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Last active March 21, 2023 07:33
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Python is Slow


A few weeks ago I was browsing Hacker News, and I noticed a post about a little online programming game called Colossal Cue Adventure. I was instantly hooked and three problems quickly fell to some hacked-together Python.

I was feeling pretty satisfied with myself until I noticed the little phrase at the bottom:

you can try your hand at the bonus level by typing bonus...


Well there is no way I could ignore the challenge. I typed bonus at the prompt and waited for the next puzzle. The first bonus round went rather quickly. It was a harder version of the first problem. A few edits to my original code and I had a solution. Then it started to get tricky. The final problem was a new version of the third challenge, and my hastily thrown together algorithm was not up to the task.

The Problem

The problem gives the following 12x12 array of digits:

* 8 1 7 8 8 5 2 9 5 9 5
8 5 1 1 5 6 9 4 4 5 2 1
7 2 3 5 2 9 2 6 9 3 9 4
9 2 5 9 8 9 5 7 7 5 9 6
2 4 6 7 1 4 2 6 6 2 5 8
2 8 1 5 3 8 4 9 7 5 2 3
2 9 3 5 6 7 2 4 9 4 2 5
6 3 1 7 8 2 3 3 6 7 9 3
2 5 7 4 2 7 8 5 5 3 5 8
5 2 9 8 3 6 1 4 9 5 6 3
4 6 9 8 5 4 9 7 6 4 6 8
2 7 7 1 9 9 7 3 7 2 2 ^

Each digit represents the cost in 'chips' to move to that 'square' in the array from a neighboring square. The cost to move to each square increases by 1 each time a move is made. You start on the * with 444 chips and must reach the ^ having spent all of them. The final square costs 5 chips but ignores the score increase, so you must have exactly 5 chips to move to the final square.


My initial attempts to stitch together some code failed, so I took some time to analyze the problem. There are a few points that jump out right away. First, it will take at least 22 moves to reach the bottom right corner from the top left. Second, a solution must have an even number of moves. With a little analysis I found the likely number of moves required for a solution. The following code tells us the approximate[1] average cost needed for a solution given the number of moves in the solution.

UPDATE: Corrected logic error in code below. The final move doesn't have a move cost, so we need to subtract one from the total moves when calculating cost.

>>> for moves in range(22, 32, 2):
...     moves_cost = (moves - 1) * (moves - 2) / 2
...     remaining_chips = 444 - moves_cost
...     necessary_average = remaining_chips / float(moves)
...     print "%d: %f" % (moves, necessary_average)
22: 10.636364
24: 7.958333
26: 5.538462
28: 3.321429
30: 1.266667

Twenty-two move solutions can be ruled out because a path with an average cost greater than nine is impossible. A cursory glance of the array shows that there is no path that is composed of ones and twos so thirty move solutions are out as well. Twenty-four move solutions are very unlikely since they would require a path consisting almost exclusively of eights and nines. Twenty-six move solutions are the most likely since the necessary average is close to five. Finally, twenty-eight move solutions are possible but much less likely than twenty-six move solutions.

So how many routes are there? Although there are only 705,432 direct routes to the bottom right corner (combinations involving eleven east moves and eleven south moves), there are 54,209,736 ways to get there in twenty-four moves and a whopping 2,372,995,728 ways to get there in twenty-six moves. Examining the twenty-eight move solutions as well will add an additional 78,007,344,984 possible routes, which means there are over 80 billion in total.

The analysis led to two important realizations:

  1. A Breadth First Search Will Fail: Trying to fit 80 billion routes in memory will quickly exhaust all available ram on the system. Even if we managed to encode a route in a single 64 bit integer, we would need 592 gigabytes of RAM to hold 80 billion routes.

  2. The Majority of the Moves are East and South: A twenty-four move solution will be twenty-three east and south moves, with one north or west. Similarly a twenty-six move solution will have two north or west moves and a twenty-eight move solution will have three.


With the above knowledge, finding a single solution is straightforward. We need a depth first search that favors east and south moves. First we calculate some constants and create a list of integers from the text:

data = """
* 8 1 7 8 8 5 2 9 5 9 5
8 5 1 1 5 6 9 4 4 5 2 1
7 2 3 5 2 9 2 6 9 3 9 4
9 2 5 9 8 9 5 7 7 5 9 6
2 4 6 7 1 4 2 6 6 2 5 8
2 8 1 5 3 8 4 9 7 5 2 3
2 9 3 5 6 7 2 4 9 4 2 5
6 3 1 7 8 2 3 3 6 7 9 3
2 5 7 4 2 7 8 5 5 3 5 8
5 2 9 8 3 6 1 4 9 5 6 3
4 6 9 8 5 4 9 7 6 4 6 8
2 7 7 1 9 9 7 3 7 2 2 ^
chips = 444
height = len(data.split('\n'))
width = len(data.split('\n')[0].split())
data = data.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
start = data.index('*')
goal = data.index('^')
data = data.replace('*', '0')
data = data.replace('^', '5')
data = [ord(c) - 48 for c in data]

