarDoor10x5
Group: cpgHangarShutterDoor
Material: hullarmored
TemplateRoot: HangarDoorBlocks
Volume: 10000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 12000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 1500, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 976, Name: WindowShutterSmallBlocks
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "WindowVertShutterArmored, WindowSlopedShutterArmored, WindowSloped2ShutterArmored, WindowVertShutterTransArmored, WindowSlopedShutterTransArmored"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
TemplateRoot: WindowShutterSmallBlocks
Mass: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 977, Name: Window_s1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 978, Name: Window_s1x2Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 979, Name: Window_sd1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 980, Name: Window_sd1x2Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 981, Name: Window_c1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 982, Name: Window_c1x2Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 983, Name: Window_cr1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 984, Name: Window_crc1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 985, Name: Window_crsd1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 986, Name: Window_sd1x2V2Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 987, Name: HangarDoor14x7, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
HitPoints: 2000, type: int, display: true
Mass: 2250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 988, Name: HangarDoor6x3, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: true
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 989, Name: Window_v1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 990, Name: Window_v1x2ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 991, Name: Window_v2x2ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 992, Name: Window_s1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 993, Name: Window_s1x2ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 994, Name: Window_sd1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 995, Name: Window_sd1x2ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 996, Name: Window_c1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 997, Name: Window_c1x2ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 998, Name: Window_cr1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 999, Name: Window_crc1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1000, Name: Window_crsd1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1001, Name: Window_sd1x2V2ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1002, Name: DoorBlocks
Group: cpgDoor
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: false
ChildBlocks: "DoorMS01, DoorInterior01, DoorInterior02, DoorVertical, DoorVerticalGlass"
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1003, Name: DoorInterior01
Group: cpgDoor
Material: metal
TemplateRoot: DoorBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 65, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1004, Name: DoorInterior02, Ref: DoorInterior01
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1005, Name: HangarDoor5x3, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
HitPoints: 950, type: int, display: true
Mass: 10000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1006, Name: HangarDoor9x5, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
HitPoints: 1400, type: int, display: true
Mass: 12800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1007, Name: HangarDoor13x7, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
HitPoints: 1800, type: int, display: true
Mass: 16000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1008, Name: HangarDoorBlocks
Group: cpgDoor
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Volume: 550, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 10000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 25
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: false
ChildBlocks: "HangarDoor5x3, HangarDoor5x4, HangarDoor6x3, HangarDoor6x5, HangarDoor7x5, HangarDoor7x6, HangarDoor9x5, HangarDoor9x7, HangarDoor10x5, HangarDoor10x7, HangarDoor10x9, HangarDoor13x7, HangarDoor14x7"
UnlockCost: 8, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: DoorBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1009, Name: CockpitOpenSV
Group: cpgCockpit
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 280, type: int, display: true
Mass: 90, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiCockpit, display: true
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSV
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1011, Name: ShutterDoor1x1
Group: cpgHangarShutterDoor
Material: hullarmored
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1012, Name: ShutterDoor2x2, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
Volume: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
Mass: 3000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1013, Name: ShutterDoor3x3, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
Volume: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 400, type: int, display: true
Mass: 4800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1014, Name: ShutterDoor4x4, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
Volume: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
Mass: 6400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1015, Name: ShutterDoor5x5, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
Volume: 6000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 600, type: int, display: true
Mass: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1016, Name: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
StackSize: 25
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: false
Volume: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
ChildBlocks: "ShutterDoor1x1, ShutterDoor1x2, ShutterDoor1x3, ShutterDoor1x4, ShutterDoor1x5, ShutterDoor2x2, ShutterDoor2x3, ShutterDoor3x3, ShutterDoor4x3, ShutterDoor4x4, ShutterDoor5x3, ShutterDoor5x5"
UnlockCost: 8, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: DoorBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1017, Name: ShutterDoor1x1SV
Group: cpgHangarShutterDoor
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiNotAutomaticDoor, display: true
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorSmallBlocks
Volume: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1018, Name: ShutterDoor2x2SV, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1SV
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1019, Name: ShutterDoor3x3SV, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1SV
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1020, Name: ShutterDoorSmallBlocks
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Volume: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 25
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: false
ChildBlocks: "ShutterDoor1x1SV, ShutterDoor2x2SV, ShutterDoor3x3SV, ShutterDoor3x4SV"
UnlockCost: 8, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1021, Name: ShutterDoor3x4SV, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1SV
Volume: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1022, Name: Ramp3x1x1, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Mass: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1023, Name: Ramp3x2x1, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 120, type: int, display: true
Mass: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1024, Name: Ramp3x3x1, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
Mass: 27, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1025, Name: Ramp3x4x2, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
Mass: 37, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1026, Name: Ramp3x5x3, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1027, Name: Ramp1x1x1, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1028, Name: Ramp1x2x1, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 70, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 110, type: int, display: true
Mass: 17, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1029, Name: Ramp1x3x1, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 120, type: int, display: true
Mass: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1030, Name: Ramp1x4x2, Ref: RampTemplate
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 130, type: int, display: true
Mass: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1031, Name: RampBlocks
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Volume: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 25
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: false
ChildBlocks: "Ramp1x1x1, Ramp1x4x1, Ramp1x5x1, Ramp1x5x2, Ramp1x5x3, Ramp3x1x1, Ramp1x2x1, Ramp3x2x1, Ramp3x4x1, Ramp3x5x1, Ramp1x3x1, Ramp3x3x1, Ramp1x4x2, Ramp3x4x2, Ramp3x5x2, Ramp3x5x3"
{ Block Id: 1034, Name: GeneratorMST2, Ref: GeneratorMS
EnergyOut: 500000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Volume: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 120000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: GeneratorMS
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
Temperature: 150, display: true
{ Block Id: 1035, Name: FuelTankMSLargeT2, Ref: FuelTankMSLarge
Volume: 180, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 159000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: true
FuelCapacity: 6000, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 0.8, display: RadiationLevel
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: FuelTankMSLarge
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1036, Name: ShutterDoor1x2, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 225, type: int, display: true
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1037, Name: ShutterDoor2x3, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 325, type: int, display: true
Mass: 3200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1064, Name: LandinggearHeavySV, Ref: LandinggearSV
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV
Mass: 660, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 280, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 70, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1072, Name: ScifiBed, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1073, Name: ScifiLargeSofa, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1074, Name: ScifiNightstand, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1075, Name: TrussLargeBlocks
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "TrussCube, TrussCorner, TrussWedge, TrussCurveOutSlope, TrussHalfRound, TrussQuarterRound, TrussCylinder, TrussQuarterRoundInv, TrussWall, TrussWedgeThin, TrussQuarterRoundThin, TrussCornerThin, TrussCornerRoundThin, TrussCornerRoundThin2"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 7.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 278, type: int, display: true
TemplateRoot: TrussLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1076, Name: ScifiSofa, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1077, Name: ScifiStorage, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1078, Name: ScifiTable, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1079, Name: ScifiShower, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1080, Name: ScifiPlant, Ref: IndoorPlant01
{ Block Id: 1081, Name: ScifiContainer1, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1082, Name: ScifiContainer2, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1083, Name: ScifiContainerEnergy, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 2500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1084, Name: ScifiContainerPower, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1085, Name: ScifiChair, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
{ Block Id: 1086, Name: ScifiTableV2, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1087, Name: ScifiComputerTable, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: ConsoleBlocks
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1088, Name: ScifiMediaCenter, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: ConsoleBlocks
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1089, Name: HangarDoor7x5, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
HitPoints: 1100, type: int, display: true
Mass: 12000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1090, Name: HangarDoor10x9, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
HitPoints: 1800, type: int, display: true
Mass: 14000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1091, Name: CockpitMS03, Ref: CockpitMS01
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1092, Name: CockpitOpen2SV
Group: cpgCockpit
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 90, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 280, type: int, display: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiCockpit, display: true
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSV
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1093, Name: CockpitBlocksSV
Group: cpgCockpit
Material: metalhard
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
HitPoints: 820, type: int, display: false
Volume: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "CockpitSV01, CockpitSV_ShortRange, CockpitSV02New, CockpitSV04, CockpitSV05New, CockpitSV06, CockpitSV07New, CockpitOpenSV, CockpitOpen2SV, CockpitSV02, CockpitSV05, CockpitSV03, CockpitSV07"
MaxCount: 2, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1094, Name: CockpitSV04, Ref: CockpitSV02
Mass: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 900, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1095, Name: LCDScreenBlocks
Material: metallight
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: false
Mass: 11, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "LCDNoFrame1x2, LCDFrame1x2, LCDNoFrame1x1, LCDFrame1x1, LCDNoFrame05x1, LCDNoFrame05x05, LCDNoFrame02x1, LCDNoFrame02x05"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1096, Name: LCDNoFrame1x1
Group: cpgLCD
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: LCDScreenBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
{ Block Id: 1097, Name: LCDFrame1x1, Ref: LCDNoFrame1x1
{ Block Id: 1098, Name: LCDNoFrame1x2, Ref: LCDNoFrame1x1
{ Block Id: 1099, Name: LCDFrame1x2, Ref: LCDNoFrame1x1
{ Block Id: 1100, Name: LCDNoFrame05x1, Ref: LCDNoFrame1x1
{ Block Id: 1101, Name: LCDNoFrame02x1, Ref: LCDNoFrame1x1
{ Block Id: 1102, Name: LCDNoFrame05x05, Ref: LCDNoFrame1x1
{ Block Id: 1103, Name: LCDNoFrame02x05, Ref: LCDNoFrame1x1
{ Block Id: 1104, Name: TurretGVTool, Ref: TurretDrillTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretGVToolWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretGVToolBlocks
Info: bkiTurretTool, display: true
EnergyIn: 750, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 8, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Volume: 130, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 420, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1105, Name: TurretMSTool, Ref: TurretDrillTemplate
WeaponItem: TurretMSToolWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSToolBlocks
Info: bkiTurretTool, display: true
EnergyIn: 2450, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 26, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Block Id: 1106, Name: ThrusterGVRoundArmored, Ref: ThrusterGVRoundNormal
{ Block Id: 1107, Name: ThrusterGVRoundBlocks
Material: metalhard
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "ThrusterGVRoundNormal, ThrusterGVRoundSlant, ThrusterGVRoundArmored"
Volume: 45, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 125, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 20, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 60, type: int, display: true
Temperature: 70, display: true
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterGVDirectional
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1108, Name: AutoMiningDeviceT1
Material: metalhard
Info: bkiAutoMiner, display: true
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 40, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
XpFactor: 0
Category: Devices
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
FuelAccept: "EnergyCell, EnergyCellLarge, FusionCell, BioFuel"
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 1109, Name: AutoMiningDeviceT2, Ref: AutoMiningDeviceT1
HitPoints: 400, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 80, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 350, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 17, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: AutoMiningDeviceT1
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 1110, Name: AutoMiningDeviceT3, Ref: AutoMiningDeviceT1
HitPoints: 600, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 160, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: AutoMiningDeviceT2
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 1111, Name: RepairBayBA
Group: cpgEquipment
Info: bkiRepairBay, display: true
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Category: Devices
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Mass: 3500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 25000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 14, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: RepairStation
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1112, Name: DoorArmoredBlocks
Group: cpgDoor
Material: metal
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 440, type: int, display: false
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ChildBlocks: "DoorSingleLArmored, DoorSingleRArmored, DoorSingleGlassLArmored, DoorSingleGlassRArmored, DoorSingleGlassFullLArmored, DoorSingleGlassFullRArmored, DoorArmored, DoorInterior01Armored, DoorInterior02Armored, DoorVerticalArmored, DoorVerticalGlassArmored"
UnlockCost: 9, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: DoorBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1113, Name: DoorVertical, Ref: DoorMS01
{ Block Id: 1114, Name: DoorVerticalGlass, Ref: DoorInterior01
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1115, Name: DoorVerticalArmored, Ref: DoorArmored
{ Block Id: 1116, Name: LandinggearSingleShort, Ref: LandinggearSV
{ Block Id: 1117, Name: LandinggearDoubleShort, Ref: LandinggearSV
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV
{ Block Id: 1118, Name: LandinggearBlocksSV
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: false
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
ChildBlocks: "LandingGearSVSingle, LandingGearSVRetDouble, LandingGearSVRetSkid, LandingGearSVSideStrut, LandinggearShort, LandinggearSV, LandinggearSingle, LandinggearSingleShort"
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1119, Name: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV, Ref: LandinggearBlocksSV
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 70, type: int, display: false
ChildBlocks: "LandingGearSVRetLargeSingleV3, LandingGearSVRetLargeSingleV2, LandingGearSVRetLargeDoubleV3, LandingGearSVRetLargeDoubleV2, LandinggearDouble, LandinggearDoubleShort, LandinggearHeavySV"
UnlockCost: 8, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: LandinggearBlocksSV
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1120, Name: LandinggearBlocksCV
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: false
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
ChildBlocks: "LandingGearCVRetLargeSingle, LandingGearCVRetLargeDouble, LandinggearMSLight, LandinggearSingleCV, LandinggearSingleShortCV, LandinggearDoubleCV, LandinggearDoubleShortCV, LandinggearMSHeavy"
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1121, Name: LandinggearSingleCV, Ref: LandinggearMSHeavy
{ Block Id: 1122, Name: LandinggearSingleShortCV, Ref: LandinggearMSHeavy
{ Block Id: 1123, Name: LandinggearDoubleCV, Ref: LandinggearMSHeavy
{ Block Id: 1124, Name: LandinggearDoubleShortCV, Ref: LandinggearMSHeavy
{ Block Id: 1125, Name: StairShapes
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 1126, Name: StairShapesLong
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Mass: 350, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 1127, Name: HoverEngineSmall
Group: cpgHoverEngine
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Category: Devices
Info: bkiHoverengine, display: true
Mass: 220, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 45, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
HVEngineDampCoef: 30, type: float, display: false, formatter: Hardness
HVEngineDampPow: 1.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: Hardness
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: HoverEngineThruster
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1128, Name: WindowLargeBlocks
Material: hull
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "Window_v1x1, Window_v1x2, Window_v2x2, Window_s1x1, Window_s1x2, Window_sd1x1, Window_sd1x2, Window_sd1x2V2, Window_c1x1, Window_c1x2, Window_cr1x1, Window_crc1x1, Window_crsd1x1, Window_L1x1, Window_3side1x1, Window_crctw1x1, Window_creA1x1, Window_creB1x1, Window_crl1x1, Window_crse1x1, Window_cc1x1"
TemplateRoot: WindowLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 7.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1129, Name: WindowArmoredLargeBlocks
Material: hullcombat
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "Window_v1x1Thick, Window_v1x2Thick, Window_v2x2Thick, Window_s1x1Thick, Window_s1x2Thick, Window_sd1x1Thick, Window_sd1x2Thick, Window_sd1x2V2Thick, Window_c1x1Thick, Window_c1x2Thick, Window_cr1x1Thick, Window_crc1x1Thick, Window_crsd1x1Thick, Window_L1x1Thick, Window_3side1x1Thick, Window_crctw1x1Thick, Window_creA1x1Thick, Window_creB1x1Thick, Window_crl1x1Thick, Window_crse1x1Thick, Window_cc1x1Thick"
TemplateRoot: WindowArmoredLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: true
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1130, Name: HoverEngineLarge, Ref: HoverEngineSmall
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 20, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HVEngineDampCoef: 100, type: float, display: false, formatter: Hardness
HVEngineDampPow: 1.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: Hardness
HitPoints: 350, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 8, display: true
TechTreeParent: HoverEngineSmall
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1131, Name: RepairBayCV, Ref: RepairBayBA
EnergyIn: 20000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
Mass: 2800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 17, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: RepairStation
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1132, Name: Furnace
Group: cpgConstructor
Material: metal
Info: bkiFurnace, display: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
StackSize: 1
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Mass: 120000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 2500, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 40, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 1500, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 500
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: ConstructorT2
TechTreeNames: Base
Temperature: 250, display: true
{ Block Id: 1133, Name: TradingStation
Group: cpgTrading
Material: metallight
Info: bkiTradingStation, display: true
Category: Devices
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
TemplateRoot: ConsoleBlocks
Mass: 65, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlockColor: "170,5,5"
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
{ Block Id: 1134, Name: ATM
Group: cpgTrading
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiATM, display: true
Category: Devices
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
Mass: 110, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1135, Name: WingBlocks
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: false
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "Wing6x5a, Wing6x5b, Wing6x5c, Wing6x5d, Wing6x5e, Wing6x9a, Wing6x9b, Wing6x9c, Wing6x9d, Wing6x9e, Wing9x6a, Wing9x6b, Wing9x6c, Wing9x6d, Wing9x6e, Wing12x9a, Wing12x9b, Wing12x9c, Wing12x9d, Wing12x9e"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1139, Name: Wing6x9a
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: WingBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Mass: 325, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 960, type: int, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 1140, Name: Wing6x5a, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 190, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 570, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1141, Name: Wing12x9a, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 390, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1150, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1142, Name: TurretMSPulseLaser
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretMSLaserBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretMSPulseLaserWeapon
Info: bkiTurretSpace, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 3450, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 100, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 1143, Name: TurretBaseCannon
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseProjectileBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretBaseCannonWeapon
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 3900, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 1144, Name: TurretBaseRocket
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseRocketBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretBaseRocketWeapon
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 3900, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 1145, Name: TurretMSCannon
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
WeaponItem: TurretMSCannonWeapon
TemplateRoot: TurretMSProjectileBlocks
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 3450, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 1146, Name: TurretMSFlak
Group: cpgTurret
Material: hullcombat
TemplateRoot: TurretMSRocketBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretMSFlakWeapon
Info: bkiTurretSpace, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 3450, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 120, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 1147, Name: TurretBaseMinigun
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseProjectileBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretBaseMinigunWeapon
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 3900, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 120, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 1148, Name: TurretBasePulseLaser
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseLaserBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretBasePulseLaserWeapon
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 3900, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 100, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 1149, Name: TurretBaseArtillery
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
TemplateRoot: TurretBaseArtilleryBlocks
WeaponItem: TurretBaseArtilleryWeapon
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 2, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 2700, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 5500, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 60, type: int, display: true
Zoom: 5, type: float
{ Block Id: 1150, Name: Wing12x9b, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 390, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1150, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1151, Name: Wing12x9c, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 390, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1150, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1152, Name: Wing9x6a, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1153, Name: Wing9x6b, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1154, Name: Wing9x6c, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1155, Name: Wing6x9b, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1156, Name: Wing6x9c, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1157, Name: Wing6x5b, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 190, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 570, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1158, Name: Wing6x5c, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 190, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 570, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1159, Name: Wing6x5d, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 190, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 570, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1160, Name: Wing6x5e, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 190, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 570, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1161, Name: Wing6x9d, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1162, Name: Wing6x9e, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1163, Name: Wing12x9d, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 390, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1150, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1164, Name: Wing12x9e, Ref: Wing6x9a
Mass: 390, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1150, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1165, Name: Wing9x6d, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1166, Name: Wing9x6e, Ref: Wing6x9a
{ Block Id: 1183, Name: Window_3side1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1184, Name: Window_3side1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1185, Name: Window_L1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1186, Name: Window_L1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1187, Name: Window_3side1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1188, Name: Window_3side1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1189, Name: Window_L1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1190, Name: Window_L1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1191, Name: RailingVertGlass
Material: hull
TemplateRoot: WalkwayBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: BuildingBlocks
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: false
Mass: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1192, Name: RailingVertGlassInv, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1193, Name: RailingRoundGlass, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1194, Name: RailingRoundGlassInv, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1195, Name: RailingLGlass, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1196, Name: RailingLGlassInv, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1197, Name: Window_crctw1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1198, Name: Window_creA1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1199, Name: Window_creB1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1200, Name: Window_crl1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1201, Name: Window_crse1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1202, Name: Window_cc1x1, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1203, Name: Window_crctw1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1204, Name: Window_creA1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1205, Name: Window_creB1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1206, Name: Window_crl1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1207, Name: Window_crse1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1208, Name: Window_cc1x1Thick, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1209, Name: Window_creA1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1210, Name: Window_crctw1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1211, Name: Window_creB1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1212, Name: Window_crl1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1213, Name: Window_crse1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1214, Name: Window_cc1x1Inv, Ref: Window_v1x1
{ Block Id: 1215, Name: Window_crctw1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1216, Name: Window_creA1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1217, Name: Window_creB1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1218, Name: Window_crl1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1219, Name: Window_crse1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1220, Name: Window_cc1x1ThickInv, Ref: Window_v1x1Thick
{ Block Id: 1221, Name: RailingSlopeGlassRight, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1222, Name: RailingSlopeGlassRightInv, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1223, Name: RailingSlopeGlassLeft, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1224, Name: RailingSlopeGlassLeftInv, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1225, Name: RailingDiagonalGlass, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1226, Name: RailingDiagonalGlassInv, Ref: RailingVertGlass
{ Block Id: 1227, Name: LeverSV
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocksSV
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1228, Name: LightBarrierSV
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocksSV
IsLockable: true
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1229, Name: MotionSensorSV
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocksSV
IsLockable: true
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1230, Name: SensorTriggerBlocksSV
Material: metal
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "LeverSV, MotionSensorSV, LightBarrierSV"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1231, Name: RepairBayBAT2, Ref: RepairBayBA
Mass: 4400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiRepairBayT2, display: true
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: RepairBayBA
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1232, Name: Closet, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
VolumeCapacity: 2500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1233, Name: DoorVerticalGlassArmored, Ref: DoorArmored
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1234, Name: DoorInterior01Armored, Ref: DoorArmored
{ Block Id: 1235, Name: DoorInterior02Armored, Ref: DoorArmored
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1236, Name: DrillAttachmentT2, Ref: DrillAttachment
WeaponItem: DrillAttachmentT2Weapon
Volume: 120, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 650, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 300, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 6, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: DrillAttachment
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1237, Name: CockpitSV06, Ref: CockpitSV07
{ Block Id: 1238, Name: GrowingPotConcrete, Ref: GrowingPot
Info: bkiGrowingPotSimple, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Mass: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1239, Name: GrowingPotWood, Ref: GrowingPot
Info: bkiGrowingPotSimple, display: true
BlockColor: "123,73,46"
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1240, Name: ScifiTableNPC2, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1241, Name: ScifiTableNPC3, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1242, Name: ScifiLargeSofaNPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1243, Name: ConsoleSmallNPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationAlien
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1244, Name: ScifiTableV2NPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1245, Name: SofaNPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
{ Block Id: 1246, Name: StandingNPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
BlockColor: "170,5,5"
{ Block Id: 1247, Name: ControlStationNPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationAlien
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1248, Name: ReceptionTableNPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1249, Name: ScifiSofaNPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1250, Name: ScifiTableNPC, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1251, Name: StandingNPC2, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
BlockColor: "255,247,0"
{ Block Id: 1252, Name: ConsoleSmallHuman, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1253, Name: CockpitBlocksCV
Group: cpgCockpit
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 900, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 65, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 700, type: int, display: false
IsIgnoreLC: true
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "CaptainChair01, CockpitMS01, CockpitMS02, CockpitMS03"
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1254, Name: AlienDeviceBlocks
Material: metal
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "CoreNPC, CoreNPCAdmin, TurretIONCannon, TurretIONCannon2, TurretEnemyLaser, TurretEnemyRocket, TurretEnemyArtillery, SentryGun01, SentryGun01Retract, SentryGun02, SentryGun02Retract, AlienContainer, AlienContainerRare, AlienContainerVeryRare, AlienContainerUltraRare, EntitySpawner1, EntitySpawnerPlateThin, DroneSpawner, DroneSpawner2, Trader, StandingAlienAssassin, StandingHexapod, ZiraxCommander, HoverEngineSmallDeco, HoverEngineLargeDeco, DancingAlien3, DancingAlien4"
{ Block Id: 1257, Name: SensorTriggerBlocks
Material: metal
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "Lever, MotionSensor, LightBarrier, TrapDoor, TrapDoorAnim, TriggerPlate"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1258, Name: TrapDoor
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metal
BlockColor: "26,50,89"
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocks
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 1
{ Block Id: 1259, Name: LightBarrier
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocks
IsLockable: true
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1260, Name: MotionSensor
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocks
IsLockable: true
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1262, Name: Lever
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocks
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1263, Name: ExplosiveBlocks
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "102,0,0"
TemplateRoot: HullLargeBlocks
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: false
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "ExplosiveBlockFull, ExplosiveBlockThin"
BlastRadius: 1, display: Radius
BlastDamage: 5000
{ Block Id: 1264, Name: TrapDoorAnim
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metal
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
{ Block Id: 1265, Name: TriggerPlate
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metal
TemplateRoot: SensorTriggerBlocks
BlockColor: "170,5,5"
IsLockable: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
{ Block Id: 1272, Name: LightLantern, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 1273, Name: LightMS01Corner, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 1274, Name: LightMS01Offset, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 1275, Name: LightMS02, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 1276, Name: LightMS03, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 1277, Name: LightMS04, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 1278, Name: LightLargeBlocks
Material: metallight
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Mass: 9, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ChildBlocks: "LightMS01, LightMS01Offset, LightMS01Corner, LightCorner, LightCorner02, LightMS02, LightMS03, LightMS04, LightInterior01, LightInterior02, LightLantern"
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1279, Name: ReceptionTable, Ref: DecoTemplate
{ Block Id: 1280, Name: SmallTable, Ref: DecoTemplate
{ Block Id: 1281, Name: DecoBlocks2, Ref: DecoBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Volume: 65, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
ChildBlocks: "LabTable1, LabTable2, LabTable3, LockerWShelves, OperationTableWDrawers, Props6BoxLarge1, Props6BoxLarge2, Props6BoxMedium1, Level5FreezerOpened, Tank1, Tank2, Level4Prop2, Level4Prop3, ScifiContainerEnergy, CapacitorMS"
{ Block Id: 1282, Name: Level4Prop2, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1283, Name: Level4Prop3, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1284, Name: Freezer, Ref: FridgeMS02
{ Block Id: 1285, Name: Level5FreezerOpened, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1286, Name: LabTable1, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1287, Name: LabTable2, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1288, Name: LabTable3, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
VolumeCapacity: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1289, Name: LockerWShelves, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1290, Name: OperationTableWDrawers, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1291, Name: Props6BoxLarge1, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 2500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1292, Name: Props6BoxLarge2, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 2500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1293, Name: Props6BoxMedium1, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1294, Name: ScannerBase1, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
TemplateRoot: MedicalStationBlocks
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1295, Name: Scanner2, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
TemplateRoot: MedicalStationBlocks
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1296, Name: Scanner3, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
TemplateRoot: MedicalStationBlocks
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1297, Name: Tank1, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1298, Name: Tank2, Ref: DecoTemplate
TemplateRoot: DecoBlocks2
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
VolumeCapacity: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Block Id: 1299, Name: Console4, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
TemplateRoot: MedicalStationBlocks
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1300, Name: DecoStoneTemplate
