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Created January 19, 2016 12:05
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Clean Architecture In Python
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial, singledispatch
from itertools import count
PayloadFactory = namedtuple('PayloadFactory', [
'good', 'created', 'queued', 'unchanged', 'requires_auth',
'permission_denied', 'not_found', 'invalid', 'error'
This factory produces DTOs for the next level up so we can communicate
the *intent* of our return value without needlessly re-examining what
the domain has already discovered.
In this example, I use namedtuples as the DTOs so instead of defining
a class to produce them, I've simply used a namedtuple as the class.
In a real application you could use a real class that runs
serialization on the outputted data before spitting a DTO.
These could also be named ViewModels as they should only contain
basic data structures ready to be inserted into some view.
# I'm not a big fan of returning None and then having my
# callers try to guess at *why* the None was returned
# sometimes it's a useful return value to have, but as
# far as communicating failure I prefer exceptions
class FrobNotFound(Exception):
class CannotCreateFrob(Exception):
class InvalidFrobInput(Exception):
class FrobRepository(object):
Emulate a database. In a real application, you could wrap a database connection
or even a SQLAlchemy/Django ORM repository with a similar sort of interface so you're not
dependent on SQLAlchemy/Django ORM directly. Joins get a little weird in that case though.
Consider that an exercise left for the reader.
Or define this as an abstract class that you fulfill in multiple ways:
..code-block:: python
class FrobRepository(ABC):
class SQLAFrobRepository(FrobRepository):
def __init__(self, session, model):
self.session = session
self.model = model
def find_it(self, id):
frob = self.session.query(self.model).get(id)
if frob is None:
raise FrobNotFound(...)
return frob
class CachingFrobRepository(FrobRepository):
def __init__(self, cache, repository):
self._repository = repository
self._cache = cache
def find_it(id):
frob = self._cache.get('frob::{!s}'.format(id), None)
if frob is None:
frob = self._repository.find_it(id)
# set timeout for three minutes
self._cache.set('frob::{!s}'.format(id), frob, timeout=180)
return frob
def __init__(self):
self._frobs = {}
self._next_id = count(1)
def find_it(self, id):
return self._frobs[id]
except KeyError:
raise FrobNotFound("Couldn't find frob: " + str(id)) from None
def create_frob(self, **kwargs):
if 'name' not in kwargs:
raise InvalidFrobInput("Must have name to be valid frob")
id = next(self._next_id)
r = randrange(2, 7)
if not id % r:
raise CannotCreateFrob("Constraint violated: {} % {} == 0".format(id, r))
kwargs['id'] = id
self._frobs[id] = kwargs
return kwargs
def available_frobs(self):
return list(self._frobs.keys())
class FrobService(object):
This is basically an abstraction layer between data access and the whatever wants it.
We can stick more specific, less broad rules here. In a multi tenant application,
we might enforce things like a restriction on what frobs can be named by passing
in a validator that the tenant defines:
def __init__(self, frob_repository, payload_factory, validator=None):
# validators should raise InvalidFrobInput
self._validator = validator or lambda data: None
def create_frob(self, data):
frob = self._frob_repository.create_frob(**data)
except InvalidFrobInput as e:
return self._payload_factory.invalid({'error': e.args[0]}, {})
This layer also serves to translate information from the domain (the repository, etc)
into datastructures that the thing calling it can use via the payload_factory
dependency. In this example, it simply returns namedtuples but it could do things
like run a serializer.
def __init__(self, frob_repository, payload_factory):
self._frob_repository = frob_repository
self._payload_factory = payload_factory
def find_it(self, id):
frob = self._frob_repository.find_it(id)
return self._payload_factory.good(frob, {})
except FrobNotFound:
return self._payload_factory.not_found(
{'error': 'Could not find frob with id: ' + str(id)},
{'available_frobs': self._frob_repository.available_frobs}
def create_frob(self, data):
frob = self._frob_repository.create_frob(**data)
except CannotCreateFrob as e:
return self._payload_factory.error({'error': e.args[0]}, {})
except InvalidFrobInput as e:
return self._payload_factory.invalid({'error': e.args[0]}, {'action': 'adjust input and try again'})
return self._payload_factory.created(
{'frob': frob},
{'frob_id': frob['id']}
class CreateFrobAction(object):
Represents an actual action an application would want to preform. This layer
isn't strictly needed, but it does help to solidify a single business rule
in the frame of the application. There's tons of ways that actions like this could
be used:
.. code-block:: python
cfa = CreateFrobAction(...)
frob_view = View(...)
@frob.request('/create', methods=['POST'])
def create_frob():
return view.render(cfa(request.form))
# or...
class FrobView(View):
view = None
def dispatch_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
rv = super().dispatch_request(*args, **kwargs)
return self.view.render(rv)
class CreateFrobController(FrobView, MethodView):
view = View(...)
def __init__(self, frob_creator, form):
self._frob_creator = frob_creator
self._form = form
def get(self):
return HTTPPayload({'form': form}, {}, 200)
def post(self):
if self._form.validate_on_submit():
return self._frob_creator(**
return HTTPPayload({'form': form}, {}, 400)
But in any case the top level caller serves as a translation
device between the outside world (web, terminal, files, etc)
and our actual application. The only real validation that should
happen here are things like:
* Ensure the required arguments are present
* Ensure the arguments are the correct type
But not things like "Does the domain consider this a valid input?"
because only the domain can ensure that.
def __init__(self, frob_service, view):
self._frob_service = frob_service
self._view = view
def _invoke(self, request):
return self._frob_service.create_frob(
def __call__(self, request):
payload = self._invoke(request)
return self._view.render(payload, request)
class View(ABC):
NOT strictly an HTTP view (template, json, etc). This could handle things like
console coloring if this is a terminal application or converting to a specific format
for transport, or it could be a HTTP thing.
