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Created September 12, 2010 08:10
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// Problem E: Helping Florida
// Author: Christopher Vo
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef vector<list<string> > db;
// compare entries by their votes
bool lessThan(const pair<string, int> & l, const pair<string, int> & r)
return l.second < r.second;
int main()
int num_c, num_b;
string line;
db::iterator bi;
vector<string>::iterator si;
map<string, int>::iterator mi;
while (true) {
// input number of candidates and ballots
cin >> num_c >> num_b;
if (num_c == 0 && num_b == 0)
// grab the ballots
db ballots;
for (int i = 0; i < num_b; ++i) {
string can;
getline(cin, line);
stringstream ll(line);
while (ll >> can)
// process ballots
while (true) {
// tally
map<string, int> tally;
for (bi = ballots.begin(); bi != ballots.end(); ++bi)
if (bi->size() > 0)
// one candidate? win.
if (tally.size() == 1) {
cout << tally.begin()->first << " won" << endl;
// >50% votes? win.
bool win = false;
for (mi = tally.begin(); mi != tally.end(); ++mi) {
if (mi->second / (double) num_b > 0.5) {
cout << mi->first << " won" << endl;
win = true;
if (win)
// figure out who is to be eliminated
int min = min_element(tally.begin(), tally.end(), lessThan)->second;
vector<string> elim;
for (mi = tally.begin(); mi != tally.end(); ++mi)
if (mi->second == min)
// if everyone is eliminated, it's a tie.
if (elim.size() == tally.size()) {
cout << "it is a tie between " << elim[0];
for (si = elim.begin() + 1; si != elim.end(); ++si)
cout << " and " << *si;
cout << endl;
// finally, remove the eliminated candidates.
for (si = elim.begin(); si != elim.end(); ++si)
for (bi = ballots.begin(); bi != ballots.end(); ++bi)
return 0;
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