Material: concrete
Category: Deco Blocks
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
{ Block Id: 1301, Name: StoneBarbarian, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
{ Block Id: 1302, Name: CelticCross, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
{ Block Id: 1303, Name: DemonHead, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1305, Name: DemonicStatue, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1306, Name: GothicFountain, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1307, Name: GreekHead, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1308, Name: MayanStatueSnake, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1309, Name: SnakeStatue, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1310, Name: StatueSkull, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1311, Name: TigerStatue, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 400, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1312, Name: AncientStatue, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1313, Name: PlantDead
Material: plants
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
ShowBlockName: true
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Farming
XpFactor: 0
{ Block Id: 1314, Name: Trader
Group: cpgTrading
Material: human
Info: bkiTraderBlock, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1316, Name: PlantDead2, Ref: PlantDead
{ Block Id: 1318, Name: ExplosiveBlocks2, Ref: ExplosiveBlocks
BlockColor: "255,0,0"
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
ChildBlocks: "ExplosiveBlock2Full, ExplosiveBlock2Thin"
BlastRadius: 4, display: Radius
BlastDamage: 30000
{ Block Id: 1319, Name: SpotlightSlope, Ref: SpotlightSSCube
Mass: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1320, Name: SpotlightSlopeHorizontal, Ref: SpotlightSSCube
Mass: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1321, Name: SpotlightBlocks, Ref: SpotlightSSCube
Mass: 23, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
ChildBlocks: "SpotlightSSCube, SpotlightSlope, SpotlightSlopeHorizontal"
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Capital Vessel,Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1322, Name: ConcreteArmoredBlocks
Material: concretearmored
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 2200, type: int, display: false
Mass: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 36, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "ConcreteArmoredFull, ConcreteArmoredThin, ConcreteArmoredExtended, ConcreteArmoredExtended2, ConcreteArmoredExtended3, ConcreteArmoredExtended4, ConcreteArmoredExtended5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1323, Name: ConcreteArmoredFull
Material: concretearmored
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
TemplateRoot: ConcreteArmoredBlocks
HitPoints: 2200, type: int, display: true
Mass: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1324, Name: ConcreteArmoredThin, Ref: ConcreteArmoredFull
{ Block Id: 1330, Name: SproutDead
Material: plants
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
ShowBlockName: true
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Farming
XpFactor: 0
{ Block Id: 1331, Name: DemonicStatueSmall, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
{ Block Id: 1332, Name: MayanStatueSnakeSmall, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
{ Block Id: 1333, Name: SnakeStatueSmall, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
{ Block Id: 1334, Name: TigerStatueSmall, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
{ Block Id: 1335, Name: Runestone, Ref: DecoStoneTemplate
{ Block Id: 1336, Name: DecoStoneBlocks, Ref: DecoBlocks
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
ChildBlocks: "Runestone, StoneBarbarian, CelticCross, DemonHead, DemonicStatue, GothicFountain, GreekHead, MayanStatueSnake, SnakeStatue, StatueSkull, TigerStatue, AncientStatue, DemonicStatueSmall, MayanStatueSnakeSmall, SnakeStatueSmall, TigerStatueSmall"
{ Block Id: 1338, Name: ReceptionTableCorner, Ref: DecoTemplate
Info: bkiDecoModel, display: true
{ Block Id: 1360, Name: CoreNPCAdmin, Ref: CoreNPC
BlockColor: "171,32,161"
{ Block Id: 1361, Name: CorePlayerAdmin, Ref: Core
BlockColor: "0,15,100"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Block Id: 1362, Name: Antenna01, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1363, Name: Antenna02, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1364, Name: Antenna03, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1365, Name: Antenna04, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1366, Name: Antenna05, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1370, Name: ArmorLocker
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiArmorLocker, display: true
Mass: 220, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 35, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1371, Name: Deconstructor
Group: cpgConstructor
Material: metal
IsLockable: true
ReturnFactor: 1.0, display: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
Mass: 40000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 700, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 825, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 500
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: ConstructorT2
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1372, Name: RepairStation
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metal
Info: bkiRepairStation, display: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 150, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: ArmorLocker
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1373, Name: Portal
Group: cpgTransportation
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 6
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
{ Block Id: 1374, Name: PlayerSpawner
Group: cpgTransportation
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
BlockColor: "0,15,100"
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 100
{ Block Id: 1375, Name: DoorBlocksSV
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: false
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ChildBlocks: "DoorSS01, DoorSS01Slim, DoorInterior01SV, DoorInterior01SlimSV"
UnlockCost: 8, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: ShutterDoorSmallBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1376, Name: DoorInterior01SV, Ref: DoorSS01
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1377, Name: Teleporter
Group: cpgTransportation
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
TemplateRoot: HullLargeBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 100
{ Block Id: 1380, Name: ArmorLockerSV
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiArmorLocker, display: true
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsLockable: true
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: OxygenStationSV
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1385, Name: PlayerSpawnerPlateThin, Ref: PlayerSpawner
BlockColor: "0,15,100"
{ Block Id: 1386, Name: HullLargeDestroyedBlocks
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: HullLargeDestroyedBlocks
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: false
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HullFullLargeDestroyed, HullThinLargeDestroyed"
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1387, Name: HullFullLargeDestroyed
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: HullLargeDestroyedBlocks
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1388, Name: HullThinLargeDestroyed, Ref: HullFullLargeDestroyed
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1389, Name: HullSmallDestroyedBlocks
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: HullSmallDestroyedBlocks
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: false
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HullFullSmallDestroyed, HullThinSmallDestroyed"
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1390, Name: HullFullSmallDestroyed
Material: hullarmored
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: HullSmallDestroyedBlocks
HitPoints: 25, type: int, display: true
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1391, Name: HullThinSmallDestroyed, Ref: HullFullSmallDestroyed
HitPoints: 12, type: int, display: true
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1392, Name: ConcreteDestroyedBlocks
Material: concrete
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
TemplateRoot: HullLargeDestroyedBlocks
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
HitPoints: 400, type: int, display: false
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "ConcreteFullDestroyed, ConcreteThinDestroyed"
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1393, Name: ConcreteFullDestroyed
Material: concrete
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
TemplateRoot: ConcreteDestroyedBlocks
HitPoints: 400, type: int, display: true
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: BuildingBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1394, Name: ConcreteThinDestroyed, Ref: ConcreteFullDestroyed
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1395, Name: AlienLargeBlocks, Ref: AlienBlocks
Material: alien
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
HitPoints: 1500, type: int, display: false
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 45, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ChildBlocks: "AlienFullLarge, AlienThinLarge, AlienExtendedLarge, AlienExtendedLarge2, AlienExtendedLarge3, AlienExtendedLarge4, AlienExtendedLarge5"
Radiation: 0
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1396, Name: AlienFullLarge, Ref: AlienFull
Material: alien
HitPoints: 1500, type: int, display: true
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
TemplateRoot: AlienLargeBlocks
Radiation: 0
{ Block Id: 1397, Name: AlienThinLarge, Ref: AlienThin
Material: alien
TemplateRoot: AlienLargeBlocks
Radiation: 0
{ Block Id: 1398, Name: ReceptionTableThin, Ref: DecoTemplate
{ Block Id: 1399, Name: ReceptionTableCornerThin, Ref: DecoTemplate
Info: bkiDecoModel, display: true
{ Block Id: 1405, Name: Ventilator
Group: cpgO2Ventilator
Material: hull
StackSize: 60
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
ShowBlockName: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiVentilator, display: true
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: false
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 35, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 20, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 1406, Name: TrussWall, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1407, Name: TrussCylinder, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1408, Name: TrussHalfRound, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1409, Name: TrussQuarterRound, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1410, Name: TrussQuarterRoundInv, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1411, Name: TrussCurveOutSlope, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1412, Name: TrussWedgeThin, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1413, Name: TrussQuarterRoundThin, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1414, Name: TrussCornerThin, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1415, Name: TrussCornerRoundThin, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1416, Name: TrussCornerRoundThin2, Ref: TrussCube
{ Block Id: 1417, Name: ThrusterGVJetRound1x3x1, Ref: ThrusterGVRoundNormal
Mass: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 200, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 24, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 75, type: int, display: true
Temperature: 90, display: true
TemplateRoot: ThrusterGVJetRound1x3x1
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterGVRoundNormalT2
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1418, Name: ElderberryBushDeco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
{ Block Id: 1419, Name: ElderberryBushBlueDeco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
{ Block Id: 1420, Name: AlienPalmTreeDeco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
BlockColor: "10,10,10"
{ Block Id: 1421, Name: AlienTentacleDeco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1422, Name: HollywoodJuniperDeco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
{ Block Id: 1423, Name: BallTreeDeco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
BlockColor: "26,50,89"
{ Block Id: 1424, Name: BallFlower01Deco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
BlockColor: "26,50,89"
{ Block Id: 1425, Name: OnionFlowerDeco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1426, Name: FantasyPlant1Deco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
BlockColor: "10,10,10"
{ Block Id: 1427, Name: AkuaFernDeco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
{ Block Id: 1428, Name: GlowTube01Deco, Ref: IndoorPlant01
BlockColor: "10,10,10"
{ Block Id: 1429, Name: DoorInterior01SlimSV, Ref: DoorSS01
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1430, Name: DoorSS01Slim, Ref: DoorSS01
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1435, Name: WarpDriveSV, Ref: WarpDrive
Mass: 3000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
Info: bkiWarpDriveSV, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: PentaxidTankSV
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1436, Name: LandClaimDevice
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiLandClaimDevice, display: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Mass: 1500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: OfflineProtector
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1437, Name: PentaxidTankSV
Group: cpgWarp
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsLockable: true
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 300
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: FuelTankSV
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
Radiation: 4, display: RadiationLevel
Temperature: 45, display: true
{ Block Id: 1440, Name: StairsBlocksConcrete, Ref: StairsBlocks
Material: concrete
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 9, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 75, type: int, display: true
ChildBlocks: "StairShapesLongConcrete, StairShapesShortConcrete"
{ Block Id: 1441, Name: StairShapesShortConcrete, Ref: StairShapes
Material: concrete
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocksConcrete
Mass: 125, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 75, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1442, Name: StairShapesLongConcrete, Ref: StairShapes
Material: concrete
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocksConcrete
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1443, Name: StairsBlocksWood, Ref: StairsBlocks
Material: woodblock
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
ChildBlocks: "StairShapesLongWood, StairShapesShortWood"
{ Block Id: 1444, Name: StairShapesShortWood, Ref: StairShapes
Material: woodblock
BlockColor: "123,73,46"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocksWood
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1445, Name: StairShapesLongWood, Ref: StairShapes
Material: woodblock
BlockColor: "123,73,46"
TemplateRoot: StairsBlocksWood
Mass: 125, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 75, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1446, Name: ConstructorSV, Ref: ConstructorSmallV2
TemplateRoot: ConstructorSV
Mass: 900, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 420, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 9, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: GeneratorSV
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1447, Name: ConstructorHV, Ref: ConstructorSmallV2
TemplateRoot: ConstructorHV
Mass: 880, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 420, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 9, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 7
UnlockLevel: 5
TechTreeParent: GeneratorSV
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1453, Name: StandingHuman, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1454, Name: StandingHuman2, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1455, Name: ControlStationHuman, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1456, Name: ReceptionTableHuman, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1457, Name: ControlStationHuman2, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1458, Name: ScifiTableHuman, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1459, Name: ScifiLargeSofaHuman, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1460, Name: TacticalOfficer, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1461, Name: CommandingOfficer, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
{ Block Id: 1462, Name: SecurityGuard, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
{ Block Id: 1463, Name: OperatorPilot, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1464, Name: EngineerMainStation, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1465, Name: AlienNPCBlocks
Material: human
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 0, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "CommandingOfficerAlien, SecurityGuardAlien, ControlStationNPC, ReceptionTableNPC, ScifiTableV2NPC, ScifiSofaNPC, ScifiTableNPC, ConsoleSmallNPC, SofaNPC, StandingNPC, StandingNPC2, ScifiLargeSofaNPC, ScifiTableNPC2, ScifiTableNPC3, DancingAlien1, DancingAlien2"
{ Block Id: 1466, Name: HumanNPCBlocks
Material: human
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 0, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "ConsoleSmallHuman, StandingHuman, StandingHuman2, ControlStationHuman, ControlStationHuman2, ReceptionTableHuman, ScifiTableHuman, ScifiLargeSofaHuman, TacticalOfficer, CommandingOfficer, CommandingOfficer2, SecurityGuard, SecurityGuard2, OperatorPilot, EngineerMainStation, DancingHuman1, DancingHuman2, DancingHuman3"
{ Block Id: 1467, Name: CommandingOfficer2, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1468, Name: SecurityGuard2, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationHuman
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
{ Block Id: 1469, Name: CommandingOfficerAlien, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationAlien
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1470, Name: SecurityGuardAlien, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationAlien
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1472, Name: StandingAlienAssassin, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationAlien
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
{ Block Id: 1473, Name: StandingHexapod, Ref: NPCAlienTemplate
Group: cpgCrewStationAlien
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
{ Block Id: 1474, Name: DancingHuman1, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1475, Name: DancingHuman2, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1476, Name: DancingHuman3, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1477, Name: DancingAlien1, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1478, Name: PlasticSmallBlocks
Material: plastic
BlockColor: "10,10,10"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 20, type: int, display: false
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "PlasticFullSmall, PlasticThinSmall, PlasticExtendedSmall, PlasticExtendedSmall2, PlasticExtendedSmall3, PlasticExtendedSmall4, PlasticExtendedSmall5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1479, Name: PlasticFullSmall
Material: plastic
BlockColor: "10,10,10"
TemplateRoot: PlasticSmallBlocks
HitPoints: 20, type: int, display: true
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1480, Name: PlasticThinSmall, Ref: PlasticFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1481, Name: PlasticLargeBlocks
Material: plastic
BlockColor: "10,10,10"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: false
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "PlasticFullLarge, PlasticThinLarge, PlasticExtendedLarge, PlasticExtendedLarge2, PlasticExtendedLarge3, PlasticExtendedLarge4, PlasticExtendedLarge5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1482, Name: PlasticFullLarge
Material: plastic
BlockColor: "10,10,10"
TemplateRoot: PlasticLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1483, Name: PlasticThinLarge, Ref: PlasticFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1484, Name: HoverEngineThruster
Group: cpgHoverEngine
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Category: Devices
Info: bkiHoverEngineThruster, display: true
Mass: 170, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
Torque: 4, type: int, display: true, formatter: NewtonMeter
ThrusterForce: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
HVEngineDampCoef: 8, type: float, display: false, formatter: Hardness
HVEngineDampPow: 1.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: Hardness
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1485, Name: MobileAirCon
Material: metalhard
Info: bkiMobileAirCon, display: true
StackSize: 1
XpFactor: 0
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
Temperature: 25, display: false
TemperatureGain: 30, display: true
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: OxygenGeneratorSmall
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 1486, Name: RepairBayCVT2, Ref: RepairBayCV
Mass: 3500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiRepairBayT2, display: true
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: RepairBayCV
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1487, Name: CaptainChair01
Group: cpgCockpit
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Material: metal
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksCV
IsLockable: true
IsIgnoreLC: true
Info: bkiCockpit, display: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 2, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
{ Block Id: 1490, Name: RepairBayConsole
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
Info: bkiRepairBayConsole, display: true
Category: Devices
StackSize: 6
IsLockable: true
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Volume: 65, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 880, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 80
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: RepairStation
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1491, Name: LightCorner, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 1492, Name: LightCorner02, Ref: LightMS01
{ Block Id: 1493, Name: BunkBed02, Ref: DecoTemplate
Group: cpgEquipment
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsLockable: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1494, Name: SolarPanelBlocks
Group: cpgSolar
PanelAngle: 30
SolarPanelEfficiency: 1.8, display: true
Material: metallight
Category: Devices
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
MaxCount: 15, type: int, display: true
ChildBlocks: "SolarPanelSlope, SolarPanelSlope2, SolarPanelSlope3, SolarPanelHorizontal, SolarPanelHorizontal2, SolarPanelHorizontalMount, SolarPanelHorizontalStand"
Info: bkiSolarPanel, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: SolarPanelSmallBlocks
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1495, Name: SolarGenerator
Group: cpgSolar
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
StackSize: 1
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiSolarGenerator, display: true
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
FuelCapacity: 800, type: int, display: true
EnergyOut: 5000, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlastRadius: 5
BlastDamage: 200
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1496, Name: SolarPanelSlope
Group: cpgSolar
PanelAngle: 30
SolarPanelEfficiency: 1.8, display: true
Material: metallight
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
MaxCount: 15, type: int, display: true
TemplateRoot: SolarPanelBlocks
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1497, Name: SolarPanelHorizontal, Ref: SolarPanelSlope
PanelAngle: 0
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1498, Name: SolarPanelHorizontal2, Ref: SolarPanelSlope
PanelAngle: 0
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1499, Name: SolarPanelHorizontalMount, Ref: SolarPanelSlope
PanelAngle: 0
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1500, Name: ForcefieldEmitterBlocks
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: true
Mass: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
ChildBlocks: "ForcefieldEmitter1x1, ForcefieldEmitter1x2, ForcefieldEmitter1x3, ForcefieldEmitter3x5, ForcefieldEmitter3x9, ForcefieldEmitter5x11, ForcefieldEmitter7x14"
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 1501, Name: ForcefieldEmitter1x1
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
TemplateRoot: ForcefieldEmitterBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 80, type: int, display: true
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1502, Name: ForcefieldEmitter1x2, Ref: ForcefieldEmitter1x1
{ Block Id: 1503, Name: ForcefieldEmitter1x3, Ref: ForcefieldEmitter1x1
{ Block Id: 1504, Name: ForcefieldEmitter3x5, Ref: ForcefieldEmitter1x1
{ Block Id: 1505, Name: ForcefieldEmitter3x9, Ref: ForcefieldEmitter1x1
{ Block Id: 1506, Name: ForcefieldEmitter5x11, Ref: ForcefieldEmitter1x1
{ Block Id: 1507, Name: ForcefieldEmitter7x14, Ref: ForcefieldEmitter1x1
{ Block Id: 1510, Name: SolarPanelSlope2, Ref: SolarPanelSlope
PanelAngle: 33
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1511, Name: SolarPanelSlope3, Ref: SolarPanelSlope
PanelAngle: 27
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1512, Name: SolarPanelHorizontalStand, Ref: SolarPanelSlope
PanelAngle: 0
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1513, Name: SolarPanelSmallBlocks
Group: cpgSolar
PanelAngle: 30
SolarPanelEfficiency: 0.8, display: true
Material: metallight
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
MaxCount: 15, type: int, display: true
ChildBlocks: "SolarPanelSlopeSmall, SolarPanelSlope3Small, SolarPanelHorizontalSmall"
Info: bkiSolarPanel, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1514, Name: SolarPanelSlope3Small
Group: cpgSolar
PanelAngle: 27
SolarPanelEfficiency: 0.8, display: true
Material: metallight
Category: Devices
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
MaxCount: 15, type: int, display: true
TemplateRoot: SolarPanelSmallBlocks
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
{ Block Id: 1515, Name: SolarPanelSlopeSmall, Ref: SolarPanelSlope3Small
PanelAngle: 30
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
{ Block Id: 1516, Name: SolarPanelHorizontalSmall, Ref: SolarPanelSlope3Small
PanelAngle: 0
{ Block Id: 1517, Name: TurretEnemyRocket, Ref: TurretIONCannon
BlockColor: "102,0,0"
WeaponItem: TurretEnemyRocketWeapon
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
AboveTerrainCheck: false
{ Block Id: 1518, Name: TurretEnemyArtillery, Ref: TurretIONCannon
BlockColor: "0,15,100"
WeaponItem: TurretEnemyArtilleryWeapon
RotSpeed: 150, type: int, display: true
AboveTerrainCheck: false
{ Block Id: 1535, Name: SurvivalTent01
Material: metallight
StackSize: 1
XpFactor: 0
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
Category: Devices
TemplateRoot: SurvivalTent
{ Block Id: 1549, Name: HeavyWindowBlocks
Material: hullcombat
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HeavyWindowA, HeavyWindowB, HeavyWindowC, HeavyWindowD, HeavyWindowM, HeavyWindowK, HeavyWindowE, HeavyWindowF, HeavyWindowG, HeavyWindowH, HeavyWindowI, HeavyWindowJ, HeavyWindowL, HeavyWindowN, HeavyWindowO, HeavyWindowP, HeavyWindowQ, HeavyWindowR, HeavyWindowS, HeavyWindowT, HeavyWindowU"
TemplateRoot: HeavyWindowBlocks
HitPoints: 1500, type: int, display: true
Mass: 470, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 35, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1550, Name: HeavyWindowA
Material: hullcombat
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: HeavyWindowBlocks
HitPoints: 1500, type: int, display: true
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1551, Name: HeavyWindowB, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1552, Name: HeavyWindowC, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1553, Name: HeavyWindowD, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1554, Name: HeavyWindowE, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1555, Name: HeavyWindowF, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1556, Name: HeavyWindowAInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1557, Name: HeavyWindowBInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1558, Name: HeavyWindowCInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1559, Name: HeavyWindowDInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1560, Name: HeavyWindowEInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1561, Name: HeavyWindowFInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1571, Name: MedicalStationBlocks
Material: metallight
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 65, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "MedicinelabMS, Console4, ScannerBase1, Scanner2, Scanner3"
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: CloneChamber
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1575, Name: DetectorHVT1
Info: bkiDetectorT1Planet, display: true
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metal
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 120, type: int, display: true
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 35, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: GeneratorSV
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1576, Name: DetectorHVT2, Ref: DetectorHVT1
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1577, Name: ExplosiveBlockFull
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "102,0,0"
TemplateRoot: HullLargeBlocks
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: false
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 1, display: Radius
BlastDamage: 5000
{ Block Id: 1578, Name: ExplosiveBlockThin, Ref: ExplosiveBlockFull
HitPoints: 150, type: int, display: true
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1579, Name: ExplosiveBlock2Full
Group: cpgSignal
Material: metallight
BlockColor: "255,0,0"
TemplateRoot: HullLargeBlocks
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: false
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 4, display: Radius
BlastDamage: 30000
{ Block Id: 1580, Name: ExplosiveBlock2Thin, Ref: ExplosiveBlock2Full
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1582, Name: DrillAttachmentCV
Group: cpgHarvest
Material: metalhard
ShowBlockName: true
WeaponItem: DrillAttachmentCVWeapon
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Info: bkiDrill, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
EnergyIn: 820, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 16, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 6
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 4
BlastDamage: 4000
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 25, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretMSToolBlocks
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1583, Name: CloneChamberHV
Group: cpgMedic
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiCloneChamber, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Mass: 270, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: OxygenStationSV
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1584, Name: MedicStationHV
Group: cpgMedic
Material: metal
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiMedicinelabMS, display: true
StackSize: 6
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Devices
Mass: 130, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 35, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 50, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: CloneChamberHV
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1585, Name: ThrusterJetRound2x5x2V2, Ref: ThrusterJetRound2x5x2
UnlockCost: 14, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterJetRound1x3x1
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1586, Name: DroneSpawner
Material: hullcombat
BlockColor: "255,247,0"
TemplateRoot: HullLargeBlocks
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiAlienMarkerBlock, display: true
MaxCount: 8, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
{ Block Id: 1587, Name: DroneSpawner2, Ref: DroneSpawner
Info: bkiAlienMarker2Block, display: true
BlockColor: "0,15,100"
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1588, Name: FridgeBlocks
Material: metal
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "FridgeMS, FridgeMS02, Freezer"
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1589, Name: HoverEngineSmallDeco, Ref: DecoTemplate
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
{ Block Id: 1590, Name: HoverEngineLargeDeco, Ref: DecoTemplate
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
BlastRadius: 2
BlastDamage: 50
{ Block Id: 1591, Name: ThrusterJetRound3x10x3V2, Ref: ThrusterJetRound3x10x3
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 17, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterJetRound3x7x3
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1592, Name: ThrusterJetRound3x13x3V2, Ref: ThrusterJetRound3x13x3
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterJetRound3x10x3V2
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1594, Name: HullCombatSmallBlocks
Material: hullcombat
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
HitPoints: 400, type: int, display: false
Mass: 64, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "HullCombatFullSmall, HullCombatThinSmall, HullCombatExtendedSmall, HullCombatExtendedSmall2, HullCombatExtendedSmall3, HullCombatExtendedSmall4, HullCombatExtendedSmall5"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1595, Name: HullCombatFullSmall
Material: hullcombat
BlockColor: "170,170,170"
TemplateRoot: HullCombatSmallBlocks
HitPoints: 400, type: int, display: true
Mass: 64, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Block Id: 1596, Name: HullCombatThinSmall, Ref: HullCombatFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1605, Name: ModularWingTaperedL
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
TemplateRoot: ModularWingBlocks
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Mass: 130, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 390, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
Category: BuildingBlocks
{ Block Id: 1606, Name: ModularWingTaperedM, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 95, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 280, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1607, Name: ModularWingTaperedS, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 145, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1608, Name: ModularWingStraightL, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 130, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 390, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1609, Name: ModularWingStraightM, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 95, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 280, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1610, Name: ModularWingStraightS, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 145, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1611, Name: ModularWingDeltaL, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 130, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 390, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1612, Name: ModularWingDeltaM, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 95, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 280, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1613, Name: ModularWingDeltaS, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 145, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1614, Name: ModularWingSweptL, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 445, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1615, Name: ModularWingSweptM, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 190, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1616, Name: ModularWingSweptS, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 45, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 140, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1617, Name: ModularWingLongL, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 265, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 780, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1618, Name: ModularWingLongM, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 165, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 490, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1619, Name: ModularWingLongS, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 70, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 210, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1620, Name: ModularWingAngledTaperedL, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 130, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 390, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1621, Name: ModularWingAngledTaperedM, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 95, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 280, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1622, Name: ModularWingAngledTaperedS, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 145, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1623, Name: ModularWingTConnectorL, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 95, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 280, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1624, Name: ModularWingTConnectorM, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 45, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 140, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1625, Name: ModularWingPylon, Ref: ModularWingTaperedL
Mass: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 70, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1626, Name: ModularWingBlocks
Material: metal
Category: BuildingBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: false
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ChildBlocks: "ModularWingTaperedL, ModularWingTaperedM, ModularWingTaperedS, ModularWingStraightL, ModularWingStraightM, ModularWingStraightS, ModularWingDeltaL, ModularWingDeltaM, ModularWingDeltaS, ModularWingSweptL, ModularWingSweptM, ModularWingSweptS, ModularWingLongL, ModularWingLongM, ModularWingLongS, ModularWingAngledTaperedL, ModularWingAngledTaperedM, ModularWingAngledTaperedS, ModularWingTConnectorL, ModularWingTConnectorM"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1627, Name: RemoteConnection
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metallight
ShowBlockName: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
MaxCount: 10, type: int, display: true
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: false
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Devices
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 100
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Block Id: 1628, Name: ConstructorT0, Ref: ConstructorT1V2
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 250, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1629, Name: HeavyWindowG, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1630, Name: HeavyWindowGInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1631, Name: HeavyWindowH, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1632, Name: HeavyWindowHInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1633, Name: HeavyWindowI, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1634, Name: HeavyWindowIInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1635, Name: HeavyWindowJ, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1636, Name: HeavyWindowJInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1637, Name: TurretMSProjectileBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretMSCannon, TurretMSCannonRetract, TurretMSMinigun, TurretMSMinigunRetract"
MaxCount: 12, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 12
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 1900, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: SentryGunBlocks
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1638, Name: TurretMSRocketBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretMSRocket, TurretMSRocketRetract, TurretMSFlak, TurretMSFlakRetract"
MaxCount: 10, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 10
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 30, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretMSProjectileBlocks
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1639, Name: TurretMSLaserBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretMSPulseLaser, TurretMSPulseLaserRetract, TurretMSPlasma, TurretMSPlasmaRetract"
MaxCount: 10, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 10
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 40, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretMSRocketBlocks
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1640, Name: TurretMSToolBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretMSTool, TurretMSToolRetract, TurretMSDrill, TurretMSDrillRetract"
MaxCount: 8, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 8
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 1300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 40, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1641, Name: TurretMSArtilleryBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretMSArtillery, TurretMSArtilleryRetract"
MaxCount: 2, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 2
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 3300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 50, display: true
UnlockLevel: 25, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretMSLaserBlocks
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1642, Name: DetectorSVT1, Ref: DetectorHVT1
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 35, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: GeneratorSV
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1645, Name: DancingAlien2, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1646, Name: DancingAlien3, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1647, Name: DancingAlien4, Ref: NPCHumanTemplate
