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Last active June 25, 2021 22:39
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Python code generation template and result - how to pass indentation across multiple levels of nested directives?
[#macro BuildCodeSequence expansion indent]
[#var is = ""?right_pad(indent)]
${is}# DBG > BuildCodeSequence ${indent}
[#list expansion.units as subexp]
[@BuildCode subexp indent /]
${is}# DBG < BuildCodeSequence ${indent}
[#macro BuildExpansionCode expansion indent]
[#var is=""?right_pad(indent)]
[#var classname=expansion.simpleName]
${is}# DBG > BuildExpansionCode ${indent} ${classname}
[#var prevLexicalStateVar = "previousLexicalState"]
[#if classname = "ExpansionWithParentheses"]
[@BuildExpansionCode expansion.nestedExpansion indent /]
[#elseif classname = "CodeBlock"]
${is}# CodeBlock expansion start
${is}# CodeBlock expansion end
[#elseif classname = "Failure"]
[@BuildCodeFailure expansion/]
[#elseif classname = "TokenTypeActivation"]
[@BuildCodeTokenTypeActivation expansion indent /]
[#elseif classname = "ExpansionSequence"]
[@BuildCodeSequence expansion indent /]
[#elseif classname = "NonTerminal"]
[@BuildCodeNonTerminal expansion indent /]
[#elseif expansion.isRegexp]
[@BuildCodeRegexp expansion indent /]
[#elseif classname = "TryBlock"]
[@BuildCodeTryBlock expansion/]
[#elseif classname = "AttemptBlock"]
[@BuildCodeAttemptBlock expansion /]
[#elseif classname = "ZeroOrOne"]
[@BuildCodeZeroOrOne expansion indent /]
[#elseif classname = "ZeroOrMore"]
[@BuildCodeZeroOrMore expansion indent /]
[#elseif classname = "OneOrMore"]
[@BuildCodeOneOrMore expansion /]
[#elseif classname = "ExpansionChoice"]
[@BuildCodeChoice expansion indent /]
[#elseif classname = "Assertion"]
[@BuildAssertionCode expansion /]
${is}# DBG < BuildExpansionCode ${indent} ${classname}
[#macro TreeBuildingAndRecovery expansion indent]
[#-- This macro handles both tree building AND recovery. It doesn't seem right.
It should probably be two macros. Also, it is too darned big. --]
[#var is=""?right_pad(indent)]
${is}# DBG > TreeBuildingAndRecovery ${indent}
[#var nodeVarName,
closeCondition = "True",
javaCodePrologue = "",
parseExceptionVar = "parseException1",
callStackSizeVar = "callStackSize1",
canRecover = false
[#-- set treeNodeBehavior = expansion.treeNodeBehavior --]
[#-- if expansion.parent.simpleName = "BNFProduction"]
[#set production = expansion.parent]
[#set javaCodePrologue = production.javaCode!]
[/#if --]
[#-- if grammar.treeBuildingEnabled]
[#set buildTreeNode = (treeNodeBehavior?is_null && production?? && !grammar.nodeDefaultVoid)
|| (treeNodeBehavior?? && !treeNodeBehavior.neverInstantiated)]
[/#if --]
[#if false && !buildTreeNode && !canRecover]
[#if buildTreeNode]
[#set nodeNumbering = nodeNumbering +1]
[#set nodeVarName = + nodeNumbering]
[#if !treeNodeBehavior?? && !production?is_null]
[#if grammar.smartNodeCreation]
[#set treeNodeBehavior = {"name" :, "condition" : "1", "gtNode" : true, "void" :false}]
[#set treeNodeBehavior = {"name" :, "condition" : null, "gtNode" : false, "void" : false}]
[#if treeNodeBehavior.condition?has_content]
[#set closeCondition = treeNodeBehavior.condition]
[#if treeNodeBehavior.gtNode]
[#set closeCondition = "nodeArity() > " + closeCondition]
[@createNode treeNodeBehavior nodeVarName false indent /]
[#-- I put this here for the hypertechnical reason
that I want the initial code block to be able to
reference CURRENT_NODE. --]
${is}${parseExceptionVar} = None
${is}${callStackSizeVar} = len(self.parsing_stack)
${is} pass # if False: raise ParseException('Never happens!')
${is} # nested code starts, passing indent of ${indent + 4}
[#nested indent + 4]
${is} # nested code ends
${is}except ParseException as e:
${is} ${parseExceptionVar} = e
[#if !canRecover]
[#if false && grammar.faultTolerant]
${is} if self.is_tolerant: self.pending_recovery = True
${is} raise
${is} if not self.is_tolerant: raise
${is} self.pending_recovery = True
[#if !production?is_null && production.returnType != "void"]
[#var rt = production.returnType]
[#-- We need a return statement here or the code won't compile! --]
[#if rt = "int" || rt="char" || rt=="byte" || rt="short" || rt="long" || rt="float"|| rt="double"]
${is} return 0
${is} return None
${is} self.restore_call_stack(${callStackSizeVar})
[#if buildTreeNode]
${is} if ${nodeVarName}:
${is} if ${parseExceptionVar} is None:
