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Created March 5, 2014 07:03
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Quick hack to override RC over MAVLink with arrow keys
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
from optparse import OptionParser
import Tkinter as tk
# tell python where to find mavlink so we can import it
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../mavlink'))
from pymavlink import mavutil
class App(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, tkroot, mavmaster):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, tkroot)
self.mavmaster = mavmaster
self.tkroot = tkroot
self.validkeys = ['Right', 'Left', 'Up', 'Down']
self.afterId = dict((k,None) for k in self.validkeys)
self.keyState = dict((k,False) for k in self.validkeys)
self.tkroot.bind_all('<Key>', self.keyPressed)
self.tkroot.bind_all('<KeyRelease>', self.keyReleased)
def keyPressed(self,event):
if event.keysym == 'Escape':
if event.keysym in self.validkeys:
if self.afterId[event.keysym] != None:
self.afterId[event.keysym] = None
self.keyState[event.keysym] = event.time
processKeyCommand(self.mavmaster, self.keyState)
def keyReleased(self,event):
if event.keysym in self.validkeys:
self.afterId[event.keysym] = self.after_idle(self.releaseKey, event)
def releaseKey(self, event):
self.afterId[event.keysym] = None
self.keyState[event.keysym] = False
processKeyCommand(self.mavmaster, self.keyState)
# release control back to the radio
def release_rc(master):
# a value of 0 releases the control to what the radio says
values = [ 0 ] * 8
for i in xrange(1):
master.target_component, *values)
# attempt to send a control.
# you can pass 0 to refer to what the radio says
# you can pass 0xFFFF to refer to keep the current value
def send_rc(master, data):
for i in xrange(1):
master.target_system, master.target_component, *data)
print ("sending rc: %s"%data)
def processKeyCommand(master, keystate):
amt = 100
pitch = 1500
roll = 1500
# handle elevator stick
if keystate['Up']:
pitch -= amt # nose down (to go forward)
if keystate['Down']:
pitch += amt # nose up (to go back)
if pitch == 1500:
# if this stick is centered, just release it
pitch = 0
# handle aile stick
if keystate['Left']:
roll -= amt # roll left
if keystate['Right']:
roll += amt # roll right
if roll == 1500:
# if this stick is centered, just release it
roll = 0
# set data (0 means channel is released)
data = [ 0 ] * 8
data[0] = roll
data[1] = pitch
# send the data to the rc override command
send_rc(master, data)
def main():
# read command line options
parser = OptionParser(" [options]")
parser.add_option("--baudrate", dest="baudrate", type='int',
help="master port baud rate", default=115200)
parser.add_option("--device", dest="device", default=None, help="serial device")
parser.add_option("--rate", dest="rate", default=4, type='int', help="requested stream rate")
parser.add_option("--source-system", dest='SOURCE_SYSTEM', type='int',
default=255, help='MAVLink source system for this GCS')
parser.add_option("--showmessages", dest="showmessages", action='store_true',
help="show incoming messages", default=False)
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.device is None:
print("You must specify a serial device")
# create a mavlink serial instance
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device, baud=opts.baudrate)
# wait for the heartbeat msg to find the system ID
# request data to be sent at the given rate
master.mav.request_data_stream_send(master.target_system, master.target_component,
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL, opts.rate, 1)
# start up the window to read arrow keys
tkroot = tk.Tk()
application = App(tkroot, master)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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40041572 commented Jan 4, 2015

Hi Christopher,

I'm very interested in this project, looks very nice. I'm trying to do something similar at the minute.

I am using OpenCV to track a ground target and am interested in how to use the "mav.rc_channels_override" command but I am fairly new to MAVLink and Python.

Any chance you could give an example of how you would use the code you have written here (i.e what arguments need to be passed and an example of how to do this)?

Many Thanks,

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Awesome example, Christopher! You saved me (and probably many others) a huge amount of time figuring out how to do this.

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Awesome! Thanks alot, I was looking for something like this. Exactly what I need, now I can have this as a reference for my own application. :-)

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