{ Block Id: 1648, Name: TurretBaseProjectileBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretBaseCannon, TurretBaseCannonRetract, TurretBaseMinigun, TurretBaseMinigunRetract"
MaxCount: 12, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 12
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1649, Name: TurretBaseRocketBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretBaseRocket, TurretBaseRocketRetract, TurretBaseFlak, TurretBaseFlakRetract"
MaxCount: 10, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 10
Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
UnlockCost: 22, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretBaseProjectileBlocks
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1650, Name: TurretBaseLaserBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretBasePulseLaser, TurretBasePulseLaserRetract, TurretBasePlasma, TurretBasePlasmaRetract"
MaxCount: 10, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 10
Volume: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 2800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
UnlockCost: 40, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretBaseRocketBlocks
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1651, Name: TurretBaseArtilleryBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretBaseArtillery, TurretBaseArtilleryRetract"
MaxCount: 2, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 2
Volume: 1600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 3700, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
UnlockCost: 30, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretBaseLaserBlocks
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1652, Name: TurretBaseFlakRetract, Ref: TurretBaseFlak
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1653, Name: TurretBasePlasmaRetract, Ref: TurretBasePlasma
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1654, Name: TurretBaseCannonRetract, Ref: TurretBaseCannon
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1655, Name: TurretBaseRocketRetract, Ref: TurretBaseRocket
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1656, Name: TurretBaseMinigunRetract, Ref: TurretBaseMinigun
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1657, Name: TurretBasePulseLaserRetract, Ref: TurretBasePulseLaser
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1658, Name: TurretBaseArtilleryRetract, Ref: TurretBaseArtillery
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1659, Name: TurretGVMinigunBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretGVMinigun, TurretGVMinigunRetract"
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 6
Volume: 160, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 890, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: WeaponSV02
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1660, Name: TurretGVRocketBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretGVRocket, TurretGVRocketRetract"
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 4
Volume: 220, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretGVMinigunBlocks
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1661, Name: TurretGVPlasmaBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretGVPlasma, TurretGVPlasmaRetract"
MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 4
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 970, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 240, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretGVMinigunBlocks
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1662, Name: TurretGVArtilleryBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretGVArtillery, TurretGVArtilleryRetract"
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 6
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 1200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: TurretGVPlasmaBlocks
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1663, Name: TurretGVToolBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "TurretGVTool, TurretGVToolRetract, TurretGVDrill, TurretGVDrillRetract"
MaxCount: 2, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 2
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 420, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 180, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 30, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: DrillAttachment
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1664, Name: TurretGVMinigunRetract, Ref: TurretGVMinigun
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1665, Name: TurretGVRocketRetract, Ref: TurretGVRocket
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1666, Name: TurretGVPlasmaRetract, Ref: TurretGVPlasma
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1667, Name: TurretGVArtilleryRetract, Ref: TurretGVArtillery
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Info: bkiTurretRetract, display: true
{ Block Id: 1668, Name: TurretGVDrillRetract, Ref: TurretGVDrill
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1669, Name: TurretGVToolRetract, Ref: TurretGVTool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1670, Name: SentryGun03Retract, Ref: SentryGun03
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1671, Name: SentryGun05, Ref: SentryGun03
{ Block Id: 1673, Name: SentryGunBlocks
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Category: Weapons/Items
ChildBlocks: "SentryGun03, SentryGun03Retract, SentryGun05, SentryGun05Retract"
MaxCount: 8, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 8
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
Mass: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1675, Name: SentryGun02Retract, Ref: SentryGun02
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1676, Name: CargoContainerSmall
Group: cpgCargoBox
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 70, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Info: bkiContainer, display: true
StackSize: 15
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 50
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1677, Name: CargoContainerMedium, Ref: CargoContainerSmall
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 16000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
CPUIn: 100, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1678, Name: CargoContainerSV, Ref: CargoContainerSmall
TemplateRoot: ContainerSmallBlocks
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 125, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1682, Name: ContainerControllerLarge
Group: cpgCargoBox
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 70, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
MaxVolumeCapacity: 320000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiContainerController, display: true
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerLargeBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1683, Name: ContainerExtensionLarge
Group: cpgCargoBox
Material: metal
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Info: bkiContainerExtension, display: true
ShowBlockName: true
IsLockable: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 3, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 50, type: int, display: true
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 1
BlastDamage: 50
UnlockCost: 8, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerControllerLarge
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1684, Name: ContainerControllerSmall, Ref: ContainerControllerLarge
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 125, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
MaxVolumeCapacity: 32000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 3, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerSmallBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1685, Name: ContainerExtensionSmall, Ref: ContainerExtensionLarge
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 125, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerControllerSmall
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1686, Name: ContainerHarvestControllerSmall, Ref: ContainerControllerLarge
Group: cpgHarvest
BlockColor: "62,30,10"
Info: bkiContainerHarvest, display: true
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Volume: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 125, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
MaxVolumeCapacity: 32000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 3, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 5, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerSmallBlocks
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1687, Name: ContainerHarvestControllerLarge, Ref: ContainerControllerLarge
Group: cpgHarvest
BlockColor: "62,30,10"
Info: bkiContainerHarvest, display: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerExtensionLarge
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1688, Name: ContainerAmmoControllerSmall, Ref: ContainerControllerLarge
Group: cpgAmmo
BlockColor: "0,40,0"
Info: bkiContainerAmmo, display: true
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Volume: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 125, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
MaxVolumeCapacity: 32000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 3, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 4, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerSmallBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1689, Name: ContainerAmmoControllerLarge, Ref: ContainerControllerLarge
Group: cpgAmmo
BlockColor: "0,40,0"
Info: bkiContainerAmmo, display: true
EnergyIn: 10, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: ContainerAmmoLarge
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1690, Name: WalkwaySmallBlocks
Material: metallight
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "WalkwayVertNew, WalkwaySlopeNew, WalkwaySlope, RailingVert, RailingDiagonal, RailingSlopeLeft, RailingSlopeRight, RailingL, RailingRound, RailingVertGlass, RailingDiagonalGlass, RailingSlopeGlassLeft, RailingSlopeGlassRight, RailingLGlass, RailingRoundGlass"
TemplateRoot: WalkwaySmallBlocks
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1691, Name: WalkwayLargeBlocks
Material: metallight
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: BuildingBlocks
ChildBlocks: "WalkwayVertNew, WalkwaySlopeNew, WalkwaySlope, RailingVert, RailingDiagonal, RailingSlopeLeft, RailingSlopeRight, RailingL, RailingRound, RailingVertGlass, RailingDiagonalGlass, RailingSlopeGlassLeft, RailingSlopeGlassRight, RailingLGlass, RailingRoundGlass"
TemplateRoot: WalkwayLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1692, Name: RampLargeBlocks
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 25
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "Ramp1x1x1, Ramp3x1x1, Ramp1x2x1, Ramp3x2x1, Ramp1x3x1, Ramp3x3x1, Ramp1x4x2, Ramp3x4x2, Ramp3x5x3"
TemplateRoot: RampLargeBlocks
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
Volume: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1693, Name: RampSmallBlocks
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 25
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "Ramp1x1x1, Ramp3x1x1, Ramp1x2x1, Ramp3x2x1, Ramp1x3x1, Ramp3x3x1, Ramp1x4x2, Ramp3x4x2, Ramp3x5x3"
TemplateRoot: RampSmallBlocks
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Volume: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: ShutterDoorSmallBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1694, Name: LandingGearSVRetDouble, Ref: LandinggearSV
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1695, Name: LandingGearSVSideStrut, Ref: LandinggearSV
{ Block Id: 1696, Name: LandingGearSVSingle, Ref: LandinggearSV
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1697, Name: LandingGearSVRetSkid, Ref: LandinggearSV
{ Block Id: 1698, Name: LandingGearSVRetLargeDouble, Ref: LandinggearSV
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1699, Name: LandingGearSVRetLargeDoubleV2, Ref: LandinggearSV
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1700, Name: LandingGearSVRetLargeDoubleV3, Ref: LandinggearSV
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1701, Name: LandingGearSVRetLargeSingle, Ref: LandinggearSV
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1702, Name: LandingGearSVRetLargeSingleV2, Ref: LandinggearSV
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1703, Name: LandingGearSVRetLargeSingleV3, Ref: LandinggearSV
TemplateRoot: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1704, Name: LandingGearCVRetLargeDouble, Ref: LandinggearMSHeavy
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1705, Name: LandingGearCVRetLargeSingle, Ref: LandinggearMSHeavy
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1706, Name: BoardingRampBlocks
Group: cpgRamp
Material: hullarmored
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Volume: 450, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 25
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "BoardingRamp1x2x3, BoardingRamp2x2x3, BoardingRamp3x2x3, BoardingRamp1x4x6, BoardingRamp2x4x6, BoardingRamp3x4x6, BoardingRamp5x4x6, BoardingRamp5x4x9, BoardingRamp8x6x12"
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: HangarDoorBlocks
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1707, Name: BoardingRamp1x2x3, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 300, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
{ Block Id: 1708, Name: BoardingRamp2x2x3, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 600, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: BoardingRampBlocks
{ Block Id: 1709, Name: BoardingRamp3x2x3, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 900, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: BoardingRampBlocks
{ Block Id: 1711, Name: ContainerLargeBlocks
Material: metal
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
StackSize: 15
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
ChildBlocks: "ContainerMS01Large, ScifiContainer1Large, ScifiContainer2Large, ScifiContainerPowerLarge, CargoContainerSmall, CargoContainerMedium, ContainerMS02Large, ContainerMS03Large, ContainerMS04Large, ContainerMS05Large, CargoPalette01, CargoPalette02, CargoPalette03, CargoPalette04"
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1712, Name: ContainerSmallBlocks
Material: metal
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
HitPoints: 100, type: int, display: true
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
StackSize: 15
Category: Devices
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
ChildBlocks: "ContainerMS01Small, ScifiContainer1Small, ScifiContainer2Small, ScifiContainerPowerSmall, CargoContainerSV"
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1713, Name: ContainerMS01Large, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
}# Container Blocks
{ Block Id: 1714, Name: ScifiContainer1Large, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 16000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1715, Name: ScifiContainer2Large, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1716, Name: ScifiContainerPowerLarge, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 16000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1717, Name: SentryGun01Retract, Ref: SentryGun01RetractV2
{ Block Id: 1718, Name: SentryGun05Retract, Ref: SentryGun05RetractV2
{ Block Id: 1719, Name: DecoVesselBlocks
Material: metal
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
Volume: 25, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
Category: Deco Blocks
ChildBlocks: "SVDecoAeroblister01, SVDecoAirbrake01, SVDecoAntenna01, SVDecoAntenna02, SVDecoArmor1x, SVDecoArmor2x, SVDecoFin01, SVDecoFin02, SVDecoFin03, SVDecoGreeble01, SVDecoGreeble02, SVDecoGreeble03, SVDecoIntake01, SVDecoIntake02, SVDecoLightslot2x, SVDecoLightslot3x, SVDecoStrake01, SVDecoStrake02, SVDecoVent01, SVDecoVent02"
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1720, Name: SVDecoAeroblister01
Material: metal
Category: Deco Blocks
IsAccessible: false, type: bool
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
TemplateRoot: DecoVesselBlocks
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
EnergyIn: 1, type: int, display: false, formatter: Watt
{ Block Id: 1721, Name: SVDecoAirbrake01, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1722, Name: SVDecoAntenna01, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1723, Name: SVDecoAntenna02, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1724, Name: SVDecoArmor1x, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1725, Name: SVDecoArmor2x, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1726, Name: SVDecoFin01, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1727, Name: SVDecoFin02, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1728, Name: SVDecoFin03, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1729, Name: SVDecoGreeble01, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1730, Name: SVDecoGreeble02, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1731, Name: SVDecoGreeble03, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1732, Name: SVDecoIntake01, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1733, Name: SVDecoIntake02, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1734, Name: SVDecoLightslot2x, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1735, Name: SVDecoLightslot3x, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1736, Name: SVDecoStrake01, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1737, Name: SVDecoStrake02, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1738, Name: SVDecoVent01, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1739, Name: DecoTribalBlocks, Ref: DecoBlocks
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
ChildBlocks: "TribalBarrels, TribalBox, TribalBarrow, TribalBoat, TribalBaskets, TribalBed1, TribalBed2, TribalBookcase1, TribalBookcase2, TribalBuckets, TribalCabinet1, TribalCabinet2, TribalCauldron, TribalCauldron2, TribalTub, TribalDryFish, TribalLoom, TribalOven, TribalHearth, TribalSacks, TribalTable1, TribalTable2, TribalChair, TribalWoodSaw, TribalFirewood, TribalTrunkAxe, TribalTorch, TribalFirepit"
{ Block Id: 1740, Name: TribalBarrels, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1741, Name: TribalBarrow, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1742, Name: TribalBaskets, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1743, Name: TribalBed1, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1744, Name: TribalBed2, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1745, Name: TribalBookcase1, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1746, Name: TribalBookcase2, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1747, Name: TribalBuckets, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1748, Name: TribalCabinet1, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1749, Name: TribalCabinet2, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1750, Name: TribalCauldron, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1751, Name: TribalDryFish, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1752, Name: TribalLoom, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1753, Name: TribalOven, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1754, Name: TribalSacks, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1755, Name: TribalTable1, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1756, Name: TribalTable2, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1757, Name: TribalWoodSaw, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1758, Name: TribalTrunkAxe, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1759, Name: TribalTorch, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1760, Name: TribalFirepit, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1761, Name: TribalFirewood, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1762, Name: TribalBoat, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1763, Name: TribalChair, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1764, Name: TribalAnvil, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1765, Name: TribalCauldron2, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1766, Name: TribalHearth, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1767, Name: TribalTub, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1768, Name: TribalBox, Ref: DecoTemplate
Material: woodblock
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: DecoTribalBlocks
{ Block Id: 1769, Name: ContainerMS01Small, Ref: ContainerMS01
TemplateRoot: ContainerSmallBlocks
{ Block Id: 1770, Name: ScifiContainer1Small, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerSmallBlocks
{ Block Id: 1771, Name: ScifiContainer2Small, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerSmallBlocks
{ Block Id: 1772, Name: ScifiContainerPowerSmall, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerSmallBlocks
{ Block Id: 1773, Name: TurretEnemyBallista, Ref: TurretIONCannon
WeaponItem: TurretEnemyBallistaWeapon
RotSpeed: 80, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 100
{ Block Id: 1774, Name: ThrusterGVRoundNormalT2, Ref: ThrusterGVRoundNormal
HitPoints: 220, type: int, display: true
Mass: 650, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 55, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
CPUIn: 70, type: int, display: true
ThrusterForce: 160, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 25, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Temperature: 80, display: true
TemplateRoot: ThrusterGVRoundNormalT2
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterGVRoundBlocks
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1775, Name: ThrusterGVRoundLarge, Ref: ThrusterGVRoundNormal
HitPoints: 350, type: int, display: true
Volume: 60, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 725, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
ThrusterForce: 220, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 35, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 80, type: int, display: true
Temperature: 100, display: true
TemplateRoot: ThrusterGVRoundLarge
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterGVRoundBlocks
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1776, Name: ThrusterGVRoundLargeT2, Ref: ThrusterGVRoundNormal
HitPoints: 400, type: int, display: true
Volume: 70, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
ThrusterForce: 300, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
EnergyIn: 45, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
CPUIn: 90, type: int, display: true
Temperature: 120, display: true
TemplateRoot: ThrusterGVRoundLargeT2
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: ThrusterGVRoundLarge
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1777, Name: CargoPalette01, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1778, Name: CargoPalette02, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1779, Name: CargoPalette03, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1780, Name: CargoPalette04, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1782, Name: WoodExtended, Ref: WoodFull
{ Block Id: 1783, Name: ConcreteExtended, Ref: ConcreteFull
{ Block Id: 1784, Name: ConcreteArmoredExtended, Ref: ConcreteArmoredFull
{ Block Id: 1785, Name: PlasticExtendedLarge, Ref: PlasticFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1786, Name: HullExtendedLarge, Ref: HullFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1787, Name: HullArmoredExtendedLarge, Ref: HullArmoredFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1788, Name: HullCombatExtendedLarge, Ref: HullCombatFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1789, Name: AlienExtended, Ref: AlienFull
{ Block Id: 1790, Name: PlasticExtendedSmall, Ref: PlasticFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1791, Name: HullExtendedSmall, Ref: HullFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1792, Name: HullArmoredExtendedSmall, Ref: HullArmoredFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1793, Name: HullCombatExtendedSmall, Ref: HullCombatFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1794, Name: AlienExtendedLarge, Ref: AlienFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1795, Name: ContainerMS02Large, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 16000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1796, Name: ContainerMS03Large, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1797, Name: ContainerMS04Large, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
VolumeCapacity: 16000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1798, Name: SVDecoVent02, Ref: SVDecoAeroblister01
{ Block Id: 1800, Name: CockpitBlocksSVT2
Group: cpgCockpit
Material: metalhard
Info: bkiBlockGroup, display: true
IsOxygenTight: varies, display: true
HitPoints: 1600, type: int, display: false
Volume: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 790, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
StackSize: 6
Category: Devices
ChildBlocks: "CockpitSV01T2, CockpitSV_ShortRangeT2, CockpitSV02NewT2, CockpitSV04T2, CockpitSV05NewT2, CockpitSV06T2, CockpitSV07NewT2"
MaxCount: 2, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: CockpitBlocksSV
TechTreeNames: "Small Vessel,Hover Vessel"
{ Block Id: 1801, Name: CockpitSV01T2, Ref: CockpitSV01
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSVT2
Mass: 900, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1800, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1802, Name: CockpitSV_ShortRangeT2, Ref: CockpitSV_ShortRange
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSVT2
Mass: 900, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1800, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1803, Name: CockpitSV02NewT2, Ref: CockpitSV02New
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSVT2
Mass: 900, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1800, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1804, Name: CockpitSV04T2, Ref: CockpitSV04
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSVT2
Mass: 900, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1800, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1805, Name: CockpitSV05NewT2, Ref: CockpitSV05New
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSVT2
Mass: 475, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1110, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1806, Name: CockpitSV06T2, Ref: CockpitSV06
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSVT2
Mass: 725, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1600, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1807, Name: CockpitSV07NewT2, Ref: CockpitSV07New
TemplateRoot: CockpitBlocksSVT2
Mass: 725, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 1600, type: int, display: true
{ Block Id: 1808, Name: ShieldGeneratorBA
Group: cpgEquipment
Material: metal
ShowBlockName: true
IsAccessible: true, type: bool
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Devices
BlockColor: "110,110,110"
HitPoints: 1000, type: int, display: true
Mass: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 25000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 1000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
ShieldCapacity: 25000, type: int, display: true
ShieldRecharge: 150, type: int, display: true
ShieldCooldown: 15, type: int, display: true
ShieldPerCrystal: 1000, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: GravityGeneratorMS
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1809, Name: ShieldGeneratorCV, Ref: ShieldGeneratorBA
HitPoints: 500, type: int, display: true
Mass: 4000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 18000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 800, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
ShieldCapacity: 18000, type: int, display: true
ShieldRecharge: 120, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: GravityGeneratorMS
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1810, Name: ShieldGeneratorSV, Ref: ShieldGeneratorBA
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 3600, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 360, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
ShieldCapacity: 2000, type: int, display: true
ShieldRecharge: 100, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: FuelTankSV
TechTreeNames: Small Vessel
{ Block Id: 1811, Name: ShieldGeneratorCVT2, Ref: ShieldGeneratorCV
Info: bkiShieldGeneratorT2, display: true
Mass: 6000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 36000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 1600, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
ShieldCapacity: 36000, type: int, display: true
ShieldRecharge: 240, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: ShieldGeneratorCV
TechTreeNames: Capital Vessel
{ Block Id: 1812, Name: ShieldGeneratorBAT2, Ref: ShieldGeneratorBA
Info: bkiShieldGeneratorT2, display: true
Mass: 10000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 50000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 1500, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
ShieldCapacity: 50000, type: int, display: true
ShieldRecharge: 300, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: ShieldGeneratorBA
TechTreeNames: Base
{ Block Id: 1813, Name: ShieldGeneratorPOI, Ref: ShieldGeneratorBA
TemplateRoot: ShieldGeneratorBA
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
{ Block Id: 1814, Name: ContainerMS05Large, Ref: ContainerMS01
Mass: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
VolumeCapacity: 8000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
TemplateRoot: ContainerLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1815, Name: DoorSingleLArmored, Ref: DoorArmored
{ Block Id: 1816, Name: DoorSingleGlassLArmored, Ref: DoorArmored
{ Block Id: 1817, Name: DoorSingleGlassFullLArmored, Ref: DoorArmored
{ Block Id: 1818, Name: BoardingRamp1x4x6, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 600, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: BoardingRampBlocks
{ Block Id: 1819, Name: BoardingRamp2x4x6, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 1200, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: BoardingRampBlocks
{ Block Id: 1820, Name: BoardingRamp3x4x6, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 1800, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: BoardingRampBlocks
{ Block Id: 1821, Name: BoardingRamp5x4x6, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 3000, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: BoardingRampBlocks
{ Block Id: 1822, Name: BoardingRamp5x4x9, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 4500, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: BoardingRampBlocks
{ Block Id: 1823, Name: BoardingRamp8x6x12, Ref: RampTemplate
HitPoints: 9600, type: int, display: true
IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
TemplateRoot: BoardingRampBlocks
{ Block Id: 1824, Name: WoodExtended2, Ref: WoodFull
{ Block Id: 1825, Name: ConcreteExtended2, Ref: ConcreteFull
{ Block Id: 1826, Name: ConcreteArmoredExtended2, Ref: ConcreteArmoredFull
{ Block Id: 1827, Name: PlasticExtendedLarge2, Ref: PlasticFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1828, Name: HullExtendedLarge2, Ref: HullFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1829, Name: HullArmoredExtendedLarge2, Ref: HullArmoredFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1830, Name: HullCombatExtendedLarge2, Ref: HullCombatFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1831, Name: AlienExtended2, Ref: AlienFull
{ Block Id: 1832, Name: PlasticExtendedSmall2, Ref: PlasticFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1833, Name: HullExtendedSmall2, Ref: HullFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1834, Name: HullArmoredExtendedSmall2, Ref: HullArmoredFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1835, Name: HullCombatExtendedSmall2, Ref: HullCombatFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1836, Name: AlienExtendedLarge2, Ref: AlienFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1837, Name: WoodExtended3, Ref: WoodFull
{ Block Id: 1838, Name: ConcreteExtended3, Ref: ConcreteFull
{ Block Id: 1839, Name: ConcreteArmoredExtended3, Ref: ConcreteArmoredFull
{ Block Id: 1840, Name: PlasticExtendedLarge3, Ref: PlasticFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1841, Name: HullExtendedLarge3, Ref: HullFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1842, Name: HullArmoredExtendedLarge3, Ref: HullArmoredFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1843, Name: HullCombatExtendedLarge3, Ref: HullCombatFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1844, Name: AlienExtended3, Ref: AlienFull
{ Block Id: 1845, Name: PlasticExtendedSmall3, Ref: PlasticFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1846, Name: HullExtendedSmall3, Ref: HullFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1847, Name: HullArmoredExtendedSmall3, Ref: HullArmoredFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1848, Name: HullCombatExtendedSmall3, Ref: HullCombatFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1849, Name: AlienExtendedLarge3, Ref: AlienFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1850, Name: WoodExtended4, Ref: WoodFull
{ Block Id: 1851, Name: ConcreteExtended4, Ref: ConcreteFull
{ Block Id: 1852, Name: ConcreteArmoredExtended4, Ref: ConcreteArmoredFull
{ Block Id: 1853, Name: PlasticExtendedLarge4, Ref: PlasticFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1854, Name: HullExtendedLarge4, Ref: HullFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1855, Name: HullArmoredExtendedLarge4, Ref: HullArmoredFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1856, Name: HullCombatExtendedLarge4, Ref: HullCombatFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1857, Name: AlienExtended4, Ref: AlienFull
{ Block Id: 1858, Name: PlasticExtendedSmall4, Ref: PlasticFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1859, Name: HullExtendedSmall4, Ref: HullFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1860, Name: HullArmoredExtendedSmall4, Ref: HullArmoredFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1861, Name: HullCombatExtendedSmall4, Ref: HullCombatFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1862, Name: AlienExtendedLarge4, Ref: AlienFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1863, Name: WoodExtended5, Ref: WoodFull
{ Block Id: 1864, Name: ConcreteExtended5, Ref: ConcreteFull
{ Block Id: 1865, Name: ConcreteArmoredExtended5, Ref: ConcreteArmoredFull
{ Block Id: 1866, Name: PlasticExtendedLarge5, Ref: PlasticFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1867, Name: HullExtendedLarge5, Ref: HullFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1868, Name: HullArmoredExtendedLarge5, Ref: HullArmoredFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1869, Name: HullCombatExtendedLarge5, Ref: HullCombatFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1870, Name: AlienExtended5, Ref: AlienFull
{ Block Id: 1871, Name: PlasticExtendedSmall5, Ref: PlasticFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1872, Name: HullExtendedSmall5, Ref: HullFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1873, Name: HullArmoredExtendedSmall5, Ref: HullArmoredFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1874, Name: HullCombatExtendedSmall5, Ref: HullCombatFullSmall
{ Block Id: 1875, Name: AlienExtendedLarge5, Ref: AlienFullLarge
{ Block Id: 1876, Name: DrillAttachmentLarge, Ref: DrillAttachment
WeaponItem: DrillAttachmentLargeWeapon
MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: SawAttachment
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1877, Name: Antenna06, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1878, Name: Antenna07, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1879, Name: Antenna08, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1880, Name: Antenna09, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1881, Name: Antenna10, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1882, Name: Antenna11, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1883, Name: Antenna12, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1884, Name: Antenna13, Ref: Antenna
{ Block Id: 1885, Name: DoorSingleRArmored, Ref: DoorArmored
{ Block Id: 1886, Name: DoorSingleGlassRArmored, Ref: DoorArmored
{ Block Id: 1887, Name: DoorSingleGlassFullRArmored, Ref: DoorArmored
{ Block Id: 1888, Name: ShieldGeneratorHV, Ref: ShieldGeneratorBA
HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
EnergyIn: 3600, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
EnergyInIdle: 360, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
ShieldCapacity: 2000, type: int, display: true
ShieldRecharge: 100, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: FuelTankSV
TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
{ Block Id: 1889, Name: HangarDoor10x7, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
{ Block Id: 1890, Name: HangarDoor5x4, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
{ Block Id: 1891, Name: HangarDoor6x5, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
{ Block Id: 1892, Name: HangarDoor7x6, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
{ Block Id: 1893, Name: HangarDoor9x7, Ref: HangarDoor10x5
{ Block Id: 1894, Name: ShutterDoor1x3, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1895, Name: ShutterDoor1x4, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1896, Name: ShutterDoor4x3, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1897, Name: ShutterDoor1x5, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1898, Name: ShutterDoor5x3, Ref: ShutterDoor1x1
TemplateRoot: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
{ Block Id: 1899, Name: Ramp1x4x1, Ref: RampTemplate
{ Block Id: 1900, Name: Ramp3x4x1, Ref: RampTemplate
{ Block Id: 1901, Name: Ramp1x5x1, Ref: RampTemplate
{ Block Id: 1902, Name: Ramp3x5x1, Ref: RampTemplate
{ Block Id: 1903, Name: Ramp1x5x2, Ref: RampTemplate
{ Block Id: 1904, Name: Ramp3x5x2, Ref: RampTemplate
{ Block Id: 1905, Name: Ramp1x5x3, Ref: RampTemplate
{ Block Id: 1906, Name: HeavyWindowK, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1907, Name: HeavyWindowKInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1908, Name: HeavyWindowL, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1909, Name: HeavyWindowLInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1910, Name: HeavyWindowM, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1911, Name: HeavyWindowMInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1912, Name: HeavyWindowN, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1913, Name: HeavyWindowNInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1914, Name: HeavyWindowO, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1915, Name: HeavyWindowOInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1916, Name: HeavyWindowP, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1917, Name: HeavyWindowPInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1918, Name: HeavyWindowQ, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1919, Name: HeavyWindowQInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1920, Name: HeavyWindowR, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1921, Name: HeavyWindowRInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1922, Name: HeavyWindowS, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1923, Name: HeavyWindowSInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1924, Name: HeavyWindowT, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1925, Name: HeavyWindowTInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1926, Name: HeavyWindowU, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1927, Name: HeavyWindowUInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1942, Name: HeavyWindowPConnect, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1943, Name: HeavyWindowPConnectTwo, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1944, Name: HeavyWindowQConnect, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1945, Name: HeavyWindowQConnectTwo, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1946, Name: HeavyWindowQConnectThree, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1947, Name: HeavyWindowSConnect, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1948, Name: HeavyWindowTConnect, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1949, Name: HeavyWindowUConnect, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1950, Name: HeavyWindowPConnectInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1951, Name: HeavyWindowPConnectTwoInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1952, Name: HeavyWindowQConnectInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1953, Name: HeavyWindowQConnectTwoInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1954, Name: HeavyWindowQConnectThreeInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1955, Name: HeavyWindowSConnectInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1956, Name: HeavyWindowTConnectInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
{ Block Id: 1957, Name: HeavyWindowUConnectInv, Ref: HeavyWindowA
### ================= TEST SHAPES
## ====================
## Test Area
## ====================
# ==================== TOOLS, WEAPONS, ITEMS ====================
{ Item Id: 2050, Name: Flashlight
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.02, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2051, Name: Pistol
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 0.7, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.31, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 90, display: false
NoiseStrength: 60, display: false
CameraShake: 1
Automatic: true
BulletSpread: 0.2, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
Damage: 50, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 20, display: true
AmmoType: 50Caliber, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 3, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2052, Name: Shotgun
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.625, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 60, display: false
NoiseStrength: 80, display: false
CameraShake: 3
Automatic: true
BulletsPerShot: 8
BulletSpread: 0
RaySpread: 1, display: true
Recoil: 0.5, display: true
Damage: 100, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 10, display: true
