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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Q Learner for Nim, in Python
import random
num_sticks = 22
num_states = num_sticks + 6
num_actions = 3
action_list = range(num_actions)
num_iterations = 10000
gamma = 0.1
alpha = 0.5
def best_action(q, state, default=None):
'''Return the action with highest q value for state.
ties are broken at random unless default is specified'''
actions = q[state]
best_q_value = max(actions)
indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(actions) if x == best_q_value]
if default:
return default
return random.choice(indices)
def print_policy(q):
'''Print the optimal policy'''
for i in range(num_sticks+1):
action = best_action(q, i, '-')
if action is not '-':
action += 1
print "Sticks left:",(num_sticks-i),"; Take:",action
def main():
# create a q-table (e.g. Q[s,a])
Q = [[0.0 for x in action_list] for x in xrange(num_states)]
for i in xrange(num_iterations):
# reset game state
state = 0
# play a game until all the sticks are gone
while state < num_sticks:
old_state = state
# carry out my action
# use an annealing approach
if random.randint(0,num_iterations-1) > random.randint(0,i):
my_action = random.randint(0,num_actions-1)
my_action = best_action(Q, state)
state += my_action + 1
if state >= num_sticks:
reward = -1.0 # we lost (boo)
# carry out opponent action
opponent_action = best_action(Q, state)
state += opponent_action + 1
if state >= num_sticks:
reward = 1.0 # opponent lost (yay!)
reward = 0.0 # nobody lost (meh)
# update q table using this update rule thingy
# q'(s,a) = (1 - alpha) * q(s,a) + alpha * (r + gamma ( max a' Q(s',a') ))
Q[old_state][my_action] = (1.0 - alpha) * Q[old_state][my_action] + alpha * (reward + gamma * Q[state][best_action(Q,state)])
if state > num_sticks:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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