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Victor vkryukov

  • Mountain View, CA
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LoadRDataIfExists <- function(fn) {
# Calls _fn_ and caches the result on disk, unless the cache already exists
# _fn_ should be a function with signature _fn(filename, ...)_
# If cache file exists and is recent, load data from it.
# Otherwise call the original function.
function (filename, ...) {
param.hash = digest(c(fn, list(...))) # Cache file names depends on params/fn def
vkryukov / database_table_sizes.R
Created March 24, 2014 19:02
Calculate MS SQL database table sizes in R
tables <- SQLQuery("
select TABLE_NAME as table_name
from cs_reporting.information_schema.tables
where table_type = 'BASE TABLE'")
sizes <- rbindlist(lapply(tables$table_name, function(x) SQLQuery(paste0("sp_spaceused [", x, "]"))))
StripKB <- function(x) as.integer(str_replace_all(x, ' KB', ''))
sizes[, reserved := StripKB(reserved)]
vkryukov / display_board.m
Created April 23, 2014 02:29
Display boards filled with black and white stone in Mathematica
randomPoints[n_] := RandomSample[Block[{nn = Ceiling[Sqrt[n]]},
Flatten[Table[{i, j}, {i, 1, nn}, {j, 1, nn}], 1]], n];
(* n is number of moves = 2 * number of points *)
randomBoard[n_] := Module[
{points = randomPoints[2 n]},
Take[points, n] /. {x_, y_} -> black[x, y],
Take[points, -n] /. {x_, y_} -> white[x, y]
vkryukov / gist:4d53f84080bf088f087b
Created June 30, 2014 20:27
go.enmime library example
package main
import (
enmime ""
vkryukov / remove_html_attribute.go
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Remove HTML attribute from a string.
package main
import (
vkryukov / dep4.txt
Created December 2, 2014 07:04
Formulas for 1989 problem - level 4
-988 = 1 - (989)
-960 = (1 - (9)) * ((8 - (sqrt(9)))!)
-881 = 1 - ((98) * (9))
-873 = (1 - (98)) * (9)
-817 = 1 - (98) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
-800 = 1 - ((9) * (89))
-791 = 1 - ((9) * (8)) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
-784 = (1 - (9)) * (8) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
-743 = 1 - ((sqrt(9)) * (8)) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
-736 = 1 - (9 + 8) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
vkryukov / dep5.txt
Created December 2, 2014 07:05
Formulas for 1989 problem - level 5
-988 = 1 - (989)
-960 = (1 - (9)) * ((8 - (sqrt(9)))!)
-881 = 1 - ((98) * (9))
-873 = (1 - (98)) * (9)
-839 = 1 - (((sqrt(9))!)! + (8 - (sqrt(9)))!)
-817 = 1 - (98) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
-808 = 1 - (((sqrt(9))!)! + 89)
-800 = 1 - (sqrt(sqrt((9) ^ (8))) + ((sqrt(9))!)!)
-791 = 1 - ((9) * (8)) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
-784 = (1 - (9)) * (8) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
vkryukov / digits.go
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Go program to solve 1989 problem,
package main
import (
type Op int64 // Operators
vkryukov / dep5.txt
Created December 2, 2014 22:20
1989 problem - up to depth 5
-990 [2] = -(1 + (989))
-989 [2] = -((1) * (989))
-988 [1] = 1 - (989)
-976 [5] = -((1 - (sqrt(9))) ^ (8) + (((sqrt(9))!)!))
-960 [4] = (1 - (9)) * ((8 - (sqrt(9)))!)
-918 [4] = -(198) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
-912 [5] = ((1 + (sqrt(9)))!) * (-(8)) - (((sqrt(9))!)!)
-900 [5] = (sqrt(sqrt((1 + (9)) ^ (8)))) * (-(9))
-891 [2] = (1 + (98)) * (-(9))
-890 [2] = (1 + (9)) * (-(89))
vkryukov / digits2.go
Created December 4, 2014 20:25
1989 solution - version #2
package main
import (