AmmoType: ShotgunShells, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.5, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 2, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.015, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.4, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_5: 0.05, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_6: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2053, Name: Minigun
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.05, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.05, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 150, display: false
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 1
Automatic: true
BulletSpread: 0.3, display: true
Recoil: 0.1, display: true
Damage: 40, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 250, display: true
AmmoType: 8.3mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
DamageMultiplier_1: 1.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.09, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 17, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: RocketLauncher
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2054, Name: PulseRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 3.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.125, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 170, display: false
Automatic: true
BulletSpread: 0.1, display: true
Recoil: 0.1, display: true
Damage: 70, display: true
NoiseStrength: 50, display: false
CameraShake: 1
AmmoCapacity: 40, display: true
AmmoType: 5.8mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 3, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2055, Name: Sniper
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.625, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 303, display: false
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
CameraShake: 2
Automatic: false
BulletSpread: 0.03, display: true
Recoil: 1.1, display: true
Damage: 220, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 6, display: true
AmmoType: 12.7mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 6, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: AssaultRifle
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2056, Name: Drill
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.03, type: float, display: false
DecoMode: true
InfoPopup: true
TerrainMode: true
HarvestSupport: true
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Damage: 1500
Radius: 2
Range: 10, display: false
NoiseStrength: 50, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 1500, display: true
AmmoType: BioFuel, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: wood
RadialText: rdlResourceMining
RadialDesc: rdlResourceMiningManualTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_ResourceMining
{ Item Id: 2057, Name: Shotgun2
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.469, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 66, display: false
NoiseStrength: 80, display: false
CameraShake: 2
Automatic: true
BulletsPerShot: 8
BulletSpread: 0
RaySpread: 0.750, display: true
Recoil: 0.5, display: true
Damage: 115, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 20, display: true
AmmoType: ShotgunShells, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 2.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.015, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.4, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_5: 0.05, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_6: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: Shotgun
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2058, Name: RocketLauncher
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Durability: 100, display: false
DegradationProb: 1, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.25, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 200, display: false
NoiseStrength: 140, display: false
Recoil: 0.5, display: true
CameraShake: 2
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
AmmoType: SlowRocket, display: true
ReloadDelay: 4.5, display: true
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2059, Name: MultiTool
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
RadialMenu: true
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.3, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Range: 5
NoiseStrength: 10, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 60
Radius: 3
ReturnFactor: 0.333, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 250, display: true
AmmoType: MultiCharge, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 10, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 5, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 10, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 25, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 50, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 25, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 25, data: woodblock
RadialText: rdlDisassemble
RadialDesc: rdlDisassembleTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Disassemble
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
Range: 5
NoiseStrength: 10, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
ROF: 0.4, type: float
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 250
AmmoType: MultiCharge
ReloadDelay: 3.0
RadialText: rdlRepair
RadialDesc: rdlRepairTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Repair
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
Range: 5
NoiseStrength: 10, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
ROF: 1.0, type: float
AmmoCapacity: 250
AmmoType: MultiCharge
ReloadDelay: 3.0
RadialText: rdlChangeRotate
RadialDesc: rdlChangeRotateTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_ChangeRotate
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
Range: 5
NoiseStrength: 10, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
ROF: 0.4, type: float
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 250
AmmoType: MultiCharge
ReloadDelay: 3.0
RadialText: rdlUpgrade
RadialDesc: rdlUpgradeTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Upgrade
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Range: 5
NoiseStrength: 10, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 60
Radius: 3
ReturnFactor: 0.333
AmmoCapacity: 250
AmmoType: MultiCharge
ReloadDelay: 3.0
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 10, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 5, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 10, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 25, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 50, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 25, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 25, data: woodblock
RadialText: rdlDeconstruct
RadialDesc: rdlDeconstructTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Deconstruct
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: SurvivalTool
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2062, Name: LaserPistol
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.625, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 90, display: false
NoiseStrength: 20, display: false
CameraShake: 1
IgnoreAtmo: true, display: true
Automatic: true
BulletSpread: 0, display: true
Recoil: 0.05, display: true
Damage: 100, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 40, display: true
AmmoType: PulseLaserChargePistol, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotBlue
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 3, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.005, data: shield
UnlockCost: 17, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: Pistol
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2063, Name: AssaultRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.08, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 150, display: false
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
CameraShake: 1
Automatic: true
BulletSpread: 0.16, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
Damage: 70, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 40, display: true
AmmoType: 5.8mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 3.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 6, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2064, Name: LaserRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.125, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 150, display: false
NoiseStrength: 80, display: false
CameraShake: 1
BulletSpread: 0, display: true
Recoil: 0.05, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true, display: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 110, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeRifle, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotRed
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 3.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.005, data: shield
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: PulseRifle
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2065, Name: ScifiCannon
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Durability: 100, display: false
DegradationProb: 1, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.25, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 360, display: false
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 1
Recoil: 0.4, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true, display: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
AmmoType: SciFiCannonPlasmaCharge, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: RocketLauncher
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2066, Name: Sniper2
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 7, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.469, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 400, display: false
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
CameraShake: 1
Automatic: true
BulletSpread: 0.023, display: true
Recoil: 0.3, display: true
Damage: 300, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 30, display: true
AmmoType: 12.7mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 7, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 15, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: Sniper
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2067, Name: DrillT2
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.03, type: float, display: false
RadialMenu: true
DecoMode: true
InfoPopup: true
TerrainMode: true
HarvestSupport: true
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.01, type: float
Damage: 600
Radius: 2
Range: 15, display: false
NoiseStrength: 40, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 1500, display: true
AmmoType: DrillCharge, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: resourcesoft
RadialText: rdlResourceMining
RadialDesc: rdlResourceMiningTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_ResourceMining
DecoMode: true
InfoPopup: true
TerrainMode: true
HarvestSupport: true
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.01, type: float
Damage: 300
Radius: 2
Range: 15, display: false
NoiseStrength: 40, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 1500
AmmoType: DrillCharge
ReloadDelay: 0.2
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: wood
RadialText: rdlFineDrilling
RadialDesc: rdlFineDrillingTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_TerrainRemoval
TerrainMode: true
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.01, type: float
Damage: 400
Radius: 3
Range: 15, display: false
NoiseStrength: 40, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 1500
AmmoType: DrillCharge
ReloadDelay: 0.2
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: stone|dirt|woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
RadialText: rdlFlattening
RadialDesc: rdlFlatteningTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Flattening
TerrainMode: true
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.01, type: float
Range: 15, display: false
NoiseStrength: 40, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 300
Radius: 3
AmmoCapacity: 1500
AmmoType: DrillCharge
ReloadDelay: 0.2
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
RadialText: rdlFiller
RadialDesc: rdlFillerTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Filler
UnlockCost: 10, display: true
UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
TechTreeParent: SurvivalTool
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2068, Name: PistolT2, Ref: Pistol
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.233, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 99, display: false
NoiseStrength: 60, display: false
BulletSpread: 0.15, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
Damage: 75, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 40, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 3.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: Pistol
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2069, Name: ColorTool
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.40, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.1, type: float
Range: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 25, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: false
ReloadDelay: 3, display: false
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 1.0, type: float
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2070, Name: TextureTool
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.1, type: float
Range: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 25, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: false
ReloadDelay: 3, display: false
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 1.0, type: float
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: ColorTool
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2071, Name: Chainsaw
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.0625, type: float, display: false
AllowRemote: false
HarvestSupport: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float
Range: 4, display: false
NoiseStrength: 60, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 100, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 300, display: true
AmmoType: BioFuel, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 4, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_1: 20, data: wood|plants
DamageMultiplier_2: 20, data: concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 20, data: dirt|stone|rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2072, Name: AssaultRifleEpic, Ref: AssaultRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.039, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.10, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 198, display: false
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
BulletSpread: 0.06, display: true
Recoil: 0.1, display: true
Damage: 110, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 100, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 4.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2073, Name: Sniper2Epic, Ref: Sniper2
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.305, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 400, display: false
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
BulletSpread: 0.011, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
AmmoType: RailgunBullet, display: true
Damage: 500, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 30, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 8, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.75, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2074, Name: MinigunEpic, Ref: Minigun
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.024, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.043, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 198, display: false
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
BulletSpread: 0.113, display: true
Recoil: 0.05, display: true
Damage: 60, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 560, display: true
AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeRifle, display: true
ReloadDelay: 3.149, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotRed
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 2, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.09, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.2, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2075, Name: Shotgun2Epic, Ref: Shotgun2
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.305, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Automatic: true
Range: 150, display: false
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
BulletSpread: 0
RaySpread: 0.375, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
Damage: 150, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 30, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 3, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.015, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.4, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_5: 0.05, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_6: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2076, Name: LaserRifleEpic, Ref: LaserRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.061, type: float, display: false
Damage: 185, display: true
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
Recoil: 0.1, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 70, display: true
Range: 198, display: false
NoiseStrength: 80, display: false
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotBlue
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 4.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.2, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2077, Name: ScifiCannonEpic, Ref: ScifiCannon
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 700, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.488, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 100, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2078, Name: PistolEpic, Ref: Pistol
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.151, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Automatic: true
Range: 119, display: false
BulletSpread: 0.075, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
Damage: 85, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 40, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 4, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2079, Name: MultiToolT2, Ref: MultiTool
PickupToToolbar: true
Range: 8
ReturnFactor: 0.667, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 500, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 250, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 650, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 1250, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 2500, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 1500, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 500, data: woodblock
Range: 8
Range: 8
Range: 8
ReturnFactor: 0.667
Range: 8
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 500, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 250, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 650, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 1250, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 2500, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 1500, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 500, data: woodblock
UnlockCost: 14, display: true
UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
TechTreeParent: MultiTool
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2080, Name: Explosives
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 5
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.08, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 1, type: float
Range: 2
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2081, Name: RocketLauncherT2, Ref: RocketLauncher
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
DegradationProb: 0.75, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Recoil: 0.4, display: true
Range: 360, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
AmmoType: SlowRocketHoming, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: RocketLauncher
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2082, Name: RocketLauncherEpic, Ref: RocketLauncher
PickupToToolbar: true
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.488, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Automatic: true
Recoil: 0.15, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.4, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 100, display: true
AmmoType: SlowRocketHoming, display: true
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2083, Name: LaserPistolT2, Ref: LaserPistol
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.2, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Recoil: 0.1, display: true
Range: 99, display: false
Damage: 115, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 60, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 3.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.005, data: shield
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 25, display: true
TechTreeParent: LaserPistol
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2084, Name: AssaultRifleT2, Ref: AssaultRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.06, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 165, display: false
BulletSpread: 0.12, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
Damage: 85, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 4, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 7, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeParent: AssaultRifle
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2085, Name: PulseRifleT2, Ref: PulseRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.094, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.085, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 187, display: false
BulletSpread: 0.075, display: true
Recoil: 0.2, display: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 85, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
AmmoType: 5.8mmBullet, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 3.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockCost: 20, display: true
UnlockLevel: 15, display: true
TechTreeParent: PulseRifle
TechTreeNames: Weapons
{ Item Id: 2086, Name: PulseRifleEpic, Ref: PulseRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 500, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.061, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.085, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 224, display: false
BulletSpread: 0.038, display: true
Recoil: 0.192, display: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 130, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 56, display: true
AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeRifle, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotGreen
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 4, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.1, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2087, Name: SurvivalTool
PickupToToolbar: true
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
RadialMenu: true
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 0.05, type: float
Range: 50, display: false
NoiseStrength: 20, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 50, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 25, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: false
HarvestSupport: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.04, data: wood|plants
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.083, data: shield
RadialText: rdlDefence
RadialDesc: rdlDefenceTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Defence
DecoMode: true
InfoPopup: true
TerrainMode: true
HarvestSupport: true
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.05, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Damage: 300
Radius: 1.75
Range: 5, display: false
NoiseStrength: 50, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 25, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: wood
RadialText: rdlResourceMining
RadialDesc: rdlResourceMiningManualTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_ResourceMining
AllowAt: "UnderWater, Planet, Space"
ROF: 0.05, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Range: 5
NoiseStrength: 10, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 100
Radius: 3
ReturnFactor: 0.333, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 25, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
ReloadDelay: 3, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 100, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 50, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 100, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 250, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 500, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 250, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 100, data: woodblock
RadialText: rdlDeconstruct
RadialDesc: rdlDeconstructTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Deconstruct
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2088, Name: DrillEpic, Ref: DrillT2
Damage: 750
Range: 50, display: false
Radius: 5
Damage: 1500
Radius: 10
Range: 60, display: false
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2096, Name: RocketLauncherDebug, Ref: RocketLauncher
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 2000, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.25, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 950, display: false
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 100, display: false
AmmoType: RocketDebug, display: true
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 20
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2097, Name: AssaultRifleDebug, Ref: AssaultRifle
PickupToToolbar: true
Durability: 2400, display: false
DegradationProb: 0.25, type: float, display: false
ROF: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 950, display: false
Damage: 10000, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.2, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 3.5, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 1, data: wood|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone
DamageMultiplier_4: 1, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_5: 0.05, data: shield
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 20
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2098, Name: DrillDebug, Ref: DrillT2
Damage: 1000
Range: 40, display: false
Radius: 40
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 20
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2099, Name: SlowRocket
Category: Weapons/Items
StackSize: 50
Mass: 0.9, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 450
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Speed: 50
Range: 200
Ballistic: True
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.75, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.75, data: shield
DamageMultiplier_4: 10, data: rock
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.75, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.5, data: dirt|stone
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2100, Name: 50Caliber
StackSize: 500
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 0.01, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.01, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2101, Name: 8.3mmBullet, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 1000
Mass: 0.01, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.01, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2102, Name: 5.8mmBullet, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 1000
Mass: 0.02, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.01, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2103, Name: 12.7mmBullet, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 1000
Mass: 0.06, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.03, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2104, Name: 15mmBullet, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 1500
Mass: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2105, Name: DrillCharge, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 50
Mass: 0.15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.06, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2106, Name: ShotgunShells, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 500
Mass: 0.03, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.02, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2107, Name: FillerCharge, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 50
{ Item Id: 2108, Name: PulseLaserChargePistol, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 500
Mass: 0.15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.05, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2109, Name: PulseLaserChargeRifle, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 500
Mass: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.06, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2110, Name: MultiCharge, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 50
Mass: 0.15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.06, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2111, Name: BioFuel, Ref: 50Caliber
StackSize: 50
Category: Components
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2112, Name: SciFiCannonPlasmaCharge
Category: Weapons/Items
StackSize: 500
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 600
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Speed: 375
Range: 300
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.75, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.95, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.75, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.5, data: dirt|stone
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2113, Name: SlowRocketHoming, Ref: SlowRocket
StackSize: 500
Mass: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 600
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Speed: 250
HomingSpeed: 2
Range: 350
Ballistic: false
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2127, Name: RocketDebug, Ref: SlowRocket
StackSize: 999
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 10000
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 10000, display: true
Speed: 250
Range: 1000
Ballistic: false
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2128, Name: OxygenBottleLarge
Category: Weapons/Items
StackSize: 50
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2129, Name: OxygenBottleSmall
StackSize: 20
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 75, display: OxygenValue
{ Item Id: 2138, Name: RespiratorCharge
StackSize: 25
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 35, display: OxygenValue
{ Item Id: 2139, Name: SpawnNewBaseM
StackSize: 1
Category: BuildingBlocks
Mass: 500, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 175, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2140, Name: SpawnNewBaseS
StackSize: 1
Category: BuildingBlocks
Mass: 250, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 80, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2141, Name: SpawnNewCVM
StackSize: 1
Category: BuildingBlocks
Mass: 750, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 300, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2142, Name: SpawnNewCVS
StackSize: 1
Category: BuildingBlocks
Mass: 400, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2148, Name: MinigunSSWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.25, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 400, display: false
RangeSpace: 550, display: false
Automatic: true
Damage: 200, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 300, display: true
AmmoType: 15mmBullet, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 2, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.09, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2149, Name: PlasmaCannonSSWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 435, display: false
RangeSpace: 725, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
AmmoType: PlasmaCannonChargeSS, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 3, display: true
{ Item Id: 2150, Name: PulseLaserSSWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 500, display: false
RangeSpace: 700, display: false
Damage: 575, display: true
Automatic: false
AmmoCapacity: 150, display: true
AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeSS, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 1, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotBlueSV
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.083, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2151, Name: TurretMSArtilleryWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2500, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 13, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 575, display: false
RangeSpace: 950, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 1, display: true
AmmoType: LargeRocketMS, display: true
NoiseStrength: 200, display: false
CameraShake: 4
ReloadDelay: 13, display: true
{ Item Id: 2152, Name: TurretIONCannonWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 1.0, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 525, display: false
RangeSpace: 875, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: false
AmmoType: IONCannonCharge, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 6.3, display: true
{ Item Id: 2153, Name: TurretBaseFlakWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 685, display: false
RangeSpace: 1135, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 150, display: true
AmmoType: FlakRocket, display: true
NoiseStrength: 150, display: false
CameraShake: 2
ReloadDelay: 5, display: true
{ Item Id: 2154, Name: TurretBaseRocketWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 690, display: false
RangeSpace: 1150, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 15, display: true
AmmoType: FastRocketBA, display: true
NoiseStrength: 150, display: false
CameraShake: 3
ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
{ Item Id: 2155, Name: RocketLauncherSSWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 300, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 425, display: false
RangeSpace: 675, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 15, display: true
AmmoType: FastRocket, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
{ Item Id: 2156, Name: RailgunSSWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 525, display: false
RangeSpace: 800, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 20, display: true
AmmoType: RailgunBullet, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 4, display: true
{ Item Id: 2157, Name: TurretMSMinigunWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 485, display: false
RangeSpace: 785, display: false
Automatic: true
Damage: 350, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 500, display: true
AmmoType: 15mmBullet, display: true
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 1
ReloadDelay: 2, display: true
TracerPerBullet: 2
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.3, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: wood|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2158, Name: RocketLauncherMSWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 560, display: false
RangeSpace: 975, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 15, display: true
AmmoType: FastRocketMS, display: true
NoiseStrength: 150, display: false
ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
{ Item Id: 2159, Name: TurretEnemyLaserWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 650, display: false
RangeSpace: 875, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 60, display: false
AmmoType: TurretEnemyLaserCharge, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 6.3, display: true
{ Item Id: 2160, Name: PulseLaserMSWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 510, display: false
RangeSpace: 925, display: false
Damage: 1000, display: true
Automatic: false
AmmoCapacity: 150, display: true
AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeMSWeapon, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 1, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotBlueCV
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.3, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.083, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2161, Name: TurretIONCannon2Weapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 525, display: false
RangeSpace: 1100, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: false
AmmoType: IONCannonCharge2, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 10.2, display: true
{ Item Id: 2162, Name: TurretGVMinigunWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 250, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 425, display: false
RangeSpace: 600, display: false
Automatic: true
Damage: 250, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 300, display: true
AmmoType: 15mmBullet, display: true
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 1
ReloadDelay: 2.0, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.3, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: wood|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2163, Name: TurretGVRocketWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 300, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 470, display: false
RangeSpace: 735, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 15, display: true
AmmoType: FastRocketGV, display: true
NoiseStrength: 150, display: false
CameraShake: 2
ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
{ Item Id: 2164, Name: TurretGVPlasmaWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 250, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 450, display: false
RangeSpace: 700, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: true
AmmoType: TurretGVPlasmaCharge, display: true
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 2
ReloadDelay: 3, display: true
{ Item Id: 2165, Name: TurretBaseCannonWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.7, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 560, display: false
RangeSpace: 925, display: false
Automatic: false
Damage: 800, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 300, display: true
AmmoType: 30mmBullet, display: true
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 2
ReloadDelay: 4, display: true
TracerPerBullet: 2
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.3, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: wood|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2166, Name: TurretMSPlasmaWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 635, display: false
RangeSpace: 1050, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 8, display: true
AmmoType: TurretMSPlasmaCharge, display: true
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 4
ReloadDelay: 10, display: true
{ Item Id: 2167, Name: TurretBasePlasmaWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 715, display: false
RangeSpace: 1200, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 8, display: true
AmmoType: TurretBAPlasmaCharge, display: true
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 4
ReloadDelay: 10, display: true
{ Item Id: 2168, Name: TurretGVArtilleryWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 450, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 13, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 540, display: false
RangeSpace: 850, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 1, display: true
AmmoType: ArtilleryRocket, display: true
NoiseStrength: 200, display: false
CameraShake: 4
ReloadDelay: 13, display: true
{ Item Id: 2169, Name: SawAttachmentWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.25, type: float
Range: 4, display: false
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 50, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
ReloadDelay: 4.2, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
HarvestSupport: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.04, data: wood|plants
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.08, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.01, data: concrete|metal|metalhard|hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 0.001, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_6: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2170, Name: TurretMSCannonWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 530, display: false
RangeSpace: 875, display: false
Automatic: false
Damage: 700, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 300, display: true
AmmoType: 30mmBullet, display: true
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 2
ReloadDelay: 4, display: true
TracerPerBullet: 2
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.2, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: wood|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2171, Name: TurretMSPulseLaserWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 560, display: false
RangeSpace: 925, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 150, display: true
AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeMS, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
CameraShake: 2
ReloadDelay: 1, display: true
{ Item Id: 2172, Name: TurretBasePulseLaserWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 635, display: false
RangeSpace: 1085, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 150, display: true
AmmoType: PulseLaserChargeBA, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
CameraShake: 2
ReloadDelay: 1, display: true
{ Item Id: 2173, Name: TurretMSFlakWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 585, display: false
RangeSpace: 975, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 150, display: true
AmmoType: FlakRocketMS, display: true
NoiseStrength: 150, display: false
CameraShake: 2
ReloadDelay: 5, display: true
{ Item Id: 2174, Name: TurretMSRocketWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 1800, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 600, display: false
RangeSpace: 1000, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 15, display: true
AmmoType: FastRocketMS, display: true
NoiseStrength: 150, display: false
CameraShake: 3
ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
{ Item Id: 2175, Name: TurretBaseMinigunWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.35, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 500, display: false
RangeSpace: 850, display: false
Automatic: true