Then we define a recursive method to walk through the tree that favors east and south moves:

def walk(moves, position, chips, depth):
    chips -= data[position]
    if position == goal:
        if chips == 0:
            return moves
    elif position != start:
        chips -= depth - 1

    if chips < data[goal]:

    x = position % width
    y = position // width
    movements = (
        ('e', 1, x < width - 1),
        ('s', width, y < height - 1),
        ('w', -1, x > 0),
        ('n', -width, y > 0),

    for (direction, delta, allowed) in movements:
        if allowed:
            res = walk(moves + direction, position + delta, chips, depth + 1)
            if res:
                return res

print walk('', start, chips, 0)

This prints out a solution in a few milliseconds:

$ python


Proud of my newfound success, I couldn't help but overreach. What it would take to generate all of the solutions? The algorithm above is fairly optimized, but modifying it to find the first 100,000 solutions made a run take more than 30 seconds. I had only searched a tiny fraction of the space and the run time was rapidly approaching minutes.

It was time to get down and dirty with low level optimizations[2]. A few gallons of sweat and tears later the run for 100,000 solutions was down to about 5.5 seconds. Unfortunately there are 43,242,017 solutions[3] to this problem, and the search space for twenty-eight move solutions is enormous. Realistically, I was looking at over 3 hours to generate all of the solutions with Python. If I was going to be successful, I had to broaden my horizons.

My first attempt was to try PyPy. With a warm cache, PyPy managed to shave that 5.5 seconds down to about 0.75 seconds: over 7x faster! My excitement about the speed improvement was dampened by a sobering realization: Python is slow! Not just a little slow. Snail riding on the back of a turtle slow.


I needed to know exactly how much speed I was sacrificing to the language gods, so I rolled up my sleeves and wrote the same algorithm in C. Much to my chagrin, the C version took only 0.04 seconds to find 100,000 solutions. That is 18x faster than the PyPy version and a whopping 134x faster than the CPython version. My beloved Python was costing me two orders of magnitude in run time.

Unwilling to be defeated, I looked for an enjoyable language might give me performance that is closer to C. Google's Go language seemed to fit the bill, so I wrote a Go version of the same algorithm. It clocked in at about 0.06 seconds: 2/3 of the speed of C[4] and 12x faster than PyPy. Not too shabby for a young language.

Full Results:

| Version  |  Time |    vs C |
| -------- | ----- | ------- |
| C        | 00.04 |     n/a |
| Go       | 00.06 |   1.45x |
| PyPy     | 00.75 |  18.19x |
| CPython  | 05.55 | 134.53x |


I realize this is a somewhat contrived example; there are plenty of workloads where the disparity is smaller. Still, I was shocked to discover that Python can be almost two orders of magnitude slower than C for some operations. This brings up some interesting questions:

  • Are the productivity gains of using something like Python really worth the performance costs?
  • Are there other languages (Go perhaps?) that are a pleasure to use without sacrificing so much performance?
  • Why is Python becoming a standard for bioinformatics processing, a field which is compute hungry?
  • Why aren't more people using PyPy?

Obviously, Python has benefits that often outweigh its performance shortcomings. It is also easy to mix python with C, so it is possible to find bottlenecks and optimize just the slow parts of a large Python code base. Still, it is important to choose the right language for the problem, and performance-hungry tasks should be implemented in another language.

The source code for the implementations can be found in my github. Suggestions for further optimizations are welcome.

[1] This is approximate because moving back to the starting square doesn't incur a move cost (it always costs 0), however we can ignore this because the neighboring squares are eights and therefore the savings we might achieve by moving back to the initial square at the beginning will be offset by the high cost of moving back.

[2] There are quite a few tricky little optimizations in that I won't discuss in detail. A notable one is storing the list of moves in a single 64 bit integer.

[3] See all.c for code to generate all of the solutions. It takes about 83 seconds on my machine.

[4] I suspect almost all of the performance benefit of C over Go is due to compiler optimizations. The 0.04 seconds was achieved using gcc 4.7. Using gcc 4.2 the C version runs in just under 0.06 seconds and is neck-and-neck with the Go version.