The main method -- View::render -- receives both the output and the input so it can
properly represent the output if the requester had specific instructions
(content-type, signing key, no colors, etc).
def render(self, payload, request):
return NotImplemented
class Renderer(ABC):
Would be helper class for a View if needed. In the case of HTTP Views this
could carry a media type such as `application/json` and the renderer method
would call `json.dumps`. Or could carry platform specific encoding knowledge.
def render(self, payload):
return NotImplemented
from app.core import View, Renderer
from collections import namedtuple
import json
class UnsupportedMediaType(Exception):
Request = namedtuple('Request', ['data', 'headers'])
'good': 200, 'created': 201, 'queued': 202, 'unchanged': 304,
'invalid': 400, 'requires_auth': 401, 'permission_denied': 403,
'not_found': 404, 'error': 500
HTTPPayload = namedtuple('HTTPPayload', ['data', 'meta', 'status'])
HTTPPayloadFactory = PayloadFactory(**{
name: partial(HTTPPayload, status=code) for name, code in HTTP_PAYLOADS.items()
class HTTPView(View):
Example of a potential web view. Accepts multiple renderers and
chooses the most appropriate one based on the request's Accept header.
And finally displays a curl-ish output of the full response.
# stole this from Werkzeug because seriously
# no one wants to type all this out
100: 'Continue',
101: 'Switching Protocols',
102: 'Processing',
200: 'OK',
201: 'Created',
202: 'Accepted',
203: 'Non Authoritative Information',
204: 'No Content',
205: 'Reset Content',
206: 'Partial Content',
207: 'Multi Status',
226: 'IM Used', # see RFC 3229
300: 'Multiple Choices',
301: 'Moved Permanently',
302: 'Found',
303: 'See Other',
304: 'Not Modified',
305: 'Use Proxy',
307: 'Temporary Redirect',
400: 'Bad Request',
401: 'Unauthorized',
402: 'Payment Required', # unused
403: 'Forbidden',
404: 'Not Found',
405: 'Method Not Allowed',
406: 'Not Acceptable',
407: 'Proxy Authentication Required',
408: 'Request Timeout',
409: 'Conflict',
410: 'Gone',
411: 'Length Required',
412: 'Precondition Failed',
413: 'Request Entity Too Large',
414: 'Request URI Too Long',
415: 'Unsupported Media Type',
416: 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
417: 'Expectation Failed',
418: 'I\'m a teapot', # see RFC 2324
422: 'Unprocessable Entity',
423: 'Locked',
424: 'Failed Dependency',
426: 'Upgrade Required',
428: 'Precondition Required', # see RFC 6585
429: 'Too Many Requests',
431: 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
449: 'Retry With', # proprietary MS extension
451: 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',
500: 'Internal Server Error',
501: 'Not Implemented',
502: 'Bad Gateway',
503: 'Service Unavailable',
504: 'Gateway Timeout',
505: 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
507: 'Insufficient Storage',
510: 'Not Extended'
def __init__(self, *renderers):
self._renderers = renderers
def render(self, payload, request):
renderer = self._get_renderer(request)
payload.meta.update({'Content-Type': renderer.media_type})
print(*("{}: {}".format(name, value) for name, value in payload.meta.items()), sep='\n')
def _get_full_status_code(self, payload):
status = getattr(payload, 'status', 200)
description = self.HTTP_STATUS_CODES.get(status, None)
if description is None:
raise ValueError("Got non-standard status code")
return "HTTP/1.1 {!s} {}".format(status, description)
def _get_renderer(self, request):
accept = request.headers.get('Accept', 'text/plain')
for renderer in self._renderers:
if renderer.match(accept):
return renderer
raise UnsupportedMediaType("Cannot support media type: {}".format(accept))
class HTTPRenderer(Renderer):
Exposes a way to match the self identified media type against
the one the client requested. Might seem overkill, but consider
that application/yaml, application/x-yaml and text/yaml are all
valid mimetypes for yaml. A yaml renderer could override the
match method to be:
.. code-block:: python
def match(self, wanted):
return wanted in self.media_types
media_type = None
def match(self, wanted):
return wanted == self.media_type
class PlainTextRenderer(HTTPRenderer):
"Simple plain text renderer, simply spits out the resulting data"
media_type = 'text/plain'
def render(self, payload):
class JSONRenderer(HTTPRenderer):
"Simple json renderer, runs the resulting data through json.dumps"
media_type = 'application/json'
def render(self, payload):
return json.dumps(, indent=4)
from app.core import FrobRepository, FrobService, CreateFrobAction
from app.web import HTTPPayloadFactory, HTTPView, JSONRenderer, HTTPRenderer, Request
from random import randrange
fr = FrobRepository()
fs = FrobService(fr, HTTPPayloadFactory)
CFA = CreateFrobAction(fs, HTTPView(JSONRenderer(), PlainTextRenderer()))
names = ['jeff', 'fred', 'michael', 'thomas']
for idx, name in enumerate(names, 1):
accept = 'application/json' if (idx % 2 == 0) else 'text/plain'
data = {'name': name} if name.lower() != 'fred' else {}
req = Request(data=data, headers={'Accept': accept})
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
frob_id: 1
Content-Type: text/plain
{'frob': {'id': 1, 'name': 'jeff'}}
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
action: adjust input and try again
"error": "Must have name to be valid frob"
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain
{'error': 'Constraint violated: 2 % 2 == 0'}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
frob_id: 3
Content-Type: application/json
"frob": {
"id": 3,
"name": "thomas"
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