Damage: 400, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 500, display: true
AmmoType: 15mmBullet, display: true
NoiseStrength: 120, display: false
CameraShake: 1
ReloadDelay: 2, display: true
TracerPerBullet: 2
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.3, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: wood|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2176, Name: TurretBaseArtilleryWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2700, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 13, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 650, display: false
RangeSpace: 1100, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 1, display: true
AmmoType: LargeRocket, display: true
NoiseStrength: 200, display: false
CameraShake: 4
ReloadDelay: 13, display: true
{ Item Id: 2177, Name: RocketLauncherSSHomingWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 300, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 470, display: false
RangeSpace: 735, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 15, display: true
AmmoType: FastRocketHoming, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
{ Item Id: 2178, Name: DrillAttachmentWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
DecoMode: true
InfoPopup: true
TerrainMode: true
HarvestSupport: true
AllowAt: Planet
ROF: 0.5, type: float
Damage: 750
Radius: 2
Range: 4, display: false
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
ReloadDelay: 2.7, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: wood
RadialText: rdlResourceMining
RadialDesc: rdlResourceMiningManualTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_ResourceMining
{ Item Id: 2179, Name: TurretGVDrillWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
DecoMode: true
InfoPopup: true
TerrainMode: true
HarvestSupport: true
AllowAt: Planet
ROF: 0.5, type: float
Damage: 500
Radius: 3
Range: 35, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
ReloadDelay: 3.0, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.5, data: rock
RadialText: rdlResourceMining
RadialDesc: rdlResourceMiningManualTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_ResourceMining
{ Item Id: 2180, Name: TurretMSDrillWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
TerrainMode: true
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
HarvestSupport: true
ROF: 0.5, type: float
Damage: 500
Radius: 3
Range: 150, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
ReloadDelay: 2.7, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: wood|woodblock|concrete|metal|metalhard|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2181, Name: DrillAttachmentT2Weapon, Ref: DrillAttachmentWeapon
TerrainMode: true
AllowAt: Planet
Damage: 1000
Radius: 2
Range: 8, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
ReloadDelay: 3.8, display: false
{ Item Id: 2182, Name: TurretGVToolWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
RadialMenu: true
AllowAt: Planet
ROF: 0.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Range: 50
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 135
Radius: 3
ReturnFactor: 0.8, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
ReloadDelay: 3.0, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood
DamageMultiplier_2: 50, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 50, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 65, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 125, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 250, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 150, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 50, data: woodblock
DamageMultiplier_9: 0, data: shield
RadialText: rdlDisassemble
RadialDesc: rdlDisassembleTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Disassemble
AllowAt: Planet
Range: 50
IgnoreAtmo: true
ROF: 0.3, type: float
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
ReloadDelay: 3.0, display: false
RadialText: rdlRepair
RadialDesc: rdlRepairTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Repair
AllowAt: Planet
Range: 50
IgnoreAtmo: true
ROF: 0.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Automatic: true
Damage: 135
Radius: 3
ReturnFactor: 0.8
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
ReloadDelay: 3.0, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood
DamageMultiplier_2: 50, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 50, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 65, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 125, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 250, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 150, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 50, data: woodblock
DamageMultiplier_9: 0, data: shield
RadialText: rdlDeconstruct
RadialDesc: rdlDeconstructTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Deconstruct
{ Item Id: 2183, Name: TurretMSToolWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
RadialMenu: true
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Range: 120
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 350
Radius: 3
ReturnFactor: 0.8, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
ReloadDelay: 3.0, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood
DamageMultiplier_2: 100, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 100, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 125, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 125, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 250, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 150, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 100, data: woodblock
DamageMultiplier_9: 0, data: shield
RadialText: rdlDisassemble
RadialDesc: rdlDisassembleTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Disassemble
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
Range: 120, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true
ROF: 0.3, type: float
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
ReloadDelay: 3.0, display: false
RadialText: rdlRepair
RadialDesc: rdlRepairTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Repair
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
Range: 120
IgnoreAtmo: true
ROF: 0.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: ROF
Automatic: true
Damage: 350
Radius: 3
ReturnFactor: 0.8
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: false
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
ReloadDelay: 3.0, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|wood
DamageMultiplier_2: 100, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 100, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_4: 125, data: hull
DamageMultiplier_5: 125, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_6: 250, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_7: 150, data: concrete
DamageMultiplier_8: 100, data: woodblock
DamageMultiplier_9: 0, data: shield
RadialText: rdlDeconstruct
RadialDesc: rdlDeconstructTxt
RadialIcon: Radial_Deconstruct
{ Item Id: 2184, Name: TurretEnemyRocketWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2000, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 690, display: false
RangeSpace: 1150, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 15, display: true
AmmoType: TurretEnemyRocketAmmo, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
{ Item Id: 2185, Name: TurretEnemyArtilleryWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 2700, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 13, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 650, display: false
RangeSpace: 1100, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 1, display: true
AmmoType: TurretEnemyArtilleryAmmo, display: true
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
ReloadDelay: 13, display: true
{ Item Id: 2186, Name: DrillAttachmentCVWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 150, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
DecoMode: true
InfoPopup: true
TerrainMode: true
HarvestSupport: true
AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
ROF: 0.5, type: float
Damage: 500
Radius: 3
Range: 120, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
AmmoCapacity: 0, display: true
AmmoType: AmmoInfinite, display: true
NoiseStrength: 30, display: false
CameraShake: 0
ReloadDelay: 3.8, display: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: woodblock|concrete|hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|metal|metalhard|shield
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: wood
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.5, data: rock
{ Item Id: 2187, Name: TurretEnemyBallistaWeapon
StackSize: 5
Mass: 500, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 500, display: false
RangeSpace: 500, display: false
AmmoCapacity: 50, display: false
AmmoType: BallistaBolt, display: true
NoiseStrength: 20, display: false
ReloadDelay: 8, display: true
{ Item Id: 2198, Name: PlasmaCannonChargeSS
StackSize: 500
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 615
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 650, display: true
Speed: 300
Range: 435
SpeedSpace: 385
RangeSpace: 725
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.2, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2199, Name: RailgunBullet
StackSize: 500
Mass: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 2780, display: true
BlastRadius: 0
BlastDamage: 0
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
Speed: 425
Range: 525
SpeedSpace: 525
RangeSpace: 850
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.05, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: stone|dirt
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2200, Name: FastRocket
StackSize: 300
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 2350
NoiseStrength: 100, display: false
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 1425, display: true
Speed: 185
Range: 425
SpeedSpace: 235
RangeSpace: 725
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.067, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.2, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2201, Name: 30mmBullet
StackSize: 1500
Mass: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2202, Name: PulseLaserChargeSS
StackSize: 500
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2203, Name: IONCannonCharge
StackSize: 300
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 420
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Speed: 150
Range: 525
SpeedSpace: 205
RangeSpace: 875
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: stone|dirt|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.1, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.1, data: stone|dirt|rock
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2204, Name: LargeRocket
StackSize: 50
Mass: 16, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 20400
BlastRadius: 4, display: true
BlastDamage: 24500, display: true
Speed: 165
Range: 715
SpeedSpace: 215
RangeSpace: 1200
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.05, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2205, Name: PulseLaserChargeMS
StackSize: 500
Mass: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 1050, display: true
Speed: 750
Range: 575
SpeedSpace: 810
RangeSpace: 925
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.25, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.25, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.2, data: stone|dirt
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2206, Name: FastRocketMS
StackSize: 100
Mass: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 5400
BlastRadius: 4, display: true
BlastDamage: 5400, display: true
Speed: 145
Range: 600
SpeedSpace: 235
RangeSpace: 1000
HomingSpeed: 1.5
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.067, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.2, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2207, Name: IONCannonCharge2
StackSize: 100
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 420
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Speed: 150
Range: 525
SpeedSpace: 215
RangeSpace: 1100
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: stone|dirt|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.1, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.1, data: stone|dirt|rock
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2208, Name: TurretGVPlasmaCharge
StackSize: 200
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 650
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 720, display: true
Speed: 385
Range: 450
SpeedSpace: 435
RangeSpace: 750
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2209, Name: FlakRocket
StackSize: 500
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 485
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Speed: 650
Range: 685
SpeedSpace: 750
RangeSpace: 1135
HomingSpeed: 0.15
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.2, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.4, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2210, Name: TurretMSPlasmaCharge
StackSize: 200
Mass: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 14400
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 14400, display: true
Speed: 400
Range: 575
SpeedSpace: 475
RangeSpace: 950
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.2, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2211, Name: ArtilleryRocket
StackSize: 50
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 10500
BlastRadius: 4, display: true
BlastDamage: 10500, display: true
Speed: 105
Range: 540
SpeedSpace: 150
RangeSpace: 900
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.075, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.067, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.075, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.03, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2212, Name: TurretEnemyLaserCharge
StackSize: 100
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 450, display: true
Speed: 750
Range: 650
SpeedSpace: 810
RangeSpace: 875
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.25, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: stone|dirt|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.1, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.25, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.4, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0.1, data: rock
BlastDamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: shield
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2213, Name: FastRocketHoming, Ref: FastRocket
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 2150
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 1170, display: true
Speed: 160
Range: 470
SpeedSpace: 225
RangeSpace: 785
HomingSpeed: 3.35
Ballistic: false
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2214, Name: FlakRocketMS, Ref: FlakRocket
Damage: 450
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 450, display: true
Speed: 625
Range: 585
SpeedSpace: 735
RangeSpace: 975
HomingSpeed: 0.16
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.067, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.2, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.4, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2215, Name: LargeRocketMS, Ref: LargeRocket
Mass: 14, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 19500
BlastRadius: 4, display: true
BlastDamage: 22500, display: true
Speed: 165
Range: 635
SpeedSpace: 210
RangeSpace: 1050
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.067, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.05, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2216, Name: PulseLaserChargeBA, Ref: PulseLaserChargeMS
Mass: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 1050, display: true
Speed: 750
Range: 635
SpeedSpace: 810
RangeSpace: 1085
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.25, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.1, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.25, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.2, data: stone|dirt
{ Item Id: 2217, Name: FastRocketBA, Ref: FastRocketMS
Mass: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 5858
BlastRadius: 4, display: true
BlastDamage: 5800, display: true
Speed: 150
Range: 635
SpeedSpace: 240
RangeSpace: 1085
HomingSpeed: 1.5
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.2, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2218, Name: TurretBAPlasmaCharge, Ref: TurretMSPlasmaCharge
Mass: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Damage: 15525
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 15525, display: true
Speed: 400
Range: 600
SpeedSpace: 485
RangeSpace: 1000
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.1, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.2, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2219, Name: PulseLaserChargeMSWeapon
StackSize: 500
Mass: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2220, Name: TurretEnemyRocketAmmo, Ref: FastRocketMS
Damage: 3515
BlastRadius: 4, display: true
BlastDamage: 3480, display: true
Speed: 150
Range: 635
SpeedSpace: 240
RangeSpace: 1085
HomingSpeed: 1.5
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: stone|dirt|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.1, data: stone|dirt|rock
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2221, Name: TurretEnemyArtilleryAmmo, Ref: LargeRocket
Damage: 12240
BlastRadius: 4, display: true
BlastDamage: 14700, display: true
Speed: 165
Range: 715
SpeedSpace: 215
RangeSpace: 1200
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: stone|dirt|rock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0.083, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.1, data: stone|dirt|rock
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2222, Name: FastRocketGV, Ref: FlakRocket
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Speed: 185
Range: 425
SpeedSpace: 235
RangeSpace: 725
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.01, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_3: 10, data: rock
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.067, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.2, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.4, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2223, Name: BallistaBolt
StackSize: 300
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 1200
Speed: 20
Range: 500
SpeedSpace: 30
RangeSpace: 500
Ballistic: True
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.15, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: stone|dirt|rock
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2224, Name: DrillAttachmentLargeWeapon, Ref: DrillAttachmentWeapon
ROF: 0.5, type: float
Damage: 1200
Radius: 5
Range: 4, display: false
{ Item Id: 2245, Name: FoodTemplate
Mass: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Food
StackSize: 20
{ Item Id: 2246, Name: OreTemplate
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Components
{ Item Id: 2247, Name: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Components
{ Item Id: 2248, Name: MagnesiumOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2249, Name: IronOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 14, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2250, Name: CobaltOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 16, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2251, Name: SiliconOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 7, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2252, Name: NeodymiumOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2253, Name: CopperOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 16, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2254, Name: PromethiumOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2255, Name: OpticalFiber, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 1.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2256, Name: MechanicalComponents, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.08, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2257, Name: CapacitorComponent, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 42, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 9, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2258, Name: Computer, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2259, Name: EnergyMatrix, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 16, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2260, Name: Electronics, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 4.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2261, Name: FluxCoil, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 36, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 9, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2262, Name: Motor, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2263, Name: Nanotubes, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2264, Name: CobaltAlloy, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 24, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2265, Name: SteelPlate, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2266, Name: EnergyCell, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Item Id: 2267, Name: GlassPlate, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2269, Name: ErestrumOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 14, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2270, Name: ZascosiumOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 16, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2271, Name: MagnesiumPowder, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.75, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2272, Name: IronIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2273, Name: CobaltIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.75, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2274, Name: SiliconIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2275, Name: NeodymiumIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 3.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2276, Name: CopperIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 6.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2277, Name: PromethiumPellets, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2278, Name: ErestrumIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2279, Name: ZascosiumIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2280, Name: CrushedStone, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2281, Name: RockDust, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2282, Name: Oscillator, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 34, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2283, Name: PlasticMaterial, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.05, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2284, Name: SathiumOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 20, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2285, Name: SathiumIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2286, Name: PowerCoil, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 72, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 21, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2287, Name: EnergyCellLarge, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 30, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 12, display: true
UnlockLevel: 10, display: true
TechTreeParent: EnergyCell
TechTreeNames: Misc
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2289, Name: HydrogenBottle, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2290, Name: WoodLogs, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2291, Name: WoodPlanks, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2292, Name: Cement, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.75, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2293, Name: PentaxidOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2294, Name: PentaxidCrystal, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
StackSize: 50
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2295, Name: SteelPlateArmored, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 4.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2296, Name: MoneyCard, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
StackSize: 50000
Mass: 0, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2297, Name: GoldOre, Ref: OreTemplate
Mass: 34, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2298, Name: GoldIngot, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 51, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2299, Name: GoldCoins, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 11, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2300, Name: PlayerBikeKit, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 12, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2302, Name: AutoMinerCore, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2303, Name: PistolKit, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2304, Name: RifleKit, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2305, Name: SniperKit, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2306, Name: ShotgunKit, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2307, Name: HeavyWeaponKit, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2308, Name: LaserKit, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2309, Name: PentaxidElement, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2325, Name: AnniversaryCake, Ref: FoodTemplate
StackSize: 10
FoodDecayTime: 90, display: true, type: int
AddHealth: 20
AddStamina: 17, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 170, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2326, Name: ErestrumGel, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2327, Name: ZascosiumAlloy, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 45, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2328, Name: XenoSubstrate, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2329, Name: NCPowder, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 0.02, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.02, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2348, Name: SpaceDurian, Ref: FoodTemplate
FoodDecayTime: 35, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 35, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2349, Name: Steak, Ref: FoodTemplate
FoodDecayTime: 18, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 12, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 3, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 104, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2350, Name: Meat, Ref: FoodTemplate
FoodDecayTime: 16, display: true, type: int
Category: Food
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 3, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 65, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2351, Name: Spice, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 50, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: -1, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 10, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 45, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2352, Name: OpuntiaCactusSpears, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 30, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 35, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 45, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2353, Name: Fiber, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Components
StackSize: 100
Mass: 0.4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.45, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2354, Name: AkuaWine, Ref: FoodTemplate
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 16, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 100, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 2, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2355, Name: Medikit02, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 50
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2356, Name: Medikit03, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 50
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2357, Name: AlienParts01, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
StackSize: 50
{ Item Id: 2358, Name: AlienParts02, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
StackSize: 50
{ Item Id: 2359, Name: AlienParts03, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
StackSize: 50
{ Item Id: 2361, Name: Stew, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 34, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 99, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 20, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 283, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2362, Name: Bread, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 113, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 6, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 20, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 50, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2363, Name: Fruit, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 25, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 10, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 35, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2364, Name: Grain, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 50, display: true, type: int
Mass: 0.15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 1, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 20, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2365, Name: Egg, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 15, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 5, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 10, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 5, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2366, Name: Varonroot, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 60, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 250, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: -20, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: -50, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2367, Name: NaturalStimulant, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 60, display: true, type: int
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: -50, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 100, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: -100, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2368, Name: AlienTooth, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2369, Name: Ribs, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
StackSize: 20
FoodDecayTime: 21, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 24, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 12, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 182, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2370, Name: TexturedPlantProtein, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 30, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 25, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 40, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 20, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2371, Name: SpaceOrange, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 35, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 5, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 10, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 30, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2372, Name: VeggieBurger, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 60, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 18, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 10, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 150, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2373, Name: FusionCell, Ref: ComponentsTemplate
Mass: 50, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 15, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockCost: 25, display: true
UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
TechTreeParent: EnergyCellLarge
TechTreeNames: Misc
{ Item Id: 2374, Name: Milk, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 20, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 13, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 27, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2375, Name: Medikit01, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 50
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2376, Name: Cheese, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 40, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 13, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 44, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2377, Name: Medikit04, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 50
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2378, Name: Beer, Ref: FoodTemplate
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 16, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 100, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 2, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2380, Name: NutrientSolution, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
StackSize: 100
Mass: 4, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2381, Name: RottenFood, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
StackSize: 100
Mass: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2382, Name: AntibioticPills, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: -10
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: -50
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2383, Name: HerbalLeaves, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 25, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 60, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 0, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 0, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2384, Name: CornDogFruit, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 30, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 0, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 25, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2385, Name: RadiationImmunityShot, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: -10
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: -50
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2386, Name: PhoenixFernFonds, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2388, Name: TrumpetGreens, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 20, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 150, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 30, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2389, Name: Bandages, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2390, Name: BrafusFungi, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 25, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 500, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: -20, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: -50, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2391, Name: ConfettiMossScrapings, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 30, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 250, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: -50, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2392, Name: FireMossScrapings, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 30, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 250, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: -50, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2393, Name: AntibioticInjection, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2394, Name: EmergencyRations, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 50, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 70, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 500, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2395, Name: PlantProtein, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 25, display: true, type: int
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 15, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 20, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2396, Name: WaterJug, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Components
StackSize: 100
Mass: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 10, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 50, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 0, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2397, Name: WaterBottle, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Components
StackSize: 100
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 25, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2398, Name: Corn, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 30, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 5, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 35, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2399, Name: MushroomBrown, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 15, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 25, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 55, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 5, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2400, Name: AloeVera, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
FoodDecayTime: 40, display: true, type: int
{ Item Id: 2401, Name: EggPlantParts, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 35, display: true, type: int
{ Item Id: 2402, Name: AkuaFruit, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 25, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 25, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 50, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2403, Name: AlienThorn, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2404, Name: AlienSpikeLemon, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 200, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 35, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 10, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 3, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2405, Name: MushroomSpiky, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 20, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 200, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: -400, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: -50, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2406, Name: Tomato, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 35, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 5, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 25, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2407, Name: Vegetables, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 35, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 40, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2408, Name: Flour, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 150, display: true, type: int
{ Item Id: 2409, Name: MeatBurger, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 60, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 14, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 20, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 201, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2410, Name: Ham, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 136, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 9, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 125, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2411, Name: CannedVegetables, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 207, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 30, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 14, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 128, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2412, Name: CannedMeat, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 202, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 25, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 15, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 102, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2413, Name: Berries, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 25, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 25, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 15, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2415, Name: Pizza, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 56, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 80, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 19, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 226, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2416, Name: RadiationPills, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: -50, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 0, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: -50, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2417, Name: Sandwich, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 69, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 14, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 17, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 106, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2418, Name: Sugarcane, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
StackSize: 100
{ Item Id: 2419, Name: Salami, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 166, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 8, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 9, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 51, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2420, Name: Ratatouille, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 42, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 72, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 14, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 212, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2421, Name: Waffles, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 98, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 10, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 9, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 134, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2422, Name: PumpkinCookie, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 97, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 40, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 15, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 207, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2423, Name: PowerBar, Ref: FoodTemplate
