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Created August 24, 2009 22:07
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Short Stories By Alex Kessinger

I read this post by merlin man, about short stories and it inspired me to write a short story. I thought this might be something I do again in the future. So here is a git hub gist I will use to store short stories.

Inspect Before Opening - 2009-08-24

Our first child took about 9 months to gestate, almost a whole year. During that time, an inordinate amount of time was spent talking about our baby. We still do this, but at the time I was new to the overwhelming obsession. When we finally decided to get the baby out, it took almost 16 hours, well maybe 16 hours but after 4 hours of doing nothing but watching your wife get a baby out you forget about time and just focus on helping her, at the end this thing plopped out, and they wanted me to hold her. I couldn't, just for second I had to wait for just a moment. It still don't know exactly what it was. I was overwhelming emotion, I was like signing a contact with someone, but before I could sign I had to inspect the delivery, because for the next however many years I was going to be in charge, and I was going to take a second to acknowledge my responsibility. After that second my fear, my anxiety washed away. I held her, we now knew it was a her, and I can't remember then if I loved her, but I knew I was in charge of her, and now I can't remember anything but love for her.

Watching Hardknocks on HBO

A player AKA Ocho Cinco, says "that movie, "Supersize Me", is nothing but a movie. It doesn't reflect reality.". He apparently eats McDonnald's quite often, and he seems very fit. Saying more "Eat McDonnald's, eat what you want, work out like your suppose to and your fine.". He does seem very fit, and plays in the fuck'n NFL. Reminds me of a time when I was as attending a Stanford swimming camp as a kid. We had an olympian speak to us. I can remember he said something along the lines of,"When I learned that that the olympic village had a McDonalds I was excited, I ate there at least once everyday, it was free.". At the time that he said that it was a number of years after the olympics he competed in, and he still seemed fit. So, is Supersize Me wrong, no, you just can't say what's unhealthy for one person is unhealthy for everyone. Now one thing that I think we can say is that for most people, 60 - 70% of people, eating mcdonalds is bad, so just because these guys are fine, doesn't mean most people are.

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