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Created August 13, 2023 15:06
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# include <Siv3D.hpp> // OpenSiv3D v0.6.11
struct PolygonHighlightEffect : IEffect
Array<TrailMotion> trails;
Polygon polygon;
PolygonHighlightEffect(const Polygon& targetPolygon)
: polygon{ targetPolygon }
constexpr std::array<ColorF, 3> colors = { Palette::White, Palette::Magenta, Palette::Cyan };
for (int iTrail : step(3))
trails << TrailMotion{}
.setLifeTime(DisplayTime + 0.5 * iTrail)
.setColor(ColorF{ colors[iTrail], 1 - 0.2 * iTrail })
.setSizeFunction([=](double timeSec) {
const double size = 2 + 3 * iTrail;
const double sizeScale1 = timeSec < LifeTime ? 1 : 0;
const double sizeScale2 = timeSec < 0.1 ? timeSec / 0.1 : 1;
const double displayTimeScaled = DisplayTime * 0.7;
const double sizeScale3 = timeSec < displayTimeScaled ? 1 : EaseInExpo(1 - ((timeSec - displayTimeScaled) / (LifeTime - displayTimeScaled)));
return size * sizeScale1 * sizeScale2 * sizeScale3;
.setPositionFunction([&](double timeSec) {
const double t = Min(timeSec, DisplayTime);
const double t0_1 = t / (DisplayTime * 0.8);
const auto& vertices = polygon.outer();
const int index1 = ((int)(t0_1 * vertices.size())) % vertices.size();
const int index2 = (index1 + 1) % vertices.size();
double tmp;
const double lerpFactor = modf(t0_1 * vertices.size(), &tmp);
const auto v = vertices[index1].lerp(vertices[index2], EaseInExpo(lerpFactor));
return v;
bool update(double timeSec) override
for (auto& trail : trails)
const ScopedRenderStates2D blend{ BlendState::Additive };
for (const auto& trail : trails)
return timeSec < 3.0;
inline static constexpr double DisplayTime = 0.3;
inline static constexpr double LifeTime = 1.0;
void Main()
Scene::SetBackground(ColorF{ 0 });
const RectF rect{ Arg::center = Scene::CenterF().movedBy(-160, -140), SizeF{ 200, 180 }};
const Circle circle{ Scene::CenterF().movedBy(160, 140), 100 };
const Polygon star = Shape2D::Star(128, Scene::CenterF().movedBy(-160, 140));
const Polygon nstar = Shape2D::NStar(12, 128, 96, Scene::CenterF().movedBy(160, -140));
Effect effect;
while (System::Update())
rect.drawFrame(1, 0, Palette::Silver);
circle.drawFrame(1, 0, Palette::Silver);
star.drawFrame(1, Palette::Silver);
nstar.drawFrame(1, Palette::Silver);
if (rect.leftClicked())
else if (circle.leftClicked())
else if (star.leftClicked())
else if (nstar.leftClicked())
else if (Scene::Rect().leftClicked())
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