FoodDecayTime: 120, display: true, type: int
Category: Food
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 80, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2424, Name: FriedVegetables, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 35, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 11, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 6, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 52, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2425, Name: Cereals, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 20, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 12, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 8, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 67, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2426, Name: EnergyPills, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: -10
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: -50
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2427, Name: AntibioticOintment, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2428, Name: AdrenalineShot, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2429, Name: FruitPie, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 95, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 25, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 10, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 158, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2430, Name: StomachPills, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2431, Name: HotBeverage, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 26, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2432, Name: NaturalSweetener, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 60, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 90, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 4, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2433, Name: FruitJuice, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
StackSize: 100
FoodDecayTime: 60, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 50, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 10, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 0, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2434, Name: VegetableJuice, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 70, display: true, type: int
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 50, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 5, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2435, Name: AntiRadiationOintment, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2436, Name: AntiToxicOintment, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2437, Name: AntiToxicPills, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: -10
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: -50
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2438, Name: AntiParasitePills, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: -10
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: -50
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2439, Name: AntiToxicInjection, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2440, Name: AntiParasiteInjection, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2441, Name: AntiRadiationInjection, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Medical
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2442, Name: BerryJuice, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
FoodDecayTime: 50, display: true, type: int
StackSize: 100
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 90, display: HealthValue
AddStamina: 25, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2443, Name: Buds, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 100, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 5, display: FoodValue
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2444, Name: Roots, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Ingredients
FoodDecayTime: 200, display: true, type: int
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 0
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2445, Name: EnergyDrink, Ref: FoodTemplate
Category: Food
ROF: 1, type: float
AddHealth: 0
AddStamina: 110, display: StaminaValue
AddFood: 0
AddOxygen: 0
{ Item Id: 2548, Name: MeleeTemplate
StackSize: 1
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 4.5
Damage: 300
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: wood|stone|rock|dirt|shield
{ Item Id: 2549, Name: MeleeArmoredGolem, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3
Damage: 300
{ Item Id: 2550, Name: MeleeTotalHorror, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 130
{ Item Id: 2551, Name: MeleeTalonGuardian, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 1.5, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 120
{ Item Id: 2553, Name: MeleeRockGolem, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0.75, type: float
Range: 4
Damage: 170
{ Item Id: 2554, Name: MeleeCaveWormWhite, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 4.5
Damage: 150
{ Item Id: 2555, Name: MeleeMegalonopsGrey, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 6.5
Damage: 100
{ Item Id: 2556, Name: MeleeMegalonopsBrown, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 9
Damage: 150
{ Item Id: 2557, Name: MeleeLizardMule, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 6.5
Damage: 180
{ Item Id: 2558, Name: MeleeLizardMuleBaby, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 90
{ Item Id: 2559, Name: MeleeSpinosaurus, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 3, type: float
Range: 5
Damage: 75
{ Item Id: 2560, Name: MeleeTriceratops, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 4
Damage: 200
{ Item Id: 2561, Name: MeleeGolem2, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 5
Damage: 150
{ Item Id: 2562, Name: MeleeWorm, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 100
{ Item Id: 2563, Name: MeleeOtyugh, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 5
Damage: 120
{ Item Id: 2564, Name: MeleePlantMonster, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 90
{ Item Id: 2565, Name: MeleeSlime, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 2
Damage: 75
{ Item Id: 2566, Name: MeleeCrawler, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 100
DamageMultiplier_1: 2.5, data: metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_2: 5, data: hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|concrete|woodblock
{ Item Id: 2567, Name: MeleeAlienBug01, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 90
{ Item Id: 2568, Name: MeleeAlienBug02, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 2
Damage: 120
{ Item Id: 2569, Name: MeleeAlienBug03, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 200
{ Item Id: 2570, Name: MeleeWormLarge, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 5
Damage: 150
{ Item Id: 2571, Name: MeleeWoodWalker, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 4
Damage: 150
{ Item Id: 2572, Name: MeleeAlienBug04, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 150
{ Item Id: 2573, Name: MeleeSpider01, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 2.5
Damage: 20
DamageMultiplier_1: 5, data: metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_2: 10, data: hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|concrete|woodblock
{ Item Id: 2574, Name: MeleeSpider02, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 120
{ Item Id: 2575, Name: MeleeSpider03, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 180
DamageMultiplier_1: 2.5, data: metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_2: 5, data: hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|concrete|woodblock
{ Item Id: 2576, Name: MeleeRaptor, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.0
Damage: 50
{ Item Id: 2577, Name: MeleeHexapod, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 100
{ Item Id: 2578, Name: MeleeOverseer, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 5.5
Damage: 120
{ Item Id: 2579, Name: MeleeOviraptor, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 100
{ Item Id: 2580, Name: MeleeParasaur, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 6.5
Damage: 100
{ Item Id: 2581, Name: MeleeCaveWorm, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 100
DamageMultiplier_1: 2.5, data: metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_2: 5, data: hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|concrete|woodblock
{ Item Id: 2583, Name: MeleeAssassin, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 2.5
Damage: 100
{ Item Id: 2584, Name: MeleeRaptorNight, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 2.0
Damage: 100
{ Item Id: 2585, Name: MeleeTelluropod, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 100
{ Item Id: 2586, Name: MeleePangolin, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 7
Damage: 200
DamageMultiplier_1: 2.5, data: metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_2: 5, data: hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|concrete|woodblock
{ Item Id: 2587, Name: MeleeRipperDog, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3
Damage: 150
{ Item Id: 2588, Name: MeleeCreepy, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 1.8
Damage: 50
{ Item Id: 2589, Name: MeleeShell, Ref: MeleeTemplate
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 2.3
Damage: 50
{ Item Id: 2598, Name: minigunDroneSmall
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.2, type: float
Range: 300
Automatic: true
Damage: 12
AmmoCapacity: 200
AmmoType: 30mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 3.1
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 3, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_2: 25, data: metalhard|concrete|woodblock|hull
DamageMultiplier_3: 60, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_5: 4, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2599, Name: minigunDroneLarge, Ref: minigunDroneSmall
Damage: 18
{ Item Id: 2600, Name: rocketlauncherDroneSmall
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 3.5, type: float
Range: 300
AmmoCapacity: 25
AmmoType: rocketDrone, display: true
ReloadDelay: 3
{ Item Id: 2601, Name: rocketDrone
StackSize: 25
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 75, display: true
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Speed: 30
Range: 360
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 3, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_3: 25, data: metalhard|concrete|woodblock|hull
DamageMultiplier_4: 60, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_5: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_6: 0.1, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0.05, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2602, Name: minigunDoubleDroneSmall, Ref: minigunDroneSmall
Damage: 20
{ Item Id: 2603, Name: minigunDoubleDroneLarge, Ref: minigunDroneSmall
Damage: 24
{ Item Id: 2604, Name: plasmaDroneSmall, Ref: rocketlauncherDroneSmall
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 300
AmmoType: plasmaCannonChargeDrone, display: true
{ Item Id: 2605, Name: plasmaCannonChargeDrone, Ref: rocketDrone
Speed: 70
Range: 700
{ Item Id: 2606, Name: pulseLaserDrone, Ref: rocketlauncherDroneSmall
ROF: 1.2, type: float
AmmoType: pulseLaserChargeDrone
{ Item Id: 2607, Name: pulseLaserChargeDrone, Ref: rocketDrone
Damage: 50, display: true
BlastRadius: 0
BlastDamage: 0
Speed: 150
Range: 625
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 3, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_3: 25, data: metalhard|concrete|woodblock|hull
DamageMultiplier_4: 60, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_5: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_6: 0.1, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2608, Name: cannonDroneSmall, Ref: minigunDroneSmall
ROF: 1, type: float
Automatic: false
Damage: 45
AmmoType: 50Caliber, display: true
TracerPerBullet: 1
{ Item Id: 2609, Name: cannonDoubleDroneLarge, Ref: minigunDroneSmall
ROF: 0.8, type: float
Automatic: false
Damage: 90
AmmoType: 50Caliber, display: true
TracerPerBullet: 1
{ Item Id: 2610, Name: plasmaDroneLarge, Ref: rocketlauncherDroneSmall
ROF: 1.3, type: float
AmmoType: plasmaCannonChargeDrone, display: true
{ Item Id: 2611, Name: plasmaSpaceDrone, Ref: rocketlauncherDroneSmall
ROF: 0.6, type: float
Range: 500
AmmoType: plasmaChargeSpaceDrone, display: true
{ Item Id: 2612, Name: plasmaChargeSpaceDrone
StackSize: 25
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 75, display: true
BlastRadius: 2, display: true
BlastDamage: 600, display: true
Speed: 150
Range: 600
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 5, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_2: 5, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 2, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2613, Name: laserSpaceDrone, Ref: rocketlauncherDroneSmall
ROF: 0.6, type: float
Range: 500
AmmoType: laserChargeSpaceDrone, display: true
{ Item Id: 2614, Name: laserChargeSpaceDrone
StackSize: 25
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 60, display: true
BlastRadius: 2, display: true
BlastDamage: 800, display: true
Speed: 200
Range: 800
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 3, data: hullarmored
DamageMultiplier_2: 3, data: hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_3: 2, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2616, Name: ZiraxMinigunWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
ROF: 0.15, type: float
Range: 80, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: true
Damage: 18, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 250, display: true
AmmoType: 8.3mmBullet, display: true
BulletSpread: 0.5, display: true
ReloadDelay: 6.3, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: wood|stone|dirt
{ Item Id: 2617, Name: ZiraxLaserWeapon, Ref: ZiraxMinigunWeapon
ROF: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 80, display: false
Damage: 75, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: false
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotGreenZirax
TracerPerBullet: 1
BulletSpread: 0.1, display: true
{ Item Id: 2618, Name: sentryGunSingle
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 260, display: false
RangeSpace: 300, display: false
Automatic: false
Damage: 80, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 250, display: true
AmmoType: 5.8mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 5, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2619, Name: sentryGunSingle2
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.8, type: float
Range: 260, display: false
RangeSpace: 300, display: false
Automatic: false
Damage: 30, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 100, display: true
AmmoType: 30mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 8.3, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 1
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2620, Name: sentryGunSingle3
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 0.6, type: float
Range: 260, display: false
RangeSpace: 300, display: false
Automatic: false
Damage: 30, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 100, display: true
AmmoType: 5.8mmBullet, display: true
ReloadDelay: 5, display: true
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerOrange1
TracerPerBullet: 2
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone|rock|wood
DamageMultiplier_2: 0.05, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2621, Name: minigunDroneAttackBase, Ref: minigunDroneSmall
ROF: 0.4, type: float
Damage: 15
{ Item Id: 2622, Name: ZiraxShotgunWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
ROF: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 30, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: false
BulletsPerShot: 8
BulletSpread: 0
RaySpread: 1.6, display: true
Damage: 50, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 5, display: true
AmmoType: ShotgunShells, display: true
ReloadDelay: 3.5, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 2, data: head, display: DmgMultiplierHead
DamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: wood|stone|dirt
{ Item Id: 2623, Name: ZiraxRocketWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 1.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 70, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
AmmoCapacity: 4, display: true
AmmoType: rocketDrone, display: true
BulletSpread: 0.2, display: true
ReloadDelay: 3.9, display: true
{ Item Id: 2624, Name: SpiderRangedWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 20, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
Damage: 120, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 250, display: true
AmmoType: SlimeSpider, display: true
ReloadDelay: 0.0, display: true
{ Item Id: 2625, Name: SlimeSpider
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 120
BlastRadius: 0
BlastDamage: 0
Speed: 20
HomingSpeed: 1
Range: 100
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: dirt|stone
{ Item Id: 2626, Name: TraderWeapon, Ref: ZiraxLaserWeapon
ROF: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 100, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true
Damage: 50, display: true
Automatic: false
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotGreenZirax
TracerPerBullet: 1
{ Item Id: 2627, Name: CyborgSniperWeapon, Ref: ZiraxLaserWeapon
ROF: 0.8, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 100, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true
Damage: 100, display: true
Automatic: false
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotGreenZirax
TracerPerBullet: 1
{ Item Id: 2628, Name: AlienBugRangedWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 30, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true
Damage: 35, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 250, display: true
AmmoType: SlimeAlienBug, display: true
ReloadDelay: 6.3, display: true
{ Item Id: 2629, Name: SlimeAlienBug
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 120
BlastRadius: 0
BlastDamage: 0
Speed: 20
HomingSpeed: 0.8
Range: 100
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: dirt|stone
{ Item Id: 2630, Name: MechanoidWeapon, Ref: ZiraxMinigunWeapon
ROF: 1.0, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 50, display: false
IgnoreAtmo: true
Damage: 75, display: true
Automatic: false
Tracer: Weapons/Projectiles/TracerLaserShotRedZirax
TracerPerBullet: 1
{ Item Id: 2631, Name: AssaultMechWeapon, Ref: ZiraxMinigunWeapon
{ Item Id: 2632, Name: BaseAttackDroneWeapon, Ref: rocketlauncherDroneSmall
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 350
AmmoType: rocketDrone, display: true
{ Item Id: 2633, Name: BombLauncherWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
ROF: 3.5, type: float
Range: 300
AmmoCapacity: 25
AmmoType: BombDrone, display: true
BulletsPerShot: 3
BulletSpread: 5
ReloadDelay: 3
{ Item Id: 2634, Name: BombDrone
StackSize: 25
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 800, display: true
BlastRadius: 4, display: true
BlastDamage: 1800, display: true
Speed: 30
Range: 360
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 3, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_2: 25, data: metalhard|concrete|woodblock|hull
DamageMultiplier_3: 60, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: dirt|stone
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: dirt|stone
{ Item Id: 2635, Name: ZiraxSniperWeapon, Ref: ZiraxMinigunWeapon
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 110, display: false
Damage: 150, display: true
Automatic: false
TracerPerBullet: 1
BulletSpread: 0.05, display: true
{ Item Id: 2636, Name: AlienBug04RangedWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 30, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true
Damage: 35, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 250, display: true
AmmoType: SlimeAlienBug, display: true
ReloadDelay: 6.3, display: true
{ Item Id: 2638, Name: DroneBaseAttackMinigunWeapon, Ref: minigunDroneSmall
Damage: 12
Range: 400
DamageMultiplier_1: 5, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_2: 30, data: concrete|woodblock|hull
DamageMultiplier_3: 40, data: metalhard
DamageMultiplier_4: 60, data: hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_5: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_6: 2, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2639, Name: DroneBaseAttackRocketWeapon, Ref: rocketlauncherDroneSmall
ROF: 2, type: float
Range: 500
AmmoType: RocketBaseAttackDrone, display: true
{ Item Id: 2640, Name: RocketBaseAttackDrone
StackSize: 25
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 70, display: true
BlastRadius: 3, display: true
BlastDamage: 500, display: true
Speed: 30
Range: 500
Ballistic: false
DamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
DamageMultiplier_2: 3, data: metal
DamageMultiplier_3: 50, data: concrete|woodblock|hull
DamageMultiplier_4: 60, data: metalhard|hullarmored|hullcombat
DamageMultiplier_5: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_6: 0.1, data: shield
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.5, data: head|body
BlastDamageMultiplier_2: 0, data: stone|dirt
BlastDamageMultiplier_3: 2, data: metalhard|hullarmored|hullcombat
BlastDamageMultiplier_4: 0, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2641, Name: DestroyBlocksWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Automatic: true
ROF: 1, type: float
Damage: 45, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 10, data: metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_2: 20, data: hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|concrete|woodblock
DamageMultiplier_3: 0, data: stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_4: 0.7, data: shield
{ Item Id: 2642, Name: EMPAttackBlocksWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
ROF: 6, type: float
Range: 150, display: true
Damage: 30, display: true
{ Item Id: 2643, Name: TalonCrossbowWeapon
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
AllowRemote: false
ROF: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Range: 75, display: true
IgnoreAtmo: true
Automatic: false
Damage: 70, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 20, display: true
AmmoType: CrossbowBolt, display: true
BulletSpread: 0.5, display: true
ReloadDelay: 6.3, display: true
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: wood|stone|dirt
DamageMultiplier_2: 50, data: metal|metalhard
DamageMultiplier_3: 60, data: hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|concrete|woodblock
{ Item Id: 2644, Name: CrossbowBolt
Category: Weapons/Items
Damage: 120
BlastRadius: 0
BlastDamage: 0
Speed: 20
Range: 80
Ballistic: True
DamageMultiplier_1: 0, data: dirt|stone
BlastDamageMultiplier_1: 0.05, data: dirt|stone
{ Item Id: 2645, Name: TalonShamaneDrainPower
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Damage: 5, display: true
{ Item Id: 2646, Name: MeleeTalonGuardianBAI, Ref: MeleeTalonGuardian
ROF: 0, type: float
Range: 3.5
Damage: 120
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2648, Name: ArmorLight
Mass: 8, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Durability: 400, display: true
Oxygen: 375, type: int, display: true
Armor: 135, type: int, display: true
Heat: 10, type: int, display: true
Cold: 25, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 4, type: int, display: true
FallDamageFac: 0.40, type: float, display: true
PowerFac: 0.66, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: 0.85, type: float, display: true
JumpFac: 0.67, type: float, display: true
JetpackFac: 1.20, type: float, display: true
FoodFac: 1.44, type: float, display: true
StaminaFac: 1.21, type: float, display: true
NrSlots: 2, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 2, display: true
UnlockLevel: 5, display: true
TechTreeNames: Weapons
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2649, Name: ArmorMedium
Mass: 18, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Durability: 600, display: true
Oxygen: 562, type: int, display: true
Armor: 243, type: int, display: true
Heat: 25, type: int, display: true
Cold: 40, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 8, type: int, display: true
FallDamageFac: 0.60, type: float, display: true
PowerFac: 0.53, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: 0.75, type: float, display: true
JumpFac: 0.55, type: float, display: true
JetpackFac: 1.44, type: float, display: true
FoodFac: 1.73, type: float, display: true
StaminaFac: 1.33, type: float, display: true
NrSlots: 3, type: int, display: true
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2650, Name: ArmorHeavy
Mass: 35, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 6, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
VolumeCapacity: 200, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Durability: 1200, display: true
Oxygen: 843, type: int, display: true
Armor: 437, type: int, display: true
Heat: 40, type: int, display: true
Cold: 55, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 16, type: int, display: true
FallDamageFac: 0.7, type: float, display: true
PowerFac: 0.43, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: 0.6, type: float, display: true
JumpFac: 0.45, type: float, display: true
JetpackFac: 1.73, type: float, display: true
FoodFac: 2.07, type: float, display: true
StaminaFac: 1.46, type: float, display: true
NrSlots: 4, type: int, display: true
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
# Please do not rename - referenced in code
{ Item Id: 2653, Name: ArmorHeavyEpic, Ref: ArmorHeavy
Oxygen: 1000, type: int, display: true
Armor: 1000, type: int, display: true
Heat: 800, type: int, display: true
Cold: 273, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 40, type: int, display: true
FallDamageFac: 0.7, type: float, display: true
PowerFac: 0.7, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: 0.9, type: float, display: true
JumpFac: 0.7, type: float, display: true
JetpackFac: 1.1, type: float, display: true
FoodFac: 0.9, type: float, display: true
StaminaFac: 1.1, type: float, display: true
NrSlots: 0, type: int, display: true
Mass: 35, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 8, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
UnlockLevel: 1
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2668, Name: ArmorBoostTemplate
Mass: 2, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
{ Item Id: 2669, Name: ArmorBoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
Armor: 54, type: int, display: true
Heat: -2, type: int, display: true
Cold: -1, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 1, type: int, display: true
PowerFac: -0.04, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: -0.06, type: float, display: true
StaminaFac: 0.2, type: float, display: true
JetpackFac: 0.2, type: float, display: true
JumpFac: -0.04, type: float, display: true
FoodFac: 0.26, type: float, display: true
Volume: 0.07, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Item Id: 2670, Name: JetpackBoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
JetpackFac: -0.15, type: float, display: true
Volume: 0.07, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Item Id: 2671, Name: MultiBoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
Armor: 17, type: int, display: true
Oxygen: 16, type: int, display: true
Radiation: 2, type: int, display: true
Heat: 2, type: int, display: true
Cold: 2, type: int, display: true
PowerFac: 0.02, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: 0.04, type: float, display: true
StaminaFac: -0.01, type: float, display: true
JetpackFac: -0.08, type: float, display: true
JumpFac: 0.02, type: float, display: true
FoodFac: -0.32, type: float, display: true
Volume: 0.07, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Item Id: 2672, Name: OxygenBoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
Oxygen: 50, type: int, display: true
PowerFac: -0.01, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: -0.01, type: float, display: true
Volume: 0.07, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Item Id: 2673, Name: InsulationBoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
Armor: -30, type: int, display: true
Heat: 5, type: int, display: true
Cold: 5, type: int, display: true
Volume: 0.07, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Item Id: 2674, Name: MobilityBoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
Armor: -10, type: int, display: true
PowerFac: 0.04, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: 0.04, type: float, display: true
StaminaFac: -0.02, type: float, display: true
JumpFac: 0.04, type: float, display: true
FoodFac: 0.15, type: float, display: true
Volume: 0.07, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Item Id: 2675, Name: RadiationBoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
Radiation: 3, type: int, display: true
PowerFac: -0.01, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: -0.01, type: float, display: true
Volume: 0.07, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
{ Item Id: 2676, Name: EVABoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
Armor: -150, type: int, display: true
Heat: -15, type: int, display: true
Cold: 190, type: int, display: true
JetpackFac: 0.2, type: float, display: true
PowerFac: -0.1, type: float, display: true
SpeedFac: -0.1, type: float, display: true
Mass: 0.5, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.07, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2677, Name: TransportationBoost, Ref: ArmorBoostTemplate
VolumeCapacity: 100, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
{ Item Id: 2748, Name: NightVision
Volume: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Mass: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
{ Item Id: 2749, Name: OreScanner
Mass: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
UnlockCost: 3, display: true
UnlockLevel: 3, display: true
TechTreeParent: RadarSuitT1
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2750, Name: RadarSuitT1
Mass: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 0.3, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
StackSize: 1
Category: Weapons/Items
Range: 1000, type: int, display: true
UnlockCost: 0, display: true
UnlockLevel: 1, display: true
TechTreeNames: Tools
{ Item Id: 2848, Name: ZiraxAssaultRiflePlayer, Ref: AssaultRifleT2
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 2849, Name: ZiraxShotgunPlayer, Ref: AssaultRifleT2
UnlockCost: 0
UnlockLevel: 25
TechTreeNames: Hidden
{ Item Id: 3048, Name: TradingGoodsTemplate
Mass: 1, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
Volume: 2, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
Category: Components
{ Item Id: 3049, Name: RawDiamond, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3050, Name: LuxuryGoods, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3051, Name: Fertilizer, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3052, Name: Liquors, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3053, Name: Narcotics, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3054, Name: Robotics, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3055, Name: Optronics, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3056, Name: Leather, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3057, Name: ToxicWaste, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3058, Name: AlienOrganism, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
{ Item Id: 3059, Name: AncientRelics, Ref: TradingGoodsTemplate
# ==================== ENTITIES =================================
{ Entity Name: DroneSmallFast01Rocket
IsEnemy: true
MaxHealth: 950
{ Entity Name: DroneSmallFast01Minigun, Ref: DroneSmallFast01Rocket
{ Entity Name: DroneSmallFast01Plasma, Ref: DroneSmallFast01Minigun
MaxHealth: 1100
{ Entity Name: DroneSmallSlow01Minigun, Ref: DroneSmallFast01Rocket
{ Entity Name: DroneSmallSlow01Cannon, Ref: DroneSmallSlow01Minigun
{ Entity Name: DroneSmallSlow02Minigun, Ref: DroneSmallSlow01Minigun
MaxHealth: 1100
{ Entity Name: DroneLargeSlow01Minigun, Ref: DroneSmallFast01Rocket
MaxHealth: 1350
{ Entity Name: DroneLargeSlow01Plasma, Ref: DroneLargeSlow01Minigun
{ Entity Name: DroneLargeSlow02Minigun, Ref: DroneLargeSlow01Minigun
MaxHealth: 1350
{ Entity Name: DroneLargeSlow02Cannon, Ref: DroneLargeSlow02Minigun
{ Entity Name: DroneLargeSlowGardian, Ref: DroneLargeSlow01Minigun
MaxHealth: 10000
{ Entity Name: DroneTroopsTransport
IsEnemy: true
MaxHealth: 20000
{ Entity Name: EnemyDroneV2Minigun, Ref: DroneSmallFast01Rocket
MaxHealth: 7000
{ Entity Name: EnemyDroneV2Plasma, Ref: EnemyDroneV2Minigun
{ Entity Name: DroneBaseAttackRocket, Ref: DroneSmallFast01Rocket
MaxHealth: 3500
{ Entity Name: DroneBaseAttackMinigun, Ref: DroneSmallFast01Minigun
MaxHealth: 3500
{ Entity Name: DroneBaseAttackHeavyRocket, Ref: EnemyDroneV2Minigun
MaxHealth: 5000
{ Entity Name: DroneBaseAttackHeavyMinigun, Ref: EnemyDroneV2Minigun
MaxHealth: 5000
{ Entity Name: DroneTroopsTransportBaseAttack, Ref: DroneTroopsTransport
MaxHealth: 20000
{ Entity Name: DroneTroopsTransportBaseAttackSmall, Ref: DroneTroopsTransportBaseAttack
{ Entity Name: DroneBomberAttackBase
IsEnemy: true
MaxHealth: 10000
{ Entity Name: SpaceDronePlasma
IsEnemy: true
MaxHealth: 1500
{ Entity Name: SpaceDroneLaser, Ref: SpaceDronePlasma
MaxHealth: 2000
# ========================= CREATURES =========================
# ========================= Templates =========================
{ Entity Name: PredatorTemplate
IsEnemy: true
{ Entity Name: AlienTemplate
IsEnemy: true
{ Entity Name: TraderTemplate
IsEnemy: false
{ Entity Name: AssaultCyborgTemplate
IsEnemy: false
{ Entity Name: PreyTemplateAttack
IsEnemy: false
{ Entity Name: PreyTemplateFlee
IsEnemy: false
# ========================= Predators - Aggressive Creatures =========================
{ Entity Name: Spinosaurus, Ref: PredatorTemplate
MaxHealth: 600
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: CaveWormGreyOld, Ref: PredatorTemplate
MaxHealth: 600
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: WoodWalker, Ref: PredatorTemplate
MaxHealth: 1000
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: Hexapod, Ref: PredatorTemplate
MaxHealth: 1000
# ========================= Alien Faction - Primitive =========================
{ Entity Name: TotalHorror, Ref: PredatorTemplate
MaxHealth: 700
# ========================= Alien Faction - Advanced =========================
{ Entity Name: TurretRobotV2, Ref: AlienTemplate
MaxHealth: 500
# ==================================================
# ==================================================
# ========================= TALON =========================
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianOld
IsEnemy: false
MaxHealth: 700
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianBlueOld, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianRedOld, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianCrossbowOld, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
{ Entity Name: TalonSentinelRed, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
{ Entity Name: TalonSentinelCrossbow, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
{ Entity Name: TalonChief, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianLeaderOld, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianGroupOld, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianCrossbowGroupOld, Ref: TalonGuardianOld
# ==================================================
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: MegalonopsGrey, Ref: PreyTemplateFlee
MaxHealth: 350
{ Entity Name: MegalonopsGreen, Ref: PreyTemplateAttack
MaxHealth: 500
{ Entity Name: MegalonopsBrown, Ref: MegalonopsGreen
MaxHealth: 800
# ==================================================
# ==================================================
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: Slime, Ref: PreyTemplateAttack
MaxHealth: 600
{ Entity Name: SlimeWhite, Ref: Slime
# ==================================================
# ========================= Special Creatures =========================
{ Entity Name: AssaultCyborgOld, Ref: AssaultCyborgTemplate
MaxHealth: 1500
{ Entity Name: AssaultCyborgSentinel, Ref: AssaultCyborgOld
# ========================= Traders =========================
{ Entity Name: Trader1, Ref: TraderTemplate
MaxHealth: 10
{ Entity Name: Trader2, Ref: Trader1
{ Entity Name: Trader3, Ref: Trader1
{ Entity Name: Trader4, Ref: Trader1
{ Entity Name: Trader5, Ref: Trader1
{ Entity Name: Trader6, Ref: Trader1
{ Entity Name: TraderTalon, Ref: Trader1
{ Entity Name: TraderTalon2, Ref: Trader1
{ Entity Name: TraderZirax, Ref: Trader1
{ Entity Name: TraderHuman, Ref: Trader1
# ========================= New Behavioral AI =========================
# ========================= BAI TEMPLATES =========================
{ Entity Name: PreyBAITemplate
IsEnemy: false
MaxHealth: 60
{ Entity Name: PredatorBAITemplate
IsEnemy: true
# ========================= BAI Prey =========================
{ Entity Name: Parasaur, Ref: PreyBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 600
{ Entity Name: ParasaurBaby, Ref: Parasaur
MaxHealth: 300
{ Entity Name: Triceratops, Ref: PreyBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 2000
# ========================= BAI Predator =========================
{ Entity Name: Spider01, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 400
{ Entity Name: Spider02, Ref: Spider01
MaxHealth: 800
{ Entity Name: Spider03, Ref: Spider01
MaxHealth: 1000
{ Entity Name: AlienBug01, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
IsEnemy: false
MaxHealth: 350
{ Entity Name: AlienBug03, Ref: AlienBug01
IsEnemy: true
MaxHealth: 1500
{ Entity Name: AlienBug04, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 800
{ Entity Name: AlienTemplateBAI
IsEnemy: true
{ Entity Name: ZiraxMinigun, Ref: AlienTemplateBAI
MaxHealth: 500
{ Entity Name: ZiraxLaser, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
MaxHealth: 700
{ Entity Name: ZiraxShotgun, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
MaxHealth: 600
{ Entity Name: ZiraxRocket, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
MaxHealth: 800
{ Entity Name: ZiraxSniper, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
MaxHealth: 800
{ Entity Name: ZiraxCommander, Ref: AlienTemplate
MaxHealth: 500
{ Entity Name: Mechanoid, Ref: AlienTemplateBAI
MaxHealth: 800
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: CaveWormGrey, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 600
{ Entity Name: CaveWormGreen, Ref: CaveWormGrey
MaxHealth: 600
{ Entity Name: CaveWormWhite, Ref: CaveWormGrey
MaxHealth: 800
{ Entity Name: CaveWormGreyGroup, Ref: CaveWormGrey
{ Entity Name: CaveWormGreyLeader, Ref: CaveWormGrey
{ Entity Name: Crawler, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 550
{ Entity Name: CrawlerGroup, Ref: Crawler
{ Entity Name: Overseer, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 1100
{ Entity Name: AlienAssassinGrey, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 1000
{ Entity Name: AlienAssassinRed, Ref: AlienAssassinGrey
{ Entity Name: Raptor, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 250
{ Entity Name: RaptorGroup, Ref: Raptor
{ Entity Name: RaptorLeader, Ref: Raptor
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: RaptorNight, Ref: Raptor
IsEnemy: true
MaxHealth: 600
{ Entity Name: Pangolin, Ref: PreyBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 2000
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: WormDesert, Ref: PreyBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 600
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: WormDesertLarge, Ref: WormDesert
MaxHealth: 1200
{ Entity Name: WormDesertGroup, Ref: WormDesert
{ Entity Name: WormDesertLeader, Ref: WormDesert
{ Entity Name: WormDesertLargeGroup, Ref: WormDesertLarge
{ Entity Name: WormDesertLargeLeader, Ref: WormDesertLarge
# ==================================================
{ Entity Name: Otyugh, Ref: PreyBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 2000
{ Entity Name: LizardMule, Ref: PreyBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 1000
{ Entity Name: LizardMuleBaby, Ref: LizardMule
MaxHealth: 600
{ Entity Name: LizardMuleLeader, Ref: LizardMule
{ Entity Name: LizardMuleGroup, Ref: LizardMule
{ Entity Name: Telluropod, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 1000
{ Entity Name: RipperDog, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 400
{ Entity Name: AlienBug02, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 1200
{ Entity Name: Oviraptor, Ref: PreyBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 350
{ Entity Name: OviraptorBaby, Ref: Oviraptor
MaxHealth: 150
{ Entity Name: Creepy, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 400
{ Entity Name: GolemDesert, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 1500
{ Entity Name: GolemIce, Ref: GolemDesert
MaxHealth: 1700
{ Entity Name: GolemSwamp, Ref: GolemDesert
MaxHealth: 2500
{ Entity Name: ArmoredGolem, Ref: PredatorBAITemplate
MaxHealth: 5000
# ========================= Civilians =========================
{ Entity Name: CivilianTemplate
IsEnemy: false
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian1, Ref: CivilianTemplate
MaxHealth: 500
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian1Fat, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian1Small, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian2, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian2Fat, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian2Thin, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian3, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian3Fat, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian4, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian4Fat, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AlienCivilian5, Ref: AlienCivilian1
{ Entity Name: AssaultCyborgTemplateBAI
IsEnemy: false
{ Entity Name: AssaultCyborg, Ref: AssaultCyborgTemplateBAI
MaxHealth: 1500
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardian, Ref: AlienTemplateBAI
IsEnemy: false
MaxHealth: 700
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianBlue, Ref: TalonGuardian
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianRed, Ref: TalonGuardian
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianCrossbow, Ref: TalonGuardian
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianGroup, Ref: TalonGuardianBlue
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianCrossbowGroup, Ref: TalonGuardianCrossbow
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianBaseAttack, Ref: TalonGuardianCrossbow
