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Last active October 3, 2016 09:05
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# Title:
# Description: This script will provide a shot overview for a Git repository
# Author: Wandrille K.
# Date: oct. 2016
# Version:1.0
WIDTH=$(tput cols)
# Exit if there no Git repository
if [ -z $(git rev-parse --git-dir) ]; then
printf '%s%s\n' "fatal: Not a git repository " \
"(or any of the parent directories): .git" 1>&2
# Get and print the project name
repo_name=$(git remote -v|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $2}'|rev|cut -d'/' -f1|rev)
printf '%*s\n' $WIDTH | tr ' ' "$DIVIDER"
printf '%*s\n' $(((${#repo_name}+$WIDTH)/2)) "$repo_name"
printf '%*s\n' $WIDTH | tr ' ' "$DIVIDER"
# Get the current branch and some other information
cur_branch=$(git branch | grep "^* " | sed 's/^* //')
cnt_commit=$(git rev-list --count --all)
cnt_branch=$(git branch | wc -l)
cnt_tags=$(git tag | wc -l)
cnt_author=$(git log --format="%aN <%aE>" | sort | uniq | wc -l)
# Build and print the status line
status_line="\e[31m$cur_branch\e[0m \
$cnt_commit commits \
$cnt_branch branches \
$cnt_tags releases \
$cnt_author contributors"
printf '\n%*b\n\n' $(((${#status_line}+$WIDTH+11)/2)) "$status_line"
# Define two column's sizes
# Get and print information from the last commit
commit_left=$(git log -n 1 --format="\e[33m%cn\e[0m %s")
commit_right=$(git log -n 1 --format="Latest commit \e[33m%h\e[0m %cr")
printf '%-.*b\e[0m%.*b\e[0m\n\n' \
$(($COL1+11)) "$commit_left$(printf '%*s' $(($COL1+11-${#commit_left})))" \
$(($COL2+10)) "$(printf '%*s' $(($COL2+10-${#commit_right})))$commit_right"
# Define three column's sizes
# For each file in the current directory
for elt in ./*; do
# Choose a color depending of the type
if [ -d $elt ]; then fcolor="\e[34m"; else fcolor="\e[32m"; fi
# Get filename, last commit's comment and date
ccomm=$(git log -n 1 --format="%s" -- $elt)
cdate=$(git log -n 1 --format="%cr" -- $elt)
# Adjust the length
if [ "$COL1" -lt "${#cname}" ]; then cname="${cname:0:$(($COL1-4))}... "; fi
if [ "$COL2" -lt "${#ccomm}" ]; then ccomm="${ccomm:0:$(($COL2-4))}... "; fi
if [ "$COL3" -lt "${#cdate}" ]; then cdate="${cdate:0:$(($COL3-4))}... "; fi
# Print the output
printf '%b%.*s\e[0m%.*s%.*s\n' "$fcolor" \
$COL1 "$cname$(printf '%*s' $(($COL1-${#cname})))" \
$COL2 "$ccomm$(printf '%*s' $(($COL2-${#ccomm})))" \
$COL3 "$(printf '%*s' $(($COL3-${#cdate})))$cdate"
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