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Forked from ymdryo/SFunctor.hs
Last active December 18, 2023 06:37
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{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module InfiniteHigherOrderEffect where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant)
import GHC.Generics hiding (type (:+:))
import qualified GHC.Generics
infix 7 ~>
type (~>) f g = forall x. f x -> g x
(f :: InsClass -> Type -> Type)
(e :: ASigClass)
(a :: Type) = HyperFree
{unHyperFree :: (f (GetSigClass e (HyperFree f) e)) a}
type InsClass = Type -> Type
type SigClass = HyperFunctorClass -> ASigClass -> Type -> Type
type HyperFunctorClass = ASigClass -> Type -> Type
newtype ASigClass = ASigClass SigClass
type family GetSigClass (a :: ASigClass) where
GetSigClass ('ASigClass e) = e
infixr 4 #
type f # e = f ('ASigClass e)
type SigMorphism :: SigClass -> SigClass -> Type
newtype SigMorphism e1 e2 = SigMorphism {
runSigMorphism :: forall h e0.
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor e0) => (e1 h # e0) ~> (e2 h # e0)
type HyperFunctorMorphism :: HyperFunctorClass -> HyperFunctorClass -> Type
newtype HyperFunctorMorphism h1 h2 = HyperFunctorMorphism {
runHyperFunctorMorphism :: forall e.
(SFunctor e) => (h1 # e) ~> (h2 # e)
class HyperFunctor (h :: HyperFunctorClass) where
hyfmap :: (SFunctor e1, SFunctor e2) => SigMorphism e1 e2 -> (h # e1) ~> (h # e2)
class SFunctor (e :: SigClass) where
sfmap ::
(HyperFunctor h, SFunctor e1, SFunctor e2) =>
SigMorphism e1 e2 ->
(e h # e1) ~> (e h # e2)
transHyper ::
(HyperFunctor h, HyperFunctor h', SFunctor e') =>
HyperFunctorMorphism h h' ->
(e h # e') ~> (e h' # e')
instance Freer f => HyperFunctor (HyperFree f) where
hyfmap f (HyperFree a) = HyperFree (transFreer (sfmap f . runSigMorphism f) a)
{-# INLINE hyfmap #-}
class Freer f where
pureFreer :: a -> f c a
wrapFreer :: c a -> (a -> f c b) -> f c b
transFreer :: (c ~> d) -> (f c ~> f d)
type (+) = (GHC.Generics.:+:)
caseSum :: (f ~> h) -> (g ~> h) -> ((f + g) ~> h)
caseSum fh gh sumFG = case sumFG of
L1 fx -> fh fx
R1 gx -> gh gx
infixr 5 #+#, #+, +#, :+:
newtype LiftIns i h e a = LiftIns { unliftIns :: i a }
deriving newtype (Generic, Generic1, Contravariant, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable)
deriving stock (Traversable, Read, Show)
(e1 :: SigClass)
(e2 :: SigClass)
(h :: ASigClass -> Type -> Type)
(e :: ASigClass)
(a :: Type) = SumH {unSumH :: (e1 h e + e2 h e) a}
deriving newtype (Generic, Generic1, Contravariant, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable)
deriving stock (Traversable, Read, Show)
type (e1 :: SigClass) +# (e2 :: ASigClass) = 'ASigClass (e1 :+: GetSigClass e2)
type (e1 :: ASigClass) #+ (e2 :: SigClass) = 'ASigClass (GetSigClass e1 :+: e2)
type (e1 :: ASigClass) #+# (e2 :: ASigClass) = 'ASigClass (GetSigClass e1 :+: GetSigClass e2)
instance SFunctor (LiftIns e) where
sfmap _ = LiftIns . unliftIns
transHyper _ = LiftIns . unliftIns
{-# INLINE sfmap #-}
{-# INLINE transHyper #-}
instance (SFunctor e1, SFunctor e2) => SFunctor (e1 :+: e2) where
sfmap f = SumH . caseSum (L1 . sfmap f) (R1 . sfmap f) . unSumH
{-# INLINE sfmap #-}
transHyper f = SumH . caseSum (L1 . transHyper f) (R1 . transHyper f) . unSumH
{-# INLINE transHyper #-}
data StateI s a where
Put :: s -> StateI s ()
Get :: StateI s s
data RunState s h e a where
RunState :: h (LiftIns (StateI s) +# e) a -> RunState s h e (s, a)
instance SFunctor (RunState s) where
sfmap f (RunState a) = RunState $
hyfmap (SigMorphism $ SumH . caseSum L1 (R1 . runSigMorphism f) . unSumH) a
transHyper f (RunState a) = RunState $ runHyperFunctorMorphism f a
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