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Well, there are 30 move solutions as well. I modified your code to be able to find them and it looks like there are actually 68,285,670 solutions. The modification i made is:

                for neighbor in neighbors(pos):
                    neighbor_chip = target_chip - data[neighbor]
                    if neighbor != start and neighbor != goal:
                        neighbor_chip -= depth
                    neighbor_key = (neighbor_chip, neighbor, depth + 1)

I found another bug in my code which was preventing double visiting the last node. I now get the same number of solutions as the modified code and it takes 102 seconds.

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Aha! I totally didn't realise this was a constraint. Looking at your problem description again it still isn't obvious that this should be the case. Still, I'll update my code to reflect this extra constraint when I get the chance.

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I just saw your second message that you have updated the logic in my version already to meet the constraints. How did you bring down the running time of the Go version and still handle 30 step paths?

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Yes the description from the original problem was very unclear on what should happen in this case so I guess we can just pick one and call it correct. IIRC I tested a solution on the original problem that backtracted to the start square and it always cost zero. I didn't test the final square so there are perhaps 3 interpretations of what happens if you hit the bottom right with more than 5 chips:

  1. it immediately fails (this is what my first implementation did)
  2. it subtracts 5 chips and you can keep going (this is the modified implementation)
  3. If you hit the final square it subtracts 5 + depth chips and you can keep going (this is what your solution did i believe)
    The optimization looks like this:
   func walk(moves uint64, position int, chips int, depth int, backs int, min int) {
    chips -= intdata[position]
    if position == goal_y*width+goal_x {
      if chips == 0 {
        solutions += 1
    } else if position != start_y*width+start_x {
      chips -= int(depth - 1)

    if chips-min < 5 {

    var next_depth int = depth + 1
    moves <<= 2
    var x int = position % 12
    if x < width-1 {
     // moving closer means that the minimum cost decreases by next_depth
      walk(moves+e, position+1, chips, next_depth, backs, min-next_depth)
    if position < height*(width-1) {
      // moving farther means that the minimum cost decreases by next_depth
      walk(moves+s, position+width, chips, next_depth, backs, min-next_depth)
    if backs < 4 {
      if x > 0 {
        // moving farther means that the remaining steps all increase by one. Formula is simplified to 45 - depth
        walk(moves+w, position-1, chips, next_depth, backs+1, min+45-depth)
      if position > width-1 {
        // moving farther means that the remaining steps all increase by one. Formula is simplified to 45 - depth
        walk(moves+n, position-width, chips, next_depth, backs+1, min+45-depth)
  // minimum cost from starting square to one of the two second to last squares is 22 * 21 / 2 = 231
  walk(0, 0, start_chips, 0, 0, 231)

There are some magic numbers in there. 231 is the minimum cost of moving to one of the squares next to the goal. The (45-depth) is the penalty for backtracking which i hand calculated. Note that min cost is slightly too high because it doesn't account for the savings of double or triple visiting the final square, so initially i thought i would have to modify that number a bit, but it gets the right number of solutions.

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Now that I think about it I prefer the solutions that don't visit the goal state twice.

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I re-implemented your solution in go and it is much faster. It generates the solutions in 0.2 seconds, can count them in 8 seconds and can print them all in about 60 seconds. I think it might even be possible to go faster by aggregating the count and/or the paths as part of the initial solution generation. I'll try that next.

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So I can generate the count at the same time so counting the paths takes less than 0.3 seconds now. I experimented with generating the paths on the first pass but it is too inefficient. There is an interesting way to optimize the generation a little bit that might work. Mostly generating the paths uses too much memory when it branches out to all 144 squares. If we do the search in both directions (from start and goal) it might make the list small enough to work

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Interesting work. I have not had time to revisit and implement in a compiled language (C++ or D), but it's interesting to see the result.

Some curiosities.

  • I would not expect a large difference in time between solving the dp and counting separately, vs doing both that in a single step.
  • The python solution does not struggle with memory, so it's surprising that this re-implementation does.

For 1. I guess it makes sense since a lot of paths share the same suffix. It didn't occur to me to exploit this in the count function via memoisation (which is essentially what you do by computing the counts upfront). I think if this is done then the timings should be similar.

For 2. I think your solution struggles with memory because it is written such that you have at each level all the full path suffixes from that level to the end. So that your total memory cost at the top level of gen_path is basically the whole 10s of millions of paths which is already multiple gigabytes. On the other hand the python solution searches in a sort of depth first manner, yielding at the bottom of the path, and never having more than a single path in memory (at least not within gen_path). I think that is the way to go, but it might be a bit ugly if you don't have an equivalent of python generators: basically you would have to do the work to convert to string and/or writing the path to file in your base case.

