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Wandrille Krafft vonKrafft

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vonKrafft / custom-glowingbear.css
Created October 2, 2019 08:56
Custom CSS for GlowingBear Web UI (Theme: 'Dark')
/* Smaller btn in chat */
.btn-group-sm > .btn, .btn-sm { padding: .15em 5px; font-size: .7em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 3px; }
/* Lato */
body { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif; }
/* Condensed sidebar */
.nav-pills li a { padding: 5px 15px; }
.nav-pills { font-size: 12px; }
vonKrafft /
Last active November 9, 2022 09:02
Write-up for My Name is Rookie (ESGI HackLab CTF 2019, Web, 350 points)

My Name is Rookie

(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

M0th3r > Quelque chose me perturbe. Comment un Androïde a pu passer le test des pirates cybernétique. Duke le premier de son genre n’a été crée par personne du gouvernement. Aujourd’hui disparu je veux retrouver son core. Si tu veux m’aider, tu dois passer le test des pirate Cybernétique. C’est le test que Duke-083 a passé haut la main. Récupère tout ce que tu sais sur Zedcorp.

  • http =
  • ssh =

Le site Web de ZedCorp

mkdir -p docker-web/www # Webroot dans lequel sera stocké le contenu statique du site
mkdir -p docker-web/log # Pour enregistrer les journaux de Nginx
mkdir -p docker-web/data # Pour stocker le contenu de la base de données
echo "<?php phpinfo();" > docker-web/www/index.php
docker-compose up -d
mkdir -p docker-web/www # Webroot dans lequel sera stocké le contenu statique du site
mkdir -p docker-web/log # Pour enregistrer les journaux de Nginx
echo "<?php phpinfo();" > docker-web/www/index.php
docker-compose up -d
mkdir -p docker-irc/www # Webroot dans lequel sera stocké le contenu statique du site
mkdir -p docker-irc/log # Pour enregistrer les journaux de Nginx
mkdir -p docker-irc/weechat # Pour stocker les données weechat
groupadd -g 1000 weechat
useradd -u 1000 -M -p '*' -s /bin/false -g 1000 weechat
mkdir -p /docker/web-irc/weechat
vonKrafft /
Last active April 18, 2018 09:52
Write-up for Shreddinger (NDH Quals 2018, Dev, 500pt)


The infamous Shredder tried to destroy important documents! Please, help us recover them and prevents their evil scheme.

Points 500
Category Dev
Validation 11

vonKrafft /
Last active February 26, 2018 23:35
Write-up for Scenario - MCCU (TAMU CTF 2018)

Scenario - MCCU

This was a series of challenges that involved a compromised WordPress website. Several proofs (screenshots, log extracts, WordPress archive, etc.) allowed us to answer questions.

00_intrusion (Scenario - MCCU, 25pt)

The financial institution MCCU received a call from a Karen Brebs. Ms. Brebs told an employee that she was a cyber-security jounalist, and that the MCCU website had been compromised. Ms. Brebs emailed the attached screenshot.

To complete this challenge, answer the following question(s):

vonKrafft /
Last active February 27, 2018 03:45
Write-up for SimpleDES (TAMU CTF 2018, Crypto, 125 points)

SimpleDES (Crypto, 125pt)

Larry is working on an encryption algorithm based on DES.

He hasn't worked out all the kinks yet, but he thinks it works.

Your job is to confirm that you can decrypt a message, given the algorithm and parameters used.

His system works as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PIL import Image
import hashlib
import math
import sys
import os
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
# Title:
# Description: This script will provide a shot overview for a Git repository
# Author: Wandrille K.
# Date: oct. 2016
# Version:1.0
WIDTH=$(tput cols)