${is} self.close_node_scope(${nodeVarName}, ${closeCondition})
[#list grammar.closeNodeHooksByClass[nodeClassName(treeNodeBehavior)]! as hook]
${is} ${hook}(${nodeVarName})
${is} else:
${is} if self.trace_enabled:
${is} logger.warning('ParseException: %s', ${parseExceptionVar})
[#if grammar.faultTolerant]
${is} self.close_node_scope(${nodeVarName}, True)
${is} ${nodeVarName}.dirty = True
${is} self.clear_node_scope()
${is} self.currently_parsed_production = self.prev_production
${is}# DBG < TreeBuildingAndRecovery ${indent}
[#macro HandleLexicalStateChange expansion inLookahead indent=0]
[#var is=""?right_pad(indent)]
${is}# DBG > HandleLexicalStateChange ${indent} ${expansion.simpleName}
[#if expansion.specifiedLexicalState?is_null]
[#nested indent]
[#var resetToken = inLookahead?string("currentLookaheadToken", "lastConsumedToken")]
[#var prevLexicalStateVar = newVarName("previousLexicalState")]
${is}${prevLexicalStateVar} = self.token_source.lexical_state
${is}if self.token_source.lexical_state != LexicalState.${expansion.specifiedLexicalState}:
${is} self.token_source.reset(${resetToken}, LexicalState.${expansion.specifiedLexicalState})
${is} try:
[#nested indent + 4 /]
${is} finally:
${is} if ${prevLexicalStateVar} != LexicalState.${expansion.specifiedLexicalState}:
[#if !grammar.hugeFileSupport && !grammar.userDefinedLexer]
${is} self.token_source.reset(${resetToken}, ${prevLexicalStateVar})
${is} self.token_source.switch_to(${prevLexicalStateVar})
${is}# DBG < HandleLexicalStateChange ${indent} ${expansion.simpleName}
[#macro BuildCode expansion indent]
[#var is=""?right_pad(indent)]
${is}# DBG > BuildCode ${indent} ${expansion.simpleName}
[#if expansion.simpleName != "ExpansionSequence" && expansion.simpleName != "ExpansionWithParentheses"]
${is}# Code for ${expansion.simpleName} specified at:
${is}# ${expansion.location}
[@HandleLexicalStateChange expansion false indent]
[#-- if grammar.faultTolerant && expansion.requiresRecoverMethod && !expansion.possiblyEmpty]
if self.pending_recovery:
if self.debug_fault_tolerant:'Re-synching to expansion at: ${expansion.location?j_string}')
[/#if --]
[@TreeBuildingAndRecovery expansion indent]
[@BuildExpansionCode expansion indent/]
${is}# DBG < BuildCode ${indent} ${expansion.simpleName}
[#macro ParserProduction production]
def parse_${}(self):
if self.trace_enabled:'Entering production ${}')
if self.cancelled:
raise CancellationException('operation cancelled')
prev_production = self.currently_parsed_production
self.currently_parsed_production = '${}'
[@BuildCode production.expansion 8 /]
# end of parse_${}
[#assign model = {
"name": "PRODNAME",
"expansion": {
"simpleName": "ExpansionSequence",
"location": "LOCATION",
"specifiedLexicalState": null,
"units": [
[@ParserProduction model /]
def parse_PRODNAME(self):
if self.trace_enabled:'Entering production PRODNAME')
if self.cancelled:
raise CancellationException('operation cancelled')
prev_production = self.currently_parsed_production
self.currently_parsed_production = 'PRODNAME'
# DBG > BuildCode 8 ExpansionSequence
# DBG > HandleLexicalStateChange 8 ExpansionSequence
# DBG > TreeBuildingAndRecovery 8
parseException1 = None
callStackSize1 = len(self.parsing_stack)
pass # if False: raise ParseException('Never happens!')
# nested code starts, passing indent of 12
# DBG > BuildExpansionCode 8 ExpansionSequence
# DBG > BuildCodeSequence 8
# DBG < BuildCodeSequence 8
# DBG < BuildExpansionCode 8 ExpansionSequence
# nested code ends
except ParseException as e:
parseException1 = e
self.currently_parsed_production = self.prev_production
# DBG < TreeBuildingAndRecovery 8
# DBG < HandleLexicalStateChange 8 ExpansionSequence
# DBG < BuildCode 8 ExpansionSequence
# end of parse_PRODNAME
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vsajip commented Jun 25, 2021

Notice that in the output file, line 16 is generated by line 102 in the template. This is followed by a [#nested indent + 4] directive, which should pass a value of 12 to the nested template. However, line 17 of the result, from the nested content, shows that the indent is 8 there, not 12 as it should be. It's not clear why that's happening.

My FM is no doubt very rusty. Is there a better way of passing the indentation level correctly across multiple levels of nested directives, as in this example?

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