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Created October 1, 2017 19:14
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CSL software updates HOWTO


Software update is a protocol mechanism that allows nodes to automatically update their executables without changing protocol itself. Here's the process overview:

  1. Update files are uploaded to the dedicated server (S3 storage i guess).
  2. Software update is proposed. Proposal is a datatype that gets into the blockchain. It contains information about version changes and hashes of update files.
  3. Software update is confirmed by voting from majority of nodes.
  4. Nodes that see an update try to download and apply it automatically.

Now, again, step-by-step.


  1. Cluster nodes' keys. They are crucial to have since cluster nodes are the only nodes that have stake in the system so they are the only nodes that can propose an update and vote for it.
  2. Access to the server in overview part 1. I'm not sure what is the real production value, but it's configured by the flag --update-server URI of the node executable.
  3. Update installers. Those are two executables (exe for win, pkg for mac). I'm not sure where do people retrieve them from, but you can ask @fersel.

Proposing the update

Ensure your keys are somewhere around and named, say, nodeX.key, where X ∈ [1..7]. Procedure is done using cardano-auxx executable. Enter the repl mode (substitute a real peer from cluster):

stack exec cardano-auxx -- --system-start 0 --log-config
  --logs-prefix "logs/auxx-update-1.0.1" --db-path auxx-update-1.0.1
  --peer repl

Now import secret keys. Command listaddr prints currently imported keys. Command add-key PATH will import a key from file. Execute add-key nodeX.key for at least half (1-4) of the cluster nodes' keys.

Execute propose update command from repl:

> propose-update 0 0.0.0 0 20 2000000 csl-daedalus:1 win64 daedalus1.exe
none macos daedalus1c.pkg none

First argument is index of imported key you're sending update from. Get it from listaddr output -- any cluster node will do. Parameters 2-5 are block version data parameters -- leave they as they are provided in the cli example. csl-daedalus:N is software version update (current N on mainnet is 0 or 1 for different installers, so we should all update to 1 and then to 2). Then goes the list of triples -- update installers. Provide the path to installers without any slashes (installers should be in the same dir as auxx is launched in).

That's it. Successfull command output looks like this:

> propose-update ARGS ...
[smart-wallet:DEBUG] [2017-09-21 15:13:24 MSK] Proposing update...
Read file installer062win64.exe succesfuly, its hash: 01abf1c8b881c2f8ea4d1349a700f29d4088e68dc04b6bf4680ea7e14638373e
Read file installer062macos64.pkg succesfuly, its hash: 3bc1084841fb99fff03ef92bc35eef9a80a20aeca688dfc1b50a4aa6dd6f7c73
[smart-wallet:INFO] [2017-09-21 15:13:25 MSK] Announcing proposal with id 4c827d6fe03d4c3646ebbbc28d4e09c57690e1dcba54b9adc0050d3f76734cf6
Update proposal submitted, upId: 4c827d6fe03d4c3646ebbbc28d4e09c57690e1dcba54b9adc0050d3f76734cf6

Crucial info here is proposal ID and installers' hashes.

Uploading update files

Should be easy enough. The only tricky point is that installer file name should be exactly equal to its hash given you by auxx. Rename, upload.

Voting for proposal

Launch auxx repl and do for at least half of nodes:

> vote N y 4c827d6fe03d4c3646ebbbc28d4e09c57690e1dcba54b9adc0050d3f76734cf6

Where N should be index of key (from listadr), "y" is for yes, hash is proposal hash. Votes will be sent to the network, software update will apply soon.

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