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bostikforever commented Mar 16, 2023

I have added a solution that does the count with memoization and the solving + count now takes only 5 seconds. Talk about low hanging optimization fruits! (I also updated both versions to only consider paths that don't visit the goal in the middle. Visiting start twice is still allowed, this brings down my initial count of 45 million to about 43 million).

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vishvananda commented Mar 16, 2023

@bostikforever ok I'm deep down the rabbit hole now. I managed to get it to generate the strings for all of the solutions in about 12 seconds by building in both forward and reverse:

EDIT: added some concurrency when constructing the paths at the end and it runs in 8-10 seconds now.

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Interesting choice to split the paths into two parts for memoization. That must have helped with the memory too!
To be honest at this point the go is a bit too much for me to follow, so I can't really comment on any obvious improvements.

Concurrency is a whole different kettle of fish, probably needs to be designed into the approach ab initio to take full advantage.

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vishvananda commented Mar 18, 2023

@bostikforever ok one more update for you. I converted the go approach back to python to see how it compares. It generates all of the paths in integer form in 42 seconds and with an optimized string conversion it clocks in at about 2 minutes. With pypy, i get the strings in about 60 seconds. Newest go version can generate strings in about 6.5 seconds now.

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@vishvananda I have added a few updates. In general, I was not convinced that complicated was the way to go.

I simplified the solution in improve_simplify, to not call to_moves as a separate step, by noting that we already know the moves in the neighbors generator, so we just store that in the state. This leads to an uptick of memory usage from ~300MB to ~450MB, but it brings down the runtime to about 90 seconds (vanilla python 3.11, not tried the changes on pypy). This is great because I can keep the solution conceptually simple, but still efficient (wrt to time and memory IMO).
In improve_simplify_with_lengthen, I investigated the effect of lengthening the state by concatenating states. The conclusion was that I cannot really do more than 2-move fragments before I start needing unreasonable (IMO) amount of memory to store the state. For the 2-move fragment solution, the memory usage x3 to about 1.4GB (from 450MB), while the running time drops to about 45 seconds. Again this is vanilla python.
improve_simplify_no_gen is essentially improve_simplify but without using recursive generators, instead I pass in a callback for the action to perform at the bottom of the recursion. This version is more efficient than the generator variant in run time and takes only about 60 - 70 seconds. The memory profile is similar as with improve_simplify.
improve_simplify_no_gen_with_lengthen again is essentially improve_simplify_with_lengthen but using a callback instead of generators for recursion. In this version we have a similar memory profile as the generator version but use about 30 - 35 seconds of runtime.

It is kind of sad for me that the generator solution has about a 30% - 50% overhead as I kind of like the API that that approach provides better than the callback one.

If you are still up for it, I would be curious to see the impact of efficient string generation on these and/or the effect of running via pypy. I am also curious about how this simple approach would fair faithfully translated to a compiled language. I expect there would be significant gains in string manipulation. Maybe I should bite the bullet and try a C++/D solution.

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vishvananda commented Mar 19, 2023

Fascinating. You're right, with plain python, just storing the paths in the tree as strings is much more effective (see in I can generate all of the solutions in native python in ~25 seconds instead. No savings running the string solution on pypy. Interesting that storing the paths as integers and then converting them at the end is slower in native python. I tried doing a similar approach in go where i just store the paths as byte arrays instead of integers and it completes in more like 10 seconds instead of less than 5 from using integers.

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vishvananda commented Mar 20, 2023

I can get the solution generation in python down to ~14 seconds by applying an aggressive cutoff in the search. I don't have a good method for finding an optimal cutoff value, so that is a hand selected cutoff of < 260 chips in the remaining in the fwd search search and > 290 in the reverse. A very safe cutoff of say 100 forward and (start_chips - 100) in the reverse also saves some time but just a few seconds.

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I implemented the string version in go and it generates all solutions in about 3.5 seconds (string.go in Single threaded it takes closer to 8 seconds so python is actually pretty competitive here.
I did some optimizations to fastest go version which stores the path as an integer and it finishes in about 1.8 seconds now. I do have a few assumptions that i'm making to convert the path from an int to a string. It only works if max <= 32 and if the linear distance between source and goal is even and the goal is below and right of the start. I don't imagine it's possible to get much faster than 1.8 seconds. still pretty impressive that we managed to get the python version down to 14 seconds.

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Indeed it's impressive that with the change of approach you've gone from 30 seconds to 1.8 seconds on the go solution. I guess the premise of your original post still holds, but the numbers would look very different now.

Sorry I have not contributed further iterations (or tried a version in a compiled language). I don't think I would manage. This is a good place to end the thread!

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