{ Entity Name: TalonGuardianShamanBaseAttack, Ref: TalonGuardianBaseAttack
{ Entity Name: TalonSpider01, Ref: Spider01
{ Entity Name: TalonCrawler, Ref: Crawler
{ Entity Name: TalonCaveWormGrey, Ref: CaveWormGrey
{ Entity Name: TalonPangolin, Ref: Pangolin
{ Entity Name: TalonSpider03, Ref: Spider03
{ Entity Name: ZiraxMinigunBaseAttack, Ref: ZiraxMinigun
{ Entity Name: ZiraxShotgunBaseAttack, Ref: ZiraxShotgun
# ==================== TEMPLATES ================================
# Target Abbreviations / CraftTime Factors:
# SuitC = Survival Constructor - factor: 1.8
# SurvC = Portable Constructor - factor: 1.6
# SmallC = ConstructorSV - factor: 1.4
# HoverC = ConstructorHV,ConstructorT0 - factor: 1.4
# LargeC = ConstructorT1V2 - factor: 1
# AdvC = ConstructorT2 - factor: 0.5
# FoodP = FoodProcessorV2 - factor: 1
# Furn = Furnace - factor: 0.2
# (no tag) Deconstructor - factor: 0.5
# Create an item for free = Set all lines of CHILD INPUTS to 0. Do NOT remove!
# BaseItem: (i) Defines basic level for BP factory. (ii) Will be used for repairing in R2T
# Note on Deconstructor: The decon will split items and devices until the template only has ingredients made from BaseItems. Example: IronOre has 'BaseItem: true' > IronIngot will not be broken down into Ore!
# Add 'DeconOverride: Continue' to allow Deconstructor to split the device or item one more time
# Add 'DeconOverride: Stop' to prevent deconstruction of the device or item
# Adding T1 devices as Input to T2 devices only works for single devices (eg Constructor T1/T2) - does not work for block groups (eg Cockpits T1/T2). For latter do not use T1 as Input
{ Template Name: IronOre
BaseItem: true
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CrushedStone: 15
{ Template Name: CopperOre
BaseItem: true
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CrushedStone: 15
{ Template Name: SiliconOre
BaseItem: true
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CrushedStone: 15
{ Template Name: IronIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
IronOre: 5
{ Template Name: CopperIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
CopperOre: 5
{ Template Name: SiliconIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
SiliconOre: 5
{ Template Name: CobaltIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
CobaltOre: 5
{ Template Name: NeodymiumIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
NeodymiumOre: 5
{ Template Name: SathiumIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
SathiumOre: 5
{ Template Name: ErestrumIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumOre: 5
{ Template Name: ZascosiumIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumOre: 5
{ Template Name: XenoSubstrate
BaseItem: true
CraftTime: 5
{ Child Inputs
{ Template Name: RawDiamond
BaseItem: true
CraftTime: 15
{ Child Inputs
{ Template Name: GoldIngot
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 1
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC,Furn"
{ Child Inputs
GoldOre: 5
{ Template Name: ZascosiumAlloy
OutputCount: 1
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumIngot: 5
ZascosiumIngot: 5
{ Template Name: ErestrumGel
OutputCount: 1
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumIngot: 2
{ Template Name: PentaxidElement
OutputCount: 5
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PentaxidOre: 1
{ Template Name: PentaxidCrystal
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PentaxidOre: 1
{ Template Name: PromethiumPellets
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PromethiumOre: 1
{ Template Name: WaterBottle
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
WaterJug: 1
{ Template Name: Fiber
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 20
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
WoodLogs: 1
{ Template Name: Cement
CraftTime: 1
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
RockDust: 2
{ Template Name: WoodPlanks
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 40
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
WoodLogs: 1
{ Template Name: NCPowder
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 20
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 1
{ Template Name: PlasticMaterial
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 20
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,FoodP,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 4
RockDust: 1
{ Template Name: MagnesiumPowder
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MagnesiumOre: 5
{ Template Name: RockDust
BaseItem: true
OutputCount: 20
CraftTime: 1
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CrushedStone: 5
{ Template Name: EnergyCell
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PromethiumPellets: 10
{ Template Name: EnergyCellLarge
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PromethiumPellets: 50
{ Template Name: FusionCell
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
PromethiumPellets: 50
HydrogenBottle: 10
{ Template Name: SteelPlate
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
IronIngot: 2
{ Template Name: MetalPieces
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
IronIngot: 1
{ Template Name: EnergyMatrix
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CobaltIngot: 2
CopperIngot: 1
SiliconIngot: 1
{ Template Name: Electronics
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CopperIngot: 2
SiliconIngot: 1
{ Template Name: GlassPlate
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SiliconIngot: 1
{ Template Name: OpticalFiber
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SiliconIngot: 1
{ Template Name: MechanicalComponents
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: Nanotubes
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PlasticMaterial: 1
{ Template Name: Computer
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
OpticalFiber: 1
Electronics: 2
{ Template Name: Motor
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
Nanotubes: 3
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: CobaltAlloy
CraftTime: 3
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CobaltIngot: 3
IronIngot: 2
{ Template Name: SteelPlateArmored
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 3
SathiumIngot: 5
{ Template Name: CapacitorComponent
CraftTime: 2
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Oscillator: 1
Nanotubes: 3
SteelPlate: 3
{ Template Name: Oscillator
CraftTime: 3
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
NeodymiumIngot: 5
CobaltIngot: 2
SathiumIngot: 2
{ Template Name: FluxCoil
CraftTime: 3
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SathiumIngot: 2
NeodymiumIngot: 5
CobaltIngot: 2
{ Template Name: PowerCoil
CraftTime: 3
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumIngot: 8
ZascosiumIngot: 8
FluxCoil: 1
{ Template Name: GoldCoins
OutputCount: 5
CraftTime: 3
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
GoldIngot: 1
{ Template Name: SpawnNewBase
CraftTime: 12
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Core: 1
{ Template Name: SpawnNewGV
CraftTime: 12
Target: "SurvC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
HullSmallBlocks: 8
Core: 1
{ Template Name: SpawnNewSV
CraftTime: 12
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
HullSmallBlocks: 10
Core: 1
{ Template Name: SpawnNewCV
CraftTime: 50
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
HullLargeBlocks: 8
FluxCoil: 2
Core: 1
{ Template Name: PlayerBikeKit
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 1
Nanotubes: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
Electronics: 1
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: PlayerBike
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PlayerBikeKit: 1
{ Template Name: PlasticSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 2
DeconOverride: Continue
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PlasticMaterial: 1
{ Template Name: TrussSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: HullSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: HullArmoredSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
SteelPlateArmored: 1
{ Template Name: HullCombatSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
SteelPlateArmored: 2
{ Template Name: PlasticLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 2
DeconOverride: Continue
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PlasticMaterial: 2
{ Template Name: WoodBlocks
CraftTime: 1
DeconOverride: Continue
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
WoodPlanks: 1
{ Template Name: ConcreteBlocks
CraftTime: 1
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Cement: 1
{ Template Name: ConcreteArmoredBlocks
CraftTime: 1
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Cement: 3
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: TrussLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
{ Template Name: HullLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 10
{ Template Name: HullArmoredLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 10
SteelPlateArmored: 5
{ Template Name: HullCombatLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 10
SteelPlateArmored: 8
{ Template Name: AlienLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
SteelPlateArmored: 2
XenoSubstrate: 2
{ Template Name: HullDestroyed
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
{ Template Name: HullLargeDestroyedBlocks
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
{ Template Name: HullSmallDestroyedBlocks
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: ConcreteDestroyedBlocks
CraftTime: 1
{ Child Inputs
Cement: 1
{ Template Name: ArtMassBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 20
{ Template Name: StairsBlocksWood
CraftTime: 1
DeconOverride: Continue
Target: "SurvC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
WoodPlanks: 1
{ Template Name: StairsBlocksConcrete
CraftTime: 1
Target: "SurvC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Cement: 1
{ Template Name: StairsBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: WindowSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 3
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
GlassPlate: 1
{ Template Name: WindowArmoredSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 3
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
GlassPlate: 2
SteelPlateArmored: 3
{ Template Name: WindowLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
GlassPlate: 5
{ Template Name: WindowArmoredLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 8
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
GlassPlate: 10
SteelPlateArmored: 5
{ Template Name: WindowShutterSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 3
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
GlassPlate: 2
SteelPlateArmored: 4
{ Template Name: WindowShutterLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 3
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 10
GlassPlate: 10
SteelPlateArmored: 5
{ Template Name: HeavyWindowBlocks
CraftTime: 10
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 10
GlassPlate: 15
SteelPlateArmored: 8
{ Template Name: WalkwaySmallBlocks
CraftTime: 3
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: WalkwayLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 3
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
{ Template Name: SensorTriggerBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
MechanicalComponents: 4
{ Template Name: SensorTriggerBlocksSV
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
MechanicalComponents: 2
{ Template Name: DecoBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
WoodPlanks: 1
PlasticMaterial: 1
MechanicalComponents: 1
{ Template Name: DecoBlocks2
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
PlasticMaterial: 1
MechanicalComponents: 2
GlassPlate: 1
{ Template Name: DecoVesselBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
PlasticMaterial: 1
MechanicalComponents: 2
GlassPlate: 1
{ Template Name: IndoorPlants
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PlasticMaterial: 2
WoodPlanks: 1
{ Template Name: ConsoleBlocks
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
SteelPlate: 2
PlasticMaterial: 1
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: LCDScreenBlocks
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
PlasticMaterial: 2
Computer: 2
{ Template Name: AntennaBlocks
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 7
Computer: 2
EnergyMatrix: 1
{ Template Name: TurretRadar
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 7
Computer: 2
{ Template Name: Core
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 6
Electronics: 4
Computer: 5
OpticalFiber: 3
{ Template Name: DoorBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 2
Electronics: 2
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: DoorArmoredBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 2
Electronics: 2
CobaltAlloy: 1
SteelPlateArmored: 2
{ Template Name: ForcefieldEmitterBlocks
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CapacitorComponent: 1
EnergyMatrix: 1
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: DoorBlocksSV
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC, LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 4
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: ShutterDoorLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 20
Motor: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
Electronics: 2
SteelPlate: 4
{ Template Name: ShutterDoorSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 10
Motor: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
Electronics: 2
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: HangarDoorBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 20
Motor: 4
EnergyMatrix: 1
Electronics: 4
SteelPlate: 30
{ Template Name: BoardingRampBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 20
Motor: 2
EnergyMatrix: 1
Electronics: 4
SteelPlate: 10
{ Template Name: RampLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 20
Motor: 2
Electronics: 4
{ Template Name: RampSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 10
Motor: 1
Electronics: 2
{ Template Name: WingBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 3
MechanicalComponents: 2
OpticalFiber: 2
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: ModularWingBlocks
CraftTime: 2
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 3
MechanicalComponents: 2
OpticalFiber: 2
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: ElevatorMS
CraftTime: 3
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
Electronics: 1
OpticalFiber: 4
{ Template Name: ATM
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 12
Computer: 2
EnergyMatrix: 1
{ Template Name: ArmorLocker
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 25
Computer: 2
{ Template Name: ArmorLockerSV
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
SteelPlate: 25
Computer: 2
{ Template Name: RemoteConnection
CraftTime: 10
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
OpticalFiber: 5
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: DetectorHVT1
CraftTime: 10
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
OpticalFiber: 4
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: DetectorSVT1
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
OpticalFiber: 4
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: RepairStation
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PowerCoil: 1
EnergyMatrix: 1
ZascosiumAlloy: 1
OpticalFiber: 10
Nanotubes: 10
{ Template Name: ConstructorT0
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Computer: 1
SteelPlate: 3
MechanicalComponents: 5
OpticalFiber: 2
Motor: 1
{ Template Name: ConstructorT1V2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Computer: 2
SteelPlate: 5
MechanicalComponents: 10
OpticalFiber: 4
Motor: 2
{ Template Name: ConstructorT2
CraftTime: 60
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
ConstructorT1V2: 1
Computer: 2
EnergyMatrix: 5
CobaltAlloy: 10
FluxCoil: 10
{ Template Name: Deconstructor
CraftTime: 60
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
MechanicalComponents: 10
Motor: 2
Computer: 2
EnergyMatrix: 5
CobaltAlloy: 10
FluxCoil: 10
{ Template Name: Furnace
CraftTime: 80
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
CapacitorComponent: 10
EnergyMatrix: 4
SteelPlateArmored: 40
Motor: 3
FluxCoil: 5
{ Template Name: RepairBayConsole
CraftTime: 50
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
Computer: 2
PowerCoil: 4
CapacitorComponent: 10
EnergyMatrix: 4
ZascosiumAlloy: 5
CobaltAlloy: 5
FluxCoil: 5
{ Template Name: RepairBayBA
CraftTime: 50
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
PowerCoil: 4
ConcreteArmoredBlocks: 1
CapacitorComponent: 10
EnergyMatrix: 4
ZascosiumAlloy: 5
{ Template Name: RepairBayBAT2
CraftTime: 50
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
RepairBayBA: 1
PowerCoil: 2
CapacitorComponent: 5
EnergyMatrix: 2
ZascosiumAlloy: 3
{ Template Name: RepairBayCV
CraftTime: 50
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
PowerCoil: 4
HullCombatLargeBlocks: 1
CapacitorComponent: 10
EnergyMatrix: 4
ZascosiumAlloy: 5
{ Template Name: RepairBayCVT2
CraftTime: 50
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
RepairBayCV: 1
PowerCoil: 2
CapacitorComponent: 5
EnergyMatrix: 2
ZascosiumAlloy: 3
{ Template Name: AutoMiningDeviceT1
CraftTime: 50
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
CapacitorComponent: 5
SteelPlateArmored: 15
Motor: 4
FluxCoil: 5
AutoMinerCore: 1
{ Template Name: AutoMiningDeviceT2
CraftTime: 50
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
AutoMiningDeviceT1: 1
CapacitorComponent: 5
ZascosiumAlloy: 5
PowerCoil: 5
{ Template Name: AutoMiningDeviceT3
CraftTime: 50
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
AutoMiningDeviceT2: 1
CapacitorComponent: 5
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
PowerCoil: 5
{ Template Name: ConstructorSV
CraftTime: 40
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Computer: 2
EnergyMatrix: 2
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 25
CobaltAlloy: 10
{ Template Name: ConstructorHV
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Computer: 2
SteelPlate: 4
MechanicalComponents: 8
OpticalFiber: 3
Motor: 1
{ Template Name: ContainerSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: ContainerLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 12
{ Template Name: ContainerControllerLarge
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 12
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: ContainerExtensionLarge
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 12
{ Template Name: ContainerControllerSmall
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: ContainerExtensionSmall
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: ContainerHarvestControllerLarge
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 12
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: ContainerHarvestControllerSmall
CraftTime: 5
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: ContainerAmmoControllerSmall
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: ContainerAmmoLarge
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 12
MechanicalComponents: 2
{ Template Name: ContainerAmmoControllerLarge
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 12
CobaltAlloy: 1
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: LightPlant01
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
GlassPlate: 1
OpticalFiber: 10
{ Template Name: LightLargeBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
GlassPlate: 1
OpticalFiber: 5
{ Template Name: LightSS01
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
GlassPlate: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
{ Template Name: Flare
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
GlassPlate: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
{ Template Name: LightWork
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
GlassPlate: 1
{ Template Name: LightWork02
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 5
GlassPlate: 1
LightWork: 1
{ Template Name: SpotlightBlocks
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
GlassPlate: 1
OpticalFiber: 5
{ Template Name: CloneChamber
CraftTime: 12
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Nanotubes: 2
Computer: 1
SteelPlate: 10
{ Template Name: CloneChamberHV
CraftTime: 12
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Nanotubes: 1
Computer: 1
SteelPlate: 5
{ Template Name: MedicalStationBlocks
CraftTime: 12
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 6
Nanotubes: 2
Computer: 2
OpticalFiber: 3
{ Template Name: MedicStationHV
CraftTime: 12
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 3
Nanotubes: 1
Computer: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
{ Template Name: Ventilator
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 12
OpticalFiber: 3
Motor: 1
{ Template Name: OxygenTankSmallMS
CraftTime: 12
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 4
SteelPlate: 12
{ Template Name: OxygenTankMS
CraftTime: 12
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 8
SteelPlate: 24
EnergyMatrix: 1
CobaltAlloy: 1
{ Template Name: OxygenTankSV
CraftTime: 12
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 4
SteelPlate: 6
{ Template Name: OxygenStation
CraftTime: 12
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 8
Computer: 3
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: OxygenStationSV
CraftTime: 12
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 6
Computer: 2
Nanotubes: 2
{ Template Name: WaterGenerator
CraftTime: 12
Target: "SurvC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 15
Computer: 1
Motor: 2
OpticalFiber: 1
{ Template Name: FridgeSV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 12
Nanotubes: 2
{ Template Name: FridgeBlocks
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 20
OpticalFiber: 10
Nanotubes: 3
{ Template Name: FoodProcessorV2
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Computer: 2
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 25
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 2
{ Template Name: SolarPanelBlocks
CraftTime: 20
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
GlassPlate: 3
SteelPlate: 3
OpticalFiber: 1
{ Template Name: SolarPanelSmallBlocks
CraftTime: 20
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
GlassPlate: 2
SteelPlate: 2
OpticalFiber: 1
{ Template Name: SolarGenerator
CraftTime: 20
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
OpticalFiber: 1
SteelPlate: 4
Nanotubes: 2
{ Template Name: GeneratorBA
CraftTime: 25
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 20
MechanicalComponents: 10
Motor: 1
Electronics: 10
Computer: 3
{ Template Name: GeneratorSV
CraftTime: 25
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 20
Motor: 1
Electronics: 3
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: FuelTankSV
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 7
OpticalFiber: 2
{ Template Name: FuelTankMSSmall
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 5
SteelPlate: 15
OpticalFiber: 4
{ Template Name: FuelTankMSLarge
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 10
CobaltAlloy: 6
OpticalFiber: 8
SteelPlate: 30
{ Template Name: FuelTankMSLargeT2
CraftTime: 20
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 20
SteelPlateArmored: 30
OpticalFiber: 16
CobaltAlloy: 8
{ Template Name: GeneratorMS
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 20
Electronics: 20
SteelPlateArmored: 10
Motor: 2
Computer: 4
CapacitorComponent: 2
CobaltAlloy: 2
FluxCoil: 5
{ Template Name: GeneratorMST2
CraftTime: 60
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 30
Electronics: 30
SteelPlateArmored: 15
Motor: 3
Computer: 5
CapacitorComponent: 4
CobaltAlloy: 3
FluxCoil: 10
ZascosiumAlloy: 3
{ Template Name: GravityGeneratorMS
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 2
EnergyMatrix: 2
CapacitorComponent: 2
MechanicalComponents: 5
FluxCoil: 5
{ Template Name: WarpDrive
CraftTime: 90
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 2
Oscillator: 4
SteelPlateArmored: 100
FluxCoil: 20
CapacitorComponent: 10
{ Template Name: WarpDriveSV
CraftTime: 70
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 10
SteelPlate: 20
Nanotubes: 20
CobaltAlloy: 10
{ Template Name: ShieldGeneratorBA
CraftTime: 90
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 2
Oscillator: 4
CapacitorComponent: 10
MechanicalComponents: 10
FluxCoil: 20
PowerCoil: 3
{ Template Name: ShieldGeneratorBAT2
CraftTime: 90
{ Child Inputs
ShieldGeneratorBA: 1
EnergyMatrix: 2
Oscillator: 2
CapacitorComponent: 5
FluxCoil: 5
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: ShieldGeneratorCV
CraftTime: 90
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 2
Oscillator: 4
CapacitorComponent: 10
MechanicalComponents: 10
FluxCoil: 20
PowerCoil: 3
{ Template Name: ShieldGeneratorCVT2
CraftTime: 90
{ Child Inputs
ShieldGeneratorCV: 1
EnergyMatrix: 2
Oscillator: 2
CapacitorComponent: 5
FluxCoil: 5
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: ShieldGeneratorSV
CraftTime: 70
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 1
Oscillator: 2
CapacitorComponent: 5
MechanicalComponents: 2
FluxCoil: 5
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: ShieldGeneratorHV
CraftTime: 70
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 1
Oscillator: 2
CapacitorComponent: 5
MechanicalComponents: 2
FluxCoil: 5
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: PentaxidTank
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
Nanotubes: 20
SteelPlateArmored: 10
EnergyMatrix: 6
CapacitorComponent: 5
FluxCoil: 2
{ Template Name: PentaxidTankSV
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Nanotubes: 10
SteelPlate: 10
EnergyMatrix: 4
CobaltAlloy: 10
{ Template Name: OfflineProtector
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 2
CapacitorComponent: 1
MechanicalComponents: 5
FluxCoil: 5
PowerCoil: 3
{ Template Name: LandClaimDevice
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 3
CapacitorComponent: 2
MechanicalComponents: 5
FluxCoil: 5
PowerCoil: 2
{ Template Name: CockpitBlocksSV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
MechanicalComponents: 5
OpticalFiber: 1
Computer: 2
GlassPlate: 4
{ Template Name: CockpitBlocksSVT2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 5
MechanicalComponents: 7
OpticalFiber: 2
Computer: 3
GlassPlate: 8
CobaltAlloy: 2
SteelPlateArmored: 10
{ Template Name: PassengerSeatSV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 1
SteelPlate: 25
OpticalFiber: 1
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: PassengerSeat2SV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SurvC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 1
SteelPlate: 7
OpticalFiber: 1
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: CockpitBlocksCV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 3
MechanicalComponents: 40
GlassPlate: 5
Computer: 6
FluxCoil: 10
{ Template Name: PassengerSeatMS
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 1
SteelPlate: 7
OpticalFiber: 1
{ Template Name: HoverEngineThruster
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 1
Electronics: 1
SteelPlate: 5
OpticalFiber: 1
{ Template Name: HoverEngineSmall
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 2
Electronics: 3
SteelPlate: 10
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: HoverEngineLarge
CraftTime: 15
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 4
Electronics: 5
SteelPlate: 25
OpticalFiber: 6
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: HoverBooster
CraftTime: 10
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 10
Electronics: 4
SteelPlate: 15
OpticalFiber: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterGVDirectional
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 1
Electronics: 6
SteelPlate: 15
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterGVRoundBlocks
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 1
Electronics: 6
SteelPlate: 20
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterGVRoundNormalT2
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 2
Electronics: 8
SteelPlate: 20
OpticalFiber: 5
Nanotubes: 7
CobaltAlloy: 2
{ Template Name: ThrusterGVRoundLarge
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 2
Electronics: 12
SteelPlate: 30
OpticalFiber: 5
Nanotubes: 7
{ Template Name: ThrusterGVRoundLargeT2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 4
Electronics: 15
SteelPlate: 30
OpticalFiber: 8
Nanotubes: 7
CobaltAlloy: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterGVJetRound1x3x1
CraftTime: 20
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 3
Electronics: 8
SteelPlate: 40
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: RCSBlockGV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
MechanicalComponents: 3
OpticalFiber: 2
SteelPlate: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterSVDirectional
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 1
Electronics: 6
MechanicalComponents: 5
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterSVRoundBlocks
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 2
Electronics: 6
MechanicalComponents: 8
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterJetRound1x3x1
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 2
Electronics: 4
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 5
CobaltAlloy: 3
{ Template Name: ThrusterJetRound2x5x2
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 3
Electronics: 6
OpticalFiber: 4
Nanotubes: 6
CobaltAlloy: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterJetRound2x5x2V2
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 3
Electronics: 6
OpticalFiber: 4
Nanotubes: 6
CobaltAlloy: 5
{ Template Name: ThrusterJetRound3x7x3
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 4
Electronics: 8
OpticalFiber: 5
Nanotubes: 8
CobaltAlloy: 7
{ Template Name: ThrusterJetRound3x10x3
CraftTime: 20
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 5
Electronics: 10
OpticalFiber: 5
Nanotubes: 10
CobaltAlloy: 10
{ Template Name: ThrusterJetRound3x10x3V2
CraftTime: 20
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 5
