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Created April 21, 2015 20:04
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EECS 370 Final Review Nodes

EECS 370 (Winter 2015) final review session on 2015-04-18 at 14:00

Random things to know

  • little endian vs big endian
  • address space

Single-cycle datapath

  • clock period is an electrical stimulus that activates the processor
  • CPI of 1 (one cycle per instruction) with a loong clock period
  • if an instruction takes 10ns, another takes 20ns, another takes 25ns, the clock period is 25ns
  • lw usually determines what the clock cycle is (needs an IF, DE, ALU, MA, WB)
  • single cycle has more hardware components (eg. adder and ALU) as components cannot be reused in the same cycle
  • eg. 5ns register file r/w, 10ns ALU, 15ns instruction mem. read, 20ns data memory read, 40ns data memory write, 2ns adder (incr. PC), 0ns other
    • PC can be incremented in parallel to instr. read so 2ns efficiency is irrelevant
    • jalr - IF (15ns) + RF (5ns) + RF (5ns) = 25ns
    • lw - IF (15ns) + RF (5ns) + ALU (10ns) + MEM_R (20ns) + RF (5ns) = 55ns
    • sw - IF (15ns) + RF (5ns) + ALU (10ns) + MEM_W (40ns) = 70ns
    • add/nand - IF (15ns) + RF (5ns) + ALU (10ns) + RF (5ns) = 35ns
    • beq - IF (15ns) + RF (5ns) + ALU (10ns) = 30ns
    • noop/halt - IF (15ns) = 15ns

Multi-cycle datapath

  • divides an instruction into five steps (IF, ID, EX, MEM, WB)
  • noop/halt use IF/ID, beq/sw use IF/ID/EX/MEM, add/nand use IF/ID/EX/WB, lw uses IF/ID/EX/MEM/WB
  • eg. 2000 instructions with 40% add/nand, 25% beq, 30% lw, 5% sw

Pipelined data hazards

  • methods to fix: avoid (don't write hazards), detect and stall (insert two noops), detect and forward (grab value from a forward stage, eg. ALU or MEM)
  • the address of an lw operation is calculated in the ALU, but the data is found in MEM so a noop needs to be inserted in case of a lw hazard
  • needs to check future operations in case of hazard (prioritize latest instruction in case of multiple hazard)

Pipelined control hazards

  • beq changes the PC after the following few instructions have been fetched from the old PC, so they need to be squashed
  • detect and stall - insert noops after a beq
  • speculate and squash - guess, and if you're wrong, squash the next few instructions
  • 1-bit - go with what worked last time (store taken or not taken using the 1-bit for each address)

Caches (the three C's)

  • F13 Exam 2 question (Cache Simulation)
  • Go over compulsory/capacity/conflict misses by simulating various types of caches
  • Do it sequentially, instead of all at once

Virtual memory

  • eg. two programs accessing the same memory address can result in undefined behavior
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