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Sérgio Luiz Araújo Silva voyeg3r

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voyeg3r / nvim_flash_cursorline.lua
Created November 6, 2021 23:40
Flash neovim cursorline (just for a second)
-- in your utils.lua
local M = {}
M.flash_cursorline = function()
vim.opt.cursorline = true
vim.cmd([[hi CursorLine guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffffff]])
vim.fn.timer_start(200, function()
vim.cmd([[hi CursorLine guifg=NONE guibg=NONE]])
vim.opt.cursorline = false
voyeg3r / ultisnips_custom.vim
Created April 2, 2019 20:30
" File: ultisnips_custom.vim - Custom UltiSnips settings
" Maintainer: Sergio Araújo
" Oririnal Creator: Noah Frederick
" Last Change: abr 02 2019 17:24
" Place it at: after/plugin/ultisnips_custom.vim
" esse script está funcionando standalone
" ou seja sem interação com outros que não sejam
" os que já vem com o sistema e insere templates zsh, sh, python etc.
" Reference:
" TODO: Reselect visual mode
" OBS: I was using --> exec 'normal! _"_2x'
" How to know if I have the optional space after the comment '[ ]?' ?
" because this influences the cursor position
" Now all comments are added at the beginning of line because other people want
" to uncomment and comment using visual block
" after that I should give some suggestions to [mike]( at stackoverflow
" source:
let s:comment_map = {
\ "c": '\/\/',
\ "cpp": '\/\/',
\ "go": '\/\/',
\ "java": '\/\/',
\ "javascript": '\/\/',
\ "lua": '--',
\ "scala": '\/\/',
\ "php": '\/\/',
" In this version, even if your paragraph does not have a preceding blank line
" it will performa the task, pleas comment on it.
function! MoveEm(position)
let saved_cursor = getpos(".")
"let previous_blank_line = search('^$', 'bn')
keepjumps execute 'normal {'
if getline('.') !~ '^$'
let previous_blank_line = line('.') - 1

Reverse paragraphs order using [n]vim

Let's say you have a file with these lines and whant to reverse its paragraphs order. Using our belove [n]vim you can just execute

I have added the line numbers but you can ajust the numbers accordingly

1   \begin{rSubsection}{Example 1}{}{Redacted}{}
voyeg3r / copyandincrease.vim
Created January 28, 2018 11:08
This function creates a copy of any function increasing each number by one
fun! CopyAndIncrease()
let l:old_copy = getreg('0')
normal yip
let @0 = substitute(@0,'\d\+','\=submatch(0) + 1','g')
exec "normal }O\<Esc>p"
call setreg('0', l:old_copy)
Pra quem não sabe o comando Ctrl-x decrementa números em modo
normal e o comando Ctrl-a incrementa, acontece que ele não reconhece
numeros complexos com segundos por exempo, o plugin speeddating resolve isso
veja como consertei minha legenda usando o vim com esse plugin
Minha legenda estava 187 segundos atrasada
O som começava aos 51 segundos e a primeira legenda estava:
getreg -> usado para pegar o valor de um registro
setreg -> usado para setar um registro
let @0 = substitute(@0,'\d\+','\=submatch(0) + 1','g') -> usado para incrementar os números do clipboard
normal yip ...... copia o bloco em modo normal
exec "normal }O\<Esc>p" -> cola o trecho incrementado abaixo do paragrafo atual
voyeg3r / CopyAndIncrease.vim
Last active January 28, 2018 12:41
this function increases each number in a copyied function or paragraph
fun! CopyAndIncrease()
let l:old_copy = getreg('0')
normal yip
let @0 = substitute(@0,'\d\+','\=submatch(0) + 1','g')
exec "normal }O\<Esc>p"
call setreg('0', l:old_copy)