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Created May 19, 2017 22:08
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Hugo JSON Feed Template add to layouts/index.json
"version": "",
"title": {{ .Site.Title | jsonify }},
"home_page_url": {{ .Permalink | jsonify }},
{{ with .OutputFormats.Get "json" -}}
"feed_url": {{ .Permalink | jsonify }},
{{- end }}
{{ if ( or (.Site.Params.author_url) -}}
"author": {
{{ if -}}
"name": {{ | jsonify }},
{{- end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.author_url -}}
"url": {{ .Site.Params.author_url | jsonify }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ if .Data.Pages }}
"items": [
{{ range $index, $element := first 10 .Data.Pages }}
{{if $index }},{{end}} {
"title": {{ $element.Title | jsonify }},
"id": {{ $element.Permalink | jsonify }},
"url": {{ $element.Permalink | jsonify }},
"content_html": {{ $element.Content | jsonify }},
"date_published": {{ $element.Date.Format "2006-02-01T15:04:05-0700" | jsonify }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
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