Electronics: 10
OpticalFiber: 5
Nanotubes: 10
CobaltAlloy: 10
{ Template Name: ThrusterJetRound3x13x3
CraftTime: 25
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 6
Electronics: 12
OpticalFiber: 5
Nanotubes: 10
CobaltAlloy: 13
{ Template Name: ThrusterJetRound3x13x3V2
CraftTime: 25
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 6
Electronics: 12
OpticalFiber: 5
Nanotubes: 10
CobaltAlloy: 13
{ Template Name: RCSBlockSV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
MechanicalComponents: 10
OpticalFiber: 2
SteelPlate: 20
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: DockingPad
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 10
Electronics: 2
{ Template Name: LandinggearBlocksSV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 4
Electronics: 2
{ Template Name: LandinggearBlocksHeavySV
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 8
Electronics: 5
{ Template Name: LandinggearBlocksCV
CraftTime: 15
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 12
Electronics: 2
{ Template Name: ThrusterMSDirectional
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 2
SteelPlate: 10
OpticalFiber: 5
Oscillator: 2
FluxCoil: 2
{ Template Name: ThrusterMSRoundBlocks
CraftTime: 15
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 3
SteelPlateArmored: 20
OpticalFiber: 5
Oscillator: 5
FluxCoil: 4
{ Template Name: ThrusterMSRound2x2Blocks
CraftTime: 15
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 4
ZascosiumAlloy: 8
OpticalFiber: 10
Oscillator: 6
PowerCoil: 6
{ Template Name: ThrusterMSRound3x3Blocks
CraftTime: 15
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 6
ZascosiumAlloy: 18
OpticalFiber: 15
Oscillator: 8
PowerCoil: 8
{ Template Name: RCSBlockMS
CraftTime: 15
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 2
Electronics: 3
OpticalFiber: 3
SteelPlate: 20
Oscillator: 4
{ Template Name: RCSBlockMS_T2
CraftTime: 15
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
EnergyMatrix: 3
Electronics: 3
RCSBlockMS: 1
OpticalFiber: 3
PowerCoil: 4
{ Template Name: RespiratorCharge
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 1
CraftTime: 5
Target: SuitC
{ Child Inputs
WaterBottle: 1
{ Template Name: OxygenBottleLarge
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
WaterJug: 1
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: HydrogenBottle
OutputCount: 10
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
WaterJug: 5
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: ColorTool
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
Nanotubes: 4
{ Template Name: TextureTool
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
Nanotubes: 4
{ Template Name: Flashlight
CraftTime: 1
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
Electronics: 1
OpticalFiber: 1
{ Template Name: OreScanner
CraftTime: 12
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 2
Electronics: 1
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: RadarSuitT1
CraftTime: 12
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
Computer: 1
{ Template Name: ArmorLight
CraftTime: 60
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 12
Electronics: 1
OpticalFiber: 1
{ Template Name: Chainsaw
CraftTime: 20
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 4
Electronics: 2
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: DrillT2
CraftTime: 20
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
Electronics: 2
OpticalFiber: 1
EnergyMatrix: 1
{ Template Name: SurvivalTent
CraftTime: 30
Target: SuitC
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 10
{ Template Name: SurvivalTool
CraftTime: 15
Target: SuitC
{ Child Inputs
{ Template Name: MultiTool
CraftTime: 15
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 1
OpticalFiber: 1
{ Template Name: MultiToolT2
CraftTime: 15
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
Electronics: 1
FluxCoil: 1
Oscillator: 1
MultiTool: 1
{ Template Name: EVABoost
CraftTime: 100
Target: "HoverC,SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
OpticalFiber: 1
Nanotubes: 2
GoldIngot: 1
{ Template Name: Pistol
CraftTime: 20
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
{ Template Name: PistolT2
CraftTime: 20
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
PistolKit: 1
Pistol: 1
{ Template Name: AssaultRifle
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: AssaultRifleT2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CobaltAlloy: 4
RifleKit: 1
AssaultRifle: 1
{ Template Name: Shotgun
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: Sniper
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: RocketLauncher
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 8
Electronics: 2
CobaltAlloy: 10
{ Template Name: RocketLauncherT2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlateArmored: 5
Oscillator: 1
HeavyWeaponKit: 1
RocketLauncher: 1
{ Template Name: Explosives
OutputCount: 1
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
EnergyCell: 1
Electronics: 1
{ Template Name: LaserPistol
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 3
Electronics: 3
Oscillator: 1
FluxCoil: 1
{ Template Name: LaserPistolT2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Oscillator: 2
PowerCoil: 1
LaserKit: 1
LaserPistol: 1
{ Template Name: Shotgun2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
FluxCoil: 1
Shotgun: 1
ShotgunKit: 1
{ Template Name: Minigun
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
CobaltAlloy: 2
Motor: 1
HeavyWeaponKit: 1
{ Template Name: Sniper2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlateArmored: 1
FluxCoil: 1
Sniper: 1
SniperKit: 1
{ Template Name: PulseRifle
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 2
SteelPlateArmored: 3
Oscillator: 2
FluxCoil: 2
{ Template Name: PulseRifleT2
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Oscillator: 1
FluxCoil: 1
RifleKit: 1
PulseRifle: 1
{ Template Name: LaserRifle
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 5
Electronics: 5
PowerCoil: 1
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
LaserKit: 1
{ Template Name: ScifiCannon
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 2
Oscillator: 2
ZascosiumAlloy: 2
CapacitorComponent: 4
HeavyWeaponKit: 1
{ Template Name: SawAttachment
CraftTime: 20
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 2
Electronics: 6
MechanicalComponents: 8
OpticalFiber: 3
Nanotubes: 5
{ Template Name: DrillAttachment
CraftTime: 20
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 4
MechanicalComponents: 20
SteelPlate: 2
{ Template Name: DrillAttachmentLarge
CraftTime: 20
Target: "HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 6
MechanicalComponents: 40
SteelPlate: 12
{ Template Name: DrillAttachmentT2
CraftTime: 20
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Motor: 1
MechanicalComponents: 20
ZascosiumAlloy: 4
PowerCoil: 2
DrillAttachment: 1
{ Template Name: DrillAttachmentCV
CraftTime: 20
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Electronics: 5
Oscillator: 2
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
PowerCoil: 3
{ Template Name: WeaponSV01
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 25
Electronics: 5
Oscillator: 5
PowerCoil: 5
ZascosiumAlloy: 5
{ Template Name: WeaponSV02
CraftTime: 30
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 15
Electronics: 3
Motor: 2
{ Template Name: WeaponSV03
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
Electronics: 8
Oscillator: 5
PowerCoil: 5
{ Template Name: WeaponSV04
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
Electronics: 8
Oscillator: 5
PowerCoil: 5
{ Template Name: WeaponSV05
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 40
Electronics: 5
Motor: 2
CapacitorComponent: 2
EnergyMatrix: 2
{ Template Name: WeaponSV05Homing
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 5
Electronics: 5
Oscillator: 2
Motor: 2
PowerCoil: 2
{ Template Name: WeaponMS01
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
Electronics: 10
Oscillator: 5
PowerCoil: 5
{ Template Name: WeaponMS02
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 15
Electronics: 15
Oscillator: 5
PowerCoil: 5
FluxCoil: 5
{ Template Name: TurretMSProjectileBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 20
Electronics: 5
Motor: 2
CapacitorComponent: 3
Oscillator: 5
{ Template Name: TurretBaseProjectileBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 20
Electronics: 5
Motor: 2
OpticalFiber: 5
{ Template Name: TurretMSLaserBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 20
Electronics: 5
Motor: 2
Oscillator: 2
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: TurretBaseLaserBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
Motor: 2
Oscillator: 2
CapacitorComponent: 2
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: TurretMSArtilleryBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 75
PowerCoil: 10
Motor: 5
ZascosiumAlloy: 15
Oscillator: 5
{ Template Name: TurretBaseArtilleryBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlateArmored: 30
PowerCoil: 10
Motor: 3
ZascosiumAlloy: 20
Oscillator: 5
{ Template Name: SentryGunBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 10
Electronics: 4
Motor: 2
OpticalFiber: 5
{ Template Name: TurretMSRocketBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 15
Electronics: 5
Motor: 2
FluxCoil: 2
PowerCoil: 3
{ Template Name: TurretBaseRocketBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 20
Electronics: 5
Motor: 2
CobaltAlloy: 5
Oscillator: 2
{ Template Name: TurretGVMinigunBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 25
Electronics: 2
Motor: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
{ Template Name: TurretGVRocketBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
MechanicalComponents: 10
Motor: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
EnergyMatrix: 5
{ Template Name: TurretGVPlasmaBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 5
Motor: 1
OpticalFiber: 2
PowerCoil: 1
Oscillator: 1
{ Template Name: TurretGVArtilleryBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
Motor: 2
Oscillator: 1
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: TurretGVToolBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 2
Motor: 2
OpticalFiber: 2
Oscillator: 1
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: TurretMSToolBlocks
CraftTime: 30
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 10
Electronics: 5
Motor: 2
Oscillator: 2
PowerCoil: 1
{ Template Name: DrillCharge
OutputCount: 5
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
PromethiumPellets: 10
PlasticMaterial: 2
{ Template Name: MultiCharge
OutputCount: 3
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
PromethiumPellets: 10
{ Template Name: BioFuel
OutputCount: 1
CraftTime: 28
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 10
{ Template Name: 50Caliber
OutputCount: 25
CraftTime: 5
DeconOverride: Continue
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CopperIngot: 2
NCPowder: 1
{ Template Name: 5.8mmBullet
OutputCount: 50
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 8
CopperIngot: 4
NCPowder: 1
{ Template Name: ShotgunShells
OutputCount: 30
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 2
CopperIngot: 4
NCPowder: 1
{ Template Name: 12.7mmBullet
OutputCount: 15
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 6
CopperIngot: 2
NCPowder: 1
{ Template Name: 8.3mmBullet
OutputCount: 50
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 10
NCPowder: 1
{ Template Name: SlowRocket
OutputCount: 5
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 8
PromethiumPellets: 4
MagnesiumPowder: 2
{ Template Name: SlowRocketHoming
OutputCount: 6
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 8
PromethiumPellets: 4
Electronics: 2
MagnesiumPowder: 3
{ Template Name: PulseLaserChargePistol
OutputCount: 75
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PlasticMaterial: 2
PentaxidElement: 5
{ Template Name: PulseLaserChargeRifle
OutputCount: 50
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PlasticMaterial: 2
PentaxidElement: 5
{ Template Name: SciFiCannonPlasmaCharge
OutputCount: 25
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumGel: 1
PlasticMaterial: 4
PentaxidElement: 10
{ Template Name: 15mmBullet
OutputCount: 100
CraftTime: 5
Target: "SmallC,HoverC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 15
NCPowder: 4
{ Template Name: 30mmBullet
OutputCount: 70
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 20
NCPowder: 4
{ Template Name: RailgunBullet
OutputCount: 10
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
CobaltAlloy: 4
SathiumIngot: 20
{ Template Name: PulseLaserChargeSS
OutputCount: 100
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
PentaxidElement: 15
PlasticMaterial: 3
{ Template Name: PulseLaserChargeMS
OutputCount: 150
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
PentaxidElement: 10
PlasticMaterial: 5
{ Template Name: PulseLaserChargeMSWeapon
OutputCount: 100
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
PentaxidElement: 10
PlasticMaterial: 5
{ Template Name: PulseLaserChargeBA
OutputCount: 120
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
PentaxidElement: 10
PlasticMaterial: 5
{ Template Name: PlasmaCannonChargeSS
OutputCount: 100
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumGel: 2
PentaxidElement: 20
PlasticMaterial: 4
{ Template Name: TurretGVPlasmaCharge
OutputCount: 100
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumGel: 2
PentaxidElement: 20
PlasticMaterial: 4
{ Template Name: TurretMSPlasmaCharge
OutputCount: 75
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumGel: 4
PentaxidElement: 15
PlasticMaterial: 6
{ Template Name: TurretBAPlasmaCharge
OutputCount: 50
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
ErestrumGel: 4
PentaxidElement: 20
PlasticMaterial: 6
{ Template Name: FlakRocket
OutputCount: 20
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 8
MagnesiumPowder: 12
NCPowder: 10
{ Template Name: FlakRocketMS
OutputCount: 25
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 8
MagnesiumPowder: 12
NCPowder: 10
{ Template Name: FastRocket
OutputCount: 6
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
PromethiumPellets: 2
MagnesiumPowder: 2
{ Template Name: FastRocketGV
OutputCount: 6
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
PromethiumPellets: 2
MagnesiumPowder: 2
{ Template Name: FastRocketHoming
OutputCount: 7
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
PromethiumPellets: 2
MagnesiumPowder: 2
Electronics: 2
{ Template Name: FastRocketMS
OutputCount: 6
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
PromethiumPellets: 4
MagnesiumPowder: 4
ErestrumGel: 2
Electronics: 2
{ Template Name: FastRocketBA
OutputCount: 5
CraftTime: 5
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
PromethiumPellets: 4
MagnesiumPowder: 4
ErestrumGel: 2
Electronics: 2
{ Template Name: LargeRocket
OutputCount: 4
CraftTime: 10
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
PromethiumPellets: 6
MagnesiumPowder: 8
ErestrumGel: 4
{ Template Name: LargeRocketMS
OutputCount: 5
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 4
PromethiumPellets: 6
MagnesiumPowder: 8
ErestrumGel: 4
{ Template Name: ArtilleryRocket
OutputCount: 4
CraftTime: 5
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 8
MagnesiumPowder: 12
NCPowder: 20
{ Template Name: AlienNPCBlocks
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 20
{ Child Inputs
GoldCoins: 5
{ Template Name: HumanNPCBlocks
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 20
{ Child Inputs
GoldCoins: 5
{ Template Name: AntibioticOintment
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 10
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,SuitC"
{ Child Inputs
HerbalLeaves: 1
PlantProtein: 1
{ Template Name: AntiRadiationOintment
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 15
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
MushroomBrown: 1
PlantProtein: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
{ Template Name: AntiToxicOintment
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 15
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,SuitC"
{ Child Inputs
AlienTooth: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
PlantProtein: 1
{ Template Name: Bandages
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 25
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,SuitC"
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 3
PlantProtein: 2
{ Template Name: Medikit01
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 60
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
HerbalLeaves: 1
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
FireMossScrapings: 1
Fiber: 1
AlienThorn: 2
{ Template Name: Medikit02
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 120
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
HerbalLeaves: 1
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
FireMossScrapings: 1
AlienTooth: 1
AlienParts01: 2
{ Template Name: Medikit03
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 180
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
HerbalLeaves: 1
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
FireMossScrapings: 1
MushroomBrown: 1
AlienParts03: 2
{ Template Name: Medikit04
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 60
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
AlienThorn: 1
AlienParts01: 1
AlienParts03: 1
{ Template Name: StomachPills
CraftTime: 15
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
Spice: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
{ Template Name: AntibioticPills
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 15
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
{ Template Name: AntiToxicPills
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 23
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
AlienTooth: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
{ Template Name: AntiParasitePills
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 23
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
AlienParts02: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
{ Template Name: RadiationPills
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 28
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
MushroomBrown: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
{ Template Name: AntibioticInjection
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 30
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
FireMossScrapings: 1
WaterBottle: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
{ Template Name: AntiToxicInjection
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 40
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
FireMossScrapings: 1
WaterBottle: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
AlienTooth: 1
{ Template Name: AntiParasiteInjection
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 40
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
FireMossScrapings: 1
WaterBottle: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
AlienParts02: 1
{ Template Name: AntiRadiationInjection
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 40
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
FireMossScrapings: 1
WaterBottle: 1
HerbalLeaves: 1
MushroomBrown: 1
{ Template Name: EnergyPills
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 30
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Spice: 1
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
NaturalStimulant: 2
{ Template Name: AdrenalineShot
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 23
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
WaterBottle: 1
FireMossScrapings: 1
NaturalStimulant: 1
{ Template Name: RadiationImmunityShot
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 23
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
WaterBottle: 1
FireMossScrapings: 1
ConfettiMossScrapings: 1
NaturalStimulant: 1
{ Template Name: Flour
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 6
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Grain: 2
{ Template Name: Milk
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 5
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
PlantProtein: 1
WaterBottle: 1
{ Template Name: Meat
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 7
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
PlantProtein: 1
Vegetables: 1
{ Template Name: PlantProtein
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 7
Target: "SuitC,FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 1
{ Template Name: PowerBar
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 12
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,SuitC"
{ Child Inputs
PlantProtein: 2
{ Template Name: Cheese
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 7
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Milk: 1
{ Template Name: Bread
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 14
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Flour: 1
WaterBottle: 1
{ Template Name: FriedVegetables
CraftTime: 8
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 1
{ Template Name: Cereals
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 8
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Grain: 2
Milk: 1
{ Template Name: Steak
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 11
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
Meat: 1
{ Template Name: Salami
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 18
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
Meat: 1
Spice: 1
{ Template Name: Ham
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 21
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Meat: 1
NaturalSweetener: 1
Spice: 1
{ Template Name: AkuaWine
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 9
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Berries: 1
WaterBottle: 1
{ Template Name: HotBeverage
CraftTime: 2
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,SuitC"
{ Child Inputs
Buds: 2
{ Template Name: EnergyDrink
CraftTime: 9
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,SuitC"
{ Child Inputs
NaturalStimulant: 2
{ Template Name: BerryJuice
CraftTime: 12
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,SuitC"
{ Child Inputs
Berries: 2
{ Template Name: FruitJuice
CraftTime: 10
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
Fruit: 2
{ Template Name: VegetableJuice
CraftTime: 12
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC,SuitC"
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 2
{ Template Name: AnniversaryCake
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 27
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
NaturalSweetener: 1
Berries: 2
Milk: 1
Egg: 1
Flour: 1
{ Template Name: EmergencyRations
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 60
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
WaterBottle: 1
HotBeverage: 1
FruitJuice: 2
PowerBar: 6
Salami: 3
{ Template Name: Sandwich
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 16
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Salami: 1
Bread: 1
{ Template Name: Stew
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 34
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
MushroomBrown: 1
Vegetables: 2
WaterBottle: 2
Meat: 2
Spice: 1
{ Template Name: CannedMeat
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 26
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
WaterBottle: 1
Meat: 2
Spice: 4
{ Template Name: CannedVegetables
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 29
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 4
WaterBottle: 1
Spice: 2
{ Template Name: VeggieBurger
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 18
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Bread: 1
Vegetables: 1
PlantProtein: 1
{ Template Name: MeatBurger
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 22
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Meat: 1
Bread: 1
Cheese: 1
{ Template Name: Pizza
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 29
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
MushroomBrown: 1
Vegetables: 2
Cheese: 1
Salami: 1
Spice: 2
{ Template Name: Ratatouille
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 26
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 4
WaterBottle: 2
Spice: 1
{ Template Name: Waffles
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 19
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
NaturalSweetener: 1
Milk: 1
Egg: 1
Flour: 1
{ Template Name: FruitPie
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 22
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
NaturalSweetener: 1
Fruit: 2
Milk: 1
Egg: 1
Flour: 1
{ Template Name: DurianRoot
OutputCount: 2
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: CornStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Grain: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: PumpkinStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: TomatoStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: WheatStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Grain: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: PearthingStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Fruit: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: AlienPlantTube2Stage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
PlantProtein: 3
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: DesertPlant20Stage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
HerbalLeaves: 2
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: ElderberryStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Berries: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: AlienPalmTreeStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Fruit: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: AlienplantWormStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
NaturalSweetener: 2
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: BulbShroomYoungStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Vegetables: 4
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: SnakeweedStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 6
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: MushroomBellBrown01Stage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
MushroomBrown: 2
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: CobraLeavesPlantStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Spice: 2
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: CoffeePlantStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
NaturalStimulant: 2
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: InsanityPepperStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
NaturalStimulant: 2
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: BigFlowerStage1
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 2
CraftTime: 15
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Buds: 2
WaterBottle: 5
NutrientSolution: 1
{ Template Name: GrowingPot
BaseItem: true
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 10
Target: AdvC
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 4
NutrientSolution: 1
SteelPlate: 5
CobaltAlloy: 1
{ Template Name: GrowingPotConcrete
BaseItem: true
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 10
Target: "LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 4
NutrientSolution: 1
Cement: 2
{ Template Name: GrowingPotWood
BaseItem: true
DeconOverride: Continue
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,LargeC,AdvC"
{ Child Inputs
Fiber: 4
NutrientSolution: 1
WoodPlanks: 4
{ Template Name: NutrientSolution
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 10
Target: "SurvC,FoodP"
{ Child Inputs
RockDust: 4
WaterBottle: 5
RottenFood: 1
{ Template Name: RottenFood
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 3
CraftTime: 5
Target: "FoodP,SurvC,SmallC,HoverC"
{ Child Inputs
PlantProtein: 1
{ Template Name: ConfettiMossScrapings
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 3
CraftTime: 60
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
CrushedStone: 1
MushroomBrown: 1
PromethiumPellets: 1
{ Template Name: FireMossScrapings
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 4
CraftTime: 60
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
CrushedStone: 1
MushroomBrown: 1
PromethiumPellets: 2
{ Template Name: AlienParts02
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 4
CraftTime: 90
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Meat: 1
AlienTooth: 1
NutrientSolution: 2
{ Template Name: AlienParts01
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 4
CraftTime: 90
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Egg: 1
AlienParts02: 1
NCPowder: 2
{ Template Name: AlienParts03
DeconOverride: Stop
OutputCount: 4
CraftTime: 90
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
Egg: 1
AlienParts01: 2
NCPowder: 2
{ Template Name: AlienThorn
OutputCount: 4
CraftTime: 120
Target: FoodP
{ Child Inputs
AlienTooth: 2
NCPowder: 1
PentaxidElement: 5
{ Template Name: EntitySpawner1
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: MarkerBlock
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: MarkerBlock2
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: AutoMinerCore
DeconOverride: Stop
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 10
{ Template Name: OxygenGeneratorSmall
OutputCount: 1
CraftTime: 40
Target: SuitC
{ Child Inputs
IronOre: 1
CopperOre: 3
{ Template Name: MobileAirCon
CraftTime: 45
Target: SuitC
{ Child Inputs
IronOre: 1
CopperOre: 4
{ Template Name: ConstructorSurvival
CraftTime: 45
Target: SuitC
{ Child Inputs
IronOre: 3
SiliconOre: 2
CopperOre: 1
{ Template Name: PistolKit
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlate: 1
{ Template Name: RifleKit
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
CobaltAlloy: 1
{ Template Name: LaserKit
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
ZascosiumAlloy: 1
{ Template Name: HeavyWeaponKit
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
CobaltAlloy: 1
{ Template Name: ShotgunKit
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlateArmored: 1
{ Template Name: SniperKit
CraftTime: 2
{ Child Inputs
SteelPlateArmored: 1
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