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Created April 2, 2019 20:30
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" File: ultisnips_custom.vim - Custom UltiSnips settings
" Maintainer: Sergio Araújo
" Oririnal Creator: Noah Frederick
" Last Change: abr 02 2019 17:24
" Place it at: after/plugin/ultisnips_custom.vim
" esse script está funcionando standalone
" ou seja sem interação com outros que não sejam
" os que já vem com o sistema e insere templates zsh, sh, python etc.
" We need python or python3 to run ultisnips
if !has("python") && !has("python3")
" This function is called by the autocommand at the end of the file
function! TestAndLoadSkel() abort
let filename = expand('%')
" Abort on non-empty buffer or extant file
"if !(line('$') == 1 && getline('$') == '')
if !(line('$') == 1 && getline('$') == '') || filereadable('%')
" Load UltiSnips in case it was deferred via vim-plug
if !exists('g:did_plugin_ultisnips') && exists(':PlugStatus')
call plug#load('ultisnips')
doautocmd FileType
" the function feedkys simulates the insert key sequence in order to call
" the template (skel)
execute 'call feedkeys("i_skel\<c-j>")'
augroup ultisnips_custom
au Bufnewfile *.sh,*.zsh,*.html,*.css,*.py,*.tex,*.md :call TestAndLoadSkel()
"autocmd BufEnter *.sh,*.zsh,*.html,*.py execute 'call feedkeys("i_skel\<c-j>")'
augroup END
" vim: fdm=marker:sw=2:sts=2:et
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